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Herding Behaviour in Malaysia


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Herding Behaviour in Malaysia
Senior Project: Finance
ID 49806
Andy Tan Weng Hong
SCCSJ – 0011556
Upper Iowa University
SEGi College University

Table of Content
Introduction 4
Theory Literature Review 5
Methodology 9
Findings 11
Discussion 13
Conclusion 14
Acknowledgement 15
Reference 16

Acknowledgement I would like to thank Ms. Bavani for her constant guidance and advises in the course of completing this study.

Abstract Since the financial crisis of 2008, the notions and views of behavioural economists have been receiving more popularity and acceptance. Many studies have determined the existence, factors, and effects of herding behaviour primarily in the U.S. This study looks into the similarities in economic indicators, banking conditions and characteristics, and trading volume between the U.S. and Malaysia in determining herding behaviour.

1.0 Introduction * Herding Behaviour The study of herding behaviour in financial markets is gaining more popularity in the recent years since the 2008 financial crisis. Researchers and analysts have begun accepting the notions and views of behavioural economists, pouring resources and time to analyse the extent and effect of herding among market participants such as individual investors and financial analyst, as well as financial markets such as the stock market and real estate market. Herding behaviour is defined as the inclination of an individual to mimic or imitate the actions of a group, which leads to correlated behaviour patterns. This behaviour can be classified as rational herding and irrational herding.
Rational herding is justified by the information asymmetry and information cascade, where an individual intentionally mimics the action of a group which he perceives to have better information. This occurs when the individual believes that the publicly available information is unreliable, then – all the while disregarding his own private assessment despite of contradictions – makes a decision, an “information cascade”. On the other hand, irrational herding occurs when an individual lacking in information and in the ability to rationally evaluate risk, ignores his own beliefs and blindly mimic the herd’s actions. It is a common human behaviour and an intrinsic preference to conform and gain confidence in times of uncertainty. The individual will have a tendency to follow the herd in order to gain a sense of security in spite of any prior beliefs or private signals. During times of extreme uncertainty such as a financial crisis, notably the most recent 2008 financial crisis, herding is expected to intensify.

* Background of the 2008 Financial Crisis
The 2008 financial crisis, or also known as the subprime mortgage crisis has been considered to be the worst recession ever since the Great Depression. Within the late 1990s and early 2000s, there was an unsustainable increase in the housing prices in the U.S. as seen in Figure 1. The prices skyrocketed to nearly twice the long-term trend during the 1890s till 1990s, and subsequently plummeted back in 2012.
Figure 1
Source: Beachy, 2012

Homebuyers and real estate agencies assumed that the demand will continue to increase, simultaneously continue to raise the prices. This belief gave rise to heavy speculation, where homebuyers were willing to purchase these financial assets at a high price, believing that they would profit from this valuable investment. Several far-sighted economists have pointed out the warning signs of a typical price bubble as the prices continue to soar into levels never reached in documented history. However, the warnings were ignored as the majority of economists unceasingly reassures homebuyers the rise in housing prices could be explain by factors such as zoning laws, increased immigration and so on. As seen in Figure 1, the housing price reached its highest point by 2006, over 180 percent of the price one decade ago. This inflated prices was also largely due to extraordinary ease of access to credit in the form of mortgages. From the year 1993 to 2006, the average annual total mortgage borrowing rose from $ 0.2 trillion to $ 1 trillion. The Federal Reserve played a role in this by consistently lowering the interest rate as seen in Figure 2, from 6 percent in the early 2000s to a historically lowest rate of 1 percent in 2003. By observing Figure 2, we can see the correlation between the low interest rate and the increasing housing price.
Figure 2
Source: Beachy, 2012

As the interest rate decreased, so did the return paid on standard bond investments. This pushed investors to look for new and more profitable investments; at the same time, there were still more homebuyers seeking for available mortgages. Investment banks took the opportunity to create an innovative financial product that could meet both investors’ and homebuyers’ demand – the mortgage-backed securities (MBS). A MBS is basically a combination of various mortgages in a bundle available for purchase by investors. The investors then obtain the rights to the monthly or annual payments homebuyers make on the mortgages. Banks play the role as intermediaries by financing mortgage loans while packaging the mortgages together, which is known as securitization. As mentioned earlier, due to the lackluster returns from standard bonds, the lucrative returns from MBS drove up the demand for it. In order to meet the swelling demand for MBSs, investment banks began to loosen their lending standards, providing home loans at a lower rate and to a broader range of homebuyers, known as subprime borrowers. These subprime borrowers are classified as people with low income, high debt, and a tendency to default on loans. Normally, a subprime borrower would not be granted a mortgage or would be charged at a higher interest rate in order to compensate for the high risk. However, these constraints were both relaxed, making one out of every five mortgages a subprime mortgage in 2005. In the midst of the series from mortgage to investor, investment banks will employ credit rating agencies (CRAs) to analyse the degree of risk that represents each MBS, then assigning a rating to each MBS based on their underlying characteristics. The three primary and commonly known CRAs are – Moody’s, Standard and Poor’s, and Fitch. During the housing bubble, these three main CRAs consistently dish out inflated ratings – AAA ratings – the highest possible to MBSs. These high ratings that signals a low risk further assures and encourages investors to purchase large quantities of MBSs, which eventually defaulted altogether.

1.3 Research Problem The recession began with the collapse of the housing and financial markets in 2007, and worsens as the crisis traverse and spreads across various economic sectors and international borders, causing an economic-wide recession in the depths of 2009. In the beginning of the recession alone, assets valued over an estimated $19.7 trillion owned by U.S. households were destroyed, which is roughly the equivalent value of everything produced in the U.S. economy over 1.25 years. Within two years since the inception of the crisis, there has been an approximately 40 percent decrease in median household wealth, 11 million properties met foreclosure, and an estimated 9 million people were unemployed. Numerous literatures have delved into the roots of the crisis, commonly attributing the causes to lax lending standards, the complex and risky mortgage products, inflated ratings by CRAs, the Fed’s historically low interest rate, and the misguided theory of an efficient market. However, many have failed to look into the underlying factors that is behavioural economics. Prior to the crisis, many published findings linking psychology and economics have criticized several key economic assumptions. Unfortunately, most of these findings were not deemed significant enough to be placed in the centre of debate. In a testimony by former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan in October 2008, he admitted to finding a flaw in the model that he has used over 40 years in assuming rational actors and efficient market. After the testimony by Greenspan, many have urged for the integration of a more realistic and representative model that has long been employed by behavioural economists. Recently in September 2015, even the Obama Administration have officially announced the application of behavioural economics in policymaking.

* Research Objective This paper aims to look into the herding behaviour that has been documented in the U.S. market and attempt to relate the herding factors and variables to the Malaysian market. John Maynard Keynes, the founding father of modern economics, expressed that investors generally do not make their investment decision by considering the underlying value of an asset. Instead, they are more concerned whether their investment are increasing or decreasing now and in the future. It is this herd mentality that played a pivotal role in individual investor’s decision, the lending patterns of banks, and the assessment behaviour of CRAs, causing the inception and expanding of the housing bubble. This research will also look into how trading volume, unemployment rate, and inflation rate has an effect on herding behaviour, which forms a web of causal links leading back to the investors, banks, and CRAs. 1.5 Research Questions 1) How does herding affect the investor’s decision? 2) How does herding affect the lending patterns of banks? 3) What kind of effect does trading volume, unemployment rate, and inflation rate have on herding behaviour? 2.0 Herding Theory and Literature Review * Theory In 1971, William D. Hamilton proposed the selfish herd theory which is based on the movement and position of an animal in a herd, when attacked by a predator, will prioritize its own safety by ensuring other members in the herd – instead of themselves – are eaten by the predator. Predators are more inclined to go after a prey that is at the periphery of the herd, rather than one in the centre. Therefore, it is safe to assume that herding behaviour has evolved mainly for an individual’s benefit, rather than for groups or society. Besides that, herding behaviour has also evolved for the sake of information access. Individuals tend to herd in order to more easily obtain information other members in the herd has gained. From this standpoint, it is obvious that individuals herd in the pursuit of their own self-interest. Although the selfish herd theory was developed by observing herding in animals, its application in explaining human herding in market context may not be so farfetched after all. Of course speculation and investment decision in the market are not motivated by predators such as tigers or sharks, instead, individuals herd in hopes of avoiding accusations of professional foolishness. According to Scharfstein and Stein (1990), this motivation to herd is called the “sharing-the-blame” effect, whereby unprofitable investment decisions have less of a negative impact on reputation when others make the same mistake. This effect runs in accordance with the argument by Keyne (1936), that it is better for an individual’s reputation to fail in an orthodox manner rather than to succeed in an unorthodox way. Moreover, within a market where there is information asymmetry, individuals speculate depending on the actions of others deemed to have better information. Based on this theory, herd behaviour appears to be rational where individuals tend to herd in an effort to minimize risk and gain information. Nevertheless, herding can be extremely risky and dangerous when partnered with overconfidence, blindly imitating others, and the deception by sellers in over-valuing their products. This strategy to go along with the herd can eventually lead to an enormous crash in the financial market.

2.2 Literature Review The aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis saw an increase in studies on the causes of herding that led to the greatest recession the world has ever seen. It is as clear as day that the efficient markets hypothesis and the notion of rational markets are filled with flaws in explaining the modern market. There are many underlying factors that are not included in these theoretical models to accurately gauge the interactions within the financial market (Thoma, 2013). Starting from the late 1990s till early 2000s, members of the herd were heavily purchasing homes, which attracted and influenced other members to do the same. Jlassi, Naoui, and Mansour (2013) explains overconfidence of investors is the driving force that inflated the housing bubble. Evidence of their study shows that investors were overconfident enough to overlook warning signs in the market and continued to trade excessively in an up market (bull market). This excessive trading propelled the stock prices way beyond their intrinsic values and triggered an abnormal surge in stock volatility. Others like Beachy (2012) and Thoma (2013) blames the lessons taught in economic graduate programs. History of economics have faded out of regular lessons, decreasing the awareness of the extensive history of bubbles and financial crises, as well as the ability to effectively distinguish signs of the housing bubble. Even after the 2008 crisis, many university economic programs have yet to incorporate more realistic models proposed by behavioural economist (Thoma, 2013). Bank’s lending decisions have also come under heavy scrutiny since the subprime crisis. Liu (2014) obtained empirical evidence showing a herd behaviour in U.S. commercial banks within the years 1976 to 2010. The degree of herding was observed to increase radically since the 1970s, and that banks tend to herd more when market conditions are in decline or when there are many uncertainties in the market. Nakagawa and Uchida (2010) observed the existence of herding behaviour in Japanese banks during the 1980s and 1990s. The Japanese banks adopted an inefficient herd behaviour, mimicking other well-informed banks in giving out loans to new borrowers. Moreover, the state of the Japanese economy during the 1980s bear a resemblance to the U.S. economy prior to the subprime crisis. Thus, further suggesting that financial institutions played a role in magnifying the financial crisis. Acharya and Yorulmazer (2006) stated that banks have the incentive to herd due to a fail-safe that will bail out some or all failed banks. This too-many-to-fail guarantee increases the incentive for small banks to follow the decisions made by bigger banks. Since the decision of every bank are in line with each other, a profitable decision would be favourable to each bank; however, even if a system-wide banking crisis were to occur, banks are assured that the government and international institutions will take necessary steps to rectify the crisis. As for firms that are considered too-big-to-fail such as Bear Stearns’ and AIG, took unnecessary risks leading to the 2008 crisis. When they were financially ruined, a bailout amounting to tens of billions of dollars was provided by the Fed. We have observed that individual investors herd due to overconfidence and lack of institutional knowledge of markets, whereas banks herd due to the incentive to take on ridiculous risks. CRAs on the other hand tend to herd due to reputational concerns. Lugo, Croce, and Faff (2014) has observed rating activity of Moody’s, S&P, and Fitch, proving the role of reputation in affecting the timing and decision of ratings made. Fitch, which is considered to be of lower reputation compared to Moody’s and S&P, do not have any effect whatsoever on rating actions of these two agencies. On the other hand, Fitch’s rating actions are heavily influenced by either Moody’s or S&P. Besides that, CRAs had receive perverse incentives – firms would pay a substantial amount to get a rating they wanted – to overvalue securities (Baily, Litan, & Johnson, 2008). There was a competition between every CRAs to fulfil those requests, otherwise they would lose business to other rating agencies. In the years 2002 to 2006, Moody’s had admitted to a triple in profits and 44 percent of revenue in 2006 alone were made up of the fees for dishing out overrated ratings. Certain macroeconomic factors in the market can affect the degree of herding behaviour. BenSaida, Jlassi, and Litimi (2015) found that trading volume causes herding and is a contributory factor in increasing asymmetric herding by applying modified models of the Cross-Sectional Standard Deviation (CSSD) model and the Cross-Sectional Absolute Deviation (CSAD) model. Similar results showing the effects of trading volume on herding behaviour have also been found in other empirical studies (Lan & Lai, 2011; Tan et al., 2008). Other macroeconomic factors such as unemployment rate and inflation rate were also found to be positively related with herding behaviour (Liu, 2014). The extent of herding was measured using Lakonishock, Shleifer, and Vishny (LSV) method and Frey, Herbst, and Walter (FHW) method. During times when market conditions are filled with uncertainties (i.e. unemployment rate and inflation rate), herding is seen to intensify.
When market conditions are filled with large price movements in the market indicated by high trading volume, herding behaviour is triggered and movement is fuelled. This herd behaviour can be observed in individual investors, banks, and CRAs, moving around and positioning themselves all for the sake of their own benefit. As the price bubble driven by the herd bursts, the economy falls into shambles and is filled with high risks indicated by high unemployment and inflation rate. These risks continues to intensify herd movement, thus we can observe a web of causal links connecting all of these components that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis.

3.0 Data and methodology 3.1 Market condition Data on the U.S. and Malaysia regarding GDP growth rate, inflation rate, and unemployment rate for the period between the years 2000 and 2012 were obtained from World Bank and compared. Several studies showed that herding behaviour is more prominent during periods of unfavourable economic conditions. These conditions can be measured by low GDP growth, high inflation rate, and a high unemployment rate (van den Bergh, 2009; Papaioannou et al., 2013; Liu, 2014). When the market is filled with uncertainties, investors, banks, and even CRAs tend to herd more. Figure 3: GDP growth rate
Source: World Bank Figure 3 shows a sharp decline in GDP growth rate for both the U.S. and Malaysia between the years 2006 and 2009. This 3 year period runs concurrent with the subprime crisis in the U.S. which effects had spread across the globe to Malaysia. The GDP growth rate in 2009 fell as low as -1.51 percent and -2.8 percent in Malaysia and U.S. respectively, the lowest recorded since the last decade.
Figure 4: Inflation rate
Source: World Bank Inflation rate increased steadily since 2006 and peaked in 2008 at 3.8 percent and 5.4 percent before there was a significant drop during 2009 in the U.S. and Malaysia respectively. The inflation rate rose at same time as the expansion of housing prices in the U.S. and dropped to -0.3 percent as the housing bubble deflated. The significant increase of inflation in Malaysia in 2008 was mainly due to the increase of global food and fuel prices. In 2009, Malaysia, among many other countries experienced a low inflationary pressure, which fell to a record low of 0.6 percent. The decreases in inflation was mainly due to a decrease in global fuel prices, tight credit and deflationary conditions of Malaysia’s primary trading partners, and weak economic conditions globally.

