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Gun Control In Chicago

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For many years Chicago has been seen as being one of the most dangerous cities in America when it comes to gun violence; even though they have had some of the most strict gun control laws in America. In doing this research it has been my intent to see if the strict gun control laws have helped to curb gun violence in Chicago, or find out if the laws have caused gun violence to go up or stay neutral. Within this research I will discuss why this study is important, I will talk about Chicago's gun control laws and give a timeline of the laws, I will also show data of gun violence in Chicago for the past decades since the start of gun control.
This study is important because gun control affects law abiding citizens who have the constitute right …show more content…
The authors state that “in 2011, nearly half a million people were the victims of gun crime in the United States”; in Chicago the homicide rate was three times the national average (sixteen to eighteen per one hundred thousand people)” (Cook et al., 2015, p. 719). The authors explain that there are different communities within Chicago and that some of the communities didn’t have any homicides, while other communities “had rates of thirty to ninety per one hundred thousand people” (Cook et al., 2015, p. 719,720). In the article the authors also discuss the guns that are used in crimes and also how the criminal get the guns. The authors state that “Crime guns tend to be remarkably old in Chicago, with an average age of 12.6 years (median of 10.4), and in fact are older for gang members than non-gang members (a median of 11.6 versus -6.9 years)” (Cook et al., 2015, p. 725). Not only are the guns old that are being used in crimes they are also “less likely to be acquired from a licensed dealer” (Cook et al., 2015, p. 729). Much of the gun crime is committed by criminals who are under the age of twenty-one, and by being under the age of twenty-one they are not allowed to buy handguns. Also many of the adult criminals are not allowed to buy guns because they have …show more content…
After 2010 when the handgun ban was lifted in the city of Chicago the number of murders stayed pretty consistent with from 2010 through 2014 as they did from 2004 through 2009. Making the case that gun control really didn’t effect the number of murders that were committed as when citizens were not allowed to have legale

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