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Submitted By gopibhagat
Words 5749
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(For Office Use)
2 Year 0 L.A.C.No. Part No. Sr. No.
FORM 6 [See rules 13(1) and 26]

Application for inclusion of name in electoral roll To ´ The Electoral Registration Officer, Assembly /Parliamentary Constituency.

Space for pasting one recent passport size colour photograph (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm) Showing frontal view of full face within this box

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sir, I request that my name be included in the electoral roll for the above Constituency. Particulars in support of my claim for inclusion in the electoral roll are given below :I Applicant’s Details Name Surname(if any) District Age as on 1st January ------------ # Date of birth, if known : Place of Birth Years : Day : Village/Town Months : Month : Sex (male/female/Others) : Year :

District State *Father’s Name Name Surname(if any) Mother’s Husband’s II. Particular of place of present ordinary residence (Full address): House/Door number : Street/Area/Locality/Mohalla/Road : Town/Village: Post Office : Tehsil/Taluka/Mandal/Thane : Distirct : III. Details of member(s) of applicant family already included in the current electoral roll of the Constituency Name Relationship with Number of the roll Serial in that part Elector’s Photo applicant of the Constituency Identity Card number 1 2 Pin Code :


IV .Declarations I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief-(i) I am a citizen of India;(ii) I am ordinarily resident at the address in given para II above since------------------------(date, month, year); (iii) I have not applied for the inclusion of my name in the electoral roll for any other Constituency; (iv)* My name has not been included in the electoral roll for this or any other Assembly Constituency; Or *My name may have been included in the electoral roll for ----------------------Constituency in -------------------------------------State in which I was ordinarily resident earlier at the address mentioned below and if so, I request that the same may be deleted from that electoral roll. Full address (Earlier place of ordinarily residence )-----------------------------------------------------------------------Electors photo identity card (if issued)number-----------------------------date of issue

Place : Date: Signature or thumb impression of Please give your mobile number/E-mail.I.D.(Optional)------------------------------------------------------

(A)Note- Any person who makes a statement or declaration which is false and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, is punishable under section 31 of the representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950) * Strike out the inappropriate alternative.

Detail of action taken (to be filed by Electoral Registration Officer of constituency)

The application of Shri/Smt./Kumari ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for inclusion of name in the electoral roll in Form 6 has been accepted*/rejected *Detailed reasons for *acceptance [under or in pursuance of rule *18/20*/26(4)£ or *rejection [under or in pursuance of rule 17/20*/26(4) *]

Place Date Signature of Electoral Registration Officer (Seal of the Electoral Registration officer)

£ (during continuous updating after final publication of electoral roll) * Strike out the inappropriate alternative _______________________________________________________________________________________________


(This page should be thick enough so that it does not get mutilated /damaged in postal transit) (Intimation of action taken) (Section-II of the page is to be filed by Electoral Registration Officer of the Constituency to be posted to that applicant on the address as given by the applicant in Section-I) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1)--------------------------------------------- (Fist Fold)----------------------------------------------------------------------------Section-I

Postage Stamp to be affixed by the Electoral Registration Authority at the time of dispatch
The application in Form 6 of ** Shri /Shrimati/Kumari ---------------------------------------------------------------** (Full Address) House/Door number Street/Area/Locality/Mohalla/Road : Town/Village : Post Office Tehsil/Taluka/Mandal/Thane Distirct (** To be filled by the applicant) : :

: : :

Pin Code


2)--------------------------------------------- (Sesond Fold)-------------------------------------------------------------------------Section-II (a)Has been- accepted and the name of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari------------------------------------------------------------------has been registered at Serial No in Part (b) rejected for the reason---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date :

Electoral Registration Officer (Address)-----------------------------------------------------------------