Figure 5: Unemployment rate
Source: World Bank From Figure 5, a sharp increase in unemployment rate in the U.S. can be observed. The burst of the housing bubble in 2006 caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket to an alarming rate of 9.7 percent in 2010. Malaysia’s unemployment rate remains to be reasonably steady between 3 and 4 percent. Malaysia’s resiliency is predominantly due to the experience and newly implemented policies after the Asian financial crisis in 1997. The graphs above clearly showed unfavourable market conditions represented by low GDP growth rate, high inflation rate, and high unemployment rate (with the exception of Malaysia). It would stand to reason that during these times of market uncertainty, herd behaviour is present in Malaysia just as it is in the U.S. 3.2 Trading volume Various studies have attributed trading volume as a cause and effect of herding among individual investors. In other words, abnormal trading volume could trigger herding behaviour and vice versa, which also means that herding can further intensify trading volume. Daily data for U.S. and Malaysia from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2012 is used to compare with each other. The data consists of market stock prices and volume transaction for firms listed on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) for U.S. and the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (KLSE) for Malaysia.
Figure 6: DJIA trading volume
Source: Yahoo Finance Figure 7: KLSE trading volume
Source: Yahoo Finance As observed in Figure 6 and 7, the volume of trades plummeted between the years 2008 and 2010, which is during the recession. 3.3 Bank characteristics In this sub-section the summary of the changing conditions and characteristics of banks in the U.S. and Malaysia is observed. There is a need to understand how changes in the banking industry – market conditions, regulatory environment, or characteristics of banks – over time may be correlated to behaviours of banks. In the 1980s, many commercial banks in the U.S. underwent mergers and acquisitions, effectively changing the structure and the operations of the banking industry. After the middle of 1980s, the number of banks were halved, from an estimated 14,400 banks to approximately 9,900 banks in 1995, to about 6,500 at the end of 2010. In the mid-1980s, there was a substantial increase in bank mergers and failures which brought about a sharp reduction in the number of banks. Between the years 1976 and 2006, numerous mergers occurred that pushed over 11,000 banks out of existence, and there was also a number of bank failures where over 1,900 insolvent banks were closed. During the recession in 2008, bank mergers decreased from 309 in 2006, to 183 in 2010, and bank failures increased exponentially from the lowest that has been historically recorded in 2006 of only one failure to over 130 failures in 2009. As for Malaysia, Malaysia had undergone a merging programme on banking institutions in the mid-1980s. In 1985, a wave from the recession forced many weak commercial banks and finance companies into financial distress and bankruptcy. Many of these banks failed due to over-lending in the property sector and high levels of non-performing loans (NPLs). The number of commercial banks (domestic and foreign) have decreased since the 1980s. The vastly fragmented 47 finance companies had also been drastically reduced and majority of them have gone through business mergers and consolidation with commercial banks. In addition, under the initiative by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), merchant banks along with stock-broking companies and securities firms were consolidated to form investment banks. In 2001, the consolidation and merging programme ended with 10 anchor banking groups. 3.2 Banking condition This following sub-section looks into other banking conditions. The equity ratio – bank capital to total assets – of banks is observed. The equity ratio is used as a proxy for setting a minimum requirement for capital ratio in order to regulate banks’ lending behaviour.
Figure 8: U.S. banks equity ratio
Source: Global Financial Development As seen in the figure above, the equity ratio of the banking system in U.S. remains relatively steady at around 10 percent from 2004. In 2008, the equity ratio decreased slightly, to around 9 percent due to the recession and then increased to an even higher 11 percent in the beginning of 2009 as the economy began to recover. As for Malaysia as seen in figure 9, albeit the gradual decline in equity ratio from 8.3 percent in 2004 to 6.7 percent in 2007, it began to rise and stood at a comfortable 9.3 percent in 2010 which is more than the minimum 7 percent that is required. Figure 9: Malaysia banks equity ratio
Source: Global Financial Development Next, the off-balance sheet activities of banks are also observed. Non-interest income to total income is used as a proxy to look into banks’ profitability from their off-balance sheet activities. These activities differ from traditional lending business whereby banks generate income from obtaining loans from interbank markets, short-term repurchase agreements (repo), or selling short-term asset-backed commercial papers. In the case where banks emphasizes more on off-balance sheet activities, the banks would be generating more income from fees rather than from interest. Figure 10 shows a growing popularity for non-interest income among the U.S. banks in the early and mid-2000. It then dropped substantially in 2007 as a result of a large cut in banks’ profitability during the recession.
Figure 10: U.S. bank’s non-interest income
Source: Federal Reserve Economic Data Most developed economies has grown interest in the share of non-interest income and is accounted for half of banks operating income. As for emerging countries such as Malaysia, the emphasis placed on non-interest income has increased so significantly that it has substitute the weakened shares in the traditional lending business. This is largely due to its contributory effects of increasing the revenue bottom-line. As can be observe in Figure 11, the non-interest income for Malaysian banks has had a steady and strong growth since 2003 up till 2006, it then plummeted substantially in 2007.
Figure 11: Malaysia bank’s non-interest income
Source: Federal Reserve Economic Data 4.0 Analysis According to information asymmetry problems, it states that when there is uncertainty regarding the accuracy and validity of information, market participants tend to exhibit herding behaviour. During periods of unfavourable economic conditions, measured by low GDP growth, high levels of unemployment rate, and high inflation rate, the information problem will intensify. As seen in subsection 3.1, the U.S. and Malaysia evidently showed unfavourable market conditions represented by low GDP growth rate, high inflation rate, and high unemployment rate (with the exception of Malaysia). Inflation rate and unemployment rate has been found in several studies to be significantly positively related with herding measures, hence signifying the presence of herding behaviour during periods of severe economic conditions. Trading volume tend to increase to unusually high levels when individual investors disregard their own information and beliefs to imitate the decisions of other investors, suggesting the herd mentality. Herding will lead to investors focus and intensify the trading on a particular stock, therefore, trading volume is found to drive movement of the herd and also vice versa. As seen in Figure 6, the trend of DJIA is seen to be upward from 2004 onwards up till 2008. This increase is largely comprised of stocks in the housing and mortgage industry, when majority of investors believed the housing market to continue growing without fail. When the housing bubble burst, the entire U.S. economy crashed, every sector was affected, along with other countries across the globe. This is evidently seen in Figure 7, Malaysia was also hit hard by the effects of the subprime crisis in 2008 whereby the trading volume plummeted significantly. Since the onset of mergers and acquisitions in the U.S. and Malaysia, as the number of banks decreases, it is conceivable that the surviving banks are quite similar with each other, hence would make similar decisions. According to Bikhchandani and Sharma (2001), they explained that herding is more likely to occur when participants in a group is sufficiently homogenous. The equity ratio of banks was also observed, which is also used as a proxy to determine the capital ratio requirement in regulating banks’ lending behaviour. The requirement of a minimum capital place restrictions on the available actions a bank may take, hence is more likely to lead to herding behaviour among banks. Non-interest income ratio was examine as it indicates that a bank emphasizes on brokerage, trading, and other associated activities when this ratio is high. The bank’s revenue from these off-balance sheet activities would tend to be higher as a percentage of the total operating income. As a result, banks will then be less willing to invest time and resources into traditional lending business – obtaining information, screening, and monitoring borrowers. Which will eventually lead to banks herding as they follow the lending decisions of other banks. 5.0 Conclusion Many past studies have determined the presence, factors, and effects of herding behaviour primarily in the U.S. market. Additionally, most of these studies were regarded as critical only after witnessing the great subprime crisis in 2008. Several economic indicators, factors, and banking conditions in Malaysia is seen to be similar with that found in the U.S., such as the GDP growth rate, inflation rate, the decline in number of banks, equity ratio, and non-interest income of banks. These indicators and factors have been found to be significantly related to herding behaviours. However, there are several limitations to this study. Firstly, due to my current level of education, I am unable to perform stochastic measurements to determine the correlation of these indicators with herding in Malaysia. Secondly, CRAs in the U.S. have also been found to display herding behaviours. However, due to certain limitations, I am unable to obtain sufficient data regarding the timing of ratings of the CRAs in Malaysia. Future similar studies could include CRAs into their research and also to obtain the correlations and regressions to effectively determine the presence of herding in Malaysia.

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Appendix Appendix 1: U.S. Economic Indicators year | Economic growth | Inflation | Unemployment rate | 2000 | 4.09 | 3.4 | 4.1 | 2001 | 0.98 | 2.8 | 4.8 | 2002 | 1.79 | 1.6 | 5.9 | 2003 | 2.81 | 2.3 | 6.1 | 2004 | 3.79 | 2.7 | 5.6 | 2005 | 3.35 | 3.4 | 5.2 | 2006 | 2.67 | 3.2 | 4.7 | 2007 | 1.78 | 2.9 | 4.7 | 2008 | -0.29 | 3.8 | 5.9 | 2009 | -2.78 | -0.4 | 9.4 | 2010 | 2.53 | 1.6 | 9.7 | 2011 | 1.6 | 3.2 | 9 | 2012 | 2.32 | 2.1 | 8.2 | 2013 | 2.22 | 1.5 | 7.4 | Appendix 2: Malaysia Economic Indicators year | Economic growth | Inflation | Unemployment rate | 2000 | 8.86 | 1.5 | 3 | 2001 | 0.52 | 1.4 | 3.5 | 2002 | 5.39 | 1.8 | 3.5 | 2003 | 5.79 | 1 | 3.6 | 2004 | 6.78 | 1.5 | 3.5 | 2005 | 5.33 | 3 | 3.5 | 2006 | 5.58 | 3.6 | 3.3 | 2007 | 6.3 | 2 | 3.2 | 2008 | 4.83 | 5.4 | 3.3 | 2009 | -1.51 | 0.6 | 3.7 | 2010 | 7.43 | 1.7 | 3.4 | 2011 | 5.29 | 3.2 | 3.1 | 2012 | 5.47 | 1.7 | 3 | 2013 | 4.71 | 2.1 | 3.2 |

