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Health Education


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Pages 12
Health Education
Tammy Arfmann
HCA 331 Introduction to Health Care Education
Prof. Mona Chin
February 18, 2013

The health education field has expanded in many ways over the past years and will continue to expand over the upcoming years due to the increasing resources that are available for the individuals. The health education field is a vast profession that has greatly impacted many individuals with the information that the individuals provide. This paper will discuss the health education field and profession in greater detail as far as what has happened over the years and the way the profession has changed. It will also analyze a website that covers an HIV prevention program and will also provide a description of a website that has been created to cover heart disease.
There are many different events that have helped to shape health education and the health education profession. Three of the events that have impacted the health education field the most are the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Social Security Act. According to Cottrell, Girvan, & McKenzie (2012), the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act “bill encourages and promotes worksite wellness programs, encourages evidence-based community prevention and wellness programs, and provides strong support for school based health centers” (p.69). The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) provide the privacy of health information from being released without the consent of the patient. With the Social Security Act helped to support the state health departments in order to develop sanitary facilities which were determined by the education of the individuals and wanting to make a change which has caused the focus of the health education to change. The focus of health education has vastly

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