Premium Essay

Heidi Rozen Case


Submitted By pesum41
Words 8672
Pages 35
REV: APRIL 28, 2010


He eidi Roi izen eidi Roizena venture capitalist at Softbank V Venture Capi ital (Softban nk) and a fo ormer He entrep preneursat back at her o oversized des in her hom office in A sk me Atherton, California, and lo ogged onto h computer It was a typ her r. pical morning for her; she had received 40 e-mails overnight. An g d nother 100 or so would co r ome in over th course of t day. Am he the mong her e-ma ails, Roizen re eceived an av verage of 10 b business plan per daya ns almost all refe errals from pe eople she knew in the high w h-tech industry y. Ro oizen had spe the first decade of her career activel building h network in order to hel the ent ly her n lp softw ware company she co-found y ded, T/Maker compete ag r, gainst better-c capitalized software develo opers. Throu her roles as CEO of T ugh T/Maker, pre esident of the Software Pu ublishers Asso ociation, and later, vice p president of worldwide developer re elations at A Apple Compu uter, Roizen had develop ped a netwo that inclu ork uded many of the most po owerful busin ness leaders i the techno in ology sector. Over the y years, Roizen had also m n mastered the skill of blen nding professional netwo orking with social netwo orking; she was well-know throughou Silicon Va w wn ut alley for hosti ing dinner pa arties at her h house that in ncluded the li ikes of Bill Ga of Micros and Scott McNealy of Sun Microsys ates soft t stems. An outgoin high-ener person by nature, Roiz had a genuine passion for meeting s ng, rgy y zen smart, intere esting people and helping t them connect with other p t people she kne ew. In some cases, Roizen even n took i a step furth and activ it her vely helped people in her network find new career opportunitie but d es, she w careful to leverage her contacts only when she co was y ould see a true win-win

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