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Grand Forks: A Short Story

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Everyone around me is sitting anxiously to see their loved ones. In front of me stands about 1,000 air force men and women. This was the day that all of those men and women would see their families again. I try to look through all of the people to find my sister, but everyone just seems to look alike. My parents, who are behind me, my mom who cannot stop taking pictures. We are all so excited to see Heather again.
I think back to the day when she was leaving from Grand Forks, knowing that she was going to be away for eight and a half weeks was just heartbreaking for me. I gave her the biggest hug that equaled up to all the hugs that she would miss from me, tears running down my face, mixed emotions of being so happy for her, but horribly torn …show more content…
I can't wait any longer. It has been roughly two months and I have been waiting for this day for what seems like forever. I look throughout the crowd of all the airmen and women, standing with their arms straight down by their sides, their backs more stiff than a wooden board. They are all dressed in their blues, which is a light blue short sleeve with all of their pins on the shirt, and dark blue pants, with their blue hats, with a white trim around the outside, and they are folded at the top like a envelope. Finally, a lady comes out and walks on the cement slab, speaking about the airmen. We all stand up for the National Anthem, as the air force band plays it. We sit back down and start to listen to the lady that goes on talking about the men and women. She makes jokes up about them, funny ones of course, and she keeps us entertained during the whole ceremony. The crowd is full of all parents and loved ones. It gives me a warm feeling to know that all of these people supported these kids throughout the whole …show more content…
She told me that she was doing good and that she enjoyed it. Getting used to some of the things there was eccentric. She talked about how the food was different from home, because a lot of it was like it was just thrown into the pot, warmed up, and served to them. She would say how strict they would be sometimes with making sure that their bed was perfectly made not a wrinkle in it, their shoes under their bed had to be lined up in a straight line, socks folded a certain way, and all the little things needed to be perfect. When doing drills if they made one little mistake they would be yelled at and they would have to do pushups or situps.
Finally the announcer started to graduate the airmen and women. Patients is the key when seeing someone after a long period of time. All these things running through my head, like what does she look like, has she changed? I try to look through the crowd to find her but it is almost impossible. As the announcer gets to her final moments of talking and telling us and the airmen the rules, her final words were “you may now find your son or

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