Premium Essay



Submitted By MissB21
Words 656
Pages 3
IMPLEMENTATIONFor MBO to work effectively, it should be considered as top priority by management and shouldtherefore be a continuous process that works from the ‘top down’ as well as the ‘bottom up’since objectives are to be linked at one level to those at the next level. Most importantly goalsshould be S.M.A.R.T i.e. specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented and time bound. Goalsshould be specific so that those involved understand what is expected; measurable, in terms ofassessing results; attainable since it makes no sense setting goals that are beyond the capabilitiesof your employees; results-oriented () and time bound since they should be a set date toaccomplish goals, if not, employees would become laid back because there was no deadline. Ingeneral, we had identified what we considered that the best way to implement MBO was byfollowing our own seven step process.Step 1. Organisational goals should be clearly clarified and communicated to all membersof the organisation. This way everyone involved would have a clear understanding of thenew goals, in terms of what the organisation wants to achieve, what is expected of themand the importance of their involvement to accomplish them. There should be morecommitment and an increase in efforts towards the accomplishment of those set goals.Step 2. The organisational structure must now be reviewed and designed so that it isflexible and promotes effective communication, quick decision making and promptfeedback. Frankly, the structure that the Goodman Company had employed before thenew process clearly could not work after the process was implemented since the structurecould not facilitate group work. Mr. Goodman would have to structure the groups in terms of specifying roles, norms, status, size and the degree to which members areattracted to each other and are motivated to stay in the group. Moreover, Mr.

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