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Greek Drama


Submitted By keziahbelle749
Words 2829
Pages 12
Accidential de Massacre
Greek Drama

Scene 1:
[Note: all rebels who are sitting down on this scene will stand up if they have a part which they will say something]
Mohammed: If it wasn’t for the government stealing our precious oil, we would be rich! We should find a way to regain what is ours!
Rebel1: I have heard that the daughter of the president will be traveling in Davao, I propose we should kidnapped her and make her ransom, so they couldn’t help themselves but to give our riches back
Rebel2: I believe we have men in Davao; we could use them as our mobile in this plan
Mohammed: Now that’s what I’m talking about, I’m impressed; we shall discuss then the plan of our abduction then…
(Group laughing while discussing the plan [all rebels will stand up in this part])
Mohammed: (*making a call*) hello? I have something I want you to do
Scene 2-4:
President: Be careful of some people in Mindanao okay?
Julia: Of course mom, I’ll try my best!
President: Oh, come here before you go (*hug*)
Julia: Come on Mom! Loosen up, I’ll be late in my flight…Bye I love you~
President: I love you too~ Remember call me once a day, you take care now
(*daughter traveling with her two body guards*)
Leader 2: (*hand signal*)
Rebels: (*running behind a wall, trying to prepare for kidnapped*)
(*Keziah trying to stand up*)
Leader 2: Don’t get too close yet, Men! Prepare for contact
(*cue for Abihail to leave on the plane*)
Leader 2: NOW!
(*assassinated Richell, Renee badly wounded and Keziah have kidnapped Abihail*)
Bodyguard: say something? (*trying to wake up Richell if she’s still alive*) (*standing up while wounded*)
(*making a call for the president*)
Bodyguard: Ma’am your daughter was captured by Rebels
President: HUH? HOW?!
Bodyguard: I-I don’t really know
President: I trusted you people if my daughter was in trouble I’ll kill you
Bodyguard: I-I’m sor--- (died from fatal wound)
(*beeping sound*)
President: Hello?! Hello?! This is infuriating!
General Armand!
General Armand: Yes Ma’am (*salute*)
President: bring your best men
General Armand: Right away Ma’am
(*General exits the stage and brings the Soldiers*)
Here they are Ma’am (*all the Soldiers will salute including the general*)
President: all right you all are going to Mindanao to save my daughter I intend to have this as a fast mission, understood?
General Armand & Taskforce: Yes Ma’am (*still are saluting until they will exit*)
Scene 5: [General Armand’s house]
[All cast are preparing to dress up as a civil people in this part]
(*General Armand packing up*)
Ivory: (*pleading*) Daddy I want to go with you~
Armand: No, It’s dangerous there
Ivory: but daddy It’s more dangerous here without you~
Armand: Fine! But no playing around, stay in your apartment and never get out until I told you so
Ivory: Really?! Yes Daddy, I’ll get ready then
Rebel2: Here you are sir (*salute*)
Mohammed: Finally we got are Bait! Hmm wow what a charming display- what have you got to say daughter of the President?
President’s Daughter: *fake spit* (shout) we’ll never give your precious oil back!
(Mohammed *fake* slap on the President’s daughter)
Mohammed: Oh I’ll make sure it does, if it doesn’t, well I’ll try another? I guess MuhahahaXD
Rebel 1: Muhahaha
Mohammed: … did I tell you to laugh?
Rebel 1: N-no sir It’s just that your laughing and I think I want to do it too sr-
President’s daughter, Rebel 2: Pffft
Mohammed: (slaps the back of the head of Rebel1) shut up you’re embarrassment!
Rebel 1: I’m sorry sir…
Mohammed: you 2 come with me
Rebel 2: Yes Sir.
President’s daughter: Oh mother! I should not have come here in Davao, I should have listen to you and stayed there, I should’ve been with you right now laughing at each other with our silly jokes and drinking tea like always. Why do I regret what I did, now? I’m in a dark cellar with nobody to talk to, but myself *sigh* If only someone could help me…
(Opens cellar)
Ebony: Hmm? Is someone here?
President’s daughter: Oh! Please help me!
Ebony: What Happened to you?
President’s daughter: some of the rebels held me captive in this dark, lonely cellar, pls. help me?!
Ebony: Dad did this?
President’s daughter: dad? You mean you’re the son of the leader?
Ebony: Yes….. But don’t worry I’ll help you escape, Just not now. It’s kind of dangerous since the guards are outside.
President’s daughter: R-really?!!
Ebony: Ssh! They’ll hear you(*covering the mouth of Abihail*)
President’s daughter: s-sorry….
Ebony: don’t worry, I’ll see you then
President’s daughter: all right just don’t leave me waiting
Ebony: I promise….
(*finished packing… traveling to Mindanao*)
Flight Attendant: Please fasten your seatbelt at all times as we prepare for our flight
(*count to five with airplane soaring through effects… lol XD*)
(*cue to people who acts like a civilian acting like they are in a market*)
Flight Attendant: Thank you, you can now leave the plane safely
(*Armand and Ivory walking the streets of Mindanao*)
Ivory: Wow! Mindanao seems crowded
Crazy Doris: huhu~ oh what a cute little child you have their …It is so pitiful that I will got to see it die!
Lady with baby: *gasp* Pardon me?!
Crazy Doris: hahaha don’t worry you will die too (*points to others*) and you, and you, and you, especially you (*points to Ivory*)
Ivory: M-me?? (*scared*)
Armand: C’mon dear, she’s just crazy… ignore her (pulls Ivory away)
Crazy Doris: (*shouts*) A war is coming!!! Haha don’t save your lives AHAHAHAHAH
Armand: What an outrageous woman
Ivory: D-daddy will I die?
Armand: I already told you Ivy she’s crazy! Her words are nonsense, (*points at people*) see even none of them are believing what she says, they just ignored her
Ivory: hmm, all right I believe you; can I look around then daddy? Please?
Armand: *sigh* all right make it quick and don’t get too far
Ivory: I will~♥
(*exit Armand*)
(*cast: cue for the shifting of positions*)