Appendix 3: DJIA daily trading volume from 01/01/2002 – 31/12/2012 YYYYMMDD | Volume | | YYYYMMDD | Volume | | YYYYMMDD | Volume | 20020102 | 1.17E+09 | | 20050901 | 2.23E+09 | | 20090506 | 8.56E+09 | 20020103 | 1.4E+09 | | 20050902 | 1.64E+09 | | 20090507 | 9.12E+09 | 20020104 | 1.51E+09 | | 20050906 | 1.93E+09 | | 20090508 | 8.16E+09 | 20020107 | 1.31E+09 | | 20050907 | 2.07E+09 | | 20090511 | 6.15E+09 | 20020108 | 1.26E+09 | | 20050908 | 1.96E+09 | | 20090512 | 6.87E+09 | 20020109 | 1.45E+09 | | 20050909 | 1.99E+09 | | 20090513 | 7.09E+09 | 20020110 | 1.3E+09 | | 20050912 | 1.94E+09 | | 20090514 | 6.13E+09 | 20020111 | 1.21E+09 | | 20050913 | 2.08E+09 | | 20090515 | 5.44E+09 | 20020114 | 1.29E+09 | | 20050914 | 1.99E+09 | | 20090518 | 5.7E+09 | 20020115 | 1.39E+09 | | 20050915 | 2.08E+09 | | 20090519 | 6.62E+09 | 20020116 | 1.48E+09 | | 20050916 | 3.15E+09 | | 20090520 | 8.21E+09 | 20020117 | 1.38E+09 | | 20050919 | 2.08E+09 | | 20090521 | 6.02E+09 | 20020118 | 1.33E+09 | | 20050920 | 2.32E+09 | | 20090522 | 5.16E+09 | 20020122 | 1.31E+09 | | 20050921 | 2.55E+09 | | 20090526 | 5.67E+09 | 20020123 | 1.48E+09 | | 20050922 | 2.42E+09 | | 20090527 | 5.7E+09 | 20020124 | 1.55E+09 | | 20050923 | 1.97E+09 | | 20090528 | 5.74E+09 | 20020125 | 1.35E+09 | | 20050926 | 2.02E+09 | | 20090529 | 6.05E+09 | 20020128 | 1.19E+09 | | 20050927 | 1.98E+09 | | 20090601 | 6.37E+09 | 20020129 | 1.81E+09 | | 20050928 | 2.11E+09 | | 20090602 | 5.99E+09 | 20020130 | 2.02E+09 | | 20050929 | 2.18E+09 | | 20090603 | 5.32E+09 | 20020131 | 1.56E+09 | | 20050930 | 2.1E+09 | | 20090604 | 5.35E+09 | 20020201 | 1.37E+09 | | 20051003 | 2.1E+09 | | 20090605 | 5.28E+09 | 20020204 | 1.44E+09 | | 20051004 | 2.34E+09 | | 20090608 | 4.48E+09 | 20020205 | 1.78E+09 | | 20051005 | 2.55E+09 | | 20090609 | 4.44E+09 | 20020206 | 1.67E+09 | | 20051006 | 2.79E+09 | | 20090610 | 5.38E+09 | 20020207 | 1.44E+09 | | 20051007 | 2.13E+09 | | 20090611 | 5.5E+09 | 20020208 | 1.37E+09 | | 20051010 | 2.2E+09 | | 20090612 | 4.53E+09 | 20020211 | 1.16E+09 | | 20051011 | 2.3E+09 | | 20090615 | 4.7E+09 | 20020212 | 1.09E+09 | | 20051012 | 2.49E+09 | | 20090616 | 4.95E+09 | 20020213 | 1.22E+09 | | 20051013 | 2.35E+09 | | 20090617 | 5.52E+09 | 20020214 | 1.27E+09 | | 20051014 | 2.19E+09 | | 20090618 | 4.68E+09 | 20020215 | 1.36E+09 | | 20051017 | 2.05E+09 | | 20090619 | 5.71E+09 | 20020219 | 1.19E+09 | | 20051018 | 2.2E+09 | | 20090622 | 4.9E+09 | 20020220 | 1.44E+09 | | 20051019 | 2.7E+09 | | 20090623 | 5.07E+09 | 20020221 | 1.38E+09 | | 20051020 | 2.62E+09 | | 20090624 | 4.64E+09 | 20020222 | 1.41E+09 | | 20051021 | 2.47E+09 | | 20090625 | 4.91E+09 | 20020225 | 1.37E+09 | | 20051024 | 2.2E+09 | | 20090626 | 6.08E+09 | 20020226 | 1.31E+09 | | 20051025 | 2.31E+09 | | 20090629 | 4.21E+09 | 20020227 | 1.39E+09 | | 20051026 | 2.47E+09 | | 20090630 | 4.63E+09 | 20020228 | 1.39E+09 | | 20051027 | 2.4E+09 | | 20090701 | 3.92E+09 | 20020301 | 1.46E+09 | | 20051028 | 2.38E+09 | | 20090702 | 3.93E+09 | 20020304 | 1.59E+09 | | 20051031 | 2.57E+09 | | 20090706 | 4.71E+09 | 20020305 | 1.55E+09 | | 20051101 | 2.46E+09 | | 20090707 | 4.67E+09 | 20020306 | 1.54E+09 | | 20051102 | 2.65E+09 | | 20090708 | 5.72E+09 | 20020307 | 1.52E+09 | | 20051103 | 2.72E+09 | | 20090709 | 4.35E+09 | 20020308 | 1.41E+09 | | 20051104 | 2.05E+09 | | 20090710 | 3.91E+09 | 20020311 | 1.21E+09 | | 20051107 | 1.99E+09 | | 20090713 | 4.5E+09 | 20020312 | 1.3E+09 | | 20051108 | 1.97E+09 | | 20090714 | 4.15E+09 | 20020313 | 1.35E+09 | | 20051109 | 2.21E+09 | | 20090715 | 5.24E+09 | 20020314 | 1.21E+09 | | 20051110 | 2.38E+09 | | 20090716 | 4.9E+09 | 20020315 | 1.49E+09 | | 20051111 | 1.77E+09 | | 20090717 | 5.14E+09 | 20020318 | 1.17E+09 | | 20051114 | 1.9E+09 | | 20090720 | 4.85E+09 | 20020319 | 1.26E+09 | | 20051115 | 2.36E+09 | | 20090721 | 5.31E+09 | 20020320 | 1.3E+09 | | 20051116 | 2.12E+09 | | 20090722 | 4.63E+09 | 20020321 | 1.34E+09 | | 20051117 | 2.3E+09 | | 20090723 | 5.76E+09 | 20020322 | 1.24E+09 | | 20051118 | 2.45E+09 | | 20090724 | 4.46E+09 | 20020325 | 1.06E+09 | | 20051121 | 2.12E+09 | | 20090727 | 4.63E+09 | 20020326 | 1.22E+09 | | 20051122 | 2.29E+09 | | 20090728 | 5.49E+09 | 20020327 | 1.18E+09 | | 20051123 | 1.99E+09 | | 20090729 | 5.18E+09 | 20020328 | 1.15E+09 | | 20051125 | 7.25E+08 | | 20090730 | 6.04E+09 | 20020401 | 1.05E+09 | | 20051128 | 2.02E+09 | | 20090731 | 5.14E+09 | 20020402 | 1.18E+09 | | 20051129 | 2.27E+09 | | 20090803 | 5.6E+09 | 20020403 | 1.22E+09 | | 20051130 | 2.37E+09 | | 20090804 | 5.71E+09 | 20020404 | 1.28E+09 | | 20051201 | 2.61E+09 | | 20090805 | 7.24E+09 | 20020405 | 1.11E+09 | | 20051202 | 2.13E+09 | | 20090806 | 6.75E+09 | 20020408 | 1.1E+09 | | 20051205 | 2.33E+09 | | 20090807 | 6.83E+09 | 20020409 | 1.24E+09 | | 20051206 | 2.11E+09 | | 20090810 | 5.41E+09 | 20020410 | 1.45E+09 | | 20051207 | 2.09E+09 | | 20090811 | 5.77E+09 | 20020411 | 1.51E+09 | | 20051208 | 2.18E+09 | | 20090812 | 5.5E+09 | 20020412 | 1.28E+09 | | 20051209 | 1.9E+09 | | 20090813 | 5.25E+09 | 20020415 | 1.12E+09 | | 20051212 | 1.88E+09 | | 20090814 | 4.94E+09 | 20020416 | 1.34E+09 | | 20051213 | 2.39E+09 | | 20090817 | 4.85E+09 | 20020417 | 1.38E+09 | | 20051214 | 2.15E+09 | | 20090818 | 4.2E+09 | 20020418 | 1.36E+09 | | 20051215 | 2.18E+09 | | 20090819 | 4.26E+09 | 20020419 | 1.19E+09 | | 20051216 | 2.58E+09 | | 20090820 | 4.89E+09 | 20020422 | 1.18E+09 | | 20051219 | 2.21E+09 | | 20090821 | 5.89E+09 | 20020423 | 1.39E+09 | | 20051220 | 2E+09 | | 20090824 | 6.3E+09 | 20020424 | 1.37E+09 | | 20051221 | 2.07E+09 | | 20090825 | 5.77E+09 | 20020425 | 1.52E+09 | | 20051222 | 1.89E+09 | | 20090826 | 5.08E+09 | 20020426 | 1.37E+09 | | 20051223 | 1.29E+09 | | 20090827 | 5.79E+09 | 20020429 | 1.31E+09 | | 20051227 | 1.54E+09 | | 20090828 | 5.79E+09 | 20020430 | 1.63E+09 | | 20051228 | 1.42E+09 | | 20090831 | 5E+09 | 20020501 | 1.45E+09 | | 20051229 | 1.38E+09 | | 20090901 | 6.86E+09 | 20020502 | 1.36E+09 | | 20051230 | 1.44E+09 | | 20090902 | 5.84E+09 | 20020503 | 1.28E+09 | | 20060103 | 2.55E+09 | | 20090903 | 4.62E+09 | 20020506 | 1.12E+09 | | 20060104 | 2.52E+09 | | 20090904 | 4.1E+09 | 20020507 | 1.35E+09 | | 20060105 | 2.43E+09 | | 20090908 | 5.24E+09 | 20020508 | 1.5E+09 | | 20060106 | 2.45E+09 | | 20090909 | 5.2E+09 | 20020509 | 1.15E+09 | | 20060109 | 2.3E+09 | | 20090910 | 5.19E+09 | 20020510 | 1.17E+09 | | 20060110 | 2.37E+09 | | 20090911 | 4.92E+09 | 20020513 | 1.09E+09 | | 20060111 | 2.41E+09 | | 20090914 | 4.98E+09 | 20020514 | 1.41E+09 | | 20060112 | 2.32E+09 | | 20090915 | 6.19E+09 | 20020515 | 1.42E+09 | | 20060113 | 2.21E+09 | | 20090916 | 6.79E+09 | 20020516 | 1.26E+09 | | 20060117 | 2.18E+09 | | 20090917 | 6.67E+09 | 20020517 | 1.27E+09 | | 20060118 | 2.23E+09 | | 20090918 | 5.61E+09 | 20020520 | 9.9E+08 | | 20060119 | 2.44E+09 | | 20090921 | 4.62E+09 | 20020521 | 1.17E+09 | | 20060120 | 2.85E+09 | | 20090922 | 5.25E+09 | 20020522 | 1.14E+09 | | 20060123 | 2.26E+09 | | 20090923 | 5.53E+09 | 20020523 | 1.19E+09 | | 20060124 | 2.61E+09 | | 20090924 | 5.51E+09 | 20020524 | 8.85E+08 | | 20060125 | 2.62E+09 | | 20090925 | 4.51E+09 | 20020528 | 9.97E+08 | | 20060126 | 2.86E+09 | | 20090928 | 3.73E+09 | 20020529 | 1.08E+09 | | 20060127 | 2.62E+09 | | 20090929 | 4.95E+09 | 20020530 | 1.29E+09 | | 20060130 | 2.28E+09 | | 20090930 | 6E+09 | 20020531 | 1.28E+09 | | 20060131 | 2.71E+09 | | 20091001 | 5.79E+09 | 20020603 | 1.32E+09 | | 20060201 | 2.59E+09 | | 20091002 | 5.58E+09 | 20020604 | 1.47E+09 | | 20060202 | 2.57E+09 | | 20091005 | 4.31E+09 | 20020605 | 1.3E+09 | | 20060203 | 2.28E+09 | | 20091006 | 5.03E+09 | 20020606 | 1.6E+09 | | 20060206 | 2.13E+09 | | 20091007 | 4.24E+09 | 20020607 | 1.34E+09 | | 20060207 | 2.37E+09 | | 20091008 | 4.99E+09 | 20020610 | 1.23E+09 | | 20060208 | 2.46E+09 | | 20091009 | 3.76E+09 | 20020611 | 1.21E+09 | | 20060209 | 2.44E+09 | | 20091012 | 3.71E+09 | 20020612 | 1.8E+09 | | 20060210 | 2.29E+09 | | 20091013 | 4.32E+09 | 20020613 | 1.41E+09 | | 20060213 | 1.85E+09 | | 20091014 | 5.41E+09 | 20020614 | 1.55E+09 | | 20060214 | 2.44E+09 | | 20091015 | 5.37E+09 | 20020617 | 1.24E+09 | | 20060215 | 2.32E+09 | | 20091016 | 4.89E+09 | 20020618 | 1.19E+09 | | 20060216 | 2.25E+09 | | 20091019 | 4.62E+09 | 20020619 | 1.34E+09 | | 20060217 | 2.13E+09 | | 20091020 | 5.4E+09 | 20020620 | 1.39E+09 | | 20060221 | 2.1E+09 | | 20091021 | 5.62E+09 | 20020621 | 1.5E+09 | | 20060222 | 2.22E+09 | | 20091022 | 5.19E+09 | 20020624 | 1.55E+09 | | 20060223 | 2.14E+09 | | 20091023 | 4.77E+09 | 20020625 | 1.51E+09 | | 20060224 | 1.93E+09 | | 20091026 | 6.36E+09 | 20020626 | 3.37E+08 | | 20060227 | 1.98E+09 | | 20091027 | 5.34E+09 | 20020627 | 1.91E+09 | | 20060228 | 2.37E+09 | | 20091028 | 6.6E+09 | 20020628 | 2.12E+09 | | 20060301 | 2.31E+09 | | 20091029 | 5.6E+09 | 20020701 | 1.43E+09 | | 20060302 | 2.49E+09 | | 20091030 | 6.51E+09 | 20020702 | 1.82E+09 | | 20060303 | 2.15E+09 | | 20091102 | 6.2E+09 | 20020703 | 1.53E+09 | | 20060306 | 2.28E+09 | | 20091103 | 5.49E+09 | 20020705 | 6.99E+08 | | 20060307 | 2.27E+09 | | 20091104 | 5.64E+09 | 20020708 | 1.18E+09 | | 20060308 | 2.44E+09 | | 20091105 | 4.85E+09 | 20020709 | 1.35E+09 | | 20060309 | 2.14E+09 | | 20091106 | 4.28E+09 | 20020710 | 1.82E+09 | | 20060310 | 2.12E+09 | | 20091109 | 4.46E+09 | 20020711 | 2.08E+09 | | 20060313 | 2.07E+09 | | 20091110 | 4.39E+09 | 20020712 | 1.61E+09 | | 20060314 | 2.17E+09 | | 20091111 | 4.29E+09 | 20020715 | 2.57E+09 | | 20060315 | 2.29E+09 | | 20091112 | 4.16E+09 | 20020716 | 1.84E+09 | | 20060316 | 2.29E+09 | | 20091113 | 3.79E+09 | 20020717 | 2.57E+09 | | 20060317 | 2.55E+09 | | 20091116 | 4.57E+09 | 20020718 | 1.74E+09 | | 20060320 | 1.98E+09 | | 20091117 | 3.82E+09 | 20020719 | 2.65E+09 | | 20060321 | 2.15E+09 | | 20091118 | 4.29E+09 | 20020722 | 2.25E+09 | | 20060322 | 2.04E+09 | | 20091119 | 4.18E+09 | 20020723 | 2.44E+09 | | 20060323 | 1.98E+09 | | 20091120 | 3.75E+09 | 20020724 | 2.78E+09 | | 20060324 | 2.33E+09 | | 20091123 | 3.83E+09 | 20020725 | 2.42E+09 | | 20060327 | 2.03E+09 | | 20091124 | 3.7E+09 | 20020726 | 1.8E+09 | | 20060328 | 2.15E+09 | | 20091125 | 3.04E+09 | 20020729 | 1.78E+09 | | 20060329 | 2.14E+09 | | 20091127 | 2.36E+09 | 20020730 | 1.83E+09 | | 20060330 | 2.29E+09 | | 20091130 | 3.9E+09 | 20020731 | 2.05E+09 | | 20060331 | 2.24E+09 | | 20091201 | 4.25E+09 | 20020801 | 1.67E+09 | | 20060403 | 2.49E+09 | | 20091202 | 3.94E+09 | 20020802 | 1.54E+09 | | 20060404 | 2.15E+09 | | 20091203 | 4.81E+09 | 20020805 | 1.43E+09 | | 20060405 | 2.42E+09 | | 20091204 | 5.78E+09 | 20020806 | 1.51E+09 | | 20060406 | 2.28E+09 | | 20091207 | 4.1E+09 | 20020807 | 1.49E+09 | | 20060407 | 2.08E+09 | | 20091208 | 4.75E+09 | 20020808 | 1.65E+09 | | 20060410 | 1.9E+09 | | 20091209 | 4.12E+09 | 20020809 | 1.29E+09 | | 20060411 | 2.23E+09 | | 20091210 | 4E+09 | 20020812 | 1.04E+09 | | 20060412 | 1.94E+09 | | 20091211 | 3.79E+09 | 20020813 | 1.3E+09 | | 20060413 | 1.89E+09 | | 20091214 | 4.55E+09 | 20020814 | 1.53E+09 | | 20060417 | 1.79E+09 | | 20091215 | 5.05E+09 | 20020815 | 1.51E+09 | | 20060418 | 2.6E+09 | | 20091216 | 4.83E+09 | 20020816 | 1.27E+09 | | 20060419 | 2.45E+09 | | 20091217 | 7.62E+09 | 20020819 | 1.3E+09 | | 20060420 | 2.51E+09 | | 20091218 | 6.33E+09 | 20020820 | 1.31E+09 | | 20060421 | 2.39E+09 | | 20091221 | 3.98E+09 | 20020821 | 1.35E+09 | | 20060424 | 2.12E+09 | | 20091222 | 3.64E+09 | 20020822 | 1.37E+09 | | 20060425 | 2.37E+09 | | 20091223 | 3.17E+09 | 20020823 | 1.07E+09 | | 20060426 | 2.5E+09 | | 20091224 | 1.27E+09 | 20020826 | 1.02E+09 | | 20060427 | 2.77E+09 | | 20091228 | 2.72E+09 | 20020827 | 1.31E+09 | | 20060428 | 2.42E+09 | | 20091229 | 2.49E+09 | 20020828 | 1.15E+09 | | 20060501 | 2.44E+09 | | 20091230 | 2.28E+09 | 20020829 | 1.27E+09 | | 20060502 | 2.4E+09 | | 20091231 | 2.08E+09 | 20020830 | 9.3E+08 | | 20060503 | 2.4E+09 | | 20100104 | 3.99E+09 | 20020903 | 1.32E+09 | | 20060504 | 2.43E+09 | | 20100105 | 2.49E+09 | 20020904 | 1.37E+09 | | 20060505 | 2.29E+09 | | 20100106 | 4.97E+09 | 20020905 | 1.4E+09 | | 20060508 | 2.15E+09 | | 20100107 | 5.27E+09 | 20020906 | 1.18E+09 | | 20060509 | 2.16E+09 | | 20100108 | 4.39E+09 | 20020909 | 1.13E+09 | | 20060510 | 2.27E+09 | | 20100111 | 4.26E+09 | 20020910 | 1.19E+09 | | 20060511 | 2.53E+09 | | 20100112 | 4.72E+09 | 20020911 | 8.47E+08 | | 20060512 | 2.57E+09 | | 20100113 | 4.17E+09 | 20020912 | 1.19E+09 | | 20060515 | 2.51E+09 | | 20100114 | 3.92E+09 | 20020913 | 1.27E+09 | | 20060516 | 2.39E+09 | | 20100115 | 4.76E+09 | 20020916 | 1E+09 | | 20060517 | 2.83E+09 | | 20100119 | 4.72E+09 | 20020917 | 1.45E+09 | | 20060518 | 2.54E+09 | | 20100120 | 4.81E+09 | 20020918 | 1.5E+09 | | 20060519 | 2.98E+09 | | 20100121 | 6.87E+09 | 20020919 | 1.52E+09 | | 20060522 | 2.77E+09 | | 20100122 | 6.21E+09 | 20020920 | 1.79E+09 | | 20060523 | 2.61E+09 | | 20100125 | 4.48E+09 | 20020923 | 1.38E+09 | | 20060524 | 3E+09 | | 20100126 | 4.73E+09 | 20020924 | 1.67E+09 | | 20060525 | 2.37E+09 | | 20100127 | 5.32E+09 | 20020925 | 1.65E+09 | | 20060526 | 1.81E+09 | | 20100128 | 5.45E+09 | 20020926 | 1.65E+09 | | 20060530 | 2.18E+09 | | 20100129 | 5.41E+09 | 20020927 | 1.51E+09 | | 20060531 | 2.69E+09 | | 20100201 | 4.08E+09 | 20020930 | 1.72E+09 | | 20060601 | 2.36E+09 | | 20100202 | 4.75E+09 | 20021001 | 1.78E+09 | | 20060602 | 2.3E+09 | | 20100203 | 4.29E+09 | 20021002 | 1.67E+09 | | 20060605 | 2.31E+09 | | 20100204 | 5.86E+09 | 20021003 | 1.67E+09 | | 20060606 | 2.7E+09 | | 20100205 | 6.44E+09 | 20021004 | 1.84E+09 | | 20060607 | 2.64E+09 | | 20100208 | 4.09E+09 | 20021007 | 1.58E+09 | | 20060608 | 3.54E+09 | | 20100209 | 5.11E+09 | 20021008 | 1.94E+09 | | 20060609 | 2.21E+09 | | 20100210 | 4.25E+09 | 20021009 | 1.89E+09 | | 20060612 | 2.25E+09 | | 20100211 | 4.4E+09 | 20021010 | 2.09E+09 | | 20060613 | 3.22E+09 | | 20100212 | 4.16E+09 | 20021011 | 1.85E+09 | | 20060614 | 2.67E+09 | | 20100216 | 4.08E+09 | 20021014 | 1.2E+09 | | 20060615 | 2.78E+09 | | 20100217 | 4.26E+09 | 20021015 | 1.96E+09 | | 20060616 | 2.78E+09 | | 20100218 | 3.88E+09 | 20021016 | 1.59E+09 | | 20060619 | 2.52E+09 | | 20100219 | 3.94E+09 | 20021017 | 1.78E+09 | | 20060620 | 2.23E+09 | | 20100222 | 3.81E+09 | 20021018 | 1.42E+09 | | 20060621 | 2.36E+09 | | 20100223 | 4.52E+09 | 20021021 | 1.45E+09 | | 20060622 | 2.15E+09 | | 20100224 | 4.17E+09 | 20021022 | 1.55E+09 | | 20060623 | 2.02E+09 | | 20100225 | 4.52E+09 | 20021023 | 1.59E+09 | | 20060626 | 1.88E+09 | | 20100226 | 3.95E+09 | 20021024 | 1.7E+09 | | 20060627 | 2.2E+09 | | 20100301 | 3.85E+09 | 20021025 | 1.34E+09 | | 20060628 | 2.09E+09 | | 20100302 | 4.13E+09 | 20021028 | 1.38E+09 | | 20060629 | 2.62E+09 | | 20100303 | 3.95E+09 | 20021029 | 1.53E+09 | | 20060630 | 3.05E+09 | | 20100304 | 3.95E+09 | 20021030 | 1.42E+09 | | 20060703 | 1.11E+09 | | 20100305 | 4.13E+09 | 20021031 | 1.64E+09 | | 20060705 | 2.17E+09 | | 20100308 | 3.77E+09 | 20021101 | 1.45E+09 | | 20060706 | 2.01E+09 | | 20100309 | 5.19E+09 | 20021104 | 1.65E+09 | | 20060707 | 1.99E+09 | | 20100310 | 5.47E+09 | 20021105 | 1.35E+09 | | 20060710 | 1.85E+09 | | 20100311 | 4.67E+09 | 20021106 | 1.62E+09 | | 20060711 | 2.31E+09 | | 20100312 | 4.93E+09 | 20021107 | 1.47E+09 | | 20060712 | 2.25E+09 | | 20100315 | 4.16E+09 | 20021108 | 1.45E+09 | | 20060713 | 2.55E+09 | | 20100316 | 4.37E+09 | 20021111 | 1.11E+09 | | 20060714 | 2.47E+09 | | 20100317 | 4.96E+09 | 20021112 | 1.38E+09 | | 20060717 | 2.15E+09 | | 20100318 | 4.23E+09 | 20021113 | 1.46E+09 | | 20060718 | 2.48E+09 | | 20100319 | 5.21E+09 | 20021114 | 1.49E+09 | | 20060719 | 2.7E+09 | | 20100322 | 4.26E+09 | 20021115 | 1.4E+09 | | 20060720 | 2.35E+09 | | 20100323 | 4.41E+09 | 20021118 | 1.28E+09 | | 20060721 | 2.7E+09 | | 20100324 | 4.71E+09 | 20021119 | 1.34E+09 | | 20060724 | 2.31E+09 | | 20100325 | 5.67E+09 | 20021120 | 1.52E+09 | | 20060725 | 2.56E+09 | | 20100326 | 4.71E+09 | 20021121 | 2.42E+09 | | 20060726 | 2.67E+09 | | 20100329 | 4.38E+09 | 20021122 | 1.63E+09 | | 20060727 | 2.78E+09 | | 20100330 | 4.09E+09 | 20021125 | 1.57E+09 | | 20060728 | 2.48E+09 | | 20100331 | 4.48E+09 | 20021126 | 1.54E+09 | | 20060731 | 2.46E+09 | | 20100401 | 4.01E+09 | 20021127 | 1.35E+09 | | 20060801 | 2.53E+09 | | 20100405 | 3.88E+09 | 20021129 | 6.43E+08 | | 20060802 | 2.61E+09 | | 20100406 | 4.09E+09 | 20021202 | 1.61E+09 | | 20060803 | 2.73E+09 | | 20100407 | 5.1E+09 | 20021203 | 1.49E+09 | | 20060804 | 2.53E+09 | | 20100408 | 4.73E+09 | 20021204 | 1.59E+09 | | 20060807 | 2.05E+09 | | 20100409 | 4.51E+09 | 20021205 | 1.25E+09 | | 20060808 | 2.46E+09 | | 20100412 | 4.61E+09 | 20021206 | 1.24E+09 | | 20060809 | 2.56E+09 | | 20100413 | 5.4E+09 | 20021209 | 1.32E+09 | | 20060810 | 2.4E+09 | | 20100414 | 5.76E+09 | 20021210 | 1.29E+09 | | 20060811 | 2E+09 | | 20100415 | 6E+09 | 20021211 | 1.29E+09 | | 20060814 | 2.12E+09 | | 20100416 | 8.11E+09 | 20021212 | 1.26E+09 | | 20060815 | 2.33E+09 | | 20100419 | 6.6E+09 | 20021213 | 1.33E+09 | | 20060816 | 2.55E+09 | | 20100420 | 5.32E+09 | 20021216 | 1.27E+09 | | 20060817 | 2.46E+09 | | 20100421 | 5.72E+09 | 20021217 | 1.25E+09 | | 20060818 | 2.03E+09 | | 20100422 | 6.04E+09 | 20021218 | 1.45E+09 | | 20060821 | 1.76E+09 | | 20100423 | 5.33E+09 | 20021219 | 1.39E+09 | | 20060822 | 1.91E+09 | | 20100426 | 5.65E+09 | 20021220 | 1.78E+09 | | 20060823 | 1.89E+09 | | 20100427 | 7.45E+09 | 20021223 | 1.11E+09 | | 20060824 | 1.93E+09 | | 20100428 | 6.34E+09 | 20021224 | 4.58E+08 | | 20060825 | 1.67E+09 | | 20100429 | 6.06E+09 | 20021226 | 7.21E+08 | | 20060828 | 1.83E+09 | | 20100430 | 6.05E+09 | 20021227 | 7.58E+08 | | 20060829 | 2.09E+09 | | 20100503 | 4.94E+09 | 20021230 | 1.06E+09 | | 20060830 | 2.06E+09 | | 20100504 | 6.59E+09 | 20021231 | 1.09E+09 | | 20060831 | 1.97E+09 | | 20100505 | 6.8E+09 | 20030102 | 1.23E+09 | | 20060901 | 1.8E+09 | | 20100506 | 1.06E+10 | 20030103 | 1.13E+09 | | 20060905 | 2.11E+09 | | 20100507 | 9.47E+09 | 20030106 | 1.44E+09 | | 20060906 | 2.33E+09 | | 20100510 | 6.89E+09 | 20030107 | 1.55E+09 | | 20060907 | 2.33E+09 | | 20100511 | 5.84E+09 | 20030108 | 1.47E+09 | | 20060908 | 2.13E+09 | | 20100512 | 5.23E+09 | 20030109 | 1.56E+09 | | 20060911 | 2.51E+09 | | 20100513 | 4.87E+09 | 20030110 | 1.49E+09 | | 20060912 | 2.79E+09 | | 20100514 | 6.13E+09 | 20030113 | 1.4E+09 | | 20060913 | 2.6E+09 | | 20100517 | 5.92E+09 | 20030114 | 1.38E+09 | | 20060914 | 2.35E+09 | | 20100518 | 6.17E+09 | 20030115 | 1.43E+09 | | 20060915 | 3.2E+09 | | 20100519 | 6.77E+09 | 20030116 | 1.53E+09 | | 20060918 | 2.33E+09 | | 20100520 | 8.33E+09 | 20030117 | 1.36E+09 | | 20060919 | 2.39E+09 | | 20100521 | 5.45E+09 | 20030121 | 1.34E+09 | | 20060920 | 2.54E+09 | | 20100524 | 5.22E+09 | 20030122 | 1.56E+09 | | 20060921 | 2.63E+09 | | 20100525 | 7.33E+09 | 20030123 | 1.74E+09 | | 20060922 | 2.16E+09 | | 20100526 | 4.52E+09 | 20030124 | 1.57E+09 | | 20060925 | 2.71E+09 | | 20100527 | 5.7E+09 | 20030127 | 1.44E+09 | | 20060926 | 2.67E+09 | | 20100528 | 4.87E+09 | 20030128 | 1.46E+09 | | 20060927 | 2.75E+09 | | 20100601 | 5.27E+09 | 20030129 | 1.6E+09 | | 20060928 | 2.4E+09 | | 20100602 | 5.03E+09 | 20030130 | 1.51E+09 | | 20060929 | 2.27E+09 | | 20100603 | 5E+09 | 20030131 | 1.58E+09 | | 20061002 | 2.15E+09 | | 20100604 | 6.18E+09 | 20030203 | 1.26E+09 | | 20061003 | 2.68E+09 | | 20100607 | 5.47E+09 | 20030204 | 1.45E+09 | | 20061004 | 3.02E+09 | | 20100608 | 6.19E+09 | 20030205 | 1.45E+09 | | 20061005 | 2.82E+09 | | 20100609 | 5.98E+09 | 20030206 | 1.43E+09 | | 20061006 | 2.52E+09 | | 20100610 | 5.14E+09 | 20030207 | 1.28E+09 | | 20061009 | 1.94E+09 | | 20100611 | 4.06E+09 | 20030210 | 1.24E+09 | | 20061010 | 2.38E+09 | | 20100614 | 4.43E+09 | 20030211 | 1.31E+09 | | 20061011 | 2.52E+09 | | 20100615 | 4.64E+09 | 20030212 | 1.26E+09 | | 20061012 | 2.51E+09 | | 20100616 | 5E+09 | 20030213 | 1.49E+09 | | 20061013 | 2.48E+09 | | 20100617 | 4.56E+09 | 20030214 | 1.4E+09 | | 20061016 | 2.31E+09 | | 20100618 | 4.56E+09 | 20030218 | 1.25E+09 | | 20061017 | 2.52E+09 | | 20100621 | 4.51E+09 | 20030219 | 1.08E+09 | | 20061018 | 2.66E+09 | | 20100622 | 4.51E+09 | 20030220 | 1.19E+09 | | 20061019 | 2.62E+09 | | 20100623 | 4.53E+09 | 20030221 | 1.4E+09 | | 20061020 | 2.53E+09 | | 20100624 | 4.81E+09 | 20030224 | 1.23E+09 | | 20061023 | 2.48E+09 | | 20100625 | 5.13E+09 | 20030225 | 1.48E+09 | | 20061024 | 2.88E+09 | | 20100628 | 3.9E+09 | 20030226 | 1.37E+09 | | 20061025 | 2.95E+09 | | 20100629 | 6.14E+09 | 20030227 | 1.29E+09 | | 20061026 | 2.79E+09 | | 20100630 | 5.07E+09 | 20030228 | 1.37E+09 | | 20061027 | 2.46E+09 | | 20100701 | 0 | 20030303 | 1.21E+09 | | 20061030 | 2.77E+09 | | 20100702 | 3.97E+09 | 20030304 | 1.26E+09 | | 20061031 | 2.8E+09 | | 20100706 | 4.69E+09 | 20030305 | 1.33E+09 | | 20061101 | 2.82E+09 | | 20100707 | 4.93E+09 | 20030306 | 1.3E+09 | | 20061102 | 2.65E+09 | | 20100708 | 4.55E+09 | 20030307 | 1.37E+09 | | 20061103 | 2.42E+09 | | 20100709 | 3.51E+09 | 20030310 | 1.26E+09 | | 20061106 | 2.53E+09 | | 20100712 | 3.43E+09 | 20030311 | 1.43E+09 | | 20061107 | 2.64E+09 | | 20100713 | 4.64E+09 | 20030312 | 1.62E+09 | | 20061108 | 2.81E+09 | | 20100714 | 4.52E+09 | 20030313 | 1.82E+09 | | 20061109 | 3.01E+09 | | 20100715 | 4.55E+09 | 20030314 | 1.54E+09 | | 20061110 | 2.29E+09 | | 20100716 | 5.3E+09 | 20030317 | 1.7E+09 | | 20061113 | 2.39E+09 | | 20100719 | 4.09E+09 | 20030318 | 1.56E+09 | | 20061114 | 3.03E+09 | | 20100720 | 4.71E+09 | 20030319 | 1.47E+09 | | 20061115 | 2.83E+09 | | 20100721 | 4.75E+09 | 20030320 | 1.44E+09 | | 20061116 | 2.84E+09 | | 20100722 | 4.83E+09 | 20030321 | 1.88E+09 | | 20061117 | 2.73E+09 | | 20100723 | 4.52E+09 | 20030324 | 1.29E+09 | | 20061120 | 2.55E+09 | | 20100726 | 4.01E+09 | 20030325 | 1.33E+09 | | 20061121 | 2.6E+09 | | 20100727 | 4.73E+09 | 20030326 | 1.32E+09 | | 20061122 | 2.24E+09 | | 20100728 | 4E+09 | 20030327 | 1.23E+09 | | 20061124 | 8.33E+08 | | 20100729 | 4.61E+09 | 20030328 | 1.23E+09 | | 20061127 | 2.71E+09 | | 20100730 | 4.01E+09 | 20030331 | 1.5E+09 | | 20061128 | 2.64E+09 | | 20100802 | 4.14E+09 | 20030401 | 1.46E+09 | | 20061129 | 2.79E+09 | | 20100803 | 4.07E+09 | 20030402 | 1.59E+09 | | 20061130 | 4.01E+09 | | 20100804 | 4.06E+09 | 20030403 | 1.35E+09 | | 20061201 | 2.8E+09 | | 20100805 | 3.69E+09 | 20030404 | 1.24E+09 | | 20061204 | 2.77E+09 | | 20100806 | 3.86E+09 | 20030407 | 1.49E+09 | | 20061205 | 2.76E+09 | | 20100809 | 3.19E+09 | 20030408 | 1.24E+09 | | 20061206 | 2.73E+09 | | 20100810 | 3.98E+09 | 20030409 | 1.29E+09 | | 20061207 | 2.74E+09 | | 20100811 | 4.51E+09 | 20030410 | 1.28E+09 | | 20061208 | 2.44E+09 | | 20100812 | 4.52E+09 | 20030411 | 1.14E+09 | | 20061211 | 2.29E+09 | | 20100813 | 3.33E+09 | 20030414 | 1.13E+09 | | 20061212 | 2.74E+09 | | 20100816 | 3.14E+09 | 20030415 | 1.46E+09 | | 20061213 | 2.55E+09 | | 20100817 | 3.97E+09 | 20030416 | 1.59E+09 | | 20061214 | 2.73E+09 | | 20100818 | 3.72E+09 | 20030417 | 1.43E+09 | | 20061215 | 3.23E+09 | | 20100819 | 4.29E+09 | 20030421 | 1.12E+09 | | 20061218 | 2.57E+09 | | 20100820 | 3.76E+09 | 20030422 | 1.63E+09 | | 20061219 | 2.72E+09 | | 20100823 | 3.21E+09 | 20030423 | 1.67E+09 | | 20061220 | 2.39E+09 | | 20100824 | 4.44E+09 | 20030424 | 1.65E+09 | | 20061221 | 2.32E+09 | | 20100825 | 4.36E+09 | 20030425 | 1.34E+09 | | 20061222 | 1.65E+09 | | 20100826 | 3.65E+09 | 20030428 | 1.27E+09 | | 20061226 | 1.31E+09 | | 20100827 | 4.1E+09 | 20030429 | 1.53E+09 | | 20061227 | 1.67E+09 | | 20100830 | 2.92E+09 | 20030430 | 1.79E+09 | | 20061228 | 1.51E+09 | | 20100831 | 4.04E+09 | 20030501 | 1.4E+09 | | 20061229 | 1.68E+09 | | 20100901 | 4.4E+09 | 20030502 | 1.55E+09 | | 20070103 | 3.43E+09 | | 20100902 | 3.7E+09 | 20030505 | 1.45E+09 | | 20070104 | 3E+09 | | 20100903 | 3.53E+09 | 20030506 | 1.65E+09 | | 20070105 | 2.92E+09 | | 20100907 | 3.11E+09 | 20030507 | 1.53E+09 | | 20070108 | 2.76E+09 | | 20100908 | 3.22E+09 | 20030508 | 1.38E+09 | | 20070109 | 3.04E+09 | | 20100909 | 3.39E+09 | 20030509 | 1.33E+09 | | 20070110 | 2.76E+09 | | 20100910 | 3.06E+09 | 20030512 | 1.38E+09 | | 20070111 | 2.86E+09 | | 20100913 | 4.52E+09 | 20030513 | 1.42E+09 | | 20070112 | 2.69E+09 | | 20100914 | 4.52E+09 | 20030514 | 1.4E+09 | | 20070116 | 2.6E+09 | | 20100915 | 3.37E+09 | 20030515 | 1.51E+09 | | 20070117 | 2.69E+09 | | 20100916 | 3.36E+09 | 20030516 | 1.51E+09 | | 20070118 | 2.82E+09 | | 20100917 | 4.09E+09 | 20030519 | 1.38E+09 | | 20070119 | 2.78E+09 | | 20100920 | 3.36E+09 | 20030520 | 1.51E+09 | | 20070122 | 2.54E+09 | | 20100921 | 4.18E+09 | 20030521 | 1.46E+09 | | 20070123 | 2.98E+09 | | 20100922 | 3.91E+09 | 20030522 | 1.45E+09 | | 20070124 | 2.78E+09 | | 20100923 | 3.85E+09 | 20030523 | 1.2E+09 | | 20070125 | 2.99E+09 | | 20100924 | 4.12E+09 | 20030527 | 1.53E+09 | | 20070126 | 2.63E+09 | | 20100927 | 3.59E+09 | 20030528 | 1.56E+09 | | 20070129 | 2.73E+09 | | 20100928 | 4.03E+09 | 20030529 | 1.69E+09 | | 20070130 | 2.71E+09 | | 20100929 | 3.99E+09 | 20030530 | 1.69E+09 | | 20070131 | 2.98E+09 | | 20100930 | 4.28E+09 | 20030602 | 1.66E+09 | | 20070201 | 2.91E+09 | | 20101001 | 4.3E+09 | 20030603 | 1.45E+09 | | 20070202 | 2.57E+09 | | 20101004 | 3.6E+09 | 20030604 | 1.62E+09 | | 20070205 | 2.44E+09 | | 20101005 | 4.07E+09 | 20030605 | 1.69E+09 | | 20070206 | 2.61E+09 | | 20101006 | 4.07E+09 | 20030606 | 1.84E+09 | | 20070207 | 2.62E+09 | | 20101007 | 3.91E+09 | 20030609 | 1.31E+09 | | 20070208 | 2.82E+09 | | 20101008 | 3.87E+09 | 20030610 | 1.28E+09 | | 20070209 | 2.95E+09 | | 20101011 | 3.12E+09 | 20030611 | 1.52E+09 | | 20070212 | 2.4E+09 | | 20101012 | 4.08E+09 | 20030612 | 1.55E+09 | | 20070213 | 2.65E+09 | | 20101013 | 4.97E+09 | 20030613 | 1.27E+09 | | 20070214 | 2.7E+09 | | 20101014 | 4.97E+09 | 20030616 | 1.35E+09 | | 20070215 | 2.49E+09 | | 20101015 | 5.72E+09 | 20030617 | 1.48E+09 | | 20070216 | 2.4E+09 | | 20101018 | 4.45E+09 | 20030618 | 1.49E+09 | | 20070220 | 2.34E+09 | | 20101019 | 5.6E+09 | 20030619 | 1.53E+09 | | 20070221 | 2.61E+09 | | 20101020 | 5.03E+09 | 20030620 | 1.7E+09 | | 20070222 | 1.95E+09 | | 20101021 | 4.63E+09 | 20030623 | 1.4E+09 | | 20070223 | 2.58E+09 | | 20101022 | 3.18E+09 | 20030624 | 1.39E+09 | | 20070226 | 2.82E+09 | | 20101025 | 4.22E+09 | 20030625 | 1.46E+09 | | 20070227 | 4.07E+09 | | 20101026 | 4.2E+09 | 20030626 | 1.39E+09 | | 20070228 | 3.93E+09 | | 20101027 | 4.34E+09 | 20030627 | 1.27E+09 | | 20070301 | 3.87E+09 | | 20101028 | 4.28E+09 | 20030630 | 1.59E+09 | | 20070302 | 3.31E+09 | | 20101029 | 3.54E+09 | 20030701 | 1.46E+09 | | 20070305 | 3.48E+09 | | 20101101 | 4.13E+09 | 20030702 | 1.52E+09 | | 20070306 | 3.36E+09 | | 20101102 | 3.87E+09 | 20030703 | 7.76E+08 | | 20070307 | 3.14E+09 | | 20101103 | 4.67E+09 | 20030707 | 1.43E+09 | | 20070308 | 3.01E+09 | | 20101104 | 5.7E+09 | 20030708 | 1.57E+09 | | 20070309 | 2.62E+09 | | 20101105 | 5.64E+09 | 20030709 | 1.62E+09 | | 20070312 | 2.66E+09 | | 20101108 | 3.94E+09 | 20030710 | 1.47E+09 | | 20070313 | 3.49E+09 | | 20101109 | 4.85E+09 | 20030711 | 1.21E+09 | | 20070314 | 3.76E+09 | | 20101110 | 4.56E+09 | 20030714 | 1.45E+09 | | 20070315 | 2.82E+09 | | 20101111 | 3.93E+09 | 20030715 | 1.52E+09 | | 20070316 | 3.39E+09 | | 20101112 | 4.21E+09 | 20030716 | 1.66E+09 | | 20070319 | 2.78E+09 | | 20101115 | 3.5E+09 | 20030717 | 1.66E+09 | | 20070320 | 2.8E+09 | | 20101116 | 5.12E+09 | 20030718 | 1.37E+09 | | 20070321 | 3.18E+09 | | 20101117 | 3.9E+09 | 20030721 | 1.25E+09 | | 20070322 | 3.13E+09 | | 20101118 | 4.69E+09 | 20030722 | 1.44E+09 | | 20070323 | 2.62E+09 | | 20101119 | 3.68E+09 | 20030723 | 1.36E+09 | | 20070326 | 2.75E+09 | | 20101122 | 3.69E+09 | 20030724 | 1.56E+09 | | 20070327 | 2.67E+09 | | 20101123 | 4.13E+09 | 20030725 | 1.4E+09 | | 20070328 | 3E+09 | | 20101124 | 3.38E+09 | 20030728 | 1.33E+09 | | 20070329 | 2.85E+09 | | 20101126 | 1.61E+09 | 20030729 | 1.51E+09 | | 20070330 | 2.9E+09 | | 20101129 | 3.67E+09 | 20030730 | 1.39E+09 | | 20070402 | 2.88E+09 | | 20101130 | 4.28E+09 | 20030731 | 1.61E+09 | | 20070403 | 2.92E+09 | | 20101201 | 4.55E+09 | 20030801 | 1.39E+09 | | 20070404 | 2.62E+09 | | 20101202 | 4.97E+09 | 20030804 | 1.32E+09 | | 20070405 | 2.36E+09 | | 20101203 | 3.74E+09 | 20030805 | 1.35E+09 | | 20070409 | 2.35E+09 | | 20101206 | 3.53E+09 | 20030806 | 1.49E+09 | | 20070410 | 2.51E+09 | | 20101207 | 6.97E+09 | 20030807 | 1.39E+09 | | 20070411 | 2.95E+09 | | 20101208 | 4.61E+09 | 20030808 | 1.09E+09 | | 20070412 | 2.77E+09 | | 20101209 | 4.52E+09 | 20030811 | 1.02E+09 | | 20070413 | 2.69E+09 | | 20101210 | 4.55E+09 | 20030812 | 1.13E+09 | | 20070416 | 2.87E+09 | | 20101213 | 4.36E+09 | 20030813 | 1.21E+09 | | 20070417 | 2.92E+09 | | 20101214 | 4.13E+09 | 20030814 | 1.19E+09 | | 20070418 | 2.97E+09 | | 20101215 | 4.41E+09 | 20030815 | 6.36E+08 | | 20070419 | 2.91E+09 | | 20101216 | 4.74E+09 | 20030818 | 1.13E+09 | | 20070420 | 3.33E+09 | | 20101217 | 4.63E+09 | 20030819 | 1.3E+09 | | 20070423 | 2.58E+09 | | 20101220 | 3.55E+09 | 20030820 | 1.21E+09 | | 20070424 | 3.12E+09 | | 20101221 | 3.48E+09 | 20030821 | 1.41E+09 | | 20070425 | 3.25E+09 | | 20101222 | 1.29E+09 | 20030822 | 1.31E+09 | | 20070426 | 3.21E+09 | | 20101223 | 2.52E+09 | 20030825 | 9.72E+08 | | 20070427 | 2.73E+09 | | 20101227 | 1.99E+09 | 20030826 | 1.18E+09 | | 20070430 | 3.09E+09 | | 20101228 | 2.48E+09 | 20030827 | 1.05E+09 | | 20070501 | 3.4E+09 | | 20101229 | 2.21E+09 | 20030828 | 1.17E+09 | | 20070502 | 3.19E+09 | | 20101230 | 1.97E+09 | 20030829 | 9.45E+08 | | 20070503 | 3.01E+09 | | 20101231 | 1.8E+09 | 20030902 | 1.47E+09 | | 20070504 | 2.76E+09 | | 20110103 | 4.29E+09 | 20030903 | 1.68E+09 | | 20070507 | 2.55E+09 | | 20110104 | 4.8E+09 | 20030904 | 1.45E+09 | | 20070508 | 2.8E+09 | | 20110105 | 4.76E+09 | 20030905 | 1.47E+09 | | 20070509 | 2.94E+09 | | 20110106 | 4.84E+09 | 20030908 | 1.3E+09 | | 20070510 | 3.03E+09 | | 20110107 | 4.96E+09 | 20030909 | 1.41E+09 | | 20070511 | 2.72E+09 | | 20110110 | 4.04E+09 | 20030910 | 1.58E+09 | | 20070514 | 2.78E+09 | | 20110111 | 4.05E+09 | 20030911 | 1.34E+09 | | 20070515 | 3.07E+09 | | 20110112 | 4.23E+09 | 20030912 | 1.24E+09 | | 20070516 | 2.92E+09 | | 20110113 | 4.31E+09 | 20030915 | 1.15E+09 | | 20070517 | 2.87E+09 | | 20110114 | 4.66E+09 | 20030916 | 1.4E+09 | | 20070518 | 2.96E+09 | | 20110118 | 5.28E+09 | 20030917 | 1.34E+09 | | 20070521 | 3.47E+09 | | 20110119 | 4.74E+09 | 20030918 | 1.5E+09 | | 20070522 | 2.86E+09 | | 20110120 | 4.94E+09 | 20030919 | 1.52E+09 | | 20070523 | 3.08E+09 | | 20110121 | 4.94E+09 | 20030922 | 1.28E+09 | | 20070524 | 3.37E+09 | | 20110124 | 3.9E+09 | 20030923 | 1.3E+09 | | 20070525 | 2.32E+09 | | 20110125 | 4.6E+09 | 20030924 | 1.56E+09 | | 20070529 | 2.57E+09 | | 20110126 | 4.73E+09 | 20030925 | 1.53E+09 | | 20070530 | 2.98E+09 | | 20110127 | 4.31E+09 | 20030926 | 1.47E+09 | | 20070531 | 3.34E+09 | | 20110128 | 5.62E+09 | 20030929 | 1.37E+09 | | 20070601 | 2.93E+09 | | 20110131 | 4.17E+09 | 20030930 | 1.59E+09 | | 20070604 | 2.74E+09 | | 20110201 | 5.16E+09 | 20031001 | 1.57E+09 | | 20070605 | 2.94E+09 | | 20110202 | 4.1E+09 | 20031002 | 1.27E+09 | | 20070606 | 2.96E+09 | | 20110203 | 4.37E+09 | 20031003 | 1.57E+09 | | 20070607 | 3.54E+09 | | 20110204 | 3.93E+09 | 20031006 | 1.03E+09 | | 20070608 | 2.99E+09 | | 20110207 | 3.9E+09 | 20031007 | 1.28E+09 | | 20070611 | 2.53E+09 | | 20110208 | 3.88E+09 | 20031008 | 1.26E+09 | | 20070612 | 3.06E+09 | | 20110209 | 3.92E+09 | 20031009 | 1.58E+09 | | 20070613 | 3.08E+09 | | 20110210 | 4.18E+09 | 20031010 | 1.11E+09 | | 20070614 | 2.81E+09 | | 20110211 | 4.22E+09 | 20031013 | 1.04E+09 | | 20070615 | 3.41E+09 | | 20110214 | 3.57E+09 | 20031014 | 1.27E+09 | | 20070618 | 2.48E+09 | | 20110215 | 3.93E+09 | 20031015 | 1.52E+09 | | 20070619 | 2.87E+09 | | 20110216 | 1.97E+09 | 20031016 | 1.42E+09 | | 20070620 | 3.29E+09 | | 20110217 | 1.97E+09 | 20031017 | 1.35E+09 | | 20070621 | 3.16E+09 | | 20110218 | 1.97E+09 | 20031020 | 1.17E+09 | | 20070622 | 4.28E+09 | | 20110222 | 1.32E+09 | 20031021 | 1.5E+09 | | 20070625 | 3.29E+09 | | 20110223 | 1.33E+09 | 20031022 | 1.65E+09 | | 20070626 | 3.4E+09 | | 20110224 | 1.22E+09 | 20031023 | 1.6E+09 | | 20070627 | 3.4E+09 | | 20110225 | 3.84E+09 | 20031024 | 1.42E+09 | | 20070628 | 3.01E+09 | | 20110228 | 1.25E+09 | 20031027 | 1.37E+09 | | 20070629 | 3.17E+09 | | 20110301 | 1.18E+09 | 20031028 | 1.63E+09 | | 20070702 | 2.64E+09 | | 20110302 | 1.03E+09 | 20031029 | 1.56E+09 | | 20070703 | 1.56E+09 | | 20110303 | 4.34E+09 | 20031030 | 1.63E+09 | | 20070705 | 2.62E+09 | | 20110304 | 4.22E+09 | 20031031 | 1.5E+09 | | 20070706 | 2.44E+09 | | 20110307 | 3.96E+09 | 20031103 | 1.38E+09 | | 20070709 | 2.72E+09 | | 20110308 | 4.53E+09 | 20031104 | 1.42E+09 | | 20070710 | 3.24E+09 | | 20110309 | 3.71E+09 | 20031105 | 1.4E+09 | | 20070711 | 3.08E+09 | | 20110310 | 4.72E+09 | 20031106 | 1.45E+09 | | 20070712 | 3.49E+09 | | 20110311 | 3.74E+09 | 20031107 | 1.44E+09 | | 20070713 | 2.8E+09 | | 20110314 | 4.05E+09 | 20031110 | 1.24E+09 | | 20070716 | 2.7E+09 | | 20110315 | 5.2E+09 | 20031111 | 1.16E+09 | | 20070717 | 3.01E+09 | | 20110316 | 5.83E+09 | 20031112 | 1.35E+09 | | 20070718 | 3.61E+09 | | 20110317 | 4.13E+09 | 20031113 | 1.38E+09 | | 20070719 | 3.25E+09 | | 20110318 | 4.69E+09 | 20031114 | 1.36E+09 | | 20070720 | 3.75E+09 | | 20110321 | 4.22E+09 | 20031117 | 1.37E+09 | | 20070723 | 3.1E+09 | | 20110322 | 3.58E+09 | 20031118 | 1.35E+09 | | 20070724 | 4.12E+09 | | 20110323 | 3.84E+09 | 20031119 | 1.33E+09 | | 20070725 | 4.28E+09 | | 20110324 | 4.22E+09 | 20031120 | 1.33E+09 | | 20070726 | 4.47E+09 | | 20110325 | 4.22E+09 | 20031121 | 1.27E+09 | | 20070727 | 4.78E+09 | | 20110328 | 3.22E+09 | 20031124 | 1.3E+09 | | 20070730 | 4.13E+09 | | 20110329 | 3.48E+09 | 20031125 | 1.33E+09 | | 20070731 | 4.52E+09 | | 20110330 | 3.81E+09 | 20031126 | 1.1E+09 | | 20070801 | 5.26E+09 | | 20110331 | 3.57E+09 | 20031128 | 4.87E+08 | | 20070802 | 4.37E+09 | | 20110401 | 4.22E+09 | 20031201 | 1.38E+09 | | 20070803 | 4.27E+09 | | 20110404 | 4.22E+09 | 20031202 | 1.38E+09 | | 20070806 | 5.07E+09 | | 20110405 | 3.85E+09 | 20031203 | 1.44E+09 | | 20070807 | 4.91E+09 | | 20110406 | 4.22E+09 | 20031204 | 1.46E+09 | | 20070808 | 5.5E+09 | | 20110407 | 4.01E+09 | 20031205 | 1.27E+09 | | 20070809 | 5.89E+09 | | 20110408 | 3.58E+09 | 20031208 | 1.22E+09 | | 20070810 | 5.35E+09 | | 20110411 | 3.48E+09 | 20031209 | 1.47E+09 | | 20070813 | 3.7E+09 | | 20110412 | 4.28E+09 | 20031210 | 1.44E+09 | | 20070814 | 3.81E+09 | | 20110413 | 3.85E+09 | 20031211 | 1.44E+09 | | 20070815 | 4.29E+09 | | 20110414 | 3.87E+09 | 20031212 | 1.22E+09 | | 20070816 | 6.51E+09 | | 20110415 | 4.22E+09 | 20031215 | 1.52E+09 | | 20070817 | 3.57E+09 | | 20110418 | 4.22E+09 | 20031216 | 1.55E+09 | | 20070820 | 3.32E+09 | | 20110419 | 3.89E+09 | 20031217 | 1.44E+09 | | 20070821 | 3.01E+09 | | 20110420 | 4.24E+09 | 20031218 | 1.58E+09 | | 20070822 | 3.31E+09 | | 20110421 | 3.59E+09 | 20031219 | 1.66E+09 | | 20070823 | 3.08E+09 | | 20110425 | 2.14E+09 | 20031222 | 1.25E+09 | | 20070824 | 2.54E+09 | | 20110426 | 3.91E+09 | 20031223 | 1.15E+09 | | 20070827 | 2.41E+09 | | 20110427 | 4.05E+09 | 20031224 | 5.18E+08 | | 20070828 | 3.08E+09 | | 20110428 | 4.04E+09 | 20031226 | 3.56E+08 | | 20070829 | 2.82E+09 | | 20110429 | 3.48E+09 | 20031229 | 1.06E+09 | | 20070830 | 2.58E+09 | | 20110502 | 3.85E+09 | 20031230 | 1.01E+09 | | 20070831 | 2.73E+09 | | 20110503 | 4.22E+09 | 20031231 | 1.03E+09 | | 20070904 | 2.77E+09 | | 20110504 | 4.22E+09 | 20040102 | 1.15E+09 | | 20070905 | 2.99E+09 | | 20110505 | 3.85E+09 | 20040105 | 1.58E+09 | | 20070906 | 2.46E+09 | | 20110506 | 4.22E+09 | 20040106 | 1.49E+09 | | 20070907 | 3.19E+09 | | 20110509 | 4.27E+09 | 20040107 | 1.7E+09 | | 20070910 | 2.84E+09 | | 20110510 | 4.22E+09 | 20040108 | 1.87E+09 | | 20070911 | 3.02E+09 | | 20110511 | 3.85E+09 | 20040109 | 1.72E+09 | | 20070912 | 2.89E+09 | | 20110512 | 3.78E+09 | 20040112 | 1.51E+09 | | 20070913 | 2.88E+09 | | 20110513 | 3.43E+09 | 20040113 | 1.6E+09 | | 20070914 | 2.64E+09 | | 20110516 | 3.85E+09 | 20040114 | 1.51E+09 | | 20070917 | 2.6E+09 | | 20110517 | 4.05E+09 | 20040115 | 1.7E+09 | | 20070918 | 3.71E+09 | | 20110518 | 3.92E+09 | 20040116 | 1.72E+09 | | 20070919 | 3.85E+09 | | 20110519 | 3.63E+09 | 20040120 | 1.7E+09 | | 20070920 | 2.96E+09 | | 20110520 | 4.07E+09 | 20040121 | 1.76E+09 | | 20070921 | 3.68E+09 | | 20110523 | 3.26E+09 | 20040122 | 1.69E+09 | | 20070924 | 3.13E+09 | | 20110524 | 3.85E+09 | 20040123 | 1.56E+09 | | 20070925 | 3.19E+09 | | 20110525 | 4.11E+09 | 20040126 | 1.48E+09 | | 20070926 | 3.24E+09 | | 20110526 | 3.26E+09 | 20040127 | 1.67E+09 | | 20070927 | 2.87E+09 | | 20110527 | 3.12E+09 | 20040128 | 1.84E+09 | | 20070928 | 2.93E+09 | | 20110531 | 4.7E+09 | 20040129 | 1.92E+09 | | 20071001 | 3.28E+09 | | 20110601 | 4.24E+09 | 20040130 | 1.64E+09 | | 20071002 | 3.1E+09 | | 20110602 | 3.76E+09 | 20040202 | 1.6E+09 | | 20071003 | 3.07E+09 | | 20110603 | 3.51E+09 | 20040203 | 1.48E+09 | | 20071004 | 2.69E+09 | | 20110606 | 3.56E+09 | 20040204 | 1.63E+09 | | 20071005 | 2.92E+09 | | 20110607 | 3.85E+09 | 20040205 | 1.57E+09 | | 20071008 | 2.04E+09 | | 20110608 | 3.97E+09 | 20040206 | 1.48E+09 | | 20071009 | 2.93E+09 | | 20110609 | 3.33E+09 | 20040209 | 1.3E+09 | | 20071010 | 3.04E+09 | | 20110610 | 3.85E+09 | 20040210 | 1.4E+09 | | 20071011 | 3.91E+09 | | 20110613 | 4.13E+09 | 20040211 | 1.7E+09 | | 20071012 | 2.79E+09 | | 20110614 | 3.5E+09 | 20040212 | 1.46E+09 | | 20071015 | 3.14E+09 | | 20110615 | 4.07E+09 | 20040213 | 1.33E+09 | | 20071016 | 3.23E+09 | | 20110616 | 3.85E+09 | 20040217 | 1.4E+09 | | 20071017 | 3.64E+09 | | 20110617 | 4.92E+09 | 20040218 | 1.38E+09 | | 20071018 | 3.2E+09 | | 20110620 | 3.46E+09 | 20040219 | 1.56E+09 | | 20071019 | 4.16E+09 | | 20110621 | 4.06E+09 | 20040220 | 1.48E+09 | | 20071022 | 3.47E+09 | | 20110622 | 3.72E+09 | 20040223 | 1.38E+09 | | 20071023 | 3.31E+09 | | 20110623 | 4.98E+09 | 20040224 | 1.54E+09 | | 20071024 | 4E+09 | | 20110624 | 3.67E+09 | 20040225 | 1.36E+09 | | 20071025 | 4.18E+09 | | 20110627 | 3.48E+09 | 20040226 | 1.38E+09 | | 20071026 | 3.61E+09 | | 20110628 | 3.68E+09 | 20040227 | 1.54E+09 | | 20071029 | 3.12E+09 | | 20110629 | 4.35E+09 | 20040301 | 1.5E+09 | | 20071030 | 3.21E+09 | | 20110630 | 4.2E+09 | 20040302 | 1.48E+09 | | 20071031 | 3.95E+09 | | 20110701 | 3.8E+09 | 20040303 | 1.33E+09 | | 20071101 | 4.24E+09 | | 20110705 | 3.72E+09 | 20040304 | 1.27E+09 | | 20071102 | 4.29E+09 | | 20110706 | 3.56E+09 | 20040305 | 1.4E+09 | | 20071105 | 3.82E+09 | | 20110707 | 4.07E+09 | 20040308 | 1.25E+09 | | 20071106 | 3.88E+09 | | 20110708 | 3.59E+09 | 20040309 | 1.5E+09 | | 20071107 | 4.35E+09 | | 20110711 | 3.88E+09 | 20040310 | 1.65E+09 | | 20071108 | 5.44E+09 | | 20110712 | 4.23E+09 | 20040311 | 1.89E+09 | | 20071109 | 4.59E+09 | | 20110713 | 4.06E+09 | 20040312 | 1.39E+09 | | 20071112 | 4.19E+09 | | 20110714 | 4.36E+09 | 20040315 | 