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Submitted By tayta
Words 480
Pages 2
I believe in the theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner which is that human development is influenced by different ecological systems. In his theory he stated that there are five systems that affect us in the things we do. These are the micro system, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. When we have a fight with our parents or our significant loved ones, this could drastically change the way we handle things and we can easily be angered by situations because we have problems going on at home. Another example would be if a child’s parents get divorced in his/her early age, this may affect the way she is growing up. I have heard news that teens that prefers much older people (for sexual partner) tends to have a background of a divorced family. With that, I do believe the every event, circumstance, situation; upbringing etc. which we have experienced affects the perspective of how we mature as a person and how we handle certain situations. For Kohlberg’s theory, I do believe it too. We follow rules because we are scared of what the punishment will be, as a child we often tend to follow the orders of our mother because we are afraid of the spanking or taking our toys away. But as an adult, we still need to follow the rules that was given to us by someone who has a higher position; like the government they have a billboard that says “wag tumawid dito, nakamamatay” if we disregard the rule we might receive an offense or it might result to death. In Giligan’s theory, I do disagree with it. Her theory focuses on the moral development for women which she included the stages of pre conventional (selfish), conventional (caring), and post conventional (acceptance). I think that not all women go through the pre conventional stage, because there are women who accept their situation as it is. Example expecting to have a child, not all women would want to have an abortion (the selfish stage). Some women, from their nature, do think about the survival as others as well not just their own. Lastly, in Sigmund Freud’s theory I have to agree with it too. His theory psychosexual development has three structures the id, ego, and superego. In the id he explained that it is our pleasure principle which we are born with. As a baby, we always need to get what we want like milk because if not we throw tantrums. In the Ego stage, it is based on the reality principle. In which the ego should meet the needs of the id. The superego, which dictates our belief of right and wrong, this is where we are now introduced to morality and should be socially responsible. I believe that I have gone through all these stages in my life and currently experiencing the ego and superego stage.

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