Manang: Look around dearie~
Ivory: Maybe I should buy this for daddy? Hmm… I guess I would, this please
Manang: here you are dear, you take care now~
Ivory: Yes Ma’am~
(*Ebony running*)
Ivory: OUCH! HEY! Watch where you’re going! >:(
Rebel: No, you watch ou—(*pathetic in love mode*)
Manang: Are ok dear?
Ivory: Yes I’m all right, Thank you
Ebony: ….
Ivory: What? Now you’re looking at me with pity?
Ebony: (*taking out his hand to help*)
Ivory: (*slapped Ebony’s hand away*) I don’t need your help
Ebony: look I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bump you
Ivory: Well you already did, so why apologize now?
Ebony: (*Irritated*) W-well if it wasn’t for your big butt
Ivory: HUH? How dare you call me fat!!!
(*real slap on Reggie’s face on stage)
Ebony: OUCH!
Ivory: I hope will never see each other again!
Ebony: Well I hope it does!
(*cue for the exit of the ‘market’ cast*)
Scene 6:
(*enter Armand*)
(*ring* *ring*)
Armand: Yes Ma’am?
President: I expect you to be at your best General
Armand: I will Ma’am
President: I heard that your daughter is with you?
Armand: Yes, I am sorry for the inconvenience but my daughter is willing to come so I couldn’t help but to make her come along
President: Oh just don’t make her interfere with your work or you know what will happen to her do you?
Armand: …Yes
(* cue ’market’ cast to enter again*)
President: Excellent! Better save my precious daughter now, ciao~
Scene 6-8[Next day]
Manang: Oh you come again dear?
Ivory: Oh yes, I just need one ingredient to make supper for my father
Manang: Well that’s nice-
Ebony: Is my Order yet ready Ma’am?
Ivory: Huh? Hey!!
Ebony: Hey!!
Ivory, Ebony: It’s you!!
Manang: Oh my, isn’t it a fated couple?
Ivory, Ebony: WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!!
Manang: Oh you don’t have to hide it~ Ohohoho~♥
Ivory: Eww to date this guy I’d rather date a hobo than you
Ebony: I would even kiss a crazy old woman than you
Ivory: Then why won’t you kiss her then? Hehe >:D (*points out Crazy Doris*)
Crazy Doris: A war I tell you!! A War!!
Ebony: I didn’t mean it literally!!
Manang: Ohoho~ now both of you stop the PDA
Ivory, Ebony: How many times we have to tell you WE ARE A COUPLE!!!
Manang:*gasp* My~
Ivory: wait what?! , I mean we are not a couple!!
Ebony: y-yeah… what she says
Ivory: (*giggle-laugh*)
Ebony: ?
Ivory: What if we formally introduce ourselves? Ivory by the way (*hand out for a shake hand*)
Ebony: Ebony…hmm since we already introduce ourselves, it might be better to know each other if we meet tomorrow
Ivory: to-tomorrow? I-I can’t
Ebony: Aww why not?
Ivory: Maybe I could, a little?
Ebony: Perfect, Meet me here at 9… all right bye!
(*runs of excitedly*)
Ivory: umm ok bye?
Ivory: Daddy?
Armand: Ivy….
Ivory: What’s wrong?
Armand: If I’ll be going, be sure you’re inside the apartment until I told you to go outside got it?
Ivory: B-but-?
Armand: do you understand young lady?!
Ivory: uhhmmm all right daddy… [planning the attack of the Rebels]
(*communicating with the military through the phone*)
Mohammed: We will not surrender the daughter of the President if you will not give us the papers for the contract of the separation of Mindanao!
General Armand: What if we have trade, you surrender her to us and we will give you the papers?
Mohammed: I’ll talk first with my colleagues; stand by for my reply….
(Ending the call)
(*calling the General*)
Mohammed: I would only agree, if we will be the ones who will choose the time and place General
General Armand: Understood, We have an agreement then?
Mohammed: at the Market Place, time is 9:00am. Oh and lastly, do not bring any men with you, or else you know the consequence…
(*cue for the marketplace scene*)
General Armand: All right, just make she’s with you
Mohammed: got it….
Mohammed: haha bring along the President’s daughter? I think NOT! I know they’ll never give the contract, so for plan B I’ll just give this bag that is containing the most dangerous bomb I stole from the government, so when they peek inside *BOOM* comes general Armand’s head Muhahahaha (mistaken bag)
(Mohammed placed an explosive device in the bag)
(*Ebony packing his bag*)
[Mohammed placed the identical bag with the *explosive*]
Mohammed: Son, where are you going?
Ebony: uhhmmm… (thinking what to answer)
I-I will go at the mall
Mohammed: Okay, be sure not to go to the market place
Ebony: why?
Leader Brian: Nothing, well better hurry the jeep is waiting for you
(*Ebony rushing, while getting the bag with explosive*)
Ebony: Bye Dad!
Leader Brian: Bye!
President’s Daughter: huh? W-who’s there?
Ebony: Relax, its, just me
President’s Daughter: Oh thank god, you kept me waiting
Ebony: I’m sorry I already promise didn’t I? I’ll help you escape
President’s Daughter: bless your innocent soul
(*ebony unlocked the chamber*)
President’s Daughter: Thank you…
Ebony: Thank me later, right now we have to get out
President’s Daughter: Right!
Guard 1: *gasp* Huh? Where’s the girl?
Guard 2: you Idiot! I told you to watch her inside!
Guard 1: I-I’m sorry, what will happen to me? If Chief knows about this?
Mohammed: I’ll kill you
Guard 1: (*screams like a girl*)
Mohammed: Guards take him away!
(took Guard 1)
Mohammed: I knew this will happen
Guard 2: What will happen to us then?
Mohammed: Plan B