(Receipt for application) Received the application in Form 6 of ** Shri/Shrimati/Kumari-------------------------------------------------------------------Address------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Signature of the officer receiving the application on behalf of the Electoral Registration Officer (Address) ------------------------------------------(** To be filled in by the applicant) For more information visit or contact:1) Election Commission of India’s web site” 2) Chief Elctoral Officer web site” 3) Toll Free Tel.No. “1950”


Who can file Form-6 1.First time applicant on attaining years or more on the first day of January of the year with reference which the electoral roll is being revised. 2.Person shifting his /her place of ordinary resident outside the Constituency in which he/she is already registered When Form-6 can be filed 1.The application can be filed after draft publication of electoral roll of the constituency. The application is to be filled with in the specific days provided by the purpose. Due publicity is given about the above period when the revision programme is announced. 2.Only one copy of the application is to be filed. 3.The Application for inclusion of name can be filled through the year even when the revision programme is not going on. During non-revision period, application must be filed in duplicate. Where to file Form-6 1.During revision period, the application can be filed at the designated locations where the draft electoral roll is displayed (mostly polling station locations) as well as the Electoral Registration Officer and Assistant Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency. 2.During other period of the year when revision programme is not going on, the application can be filed only with the Electoral Registration Officer. How to Fill up Form-6 1.The application should be addressed to the Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency in which you seek registration . The name of the constituency should be mentioned in the blank space. 2. Name (With Documentary Proof) The name as it should appear in the electoral roll and Electors Photo Identy Card(EPIC)should be furnished. The full name except the surname should be written in the first box and surname should be written in the second box. In case you do not have surname just write even name. Caste should not be mentioned except where the caste name is used as part of the elector’s name or a surname. Honorific applications like Shri,Shrimati,Kumari,Khan,Begum,Pandit etc. should not be mentioned. 3. Age (With Documentary Proof) The age of the applicant should be eighteen or more on 1st January of the year with reference to which electoral roll is being revised. The age should be indicated in years and months. e.g. A person born on or upto 1/1/1991 will be eligible inclusion in the electoral roll which being revised with reference to 1/1/2009 Persons born on 2/1/1991 or thereafter upto1/1/1992 shall be eligible for inclusion during the next revision with reference to 1/1/2010. 4. Sex Write your sex in full in the space provided e.g,Male/Female/Others. Applications may indicate their sex as “Other” where they do not want to be described as male or female. 5. Date of Birth (With Documentary Proof) Fill up the date of birth in figures in the space provided in dd/mm/yyyy. Proof of date of birth to be attached are as under: (i) Birth Certificate issued by a Municipal Authorities or District Office of the Register of Births & Deaths or Baptism Certificate; or (ii) Birth Certificate form the school (Govt. /Recognized) last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution’ or (iii) If a person is class 10 or more pass, he should give a copy of the marksheet of class 10, if it contains date of birth as a proof of date of birth; or (iv) Marksheet of class 8 if it contains date of birth; or (v) Marksheet of class 5 if it contains date of birth; or




A declaration in prescribed format given in Annexure-I made by either of his parents if the person is not educated till class 10(In those cases where parental declaration is given as proof of age, the applicant will have to be present himself for verification before BLO/ERO/AERO); or A certificate of his age given by a Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat or by a member of the concerned Municipal Corporation /Municipal Committee. The person is not educated till class 10 and both the parent are alive.

Note: Documentary proof of age will be required only in those cases, where age of the applicant is between 18 and 21 years. In all other cases declaration of his age by which by the applicant will be taken as proof of age. 6. Place of Birth In case born in India please mention name of place like Village/Town. District State.

7. Relation ‘s Name In case of unmarried female applicant, name of father/Mother is to be mentioned . In case of married female applicant, name of husband is to be mentioned. Strike out the inapplicable options in the colours.


