Premium Essay

Have More Than You Show, Speak Less Than You Know


Submitted By Sigrid1997
Words 533
Pages 3
Have more than you show, speak less than you know. 怀壁慎显,博学谨言。 ---William Shakespeare
I was thinking to give a speech on stuff like this: When the whole world is about to rain, let’s make it clear in our hearts. But then I thought, no, the thing I want to show you is something more meaningful in some way.
Before Jack Ma wows the world in the day Alibaba go public, he has become my hero for a long time. As we all know that in his early years, his perception of internet and business was beyond the time. And I am also surprised to find that he is such a fluent English speaker that he can answer the question raised by the reporter without a interpreter standing by. Especially when he had a talk at Davos Forum, his sense of humor and confidence impressed me a lot.
So I reflected a lot on this, Jack Ma seems talk none stop and being so high profile, why his appearance is so interesting and we all love it?
In my perspective, what he shows to us ,to the world is just a little thing, compared to his vast spiritual world. In order to learn English well, everyday he volunteered to be a guide tour for the tourists from abroad for 9 years. When his companies ran into a trouble, he even thought of giving up for many times. At first he just knew a little about the internet, but after many years of searching, he became china’s internet godfather.
More often than not, with an intention of earning a place among so may people,sometimes people are eager to show off their success.
Maybe you have got some pleasure from the bragging making yourself feel better. But in the long run, too much blowing doesn’t pay off.
And, why?
Firstly, it is a bad thing to both you and people around. When you talk something in a rather proud tone, not only do the other people may find irritating or offensive, but also you will lose the great time to do something practically to improve yourself.

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