Scene 9-10:
(Ebony carrying flowers with him)
Ebony: Hey! Here you go…
Ivory: Oh, what’s this? (blushing)
Ebony: a gift for you…
(smiling excitedly)
Ivory: really! Thanks! It’s so beautiful!
Ebony: Of course I’m the one who chose it but I think that you’re more beautiful than the flower…
Ivory: ok ...
(blushing again)
Ebony: so…. let’s get going
Ivory: oh, yeah sure!:D
(*walking down the stage*)
(*cue for the preparation of the trade*)
(While walking)
Ebony: you know what?
Ivory: (excited to ask)what?
Ebony: I’m always thinking about this, but Ivory will you go on steady with me?
Ivory: (denying while laughing) huh? What? Oh come-on what’s with you all of a sudden?
Ebony: I’m serious …
Ivory: se-serious… r-really?
Ebony: forget it I shouldn’t to-
Ivory: No it’s all right I do want to go steady with you I’m just checking if you’re not totally serious with this
Ebony: So you’re saying?
Ivory: yes I do want to be your girlfriend
Ebony: Yes!! Finally!!(*hugging klaire*)
(*jumping joyfully*)
Ivory: Hey! Ebony do you hear something beeping?
(*cue to enter the stage ‘trade’ cast*)
Ebony: None, Maybe it’s just you’re cell phone
Ivory: no It’s not mine…
Ebony: forget it, here I have something for-
Armand: Ivory!
Ivory: Daddy?!
Ebony: Daddy?!
Mohammed: Ebony!
Mohammed: (*points at Ivory*) your daughter?
Armand: (*points at Ebony*) your son?
Ivory: What the hell?
Mohammed: (*insulted*) what is the meaning of all this?
Armand; Mohammed: I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO HERE!
Ivory: *gasp*
Ebony: But Dad! (*opens the bag that contains the bomb*)
(*ticking of the bomb more louder*)
(while reaching something in the bag he touched the bomb accidently)
(*sound special effects-blast*)
Scene 11: CHORUS
NOTE: everybody lies on the floor
(*’market’ cast count to 3: altogether arising *)
All: What has happened?! What has happened to our innocent Lives! Why! Why! Tell us Why! Our death seems to satisfy the desire of others, why do our lives needed to be sacrificed, It is simply Irrelevant! Simply Unworthy!*fading effect-acting wounded*Simply Injustice!!(*altogether fall*)
(*remain standing ”Military” Cast and “Rebel” Cast*)
“Military” Cast: (acting wounded) we have lavished upon the blood of our enemies, but it was not we who wanted this monstrosity, this unworthy sacrifice just for the daughter of whom has power! (Still acting wounded-slowly duck)
Rebel” Cast: (acting wounded also) all we wanted is the Equality of resources! All we wanted is to separate from the poverty of power! We may be the cause of all this!(*cue for the “Military” Cast to stand up *) But not only we, you, you and you have also been a part of this!
“Military” Cast and “Rebel” Cast: We did not want this war! This chaos! You do not have the right to blame us of what has happened! Because we are just following the order of power! Nothing else!... but we, us have realized the essence of Innocence! The essence of Life!(Still standing*pause*)