Place Ordinary Residence Fill up and complete postal address including PIN code where you are ordinary residing and want to get registered, in the space provided. Proof or Ordinary residence to be attached are as under.; (i) Bank/Kisan /Postoffice current Pass Book or (ii) Applicant ‘s Ration Card/Passport/Driving License/Income Tax Assessment Order or (iii) Latest Water/Telephone/Electricity/Gas Connection Bill for that address either in the name of the applicant or that of his/her immediate relation like parents etc.or (iv) Postal Department’s posts received/delivered in the applicant’s name at the given address.

NOTE-In case of homeless persons, the BLO will visit the address given in Form-6 at night to certain that the homeless person actually sleeps at the place which is given as his address in Form-6 If the BLO is able to verify that the homeless person actually sleeps at that place, no documentary proof of place of residence shall be necessary. BLO must visit for more than one night for such verification. Details of Family Members Already included in the Electoral Roll Please fill up name and other particulars of immediate family members i.e. Father/ Mother/ Brother/Sister/Spouse included in the current electoral roll of the constituency. Name of any other relation like uncle, aunt, cousin brother/sister etc.not to be mentioned. Delcaration Please indicate date from which you are residing in the given address. In case the exact date is not known fill-up month and year. If your name is already included in the electoral roll of any other constituency, please write legibly the full previous address with PIN code. If you already have been issued with a Photo Identity Card by the Election Commission please mention the card number ( printed on the front side) and date of issue (printed on the back side) of the cared in the space provided. Pleas attach a self attested photocopy of both sides of the card. Miscellaneous In many places the photograph of the elector is also printed in the electoral roll. You have the option to submit one recent coloured passport-size photograph along with the form. The photograph will be used to print your image in the electoral roll and issue of identity card if required. Please also give your full name and address on the acknowledgement and intimation portions. Please also your mobile number and E-mail I.D in the Form, which is optional, as the same, if given, may be used by the Electoral Registration Officer for further communication with the applicant whenever required. 10. 9.



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...Capital Budgeting Techniques Solved Problems 1. Given below are the cash flows of a project: Year Cash Flow 0 (100,000) 1 20,000 2 30,000 3 40,000 4 50,000 5 30,000 The minimum hurdle rate (cost of capital) of the project is 12%. Calculate the (a) Net Present Value, (b) Internal Rate of Return, (c) Profitability Index, (d) Modified Internal Rate of Return. Solution: (a) NPV @ 12%: Year (1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cash Flow (2) (100,000) 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 30,000 PVIF @ 12% (3) 1.0000 0.8929 0.7972 0.7118 0.6355 0.5674 NPV @ 12% Present Value (4) = (2*3) (100,000) 17,857 23,916 28,471 31,776 17,023 19,043 Sum of Present Value of Cash Inflows = Rs.119,043/- From the Sum of Present Value of Cash Inflows deduct the Initial Investment to get NPV. (b) IRR: In order to find the IRR, we need to find the discount rate at which the NPV at that rate is zero. As the NPV @ 12% is positive, we need to increase the discounting rate, say to 19%. NPV @ 19%: Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cash Flows (100,000) 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 30,000 NPV @ 19% PVIF @ 19% 1.0000 0.8403 0.7062 0.5934 0.4987 0.4190 Present Value (100,000) 16,807 21,185 23,737 24,933 12,571 (767) 1 At 19%, the NPV is negative, so we need to lower the discount rate slightly, say to 18%. NPV at 18% is as follows: Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cash Flows (100,000) 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 30,000 NPV @ 18% PVIF @ 18% 1.0000 0.8475 0.7182 0.6086 0.5158 0.4371 Present Value (100,000) 16,949 21,546 24,345 25,789 13,113 1,743 ...

