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Haiti: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital


Submitted By xlewis24
Words 1547
Pages 7
Haiti: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital
SOC 300
5 March 2015

Haiti: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital Due to capital limitations, most governments, particularly in the developing nations borrow funds from their bilateral friends and organizations such as World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in earnest to enable them pursue development projects, and sometimes to correct balance-of-payment deficits. Nevertheless, such governments must adhere to some outlined conditions that are spelt out in the article of agreement in order for them to secure the loans; otherwise, the loans are withheld (White, 2012). Equally, a healthy population significantly contributes to economic development of a nation in various ways. This paper outlines how Haiti, one of the developing states, has used loans and grants for development. In addition, the paper outlines how a healthy population affects Haiti’s economic development.
How Funding from IMF and World Bank and Other Financial Institutions Affects Haiti’s Economic and Political Development Since her independence up to date, Haiti remains to be heavily indebted because the country borrows from World Bank, IMF, bilateral friends, and from regional banks such as IADB. By June 2009, Haiti’s debts totaled to $1.2 billion (Frankema & Masé, 2014), whereby most of these debts are taken with an aim of funding development projects and correcting her balance-of-payments. However, the funds are never directed to the intended purpose, since they are misused and embezzled by corrupt government officials and military regimes who have been ruling the country (Frankema & Masé, 2014). For instance, it is estimated that $900 million had been borrowed by Baby Doc, one of the former dictators, before leaving the country (Frankema & Masé, 2014). As a result of the country being

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