(*immediately stand after the pause “President and daughter” cast)
Daughter: Mother, Mother! How tragic My Mother’s Love for me! She would even sacrifice the welfare of the country just for me! Why do you have to do these to us, why? “Rebel” Cast: You ask that question to your mother! It was her whom has devoured the riches of ours! Causing the start of all this chaos!
“Military” Cast: It was her whom have sent us to this suicidal mission! It was her that cause the bloodshed of this war!
(*altogether fall*)
(immediate acting Ivory and Ebony)
Ebony: Ivory! Ivory!
Ivory: Ebony…
Ebony: Ivory, stay with me! Ivory, stay with me!
No! Breathe! Talk to me! Talk to me!
Ivory: Ebony, cherish my love and I will cherish yours, I will see you upon the boundaries of the sky, Goodbye, My love, Goodbye… (*faint smile*)
Ebony: Ivory! NO! you’ll stay here right?! You’ll stay! Ivory, Ivory!(*crying*) NO! NO! “Market” cast, President and daughter” cast,“Military” Cast and “Rebel” Cast: Our lives have been offered by our desires! Within our bare hands the death of the many, the death of the innocent, the death of our lives! We hope that this tragedy will end the future reality! There shall no lives to be taken just for riches or power Thus we will foresee the future will be at peace.
(Altogether fall)
(*cue for Crazy Doris*)
Crazy Doris: See! You did not listen to me! You all died! I have foreseen this and yet you did not believe me! Hahahaha(*laughing crazily*) Angel?! Angel?! Where are you? The military is coming HIDE! HIDE! Angel! My daughter! Are you okay? Are you hurt?
(*Crazy Doris impromptu mode*) (*all cast form a straight line and cue for the bow*)
Narciza, Klaire –Ivory
Lagman, Janine- stewardess, Manang
Quinsaat, Renee- Military Soldier 1, Guard 1
Garcia, Richell-Military Soldier 2, Guard 2
Casem, Keziah Lauren- Rebel 2, mother with a Baby
Lagon, Abihail-daughter of the President
Abas, Patricia-President
Rodriguez, Dincy Mae-Crazy Doris
Joaquin, Regie-Ebony, Rebel Soldier 3
Ignacio, Marvin-General Armand
Sawada, Yoshio-Leader Brian
Estorco, Joshua-Rebel 1
Tabora, JC-Military soldier 3

