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Greek Gods In The Iliad

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In Homer’s, The Iliad, the Greek gods of ancient times play a crucial role in the lives of the people they serve. These immortals decide who lives and who dies; who to help and who to ignore; who will win the war and who will lose it. Unfortunately for the Greeks, the gods are portrayed as selfish beings that make their decisions based on their emotions. Their idea of love is warped to fit their needs and wants. Having one’s fate entrusted to such a being would cause those individuals to be fearful of displeasing or angering the gods. When making decisions, the Greeks must always consider if their decisions will please the gods, or even more importantly, if their decisions will anger the gods. Due to their impulsive behavioral patterns, selfish …show more content…
Their willingness to harm and even kill those that please them in order to exact revenge on those that have angered them portrays their fondness of the Greeks to be similar to that of pieces on a chess board. Although it might disappoint them that the favored individuals are dead, they can rejoice that they have fulfilled their desired outcome; just like a pawn is sacrificed in to capture a more important piece, such as the queen. This is the case for Apollo, for in the end, Agamemnon released the priest’s daughter. His desired goal had been fulfilled, but at the price of many lives. If the gods truly cared about their people, the lives of many would not have been considered a fair price to pay to achieve such a goal. ”In the Iliad, the gods often are watching the events of the siege at Troy as a group,” and in one such occasion, [“the race between Hector and Achilles is compared to games, and the watching gods implicitly to the audience at the games”] (Lovatt). By implying that the gods think of the war between the Greeks and the Trojans as a game, one can fully understand how detached the gods truly are from the people that serve them. They are nothing but a form of entertainment for these immortal beings. Death becomes in event that evokes apathetic feelings, especially when it is caused in retaliation to an event that have occurred due to the actions of a third-party. Knowing this, enables one to paint a clear picture of the relationship between the gods and their people. The Greeks’ lives ultimately mean nothing to the gods. They are strictly pawns that can be sacrificed to serve the gods’

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