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Grendel's Loss Of Innocence In Beowulf

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Beginning with, the creature Grendel show a large amount of vulnerability, which helps the reader see how decent of a being he is. This is believed to be so for one simple reason: why should an evil entity have curiosity and be vulnerable or susceptible to any kind of harm? For example, most stories of demons or other injurious personas are believed to be immortal. Hence, most are left unscathed and uninfluenced after any attempt at contact from a human force or natural force. However, Grendel is highly susceptible to the forces of nature, humans, and animals around him. As an illustration of this, on pages eighteen through twenty-eight. In these pages, Grendel is made not only frightened, but injured by the world around him. This begins with his foot, …show more content…
Frightened, he tried not to move or speak. Grendel also conformed to their temporary ideas of his spiritual godliness. However, the humans soon feared him, as he screamed the word “pig,” on page twenty-seven. At this, they threw an ax towards Grendel, lightly cutting open his shoulder. Unlike any evil entity in other stories, Grendel can be maimed by the forces of nature, as well as human and animal contact. Continuing, Grendel is also vulnerable to the Shaper. This is due to the Shaper’s ability to make Grendel believe his altered stories, despite having been there to witness the events himself. The first time we are shown this in action is on page forty-eight. “I listened, felt myself swept up. I knew very well that all he said was ridiculous… Yet I was still swept up,” stated Grendel, mesmerized by the songs and poems of the Shaper. A final example of Grendel’s vulnerability to humans can be found towards the end of the book. From page one-hundred and sixty-eight to page one-hundred and seventy-four, the story tells of Grendel being killed by Beowulf. The examples vulnerability in Grendel’s life helps to prove his truly favorable

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