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Essay On Medieval Tragedy

...During the Renaissance period, which spanned between 14th century and 17th century, an old genre of literature was reinvented into a newer form that was closer to the mentality and the social development of the time, that being the tragedy. This type of literature has its origins in the Ancient Greek and Roman tragedy, which emerged around 2,500 years ago, in the 6th century BC. Tragedy, by its definition, is “a form of drama based on human suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in audiences” (qtd. in Tragedy is considered to have been invented for the worshiping of Dionysus , which they considered to be one of their deities . In Greek, “tragedy” is called “tragodia”, which means goat song, being composed of the words “tragos” which means “he-goat” and “aeidein” which means “to sing” which is believed to make a reference to an old custom of offering a goat in competitions of choral dancing or using it for ritual sacrifices, but not before dancing around it. The three big representatives of Ancient tragedy are Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. Their work further represented the inspiration for the medieval tragedy which developed during 14th century Middle Age, inside cathedrals, a highly...

Words: 873 - Pages: 4

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Hamlet Essay

...Stephanie Crisostomo December 16, 2010 ENC1102 Final Exam Part IV Hamlet is considered a classic example of a tragedy. The primary reason it is considered a tragedy is because he dies in the end and is unable to see the full outcome of his actions. However, the reason for his death was his tragic flaw of error in judgment. According to Aristotle a tragic hero must have certain characteristics that make him a tragic hero. For example the definition of a tragic hero is, “A character of noble stature and has greatness. They must occupy a high status position but must also embody nobility and virtue as part of his innate character.” (Litonline) This is exactly the type of person that hamlet portrays to be. Another characteristic of a tragic hero that Hamlet has is his downfall that is his own fault. This is a result of his free choice, which in fact was triggered by some error of judgment or some character flaw that contributed to his lack of perfection. Although Hamlet is depicted as being predominantly great, it is clearly evident at the end that he is not perfect. Although his fall is considered tragic because it resulted in death, his fall is not pure loss. Since there was some increase in awareness, gain in self-knowledge, and discovery on his part, his reason for doing what he did was not a waste of time because it had meaning that other people were able to learn from his errors. Although Hamlet arouses solemn emotion because of his death, tragedy is not meant...

Words: 443 - Pages: 2

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Italian Literature

...Arellano University College of Arts and Sciences 2600 Legarda st. Sampaloc Manila Library Research Submitted to: Mrs. Acibo Submitted by: Dalia B. Sabucor I. Introduction II. Presentation of Data III. Conclusion IV. Insights Gained V. References I. Introduction Drama Throughout the middle ages, drama and theater only dealt with sacred subjects, such as biblical stories. Profane drama was either unheard of or only performed in burlesque. Classical dramatists were virtually unheard of in the middle ages. All the great dramatists of antiquity, such as the Greek playwrights Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides, and the Roman comedy writers such as Plautus and Terence, were only discovered by humanists in the Renaissance. Although classical drama is more read and studied in the modern period than other classical literature, in the Renaissance it was a distinct last place to epic poetry, lyric poetry, and philosophy. So drama isn't well represented in Renaissance literature. The first dramatist to imitate classical models in Italy was Giangiorgio Trissino, who was a wealthy humanist with an encyclopedic knowledge. Among other things, he was famous as a Neoplatonic philosopher and poet. He, like many others, attempted to write an epic poem, L'Italia liberata dai Goti (Italy Liberated from the Goths) which, though it's a poem about Justinian's reconquest of Italy, is mainly an encyclopedia of...

