Premium Essay

Greeks Paper


Submitted By jksiegel
Words 250
Pages 1
In all honesty I thought most of the essay was kind of unnecessary. She was just saying a lot of big words and using a lot of complicated sentences to talk about a pretty simple thing; how men and women were portrayed in ancient Greek plays. The only thing I really took away from it is that in order to be true to the original text, you have to clearly show the intense misogyny that Pentheus had and also show how that ultimately lead to his downfall.
They talked a lot about how even being perceived as having “female emotions” would be really bad for men in that time. So it’s imperative for us to have our Pentheus to really get into when he has to be a woman because that’s what ultimately causes his demise, which is kind of a cool hidden meaning. I mean up to this point we had only been discussing the fact that Pentheus wasn’t reverencing Dionysus and that's why gets ripped to shreds, but what I took away from the essay was that in fact it was because he wasn't reverencing the women and trying to have complete control over them.
Other than that, I didn’t really glean anything about how to do physical stuff like scenes or costuming. Except for maybe the part about when men walk into their homes they don’t normally either come back to it after leaving or don’t leave. Maybe we could play around with that a

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