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Submitted By michelletan
Words 351
Pages 2
Quality Index * on average 70: implemented quality systems and spend continuously money to improve and keep up quality
* Employee participation programs * performance appraisal systems * introduced a job analysis system: where the 37 different jobs were grouped in 10 different job categories. This choice provided the supervisors with general guidance and the request of employees for an overview of their job duties. Nevertheless our company offers employees enough flexibility to be creative and have a dynamic environment. * job designing program: job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment because of our HR Mission: provide our employees with a dynamic and challenging environment. By changing job positions or giving our employees more responsibilities those missions are supported
2nd year ( quarter 7 flu epidemic – overtime and less production ) * performance based pay system: example china and it increase productivity in the long run and moral ( employees motivated to work)
Accident Rate * Safety and Accident prevention programs * Due to a decrease in the annual budget we spend less on safety programs which had a negative effect on the accident rate. We increased spending afterwards and the accident rate decreased again. * In future we want to establish a complex safety system which might have high startup costs but will be profitable in the long run. * 464 end 243 Turnover rate: * On average 6% related to appraisal system between supervisor and self-evaluation (in written words) * To make it possible to establish long term goals and development
* establishing grievances procedures showed positive effect and decreased grievances * stable from quarter 5 on
* went up in quarter 7 due to flu epidemic * we introduced workshops on burn out prevention because employees were stressed because of a lack of employees * furthermore introduction of zero tolerant program because employees complained about sexual harassment * it decreased again

Moral: * HR Vision: Being the world’s leading company in employee satisfaction and most delightful work climate in producing candy, reason to set goal at 100 * As mentioned in productivity we established bonus system * From 52-67

Fringe Benefits: * Kept fringe benefits at 20,3% employees seemed to be satisfied and still above industry average

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