Words: 2511 - Pages: 11

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Self Analysis

...ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS ASSIGNMENT-4: CASE STUDY 2 I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME Abhishek Gopi Krishna Chittilla UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL MISSOURI 1. What is Joan's problem? Ans. Joan problem is managing with due to improper training. Due to lack of training she is unable to write reports which is causing her to do extra work, where she is unable to finish the task in time. Joan’s main problem is she can’t able to manage her schedules and appointments due to heavy work. Another main problem is her secretary is asking for hike in salary. Having all these she is unable to live her life, in order to get rid of this she must coordinate with her coworkers and must manage time in appropriate way. 2. Could career development and a career path help alleviate some of Joan's problem? Explain. Ans. Yes, career development and career path would certainly help Joan. Career development is setting up goals and having a clear idea, it is a lifelong process of managing work where she can transfer herself. Career path is small part of your job where you must know the current situation and how lay down your path to accomplish the task with more experience and knowledge. Moreover, she should recognize her secretary and hike her pay which would be helpful to her. 3. What should Joan do about her problem? Ans. Joan ought to arrange her timetables as per her most top to bottom needs to finish the report which she is required to submit to the head office. She must also talk about her secretary...

Words: 368 - Pages: 2

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...the palm of his hand, but never desired a throne himself. The great hero was born in a prison and died in solitude in a forest. He gave the world the Bhagavad Gita. He is the architect of Dharma who lives forever in the hearts of the people of India. I used symbolism, medium, history and my unique qualities to represent Krishna in this drawing. In the Hindu religion, Krishna is one of the most popular gods and an eighth reincarnation of the god Vishnu. In art and paintings, he is depicted blue and is known to provide protection to his followers and devotees. The special attributes that are related with Krishna are the flute and the cows that surround him. Krishna’s flute is the symbol of freedom. It is this flute that attracted the devoted Gopis, the maidens of Vraja, to meet their beloved Lord on the banks of the sacred Jamuna. The flute represents the destruction of egoism and total self-surrender. If you have completely surrendered at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna, you have already reached the realm of peace. Hence, it is necessary to represent Krishna with a flute in all illustrations. Cows and Krishna have always been together. In his original form in the spiritual world, Krishna is a cow herding boy in the agricultural community of Vrindavan, where he keeps unlimited, transcendental surabhi cows. When he descends to Earth, Krishna brings a replica of Vrindavan with him, and he spends his childhood tending cows and calves while playing in the pasturing grounds with his friends...

Words: 789 - Pages: 4

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...This study examines the applicability of theory of reasoned action (TRA) in a context of Islamic pawnshop using structural equation modelling (SEM). The present study presents a simplified theory of TRA, hence it is intended to test whether the two constructs in the theory are acceptable or not in a newly context of Islamic pawnshop. The simplified theory is tested using survey data from 250 respondents. Out of these, only 221 questionnaires are found to be usable whilst the rest are omitted owing to the incomplete responses. The results reveal that attitude was significantly related to the intention to use Islamic pawnshop. Subjective norm was also significantly associated with the intention to use Islamic pawnshop. In sum, the present study provides us valuable insights for service providers to future planning of Islamic pawnshop businesses. Key words: Attitude, subjective norm, questionnaire-survey, theory testing, Islamic pawnshop, Malaysia. INTRODUCTION In this study, an Islamic pawn is normally noted as arRahnu. Ar-Rahnu is defined as a method of providing short-term financing to a person by pawning her jewellery to banks or pawnshops as a security. It is one of the micro financing facilities available for low and middle class income earners who are seeking financial assistance to meet two purposes. Firstly, for precautionary purposes, mainly when one encounters unexpected situations such as death and accident which required quick cash, and less cumbersome financial assistance...

