Premium Essay

Gun Rally


Submitted By shevonforsyth
Words 389
Pages 2
(1)“Ethics can mean different things to different people. In criminal Justice, however ethics should mean adherence to the mandates outlined in the constitution and respect to the professional codes of ethics.” (Kelly Cheeseman. Claudia San Miguel. Durant Frantzen. Lisa Nored. 2011). As a police officer it is my duty to uphold the law, and I may be called upon to take action against people who are closes to me, and when that time comes I will perform my duty without fear or favor.
The information which I have of the planned gun rally, I will immediately report It to my boss, I will also The proper course of action in this scenario is to assign a subordinate officer to identify the leader or the organizers of the event, and inform them of all of the permit requirements, local ordinances, and laws of the municipality which pertain to public gatherings. .”Ruiz and Bono (2004) argue that” What makes a gift a gratuity is the reason it is given; what makes it corruption is the reason it is taken” (p.25) if the reason it is given and taken leads to favoritism, impartiality, and prejudice then this begins the downward spiral of unethical behavior”. I believe my duty here is more important than my emotions and what a feelings I have for this organization, I will also seek guidance from my supervisor on what further action should I take if any is necessary.
If I don’t report this information it can put me into a very compromising situation for the future and “discretion has a potential to create many ethical dilemmas, discretion as you know, has been described as a needed element in policing but one that can lead down a spiraling road to corruption (Kleinig, 2008)
The decision which I made i believe was the ethical thing to do, following the concept of Deontological theory “the ethical value of actions based on one’s duty or responsibility to act (Close&Meier, 1995)

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