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Haemon's Creon In Sophocles Antigone

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“I’d say it would be for the best if men by nature understood all things’ if not, and this is usually the case, when men speak well. It good to learn from them.” (line(s) 816-819) Haemon’s conflicting actions with his father cause Creon’s similarities with Antigone, Teiresias, and Ismene to stand out far more. The differences in the two’s motivations prove Creon to be a tragic hero by emphasizing his poor judgement that eventually leads to his downfall and having all of the characters at some point in the play disagree with Creon’s words and actions causes the plot to prolong. Haemon contrasts with his father’s characteristics by him being more respectful and compassionate towards people. This is shown in the play when Creon is fighting with his son on what should be done with Antigone, he says “ Since I caught her clearly disobeying, the only culprit in the entire city, I won’t perjure myself before the state. No—I’ll kill her. And so let her appeal to Zeus, the god of blood relationships.” (lines 743-747) Haemon disagrees with this 100% when “I could not find your words somehow not right— I hope that’s something …show more content…
Creeon’ downfall would be his wife and son dying due to his stupid mistakes, without the messenger telling Creon what his wife's last words were, he more than likely would have not had a realization as horrible as when he said “ Take this foolish man away from here. I killed you, my son, without intending to, and you, as well, my wife. How useless I am now. I don’t know where to look or find support. Everything I touch goes wrong, and on my head fate climbs up with its overwhelming load.” (lines 1487-1492)Had his wife not have blamed him for his own actions and the messenger not have told him he would not be a tragic hero like he

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