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Submitted By spidamax
Words 684
Pages 3
The Law Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 laws. The codes express laws that tell what punishment or repayment the offender owes for his misdeed. The laws give out different punishment for the same problem depending on what class you are from. The punishments and repayments given out between the classes are extremely unequal, where the higher the class you are the less punishment you have to deal with. The laws are given differently depending on your group. Whenever there is a law explaining what has happened and what has to be done in return it usually is broken into three sections. The three sections are what does the free-born men and women have to do, what does the freed men and women have to do, and what does the slaves have to do. Within these laws the freeborn are treated better, or have more value than the freed, and then the freed are treated better than the slaves. There are even laws that say if you do something wrong to someone of a higher class then your punishment is going to be worse, which shows a major sign of inequality. The group that is treated with the most inequality is the slaves. Since the slaves cannot read they are already in a bad position. Most of the laws that are created in this set are directed towards the slaves. These laws make it where once you are a slave, you are always going to be a slave; even their children are born into this system. Slaves are also put at the lowest value compared to any other class. For example, laws 230 and 231 state that if someone kills the son of the owner, the murderer should be put to death, but if he only kills the slave of the owner, than the murderer just has to replace that slave with another slave. (Hammurabi 230-231) Since the slaves cannot read they are easily taken advantage of, which is why it is so easy to put them at such a low value. Slaves are just looked at as a piece of property and they have no rights at all. Professionals are also treated unequal when dealing with these laws. They are required to charge a set price for the goods they make, when they could be making more because their product is better than their competitions. Then when a professional mess up their punishment is extreme from either having to fix the product out of their own pocket, to having a ligament cut off because of a minor incision. The professionals are not completely mistreated though because there are laws that state that if someone steals from them, then their product will be returned and the theft will have their arm cut off. Finally a major sign of inequality is how women are treated compared to men. Sometimes it seems like women are almost treated as bad as slaves. laws 209 and 210 state, “That if a man strikes a pregnant woman and she loses her unborn child, he must pay ten shekels for her loss. But if the woman dies, his daughter shall be put to death.” (Hammurabi 209-210) In the last situation, two woman are being sacrificed because of a man’s wrong doing. If the man would have killed another man then he would have been killed or have to give a slave over, but since he killed a woman, he just had to kill his daughter instead. Signs of inequality are a constant portrayal in Hammurabi’s Code of Laws. It ranks people, based off their class and sex, on how hard of punishment that they will have to suffer. It seems that all these laws are only completely good for the nobles and if you are not a noble you are going to be mistreated in some sort of way. These laws suggest that the Babylonian society wants the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor. The upper class wants to stay on top and never have the lower-class come up.

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