Words: 4692 - Pages: 19

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Tibetan Buddhism

...Meng Li Exam Essay 1 RELS-U277-001 Dr. Wessinger Hinduism is defined as an animistic Basic Religion. The term Basic Religion is created and introduced by an American historian of religions, Lewis M. Hopfe. Indigenous peoples “original inhabitants” who are living in simple economics and people who are living in industrialized and information economies practice Basic Religion in their daily lives. There are many characteristics of Basic Religion. For example, as other religions, Basic Religion also has an ultimate concern that is whether the believers are in harmony with sacred beings and forces. Also, for the view of human nature, Basic Religion emphasizes on the relationship between the living and the dead. For instance, the spirits of the dead will continue to exist, and the living and their ancestors will affect one another. Moreover, Animism is a term that is used to describe the cosmology of Basic Religion. Personal gods, impersonal forces throughout nature, in natural objects, animals, and humans, and spirits in nature are three very important components of Animism. Therefore, Animism is absolutely polytheistic. Monism is a philosophical term that asserts there’s only one ultimate reality that is considered to be the essence of all existing things in the world. As opposed to polytheism that believes in multiple gods, monotheism believes in only one god or the oneness of god. One of the evidence of Indian tradition’s oneness is Upanishads. These texts come at the end...

Words: 739 - Pages: 3

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I Movie Review

...Shankar, who wears his commercial tag like a medallion, has an addiction for making big commercial films. While he's been quite successful at it all these years, it has slowly started to have an adverse effect on his films to the extent that even the presence of a bankable star, say Vikram, doesn't add much value to the output. In his much anticipated film I, Shankar proves that only he can take a wafer thin story and turn it into something outlandishly beautiful yet complex, leaving you with an afterthought - "Why can't he ever make smaller films for a change?" Mostly known for making message-oriented films in which the hero singlehandedly takes on the system, Shankar attempts to tell a romantic tale in his latest offering, said to be made at a budget of over Rs 100 crore. Vikram plays a bodybuilder, Lingesan, who idolises Arnold Schwarzenegger and supermodel Diya, played by Amy Jackson. If the posters of Arnold decorate the walls of his lower middle class home and his gym (which is named after Arnold), there's a box full of women's products endorsed by Diya in his bedroom. In a funny scene, when he's caught red-handed by his friend and asked what he is going to do with all the products (holding a pack of sanitary napkin), Lingesan nonchalantly says he will use it as a pillow. In these refreshing initial moments, Shankar helps us understand that Lingesan has extreme liking for Diya but doesn't love her yet because of their social and cultural divide. There's a...

Words: 618 - Pages: 3

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...holders and its flight leasers. Kingfisher Airlines has more than 80000 Million Rs in debt with very little cashflow. So what went wrong? 1) Addressed the wrong market initially? It targeted the business class initially with fewer economy seats in its planes. Result: Empty business class seats and mounting losses. Under current economic conditions in India, there was more demand for economy coaches and lower cost airline tickets. He failed to understand the mentality of the mass. 2) Acquiring Air Deccan: In order to rectify its position, king fisher acquired a low cost/profitable economy carrier named Air Deccan and re-launched it as Kingfisher Red. This acquisition came at a heavy cost and besides, the CEO of Air Deccan Lt Gopi was set aside and the operating principles/philosophies were changed. As you can see, ever since Air Deccan was acquired in 2007, Kingfisher had 1000+ crores of loss during each year of its operation. 3) There were reports of how overstaffed Kingfisher was and with the addition of Kingfisher Red, it only increased! 4) After acquiring Air Deccan, Kingfisher hiked up ticket prices resulting in more empty seats and higher operation cost. Passengers...

Words: 513 - Pages: 3

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Business Computing Computer Hardware and Computer Software

...z FETAC LEVEL 5 L22142 By Declan Brady Date: 05/02/2013 Tutor: Val Coakley Table of Contents Introduction 3 Methodology 4 History of Computers 5 Computer Hardware and Computer Software 9 The Four Main Components of Computer Systems 10 Types of Computer Systems 12 Examples of Computer Input Devices 14 Examples of Computer Output Devices 15 Printers 17 Equipment of the Modern Office 19 Storage Devices 21 Computer Networks – LAN and WAN 22 Systems Software and Application Software……………………………………………24 Conclusion 24 Bibliography 25 Introduction This project is been carried out for the Business Computing module for the Computer and Network Technician FETAC Level 5 Certificate course. In completing this project I hope to acquire a greater understanding of computers and the technology that is commonly used with them in the modern workplace. The carrying out of this project itself will also hopefully leave me better equipped with the skills to carry out projects in the workplace if I am required to do so in the future. For this project I will use the internet to research for the information that this report requires. Once I feel confident I have enough sources for the topics that need to be covered I will start choosing relevant information from these websites and use them in my report where needed. If needed the information taken from websites will be rephrased so that the content is fully relevant to the project. For this report...

