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Hca 220 Appendix G


Submitted By hellokitty21
Words 697
Pages 3
Axia College Material
Appendix G

Building a Medical Vocabulary Ch. 6, 7, & 14

Complete activities A, B, & C, and post to the Individual forum.

A. Use the word bank below to build the medical word that corresponds to each definition in problems 1-17. Word parts may be used more than once. Click the grey box to begin typing.

-um-ic-blastkerat/o-home/o--poiesissebace/o- | adip/o-calc/itheli/o-coll/a-leuk/o--osenorm/o- | hemat/o-melan/o-epi-ton/o--osis-oussystem/o- | phag/o--stasis-poetin-genhem/o-glyc/o- | erythr/o- myel/o- -in lip/o- - cyte insul/o-cty/o- | Erythrocyte

1. Normal immature cell -------------------------------------------------

2. Process of forming blood -------------------------------------------------

3. A substance that forms red blood cells -------------------------------------------------

4. White blood cells -------------------------------------------------

5. Immature cell in the bone marrow -------------------------------------------------

6. Process of cells eating microorganisms -------------------------------------------------

7. Cessation of bleeding -------------------------------------------------

8. A structure above the cellular level -------------------------------------------------

9. A fibrous protein substance -------------------------------------------------

10. A cell that produces black pigment Collagen

11. Produces fibers that hold together -------------------------------------------------

12. Full of fat -------------------------------------------------

13. Fat cell -------------------------------------------------
Sebaceous gland
14. Pertaining to sebum

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