Premium Essay



Submitted By mtsuwang
Words 1608
Pages 7
A. Explain how your own perceptions about quality of life and health promotion might affect your care for a dying patient with a lingering illness such as cancer My perceptions about quality of life are that every one lives with happiness and enjoyment in a health way not only on physical but also on mental. Happiness and enjoyment of life may be various, because different people have their unique expectation about their lives to meet their defined happiness and enjoyment based one their own education, culture, religion and experience. Those factors affect their satisfaction in some degree about their lives. To be simple, quality of life is to live with healthy, emotional and social wellbeing (Quigley and Watts Ltd).

Health promotion is to promote and enhance people to improve the factors that affect their quality of life. Health promotion helps people with troubles to increase control and overcome the difficulties in order to achieve quality of life. It searches all the resources available from our society, community, neighborhood and friends to change the environment to gain quality of life (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention).

People with end of life diseases such as cancer normally suffering a lot from physical, emotional and social, such as pain, dysfunctional various organs cause them losing appetite and energy, feeling hopeless, depressive, isolated, etc. At this point, for those dying people with the torture of cancer does not mean they can not have quality of life; actually they more than ever need support from us to improve the quality of life.

B. Discuss three strategies that you could use in the Thomas’s situation to improve the quality of life for Mrs. Thomas and her husband during this illness. Since Mrs. Thomas has recurrent breast cancer, we need assess and evaluate her current situation, identify her current problems and factors

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