Words: 4963 - Pages: 20

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...Chapter – 1 Introduction to Accounting Origin and history of Accounting can be traced back to some 10,000 years ago. The population in the area known as Mesopotamia, later Persia, and today the countries of Iran and Iraq had an active trading between towns and cities up and down the two rivers started the accounting concepts. At that time there were no letters or numbers. The merchants had to ship their merchandise up and down the rivers. They have to trust the boat man with their goods. There were a lot of disagreements about how much was shipped versus what was received at the other end between the merchants and the shippers. To deal such problem, merchants came up with small clay tokens, in various shapes and with various markings, to indicate different products, which would mean a basket of grain, another would mean a pot of oil, etc. They had over 200 such tokens to indicate a large variety of common goods, including food, leather, clothing, utensils, tools, jewelry, etc. Before shipping their goods, a merchant would take one token for each item in the shipment, and encase the tokens in a ball of clay, called a "bollae" (pronounced "bowl-eye") - meaning ball. The ball would be dried in the sun, given to the boatman, and then broken by the buyer on the other end of the transaction. The buyer would match the tokens with the items in the shipment, to verify that everything sent was accounted for. Early references to accounting concepts are found in the Vedas...

Words: 18820 - Pages: 76

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...Freshers’ 13 Name (PGP-1) | Name (PGP-2) | Swati Sachdeva | Abhinav Sahu | Sonal Dhingra | Abhinav Thakur | Priya Bajaj | Abhishek Mandal | Bhumish Sheth | Aditi Chamaria | Tikendra Singh | Aditi Garde | Manish Dhar | Aditi Rastogi | Anjali Das | Aditya Akhauri | Pooja Bhanage | | Anshuman Sharma | Akanksha Mittal | Debapriyo Banerjee | Akansha Agarwal | Manisha Malhotra | Akash Deepsexhaina | Megha Kimothi | Akshay Agrawal | Rishank Kaul | Amy Thomas | Varun Dhawan | Anisha Tandon | Vaibhav tayal | Ankeeta Deb | Saumya Tewari | Ankit Choudhary | Abhishek Mathur | Ankita Datta | Zeel Gandhi | Ankita Sajrekar | Apoorva Bhatia | Anshul Aggarwal (Kachnar) | Disha Patel | Anshul Aggrawal (Amaltas) | Abhinav Mishra | Anusha Srinivasan | Saurabh KV | Anushree Chinchwadkar | Sarvesh Pawshe | Apara Nagar | R.Balaje | Aparna Giri | Ayush Pawan Agarwal | Apoorva Gupta | Ninisha Deshpande | Arunalo Sinha | Tanvi Singhal | | Pavan Akella | Ashwini Kulkarni | Chirag Mediratta | Bhakti Korgaonkar | Sanketa Kapse | Himish Shah | Shivani Karkal | Bipin Pinjani | Shradha Shivnani | | Anshul Sati | Chandanbala Samdariya | Nainika Chauhan | Daksh Kalia | Aarushi Makhija | Danish Rumane | Aditi Jain | Dharam Chedda | Russell Longjam | Dimple Grover | Komal Goyal | Dr. Gaurav Garg | Ankur Kapoor | Eesha Kharbanda | Kunjal Kaw | Enakshee Deva | Jigeesha Nayyar | Gaurav Dhobal | Mehleka Bhaisaheb | Bhuwan Kathuria...

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