Words: 1034 - Pages: 5

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Pragmatic Function of Drama

...definitionS of Pragmatic, Pragmatism, and the Pragmatic Theory of Drama in Plato and Aristotle. A University of Lagos, M.A Seminar Work By Larayetan, Raphael Segun, (Mat. No.139013058) COURSE: Theory of Drama LECTURER: Dr. Patrick Oloko Introduction: This paper attempts an exploration of pragmatics, pragmatism and pragmatic theory as perceived by scholars from different intellectual tradition with focus on drama as a genre of literature. From the classic to the contemporary period, dramatic theorists and dramatists have been involved in the polemics on functions of drama, whether it is an instrument of communicating ideas or just a genre of literature that only entertains. Whether drama entertains or bears the ideological or moral burdens which the author through his art intends to pass to the readers, drama unequivocally has a function which, according to Philip Sidney, is to “teach and to delight”. With this in mind, it can be established that every piece of drama sets out to achieve a function though critics and dramatists have disagreed on what the ideal function of drama should be. It is this light that the current paper explores the pragmatic theory of drama in Plato and Aristotle, or, simply put; how Plato and Aristotle perceive the ideal function of drama. Definition of Terms: Pragmatism is a theory that emphasises the dual function of a work of art. It stipulates the heuristic function...

Words: 2106 - Pages: 9

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Refugee Law

...of meeting the national and international market demands. The Mission of the university is to achieve the redefined goals of higher education and sustainable economic growth of the country through a tripartite relationship between itself, industries and reputed universities and institutions at home and abroad. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: ❑ To reinforce the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; ❑ To develop the skills of students in the use of idiomatic English and the capability of expressing ideas and thoughts in English; ❑ To develop and reinforce communicative interaction; ❑ To introduce the understanding of western philosophy and ideas and their influence on literature; ❑ To introduce classical literature, the Greek myths, the Bible and other writings which have influenced English literary works; ❑ To introduce and refine the understanding of American literature with emphasis on some selected literary works; ❑ To increase the appreciation of Bangla literature and culture among students and to develop their ability to relate experiences from English and American literature to Bangla literary works; ❑ To deepen students’ awareness of the universal concerns that are the basis of literary works; ❑ To stimulate a greater appreciation of language as an aesthetic medium and of the artistic principles that shape literary works; ❑ To appreciate literature as an expression of human values within an historical and social context. ❑ To understand the...

Words: 952 - Pages: 4

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Greek Romance

...This is a 3-page paper on the role of Greek and Roman literature and the role it plays in today’s society. THE ROLE OF GREEK AND ROMAN LITERATURE Over the years, literature of ancient Greece and Rome has affected art, religion, philosophy, science and mathematics, medicine, drama, and poetry profoundly. It has served as a basic model for the development of later European literatures and, consequently, the writings of the historians, geographers, philosophers, scientists, and rhetoricians are read today as sources of historical information and enjoyment. Alfred Whitehead, the famous British philosopher-mathematician, once commented that: “[A]ll philosophy is but a footnote to Plato” (Comptons Encyclopedia). A similar point can be made regarding Greek literature as a whole. The Greek world of thought was far ranging and ideas discussed today have been previously debated by ancient writers. In fact, until recently, in Western culture, an acquaintance with classical Latin (as well as Greek) literature was basic to a liberal education. Roman literature such as epic and lyric poetry, rhetoric, history, comic drama and satire (the last genre being the only literary form that the Romans invented) serve as today’s backbone for a basic understanding of expression and artistic creativity, as well as history. Greek comedies such as those of Naevius and Andronicus, as well as historical writings in epic poems (First Punic War), tell the story of Rome and its conquests and served...

Words: 870 - Pages: 4