1.6E+09 | | 20071113 | 4.14E+09 | | 20110715 | 4.24E+09 | 20040316 | 1.5E+09 | | 20071114 | 4.03E+09 | | 20110718 | 4.12E+09 | 20040317 | 1.49E+09 | | 20071115 | 3.94E+09 | | 20110719 | 4.3E+09 | 20040318 | 1.37E+09 | | 20071116 | 4.17E+09 | | 20110720 | 3.77E+09 | 20040319 | 1.46E+09 | | 20071119 | 4.12E+09 | | 20110721 | 4.84E+09 | 20040322 | 1.45E+09 | | 20071120 | 4.88E+09 | | 20110722 | 3.52E+09 | 20040323 | 1.46E+09 | | 20071121 | 4.08E+09 | | 20110725 | 3.54E+10 | 20040324 | 1.53E+09 | | 20071123 | 1.61E+09 | | 20110726 | 4.01E+09 | 20040325 | 1.47E+09 | | 20071126 | 3.71E+09 | | 20110727 | 3.48E+09 | 20040326 | 1.32E+09 | | 20071127 | 4.32E+09 | | 20110728 | 4.95E+09 | 20040329 | 1.41E+09 | | 20071128 | 4.51E+09 | | 20110729 | 5.06E+09 | 20040330 | 1.33E+09 | | 20071129 | 3.52E+09 | | 20110801 | 4.97E+09 | 20040331 | 1.56E+09 | | 20071130 | 4.42E+09 | | 20110802 | 1.67E+09 | 20040401 | 1.56E+09 | | 20071203 | 3.32E+09 | | 20110803 | 6.45E+09 | 20040402 | 1.63E+09 | | 20071204 | 3.34E+09 | | 20110804 | 4.27E+09 | 20040405 | 1.41E+09 | | 20071205 | 3.66E+09 | | 20110805 | 5.45E+09 | 20040406 | 1.4E+09 | | 20071206 | 3.57E+09 | | 20110808 | 2.62E+09 | 20040407 | 1.46E+09 | | 20071207 | 3.18E+09 | | 20110809 | 2.37E+09 | 20040408 | 1.2E+09 | | 20071210 | 2.91E+09 | | 20110810 | 5.02E+09 | 20040412 | 1.1E+09 | | 20071211 | 4.08E+09 | | 20110811 | 3.69E+09 | 20040413 | 1.42E+09 | | 20071212 | 4.48E+09 | | 20110812 | 5.64E+09 | 20040414 | 1.55E+09 | | 20071213 | 3.64E+09 | | 20110815 | 4.27E+09 | 20040415 | 1.57E+09 | | 20071214 | 3.4E+09 | | 20110816 | 5.07E+09 | 20040416 | 1.49E+09 | | 20071217 | 3.57E+09 | | 20110817 | 4.39E+09 | 20040419 | 1.19E+09 | | 20071218 | 3.72E+09 | | 20110818 | 3.23E+09 | 20040420 | 1.51E+09 | | 20071219 | 3.4E+09 | | 20110819 | 5.17E+09 | 20040421 | 1.74E+09 | | 20071220 | 3.53E+09 | | 20110822 | 5.44E+09 | 20040422 | 1.83E+09 | | 20071221 | 4.51E+09 | | 20110823 | 5.01E+09 | 20040423 | 1.4E+09 | | 20071224 | 2200000 | | 20110824 | 5.32E+09 | 20040426 | 1.29E+09 | | 20071226 | 2.01E+09 | | 20110825 | 5.75E+09 | 20040427 | 1.52E+09 | | 20071227 | 2.37E+09 | | 20110826 | 5.04E+09 | 20040428 | 1.86E+09 | | 20071228 | 2.42E+09 | | 20110829 | 4.23E+09 | 20040429 | 1.86E+09 | | 20071231 | 2.44E+09 | | 20110830 | 4.57E+09 | 20040430 | 1.63E+09 | | 20080102 | 3.45E+09 | | 20110831 | 5.27E+09 | 20040503 | 1.57E+09 | | 20080103 | 3.43E+09 | | 20110901 | 4.78E+09 | 20040504 | 1.66E+09 | | 20080104 | 4.17E+09 | | 20110902 | 4.4E+09 | 20040505 | 1.47E+09 | | 20080107 | 4.22E+09 | | 20110906 | 5.1E+09 | 20040506 | 1.51E+09 | | 20080108 | 4.71E+09 | | 20110907 | 4.44E+09 | 20040507 | 1.65E+09 | | 20080109 | 5.35E+09 | | 20110908 | 4.47E+09 | 20040510 | 1.92E+09 | | 20080110 | 5.17E+09 | | 20110909 | 4.59E+09 | 20040511 | 1.53E+09 | | 20080111 | 4.5E+09 | | 20110912 | 5.17E+09 | 20040512 | 1.7E+09 | | 20080114 | 3.68E+09 | | 20110913 | 4.68E+09 | 20040513 | 1.41E+09 | | 20080115 | 4.6E+09 | | 20110914 | 4.99E+09 | 20040514 | 1.34E+09 | | 20080116 | 5.44E+09 | | 20110915 | 4.48E+09 | 20040517 | 1.43E+09 | | 20080117 | 5.3E+09 | | 20110916 | 5.25E+09 | 20040518 | 1.35E+09 | | 20080118 | 6E+09 | | 20110919 | 4.25E+09 | 20040519 | 1.55E+09 | | 20080122 | 6.54E+09 | | 20110920 | 4.32E+09 | 20040520 | 1.21E+09 | | 20080123 | 3.24E+09 | | 20110921 | 4.73E+09 | 20040521 | 1.26E+09 | | 20080124 | 5.74E+09 | | 20110922 | 6.7E+09 | 20040524 | 1.23E+09 | | 20080125 | 4.88E+09 | | 20110923 | 5.64E+09 | 20040525 | 1.55E+09 | | 20080128 | 4.1E+09 | | 20110926 | 4.76E+09 | 20040526 | 1.37E+09 | | 20080129 | 4.23E+09 | | 20110927 | 5.55E+09 | 20040527 | 1.45E+09 | | 20080130 | 4.74E+09 | | 20110928 | 4.79E+09 | 20040528 | 1.17E+09 | | 20080131 | 4.97E+09 | | 20110929 | 5.29E+09 | 20040601 | 1.24E+09 | | 20080201 | 4.65E+09 | | 20110930 | 4.42E+09 | 20040602 | 1.25E+09 | | 20080204 | 3.5E+09 | | 20111003 | 5.67E+09 | 20040603 | 1.23E+09 | | 20080205 | 4.32E+09 | | 20111004 | 3.71E+09 | 20040604 | 1.12E+09 | | 20080206 | 4.01E+09 | | 20111005 | 2.51E+09 | 20040607 | 1.21E+09 | | 20080207 | 4.59E+09 | | 20111006 | 5.1E+09 | 20040608 | 1.19E+09 | | 20080208 | 3.77E+09 | | 20111007 | 5.58E+09 | 20040609 | 1.28E+09 | | 20080211 | 3.59E+09 | | 20111010 | 4.45E+09 | 20040610 | 1.16E+09 | | 20080212 | 4.04E+09 | | 20111011 | 4.42E+09 | 20040614 | 1.18E+09 | | 20080213 | 3.86E+09 | | 20111012 | 5.36E+09 | 20040615 | 1.35E+09 | | 20080214 | 3.64E+09 | | 20111013 | 4.44E+09 | 20040616 | 1.17E+09 | | 20080215 | 3.58E+09 | | 20111014 | 4.12E+09 | 20040617 | 1.3E+09 | | 20080219 | 3.61E+09 | | 20111017 | 4.3E+09 | 20040618 | 1.5E+09 | | 20080220 | 3.87E+09 | | 20111018 | 4.84E+09 | 20040621 | 1.12E+09 | | 20080221 | 3.7E+09 | | 20111019 | 4.85E+09 | 20040622 | 1.38E+09 | | 20080222 | 3.57E+09 | | 20111020 | 4.87E+09 | 20040623 | 1.44E+09 | | 20080225 | 3.87E+09 | | 20111021 | 4.98E+09 | 20040624 | 1.39E+09 | | 20080226 | 4.1E+09 | | 20111024 | 4.31E+09 | 20040625 | 1.81E+09 | | 20080227 | 3.9E+09 | | 20111025 | 4.47E+09 | 20040628 | 1.35E+09 | | 20080228 | 3.94E+09 | | 20111026 | 4.87E+09 | 20040629 | 1.38E+09 | | 20080229 | 4.43E+09 | | 20111027 | 6.37E+09 | 20040630 | 1.47E+09 | | 20080303 | 4.12E+09 | | 20111028 | 4.54E+09 | 20040701 | 1.5E+09 | | 20080304 | 4.76E+09 | | 20111031 | 4.31E+09 | 20040702 | 1.09E+09 | | 20080305 | 4.28E+09 | | 20111101 | 5.65E+09 | 20040706 | 1.28E+09 | | 20080306 | 4.32E+09 | | 20111102 | 4.11E+09 | 20040707 | 1.33E+09 | | 20080307 | 4.57E+09 | | 20111103 | 4.85E+09 | 20040708 | 1.4E+09 | | 20080310 | 4.26E+09 | | 20111104 | 3.83E+09 | 20040709 | 1.19E+09 | | 20080311 | 1.03E+09 | | 20111107 | 3.43E+09 | 20040712 | 1.11E+09 | | 20080312 | 4.41E+09 | | 20111108 | 3.91E+09 | 20040713 | 1.2E+09 | | 20080313 | 5.07E+09 | | 20111109 | 4.66E+09 | 20040714 | 1.46E+09 | | 20080314 | 1.05E+09 | | 20111110 | 4E+09 | 20040715 | 1.41E+09 | | 20080317 | 1.59E+09 | | 20111111 | 3.33E+09 | 20040716 | 1.45E+09 | | 20080318 | 1.26E+09 | | 20111114 | 3.22E+09 | 20040719 | 1.32E+09 | | 20080319 | 1.2E+09 | | 20111115 | 3.6E+09 | 20040720 | 1.45E+09 | | 20080320 | 2.08E+09 | | 20111116 | 4.09E+09 | 20040721 | 1.68E+09 | | 20080324 | 4.5E+09 | | 20111117 | 4.6E+09 | 20040722 | 1.68E+09 | | 20080325 | 4.15E+09 | | 20111118 | 3.83E+09 | 20040723 | 1.34E+09 | | 20080326 | 4.06E+09 | | 20111121 | 4.05E+09 | 20040726 | 1.41E+09 | | 20080327 | 4.04E+09 | | 20111122 | 3.91E+09 | 20040727 | 1.61E+09 | | 20080328 | 3.69E+09 | | 20111123 | 3.8E+09 | 20040728 | 1.55E+09 | | 20080331 | 4.19E+09 | | 20111125 | 1.66E+09 | 20040729 | 1.53E+09 | | 20080401 | 4.75E+09 | | 20111128 | 3.92E+09 | 20040730 | 1.3E+09 | | 20080402 | 4.32E+09 | | 20111129 | 3.99E+09 | 20040802 | 1.28E+09 | | 20080403 | 3.92E+09 | | 20111130 | 5.8E+09 | 20040803 | 1.34E+09 | | 20080404 | 3.7E+09 | | 20111201 | 3.82E+09 | 20040804 | 1.37E+09 | | 20080407 | 3.75E+09 | | 20111202 | 4.14E+09 | 20040805 | 1.4E+09 | | 20080408 | 3.6E+09 | | 20111205 | 4.15E+09 | 20040806 | 1.52E+09 | | 20080409 | 3.56E+09 | | 20111206 | 3.73E+09 | 20040809 | 1.09E+09 | | 20080410 | 3.69E+09 | | 20111207 | 4.16E+09 | 20040810 | 1.25E+09 | | 20080411 | 3.72E+09 | | 20111208 | 4.3E+09 | 20040811 | 1.41E+09 | | 20080414 | 3.57E+09 | | 20111209 | 3.83E+09 | 20040812 | 1.41E+09 | | 20080415 | 3.58E+09 | | 20111212 | 3.6E+09 | 20040813 | 1.18E+09 | | 20080416 | 4.26E+09 | | 20111213 | 4.12E+09 | 20040816 | 1.21E+09 | | 20080417 | 3.71E+09 | | 20111214 | 4.3E+09 | 20040817 | 1.27E+09 | | 20080418 | 4.22E+09 | | 20111215 | 3.81E+09 | 20040818 | 1.28E+09 | | 20080421 | 3.42E+09 | | 20111216 | 5.35E+09 | 20040819 | 1.25E+09 | | 20080422 | 3.82E+09 | | 20111219 | 3.66E+09 | 20040820 | 1.2E+09 | | 20080423 | 4.1E+09 | | 20111220 | 4.06E+09 | 20040823 | 1.02E+09 | | 20080424 | 4.46E+09 | | 20111221 | 3.58E+09 | 20040824 | 1.09E+09 | | 20080425 | 3.89E+09 | | 20111222 | 3.49E+09 | 20040825 | 1.19E+09 | | 20080428 | 3.61E+09 | | 20111223 | 2.23E+09 | 20040826 | 1.02E+09 | | 20080429 | 3.82E+09 | | 20111227 | 2.13E+09 | 20040827 | 8.45E+08 | | 20080430 | 4.51E+09 | | 20111228 | 2.35E+09 | 20040830 | 8.43E+08 | | 20080501 | 4.45E+09 | | 20111229 | 2.28E+09 | 20040831 | 1.14E+09 | | 20080502 | 3.95E+09 | | 20111230 | 2.27E+09 | 20040901 | 1.14E+09 | | 20080505 | 3.41E+09 | | 20120103 | 3.94E+09 | 20040902 | 1.12E+09 | | 20080506 | 3.92E+09 | | 20120104 | 3.59E+09 | 20040903 | 9.24E+08 | | 20080507 | 4.08E+09 | | 20120105 | 4.32E+09 | 20040907 | 1.21E+09 | | 20080508 | 3.83E+09 | | 20120106 | 3.66E+09 | 20040908 | 1.25E+09 | | 20080509 | 3.52E+09 | | 20120109 | 3.37E+09 | 20040909 | 1.37E+09 | | 20080512 | 3.37E+09 | | 20120110 | 4.22E+09 | 20040910 | 1.26E+09 | | 20080513 | 4.02E+09 | | 20120111 | 3.97E+09 | 20040913 | 1.3E+09 | | 20080514 | 3.98E+09 | | 20120112 | 4.02E+09 | 20040914 | 1.2E+09 | | 20080515 | 3.84E+09 | | 20120113 | 3.69E+09 | 20040915 | 1.26E+09 | | 20080516 | 3.84E+09 | | 20120117 | 4.01E+09 | 20040916 | 1.11E+09 | | 20080519 | 3.68E+09 | | 20120118 | 4.1E+09 | 20040917 | 1.42E+09 | | 20080520 | 3.85E+09 | | 20120119 | 4.47E+09 | 20040920 | 1.2E+09 | | 20080521 | 4.52E+09 | | 20120120 | 3.91E+09 | 20040921 | 1.33E+09 | | 20080522 | 3.96E+09 | | 20120123 | 3.77E+09 | 20040922 | 1.38E+09 | | 20080523 | 3.52E+09 | | 20120124 | 3.69E+09 | 20040923 | 1.29E+09 | | 20080527 | 3.59E+09 | | 20120125 | 4.41E+09 | 20040924 | 1.26E+09 | | 20080528 | 3.93E+09 | | 20120126 | 4.52E+09 | 20040927 | 1.26E+09 | | 20080529 | 3.89E+09 | | 20120127 | 3.86E+09 | 20040928 | 1.4E+09 | | 20080530 | 3.85E+09 | | 20120130 | 3.66E+09 | 20040929 | 1.4E+09 | | 20080602 | 3.71E+09 | | 20120131 | 4.24E+09 | 20040930 | 1.75E+09 | | 20080603 | 4.4E+09 | | 20120201 | 4.5E+09 | 20041001 | 1.58E+09 | | 20080604 | 4.34E+09 | | 20120202 | 4.12E+09 | 20041004 | 1.53E+09 | | 20080605 | 4.35E+09 | | 20120203 | 4.61E+09 | 20041005 | 1.42E+09 | | 20080606 | 4.77E+09 | | 20120206 | 3.38E+09 | 20041006 | 1.42E+09 | | 20080609 | 4.4E+09 | | 20120207 | 3.74E+09 | 20041007 | 1.45E+09 | | 20080610 | 4.64E+09 | | 20120208 | 4.1E+09 | 20041008 | 1.29E+09 | | 20080611 | 4.78E+09 | | 20120209 | 4.21E+09 | 20041011 | 9.44E+08 | | 20080612 | 4.73E+09 | | 20120210 | 3.88E+09 | 20041012 | 1.32E+09 | | 20080613 | 4.08E+09 | | 20120213 | 3.62E+09 | 20041013 | 1.55E+09 | | 20080616 | 3.71E+09 | | 20120214 | 3.89E+09 | 20041014 | 1.49E+09 | | 20080617 | 3.8E+09 | | 20120215 | 4.08E+09 | 20041015 | 1.65E+09 | | 20080618 | 4.57E+09 | | 20120216 | 4.11E+09 | 20041018 | 1.37E+09 | | 20080619 | 4.81E+09 | | 20120217 | 3.72E+09 | 20041019 | 1.74E+09 | | 20080620 | 5.32E+09 | | 20120221 | 3.8E+09 | 20041020 | 1.69E+09 | | 20080623 | 4.19E+09 | | 20120222 | 3.63E+09 | 20041021 | 1.67E+09 | | 20080624 | 4.71E+09 | | 20120223 | 3.79E+09 | 20041022 | 1.47E+09 | | 20080625 | 4.83E+09 | | 20120224 | 3.51E+09 | 20041025 | 1.38E+09 | | 20080626 | 5.23E+09 | | 20120227 | 3.65E+09 | 20041026 | 1.69E+09 | | 20080627 | 6.21E+09 | | 20120228 | 3.58E+09 | 20041027 | 1.74E+09 | | 20080630 | 5.03E+09 | | 20120229 | 4.48E+09 | 20041028 | 1.63E+09 | | 20080701 | 5.85E+09 | | 20120301 | 3.92E+09 | 20041029 | 1.5E+09 | | 20080702 | 5.28E+09 | | 20120302 | 3.28E+09 | 20041101 | 1.4E+09 | | 20080703 | 3.25E+09 | | 20120305 | 3.43E+09 | 20041102 | 1.66E+09 | | 20080707 | 5.27E+09 | | 20120306 | 4.19E+09 | 20041103 | 1.77E+09 | | 20080708 | 6.03E+09 | | 20120307 | 3.58E+09 | 20041104 | 1.78E+09 | | 20080709 | 5.18E+09 | | 20120308 | 3.54E+09 | 20041105 | 1.72E+09 | | 20080710 | 5.84E+09 | | 20120309 | 3.64E+09 | 20041108 | 1.36E+09 | | 20080711 | 6.74E+09 | | 20120312 | 3.08E+09 | 20041109 | 1.45E+09 | | 20080714 | 5.43E+09 | | 20120313 | 4.39E+09 | 20041110 | 1.5E+09 | | 20080715 | 7.36E+09 | | 20120314 | 4.5E+09 | 20041111 | 1.39E+09 | | 20080716 | 6.74E+09 | | 20120315 | 4.27E+09 | 20041112 | 1.53E+09 | | 20080717 | 7.37E+09 | | 20120316 | 5.16E+09 | 20041115 | 1.45E+09 | | 20080718 | 5.65E+09 | | 20120319 | 3.93E+09 | 20041116 | 1.36E+09 | | 20080721 | 4.63E+09 | | 20120320 | 3.7E+09 | 20041117 | 1.68E+09 | | 20080722 | 6.18E+09 | | 20120321 | 3.57E+09 | 20041118 | 1.46E+09 | | 20080723 | 6.71E+09 | | 20120322 | 3.74E+09 | 20041119 | 1.53E+09 | | 20080724 | 6.13E+09 | | 20120323 | 3.47E+09 | 20041122 | 1.39E+09 | | 20080725 | 4.67E+09 | | 20120326 | 3.58E+09 | 20041123 | 1.43E+09 | | 20080728 | 4.28E+09 | | 20120327 | 3.51E+09 | 20041124 | 1.15E+09 | | 20080729 | 5.41E+09 | | 20120328 | 3.89E+09 | 20041126 | 5.05E+08 | | 20080730 | 5.63E+09 | | 20120329 | 3.83E+09 | 20041129 | 1.38E+09 | | 20080731 | 5.35E+09 | | 20120330 | 3.68E+09 | 20041130 | 1.55E+09 | | 20080801 | 4.68E+09 | | 20120402 | 3.57E+09 | 20041201 | 1.77E+09 | | 20080804 | 4.56E+09 | | 20120403 | 3.82E+09 | 20041202 | 1.77E+09 | | 20080805 | 1.22E+09 | | 20120404 | 3.94E+09 | 20041203 | 1.57E+09 | | 20080806 | 4.87E+09 | | 20120405 | 3.3E+09 | 20041206 | 1.35E+09 | | 20080807 | 5.32E+09 | | 20120409 | 3.47E+09 | 20041207 | 1.53E+09 | | 20080808 | 4.97E+09 | | 20120410 | 4.63E+09 | 20041208 | 1.53E+09 | | 20080811 | 5.07E+09 | | 20120411 | 3.74E+09 | 20041209 | 1.62E+09 | | 20080812 | 4.71E+09 | | 20120412 | 3.62E+09 | 20041210 | 1.44E+09 | | 20080813 | 4.79E+09 | | 20120413 | 3.63E+09 | 20041213 | 1.44E+09 | | 20080814 | 4.06E+09 | | 20120416 | 3.57E+09 | 20041214 | 1.54E+09 | | 20080815 | 4.04E+09 | | 20120417 | 3.46E+09 | 20041215 | 1.7E+09 | | 20080818 | 3.83E+09 | | 20120418 | 3.46E+09 | 20041216 | 1.79E+09 | | 20080819 | 4.16E+09 | | 20120419 | 4.18E+09 | 20041217 | 2.34E+09 | | 20080820 | 4.56E+09 | | 20120420 | 3.83E+09 | 20041220 | 1.42E+09 | | 20080821 | 4.03E+09 | | 20120423 | 3.65E+09 | 20041221 | 1.48E+09 | | 20080822 | 3.74E+09 | | 20120424 | 3.62E+09 | 20041222 | 1.39E+09 | | 20080825 | 3.42E+09 | | 20120425 | 4E+09 | 20041223 | 9.56E+08 | | 20080826 | 3.59E+09 | | 20120426 | 4.03E+09 | 20041227 | 9.22E+08 | | 20080827 | 3.5E+09 | | 20120427 | 3.65E+09 | 20041228 | 9.84E+08 | | 20080828 | 3.85E+09 | | 20120430 | 3.57E+09 | 20041229 | 9.25E+08 | | 20080829 | 3.29E+09 | | 20120501 | 3.81E+09 | 20041230 | 8.3E+08 | | 20080902 | 4.78E+09 | | 20120502 | 3.8E+09 | 20041231 | 7.87E+08 | | 20080903 | 5.06E+09 | | 20120503 | 4E+09 | 20050103 | 1.51E+09 | | 20080904 | 5.21E+09 | | 20120504 | 3.98E+09 | 20050104 | 1.72E+09 | | 20080905 | 5.02E+09 | | 20120507 | 3.56E+09 | 20050105 | 1.74E+09 | | 20080908 | 7.35E+09 | | 20120508 | 4.26E+09 | 20050106 | 1.57E+09 | | 20080909 | 7.38E+09 | | 20120509 | 4.29E+09 | 20050107 | 1.48E+09 | | 20080910 | 6.54E+09 | | 20120510 | 3.73E+09 | 20050110 | 1.49E+09 | | 20080911 | 6.87E+09 | | 20120511 | 3.87E+09 | 20050111 | 1.49E+09 | | 20080912 | 6.27E+09 | | 20120514 | 3.69E+09 | 20050112 | 1.56E+09 | | 20080915 | 8.28E+09 | | 20120515 | 4.11E+09 | 20050113 | 1.51E+09 | | 20080916 | 9.46E+09 | | 20120516 | 4.28E+09 | 20050114 | 1.34E+09 | | 20080917 | 9.43E+09 | | 20120517 | 4.66E+09 | 20050118 | 1.6E+09 | | 20080918 | 1.01E+10 | | 20120518 | 4.51E+09 | 20050119 | 1.5E+09 | | 20080919 | 9.39E+09 | | 20120521 | 3.79E+09 | 20050120 | 1.69E+09 | | 20080922 | 5.37E+09 | | 20120522 | 4.12E+09 | 20050121 | 1.64E+09 | | 20080923 | 5.19E+09 | | 20120523 | 4.11E+09 | 20050124 | 1.49E+09 | | 20080924 | 4.82E+09 | | 20120524 | 3.94E+09 | 20050125 | 1.61E+09 | | 20080925 | 5.88E+09 | | 20120525 | 2.87E+09 | 20050126 | 1.64E+09 | | 20080926 | 5.38E+09 | | 20120529 | 3.44E+09 | 20050127 | 1.6E+09 | | 20080929 | 7.31E+09 | | 20120530 | 3.53E+09 | 20050128 | 1.64E+09 | | 20080930 | 6.07E+09 | | 20120531 | 4.56E+09 | 20050131 | 1.68E+09 | | 20081001 | 5.78E+09 | | 20120601 | 4.67E+09 | 20050201 | 1.68E+09 | | 20081002 | 6.29E+09 | | 20120604 | 4.01E+09 | 20050202 | 1.56E+09 | | 20081003 | 6.72E+09 | | 20120605 | 3.4E+09 | 20050203 | 1.55E+09 | | 20081006 | 7.96E+09 | | 20120606 | 4.27E+09 | 20050204 | 1.65E+09 | | 20081007 | 7.07E+09 | | 20120607 | 4.26E+09 | 20050207 | 1.35E+09 | | 20081008 | 8.72E+09 | | 20120608 | 3.5E+09 | 20050208 | 1.42E+09 | | 20081009 | 8.29E+09 | | 20120611 | 3.54E+09 | 20050209 | 1.51E+09 | | 20081010 | 1.15E+10 | | 20120612 | 3.44E+09 | 20050210 | 1.49E+09 | | 20081013 | 7.26E+09 | | 20120613 | 3.51E+09 | 20050211 | 1.56E+09 | | 20081014 | 8.16E+09 | | 20120614 | 3.69E+09 | 20050214 | 1.29E+09 | | 20081015 | 6.54E+09 | | 20120615 | 4.4E+09 | 20050215 | 1.53E+09 | | 20081016 | 7.98E+09 | | 20120618 | 3.26E+09 | 20050216 | 1.49E+09 | | 20081017 | 6.58E+09 | | 20120619 | 3.82E+09 | 20050217 | 1.58E+09 | | 20081020 | 5.18E+09 | | 20120620 | 3.7E+09 | 20050218 | 1.55E+09 | | 20081021 | 5.12E+09 | | 20120621 | 4.09E+09 | 20050222 | 1.74E+09 | | 20081022 | 6.15E+09 | | 20120622 | 5.27E+09 | 20050223 | 1.5E+09 | | 20081023 | 7.18E+09 | | 20120625 | 3.5E+09 | 20050224 | 1.52E+09 | | 20081024 | 6.55E+09 | | 20120626 | 1092700 | 20050225 | 1.52E+09 | | 20081027 | 5.56E+09 | | 20120627 | 979500 | 20050228 | 1.8E+09 | | 20081028 | 7.1E+09 | | 20120628 | 1258700 | 20050301 | 1.71E+09 | | 20081029 | 7.08E+09 | | 20120629 | 1916300 | 20050302 | 1.57E+09 | | 20081030 | 6.18E+09 | | 20120702 | 1.1E+08 | 20050303 | 1.62E+09 | | 20081031 | 6.39E+09 | | 20120703 | 63849176 | 20050304 | 1.64E+09 | | 20081103 | 4.49E+09 | | 20120705 | 97802906 | 20050307 | 1.49E+09 | | 20081104 | 5.53E+09 | | 20120706 | 96760642 | 20050308 | 1.52E+09 | | 20081105 | 5.43E+09 | | 20120709 | 1E+08 | 20050309 | 1.7E+09 | | 20081106 | 6.1E+09 | | 20120710 | 1.15E+08 | 20050310 | 1.6E+09 | | 20081107 | 4.93E+09 | | 20120711 | 1.28E+08 | 20050311 | 1.45E+09 | | 20081110 | 4.57E+09 | | 20120712 | 1.43E+08 | 20050314 | 1.44E+09 | | 20081111 | 5E+09 | | 20120713 | 1.21E+08 | 20050315 | 1.51E+09 | | 20081112 | 5.76E+09 | | 20120716 | 93497981 | 20050316 | 1.65E+09 | | 20081113 | 7.85E+09 | | 20120717 | 1.19E+08 | 20050317 | 1.58E+09 | | 20081114 | 5.88E+09 | | 20120718 | 1.3E+08 | 20050318 | 2.34E+09 | | 20081117 | 4.93E+09 | | 20120719 | 1.39E+08 | 20050321 | 1.82E+09 | | 20081118 | 6.07E+09 | | 20120720 | 2.11E+08 | 20050322 | 2.11E+09 | | 20081119 | 6.55E+09 | | 20120723 | 1.38E+08 | 20050323 | 2.25E+09 | | 20081120 | 9.09E+09 | | 20120724 | 1.32E+08 | 20050324 | 1.72E+09 | | 20081121 | 9.5E+09 | | 20120725 | 1.27E+08 | 20050328 | 1.75E+09 | | 20081124 | 7.88E+09 | | 20120726 | 1.34E+08 | 20050329 | 2.22E+09 | | 20081125 | 6.95E+09 | | 20120727 | 1.62E+08 | 20050330 | 2.1E+09 | | 20081126 | 5.79E+09 | | 20120730 | 91727117 | 20050331 | 2.21E+09 | | 20081128 | 2.74E+09 | | 20120731 | 1.26E+08 | 20050401 | 2.17E+09 | | 20081201 | 6.05E+09 | | 20120801 | 1.33E+08 | 20050404 | 2.08E+09 | | 20081202 | 6.17E+09 | | 20120802 | 1.13E+08 | 20050405 | 1.87E+09 | | 20081203 | 6.22E+09 | | 20120803 | 1.12E+08 | 20050406 | 1.8E+09 | | 20081204 | 5.86E+09 | | 20120806 | 84267109 | 20050407 | 1.9E+09 | | 20081205 | 6.17E+09 | | 20120807 | 95243097 | 20050408 | 1.66E+09 | | 20081208 | 6.55E+09 | | 20120808 | 84907517 | 20050411 | 1.53E+09 | | 20081209 | 5.69E+09 | | 20120809 | 84352770 | 20050412 | 1.98E+09 | | 20081210 | 5.94E+09 | | 20120810 | 86641825 | 20050413 | 2.05E+09 | | 20081211 | 5.51E+09 | | 20120813 | 67546033 | 20050414 | 2.36E+09 | | 20081212 | 5.96E+09 | | 20120814 | 84429793 | 20050415 | 2.69E+09 | | 20081215 | 4.98E+09 | | 20120815 | 77127015 | 20050418 | 2.18E+09 | | 20081216 | 6.01E+09 | | 20120816 | 1.15E+08 | 20050419 | 2.14E+09 | | 20081217 | 5.91E+09 | | 20120817 | 1.39E+08 | 20050420 | 2.22E+09 | | 20081218 | 5.68E+09 | | 20120820 | 87593945 | 20050421 | 2.31E+09 | | 20081219 | 6.71E+09 | | 20120821 | 1.17E+08 | 20050422 | 2.05E+09 | | 20081222 | 4.87E+09 | | 20120822 | 1.11E+08 | 20050425 | 1.8E+09 | | 20081223 | 4.05E+09 | | 20120823 | 1.09E+08 | 20050426 | 1.96E+09 | | 20081224 | 1.55E+09 | | 20120824 | 86772375 | 20050427 | 2.15E+09 | | 20081226 | 1.88E+09 | | 20120827 | 96068237 | 20050428 | 2.18E+09 | | 20081229 | 3.32E+09 | | 20120828 | 81625855 | 20050429 | 2.36E+09 | | 20081230 | 3.63E+09 | | 20120829 | 91518118 | 20050502 | 1.98E+09 | | 20081231 | 4.17E+09 | | 20120830 | 89963994 | 20050503 | 2.17E+09 | | 20090102 | 4.05E+09 | | 20120831 | 1.2E+08 | 20050504 | 2.31E+09 | | 20090105 | 5.41E+09 | | 20120904 | 1.04E+08 | 20050505 | 2E+09 | | 20090106 | 5.39E+09 | | 20120905 | 92521245 | 20050506 | 1.71E+09 | | 20090107 | 4.7E+09 | | 20120906 | 1.29E+08 | 20050509 | 1.86E+09 | | 20090108 | 4.99E+09 | | 20120907 | 1.42E+08 | 20050510 | 1.89E+09 | | 20090109 | 4.72E+09 | | 20120910 | 1.24E+08 | 20050511 | 1.83E+09 | | 20090112 | 4.73E+09 | | 20120911 | 1.05E+08 | 20050512 | 2E+09 | | 20090113 | 5.02E+09 | | 20120912 | 1.11E+08 | 20050513 | 2.19E+09 | | 20090114 | 5.41E+09 | | 20120913 | 1.52E+08 | 20050516 | 1.86E+09 | | 20090115 | 7.81E+09 | | 20120914 | 1.85E+08 | 20050517 | 1.89E+09 | | 20090116 | 6.79E+09 | | 20120917 | 1.28E+08 | 20050518 | 2.27E+09 | | 20090120 | 6.38E+09 | | 20120918 | 1.21E+08 | 20050519 | 1.78E+09 | | 20090121 | 6.47E+09 | | 20120919 | 1.16E+08 | 20050520 | 1.63E+09 | | 20090122 | 5.84E+09 | | 20120920 | 1.18E+08 | 20050523 | 1.68E+09 | | 20090123 | 5.83E+09 | | 20120921 | 4.3E+08 | 20050524 | 1.68E+09 | | 20090126 | 6.04E+09 | | 20120924 | 1.15E+08 | 20050525 | 1.74E+09 | | 20090127 | 5.35E+09 | | 20120925 | 1.34E+08 | 20050526 | 1.65E+09 | | 20090128 | 6.2E+09 | | 20120926 | 1.2E+08 | 20050527 | 1.38E+09 | | 20090129 | 5.07E+09 | | 20120927 | 1.1E+08 | 20050531 | 1.84E+09 | | 20090130 | 5.35E+09 | | 20120928 | 1.43E+08 | 20050601 | 1.81E+09 | | 20090202 | 5.67E+09 | | 20121001 | 1.06E+08 | 20050602 | 1.81E+09 | | 20090203 | 5.89E+09 | | 20121002 | 90704296 | 20050603 | 1.63E+09 | | 20090204 | 6.42E+09 | | 20121003 | 1.04E+08 | 20050606 | 1.55E+09 | | 20090205 | 6.62E+09 | | 20121004 | 1.06E+08 | 20050607 | 1.85E+09 | | 20090206 | 6.48E+09 | | 20121005 | 1.15E+08 | 20050608 | 1.72E+09 | | 20090209 | 5.57E+09 | | 20121008 | 71290287 | 20050609 | 1.82E+09 | | 20090210 | 6.77E+09 | | 20121009 | 1.04E+08 | 20050610 | 1.66E+09 | | 20090211 | 5.93E+09 | | 20121010 | 1.01E+08 | 20050613 | 1.66E+09 | | 20090212 | 6.48E+09 | | 20121011 | 86566812 | 20050614 | 1.7E+09 | | 20090213 | 5.3E+09 | | 20121012 | 1.13E+08 | 20050615 | 1.84E+09 | | 20090217 | 5.91E+09 | | 20121015 | 1.15E+08 | 20050616 | 1.78E+09 | | 20090218 | 5.74E+09 | | 20121016 | 1.11E+08 | 20050617 | 2.41E+09 | | 20090219 | 5.75E+09 | | 20121017 | 1.36E+08 | 20050620 | 1.71E+09 | | 20090220 | 8.21E+09 | | 20121018 | 1.28E+08 | 20050621 | 1.72E+09 | | 20090223 | 6.51E+09 | | 20121019 | 2.39E+08 | 20050622 | 1.82E+09 | | 20090224 | 7.23E+09 | | 20121022 | 1.22E+08 | 20050623 | 2.03E+09 | | 20090225 | 7.48E+09 | | 20121023 | 1.22E+08 | 20050624 | 2.42E+09 | | 20090226 | 7.6E+09 | | 20121024 | 1.11E+08 | 20050627 | 1.74E+09 | | 20090227 | 8.93E+09 | | 20121025 | 1.15E+08 | 20050628 | 1.77E+09 | | 20090302 | 7.87E+09 | | 20121026 | 1.35E+08 | 20050629 | 1.77E+09 | | 20090303 | 7.58E+09 | | 20121030 | 0 | 20050630 | 2.11E+09 | | 20090304 | 7.67E+09 | | 20121031 | 1.38E+08 | 20050701 | 1.59E+09 | | 20090305 | 7.51E+09 | | 20121101 | 1.4E+08 | 20050705 | 1.81E+09 | | 20090306 | 7.33E+09 | | 20121102 | 1.38E+08 | 20050706 | 1.88E+09 | | 20090309 | 7.28E+09 | | 20121105 | 95350472 | 20050707 | 1.95E+09 | | 20090310 | 8.62E+09 | | 20121106 | 1.06E+08 | 20050708 | 1.9E+09 | | 20090311 | 7.29E+09 | | 20121107 | 1.64E+08 | 20050711 | 1.85E+09 | | 20090312 | 7.33E+09 | | 20121108 | 1.38E+08 | 20050712 | 1.93E+09 | | 20090313 | 6.79E+09 | | 20121109 | 1.32E+08 | 20050713 | 1.81E+09 | | 20090316 | 7.88E+09 | | 20121112 | 62356802 | 20050714 | 2.05E+09 | | 20090317 | 6.16E+09 | | 20121113 | 1.4E+08 | 20050715 | 1.72E+09 | | 20090318 | 9.1E+09 | | 20121114 | 1.62E+08 | 20050718 | 1.58E+09 | | 20090319 | 9.03E+09 | | 20121115 | 1.29E+08 | 20050719 | 2.04E+09 | | 20090320 | 7.64E+09 | | 20121116 | 1.97E+08 | 20050720 | 2.06E+09 | | 20090323 | 7.72E+09 | | 20121119 | 1.37E+08 | 20050721 | 2.13E+09 | | 20090324 | 6.77E+09 | | 20121120 | 1.34E+08 | 20050722 | 1.77E+09 | | 20090325 | 7.69E+09 | | 20121121 | 96654706 | 20050725 | 1.72E+09 | | 20090326 | 6.99E+09 | | 20121123 | 61108040 | 20050726 | 1.93E+09 | | 20090327 | 5.6E+09 | | 20121126 | 1.14E+08 | 20050727 | 1.95E+09 | | 20090330 | 5.91E+09 | | 20121127 | 1.18E+08 | 20050728 | 2E+09 | | 20090331 | 6.09E+09 | | 20121128 | 1.31E+08 | 20050729 | 1.79E+09 | | 20090401 | 6.03E+09 | | 20121129 | 1.13E+08 | 20050801 | 1.72E+09 | | 20090402 | 7.54E+09 | | 20121130 | 1.71E+08 | 20050802 | 2.04E+09 | | 20090403 | 5.86E+09 | | 20121203 | 1.13E+08 | 20050803 | 2E+09 | | 20090406 | 6.21E+09 | | 20121204 | 1.25E+08 | 20050804 | 1.98E+09 | | 20090407 | 5.16E+09 | | 20121205 | 66430000 | 20050805 | 1.93E+09 | | 20090408 | 5.94E+09 | | 20121206 | 96560000 | 20050808 | 1.8E+09 | | 20090409 | 7.6E+09 | | 20121207 | 1.24E+08 | 20050809 | 1.9E+09 | | 20090413 | 6.43E+09 | | 20121210 | 1.25E+08 | 20050810 | 2.17E+09 | | 20090414 | 7.57E+09 | | 20121211 | 1.25E+08 | 20050811 | 1.94E+09 | | 20090415 | 6.24E+09 | | 20121212 | 1.27E+08 | 20050812 | 1.71E+09 | | 20090416 | 6.6E+09 | | 20121213 | 1.01E+08 | 20050815 | 1.56E+09 | | 20090417 | 7.35E+09 | | 20121214 | 1.18E+08 | 20050816 | 1.82E+09 | | 20090420 | 6.97E+09 | | 20121217 | 1.43E+08 | 20050817 | 1.86E+09 | | 20090421 | 7.44E+09 | | 20121218 | 1.53E+08 | 20050818 | 1.81E+09 | | 20090422 | 7.33E+09 | | 20121219 | 1.49E+08 | 20050819 | 1.56E+09 | | 20090423 | 6.56E+09 | | 20121220 | 1.2E+08 | 20050822 | 1.62E+09 | | 20090424 | 7.11E+09 | | 20121221 | 4.13E+08 | 20050823 | 1.68E+09 | | 20090427 | 5.61E+09 | | 20121224 | 47705946 | 20050824 | 1.93E+09 | | 20090428 | 6.33E+09 | | 20121226 | 79408129 | 20050825 | 1.57E+09 | | 20090429 | 6.1E+09 | | 20121227 | 1E+08 | 20050826 | 1.54E+09 | | 20090430 | 6.86E+09 | | 20121228 | 85920060 | 20050829 | 1.6E+09 | | 20090501 | 5.31E+09 | | 20121231 | 1.46E+08 | 20050830 | 1.92E+09 | | 20090504 | 7.04E+09 | | | | 20050831 | 2.37E+09 | | 20090505 | 6.88E+09 | | | |

