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Gun Control: Do People Kill People?

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No debate! People kill people, not guns. Many people think that guns should be illegal in the United States, but that would infringe on our second amendment. There are three major reasons why guns should not be illegal. First, millions of Americans use guns for recreational purposes like hunting and target shooting. Second, millions of Americans also use guns for personal protection through conceal and carry or just home protection. Third, is just like themy statement above: guns do not kill people, people kill people. This first topic I have a lot of knowledge in because I am a hunter. I have hunted since I was ten. I have hunted everything from a big buck to a little dove. There are also 200 million gun owners that hunt in America who would …show more content…
A tragic event that happened a couple of years ago is the perfect example of why it is the person holding the gun who kills people and not the gun itself. You probably even saw this event on TV for awhile in 2012. A man killed twelve people and injured fifty-eight in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. That man's name was James E. Holmes; in a police report police said, “Holmes, 24, dressed head to toe in protective tactical gear, set of spraying devices of some kind in century 16 movie theater with bullets from AR-15 rifle, 12 gauge shotgun, and at least one .40-cal handgun that police recovered at the scene.” The next day when police went to Holmes’ house they found that he had booby trapped the whole house with explosives. Holmes also had dyed his hair and told the police he was The Jjoker. At trial Holmes’s lawyer pled insanity for Holmes. This man killed people, said he wasis The Joker, booby trapped his own house from top to bottom in explosives, and pledads insanity. He sounds pretty insane to me which just proves themy point that those guns did notdidn’t kill those innocent people; the insane guy behind the trigger did. Yes, guns can be dangerous in the wrong hands, and that is why they have all these safety courses in gun safety and the right equipment to lock your guns up so they stay out of the wrong hands.. Yes, you can give the stats on people who die in …show more content…
The first argument is not a valid or possible solution because statistics show of other countries that have tried gun laws and it really has not worked. In England since the 1997 Gun control Law the homicides averages have been an average of 52% higher. The middle group does have a valid argument about the removal of semiautomatic rifles not being allowed into the hands of US citizens, but handguns should not be taken away. A study in Washington showed during the years that the Handgun and Trigger-Lock Law was being enforced murder rates were 72% higher. The year following the strike down of the law murder rates averaged 11% lower. This is evidence that banning handguns would actually lose live not save lives. Guns do not kill people; people kill people. Millions love to hunt and millions use guns for protection. If this essay has changed your mind on guns or opened your eyes on how guns are not bad, join the NRA. The NRA is the leading organization that is protecting American’s 2nd

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