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Grandparents and Kids


Submitted By Mwaush
Words 608
Pages 3
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15 May 2013
The role of grandparents today
The habit that is helping to take care of one’s grandchildren is present only among human beings. There is no other animal on earth that is seen to be having this trend in particular. Also, the act of grandparents being an important contribution to a grandchild’s birth and upbringing is seen to be a trend that is universal among humans. A normal family comprises of grandparents, parents and children. It may also include aunts and uncles. In a family where both parents go to work, it’s the grandparents who take care of the kids during the time when the kids’ parents are away on duty; thus, the parents can comfortably work with no cause of alarm over their children’s safety. For the grandparents, their sunset years need not to be spent living in solitude and therefore an advantage to their well-being. They thus play a crucial role in the upbringing of their grandchildren. It has been proved via studies that children from families where grandparents are part of their lives have good social skills. They interact better with other kids. They also have a better feeling of security and have a lesser probability of involving themselves in bad behaviors or falling into depression. Grandparents are also significant role-players in maintaining the children’s observance of their culture(s) and values. For instance, in India, it’s a common thing for children to grow up founded on myths taught to them by their grandparents; these stories build their character. It is common knowledge that grandparents symbolize wisdom; they speak based on experience and teach their grandchildren on ways to go about where they were and/or have been to. For instance, it’s the grandparents who tell kids that although it is a good thing to have money and other wealth symbols, life’s real values are non-material in

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