Appendix 4: KLSE daily trading volume from 01/01/2002 – 31/12/2012 Date | Volume | | Date | Volume | | Date | Volume | 2/1/2002 | 21151600 | | 2/9/2005 | 87447600 | | 1/5/2009 | 0 | 3/1/2002 | 36461000 | | 5/9/2005 | 68363600 | | 4/5/2009 | 6.06E+08 | 4/1/2002 | 79658400 | | 6/9/2005 | 60466000 | | 5/5/2009 | 7.25E+08 | 7/1/2002 | 79894400 | | 7/9/2005 | 62289200 | | 6/5/2009 | 7.02E+08 | 8/1/2002 | 51177800 | | 8/9/2005 | 66529800 | | 7/5/2009 | 7.65E+08 | 9/1/2002 | 59042400 | | 9/9/2005 | 57082800 | | 8/5/2009 | 5.59E+08 | 10/1/2002 | 93495600 | | 12/9/2005 | 53744400 | | 11/5/2009 | 8.17E+08 | 11/1/2002 | 79813600 | | 13/9/2005 | 66434600 | | 12/5/2009 | 5.37E+08 | 14/1/2002 | 37137000 | | 14/9/2005 | 67204800 | | 13/5/2009 | 7.23E+08 | 15/1/2002 | 51988000 | | 15/9/2005 | 65024200 | | 14/5/2009 | 6.23E+08 | 16/1/2002 | 57383800 | | 16/9/2005 | 74004200 | | 15/5/2009 | 5.88E+08 | 17/1/2002 | 53405400 | | 19/9/2005 | 61385600 | | 16/5/2009 | 5.61E+08 | 18/1/2002 | 43545000 | | 20/9/2005 | 89230000 | | 17/5/2009 | 5.68E+08 | 21/1/2002 | 28618800 | | 21/9/2005 | 1.07E+08 | | 18/5/2009 | 5.73E+08 | 22/1/2002 | 34325000 | | 22/9/2005 | 79897600 | | 19/5/2009 | 4.56E+08 | 23/1/2002 | 38767000 | | 23/9/2005 | 80146400 | | 20/5/2009 | 4E+08 | 24/1/2002 | 36877400 | | 26/9/2005 | 93230400 | | 21/5/2009 | 5.7E+08 | 25/1/2002 | 62420400 | | 27/9/2005 | 70167200 | | 22/5/2009 | 4.97E+08 | 28/1/2002 | 93280400 | | 28/9/2005 | 93133000 | | 23/5/2009 | 3.62E+08 | 29/1/2002 | 78651400 | | 29/9/2005 | 84218400 | | 24/5/2009 | 2.62E+08 | 30/1/2002 | 62820600 | | 30/9/2005 | 93338000 | | 25/5/2009 | 7.62E+08 | 31/1/2002 | 89088600 | | 3/10/2005 | 52884600 | | 26/5/2009 | 5.36E+08 | 4/2/2002 | 1.2E+08 | | 4/10/2005 | 67235600 | | 27/5/2009 | 6.63E+08 | 5/2/2002 | 84898200 | | 5/10/2005 | 74188000 | | 28/5/2009 | 4.28E+08 | 6/2/2002 | 66408400 | | 6/10/2005 | 83706800 | | 29/5/2009 | 3.8E+08 | 7/2/2002 | 50504800 | | 7/10/2005 | 79578400 | | 30/5/2009 | 5.45E+08 | 8/2/2002 | 53730400 | | 10/10/2005 | 83327200 | | 31/5/2009 | 4.16E+08 | 14/2/2002 | 52196400 | | 11/10/2005 | 59912200 | | 1/6/2009 | 3.18E+08 | 15/2/2002 | 73101600 | | 12/10/2005 | 75899200 | | 2/6/2009 | 4.35E+08 | 18/2/2002 | 39977400 | | 13/10/2005 | 60504400 | | 3/6/2009 | 5.8E+08 | 19/2/2002 | 93138800 | | 14/10/2005 | 56704600 | | 4/6/2009 | 4.95E+08 | 20/2/2002 | 53469800 | | 17/10/2005 | 56790600 | | 5/6/2009 | 5.39E+08 | 21/2/2002 | 57072800 | | 18/10/2005 | 66272400 | | 6/6/2009 | 5.74E+08 | 22/2/2002 | 52490000 | | 19/10/2005 | 1.23E+08 | | 7/6/2009 | 3.64E+08 | 25/2/2002 | 43811600 | | 20/10/2005 | 1.04E+08 | | 8/6/2009 | 4.52E+08 | 26/2/2002 | 37152800 | | 21/10/2005 | 87286000 | | 9/6/2009 | 4.59E+08 | 27/2/2002 | 51599600 | | 24/10/2005 | 81054000 | | 10/6/2009 | 4.42E+08 | 28/2/2002 | 59909400 | | 25/10/2005 | 83695400 | | 11/6/2009 | 5.08E+08 | 1/3/2002 | 43364000 | | 26/10/2005 | 63933400 | | 12/6/2009 | 3.77E+08 | 4/3/2002 | 61504800 | | 27/10/2005 | 91130400 | | 13/6/2009 | 4.8E+08 | 5/3/2002 | 89732000 | | 28/10/2005 | 75228400 | | 14/6/2009 | 3.76E+08 | 6/3/2002 | 53137800 | | 31/10/2005 | 61299800 | | 15/6/2009 | 2.45E+08 | 7/3/2002 | 49954800 | | 2/11/2005 | 53213800 | | 16/6/2009 | 3.27E+08 | 8/3/2002 | 1.01E+08 | | 7/11/2005 | 1.25E+08 | | 17/6/2009 | 2.4E+08 | 11/3/2002 | 1.24E+08 | | 8/11/2005 | 57068600 | | 18/6/2009 | 2.66E+08 | 12/3/2002 | 78043800 | | 9/11/2005 | 62048200 | | 19/6/2009 | 2.61E+08 | 13/3/2002 | 58034600 | | 10/11/2005 | 1.06E+08 | | 20/6/2009 | 2.26E+08 | 14/3/2002 | 44594000 | | 11/11/2005 | 75359600 | | 21/6/2009 | 81347200 | 18/3/2002 | 66423600 | | 14/11/2005 | 75446800 | | 22/6/2009 | 1.45E+08 | 19/3/2002 | 66742200 | | 15/11/2005 | 80941200 | | 23/6/2009 | 1.27E+08 | 20/3/2002 | 51606000 | | 16/11/2005 | 60898600 | | 24/6/2009 | 1.21E+08 | 21/3/2002 | 46645000 | | 17/11/2005 | 70858400 | | 25/6/2009 | 99903800 | 22/3/2002 | 66878600 | | 18/11/2005 | 66154200 | | 26/6/2009 | 1.16E+08 | 25/3/2002 | 65004800 | | 21/11/2005 | 67254800 | | 27/6/2009 | 1.86E+08 | 26/3/2002 | 52757800 | | 22/11/2005 | 64374800 | | 28/6/2009 | 2.16E+08 | 27/3/2002 | 69741600 | | 23/11/2005 | 64262200 | | 29/6/2009 | 1.39E+08 | 28/3/2002 | 88219400 | | 24/11/2005 | 63281600 | | 30/6/2009 | 1.58E+08 | 29/3/2002 | 43053800 | | 25/11/2005 | 59116600 | | 1/7/2009 | 1.55E+08 | 1/4/2002 | 39994400 | | 28/11/2005 | 52757200 | | 2/7/2009 | 1.96E+08 | 2/4/2002 | 65278000 | | 29/11/2005 | 85684600 | | 3/7/2009 | 1.24E+08 | 3/4/2002 | 63030400 | | 30/11/2005 | 94865600 | | 4/7/2009 | 1.54E+08 | 4/4/2002 | 74762400 | | 1/12/2005 | 1.09E+08 | | 5/7/2009 | 1.03E+08 | 5/4/2002 | 99933400 | | 2/12/2005 | 82238800 | | 6/7/2009 | 1.6E+08 | 8/4/2002 | 1.24E+08 | | 5/12/2005 | 61009200 | | 7/7/2009 | 1.72E+08 | 9/4/2002 | 1.22E+08 | | 6/12/2005 | 85887600 | | 8/7/2009 | 1.4E+08 | 10/4/2002 | 1.19E+08 | | 7/12/2005 | 88922000 | | 9/7/2009 | 1.66E+08 | 11/4/2002 | 1.24E+08 | | 8/12/2005 | 51043400 | | 10/7/2009 | 97561800 | 12/4/2002 | 97250800 | | 9/12/2005 | 62140200 | | 11/7/2009 | 1.36E+08 | 15/4/2002 | 1.44E+08 | | 12/12/2005 | 46522800 | | 12/7/2009 | 1.63E+08 | 16/4/2002 | 91265400 | | 13/12/2005 | 59134200 | | 13/7/2009 | 1.22E+08 | 17/4/2002 | 1.67E+08 | | 14/12/2005 | 64280800 | | 14/7/2009 | 1.62E+08 | 18/4/2002 | 1.08E+08 | | 15/12/2005 | 61566200 | | 15/7/2009 | 96369600 | 19/4/2002 | 1.32E+08 | | 16/12/2005 | 54465200 | | 16/7/2009 | 1.42E+08 | 22/4/2002 | 1.19E+08 | | 19/12/2005 | 37675200 | | 17/7/2009 | 1.48E+08 | 23/4/2002 | 1.36E+08 | | 20/12/2005 | 56106000 | | 18/7/2009 | 1.4E+08 | 24/4/2002 | 85581400 | | 21/12/2005 | 60081400 | | 19/7/2009 | 1.17E+08 | 26/4/2002 | 74897400 | | 22/12/2005 | 52104800 | | 20/7/2009 | 1.15E+08 | 29/4/2002 | 75063200 | | 23/12/2005 | 39075600 | | 21/7/2009 | 1.26E+08 | 30/4/2002 | 67754400 | | 27/12/2005 | 28286400 | | 22/7/2009 | 1.14E+08 | 2/5/2002 | 73689600 | | 28/12/2005 | 54534400 | | 23/7/2009 | 85595600 | 3/5/2002 | 42822000 | | 29/12/2005 | 54872600 | | 24/7/2009 | 88207600 | 6/5/2002 | 46630200 | | 30/12/2005 | 50709000 | | 25/7/2009 | 1.16E+08 | 7/5/2002 | 52094600 | | 3/1/2006 | 21876000 | | 26/7/2009 | 1.02E+08 | 8/5/2002 | 73995600 | | 4/1/2006 | 44177800 | | 27/7/2009 | 87852000 | 9/5/2002 | 76786800 | | 5/1/2006 | 85141600 | | 28/7/2009 | 1.01E+08 | 10/5/2002 | 47601600 | | 6/1/2006 | 89850400 | | 29/7/2009 | 1.36E+08 | 13/5/2002 | 40539000 | | 9/1/2006 | 1.02E+08 | | 30/7/2009 | 96814000 | 14/5/2002 | 45955000 | | 11/1/2006 | 1.05E+08 | | 31/7/2009 | 94598600 | 15/5/2002 | 45848000 | | 12/1/2006 | 1.37E+08 | | 1/8/2009 | 1E+08 | 16/5/2002 | 36572200 | | 13/1/2006 | 87413600 | | 2/8/2009 | 1.02E+08 | 17/5/2002 | 44474200 | | 16/1/2006 | 79542800 | | 3/8/2009 | 1.05E+08 | 20/5/2002 | 32886200 | | 17/1/2006 | 97132000 | | 4/8/2009 | 1.53E+08 | 21/5/2002 | 41906600 | | 18/1/2006 | 97384600 | | 5/8/2009 | 1.11E+08 | 22/5/2002 | 53836800 | | 19/1/2006 | 72242000 | | 6/8/2009 | 1.32E+08 | 23/5/2002 | 51349600 | | 20/1/2006 | 92847200 | | 7/8/2009 | 92797600 | 24/5/2002 | 40983400 | | 23/1/2006 | 69342400 | | 8/8/2009 | 89457000 | 28/5/2002 | 41959800 | | 24/1/2006 | 84478400 | | 9/8/2009 | 81485200 | 29/5/2002 | 48969400 | | 25/1/2006 | 91010400 | | 10/8/2009 | 1.03E+08 | 30/5/2002 | 52467000 | | 26/1/2006 | 97400800 | | 11/8/2009 | 1.1E+08 | 31/5/2002 | 68636800 | | 27/1/2006 | 90419200 | | 12/8/2009 | 88533000 | 3/6/2002 | 38846200 | | 3/2/2006 | 1.94E+08 | | 13/8/2009 | 0 | 4/6/2002 | 33353200 | | 6/2/2006 | 1.42E+08 | | 14/8/2009 | 87608200 | 5/6/2002 | 41726600 | | 7/2/2006 | 1.18E+08 | | 15/8/2009 | 1.01E+08 | 6/6/2002 | 37691200 | | 8/2/2006 | 1.29E+08 | | 16/8/2009 | 72541600 | 7/6/2002 | 38200800 | | 9/2/2006 | 1.23E+08 | | 17/8/2009 | 59585800 | 10/6/2002 | 31500000 | | 10/2/2006 | 1.02E+08 | | 18/8/2009 | 51999600 | 11/6/2002 | 54049200 | | 13/2/2006 | 90057600 | | 19/8/2009 | 91857200 | 12/6/2002 | 43263800 | | 14/2/2006 | 1.07E+08 | | 20/8/2009 | 68876400 | 13/6/2002 | 37363000 | | 15/2/2006 | 1.26E+08 | | 21/8/2009 | 79423600 | 14/6/2002 | 45792200 | | 16/2/2006 | 1.04E+08 | | 22/8/2009 | 82925200 | 17/6/2002 | 26192200 | | 17/2/2006 | 91068400 | | 23/8/2009 | 98981600 | 18/6/2002 | 29403000 | | 20/2/2006 | 87352800 | | 24/8/2009 | 1.15E+08 | 19/6/2002 | 39927800 | | 21/2/2006 | 94415600 | | 25/8/2009 | 1.03E+08 | 20/6/2002 | 28101600 | | 22/2/2006 | 87896400 | | 26/8/2009 | 1.02E+08 | 21/6/2002 | 36746200 | | 23/2/2006 | 76611200 | | 27/8/2009 | 57814200 | 24/6/2002 | 72659000 | | 24/2/2006 | 78411800 | | 28/8/2009 | 59122800 | 25/6/2002 | 88623600 | | 27/2/2006 | 77466200 | | 29/8/2009 | 97019600 | 26/6/2002 | 80596000 | | 28/2/2006 | 1.03E+08 | | 30/8/2009 | 78012800 | 27/6/2002 | 60920800 | | 1/3/2006 | 95816400 | | 31/8/2009 | 78634600 | 28/6/2002 | 62162600 | | 2/3/2006 | 91961600 | | 1/9/2009 | 81436400 | 1/7/2002 | 32276800 | | 3/3/2006 | 1.43E+08 | | 2/9/2009 | 1.17E+08 | 2/7/2002 | 41308000 | | 6/3/2006 | 1.03E+08 | | 3/9/2009 | 90992800 | 3/7/2002 | 32622800 | | 7/3/2006 | 1.05E+08 | | 4/9/2009 | 82178000 | 4/7/2002 | 35577800 | | 8/3/2006 | 91027200 | | 5/9/2009 | 1.11E+08 | 5/7/2002 | 45084400 | | 9/3/2006 | 1.19E+08 | | 6/9/2009 | 71757200 | 8/7/2002 | 35656600 | | 10/3/2006 | 1.05E+08 | | 7/9/2009 | 1.01E+08 | 9/7/2002 | 32674000 | | 13/3/2006 | 62687000 | | 8/9/2009 | 66842800 | 10/7/2002 | 29143600 | | 14/3/2006 | 65837000 | | 9/9/2009 | 96412000 | 11/7/2002 | 27290400 | | 15/3/2006 | 70688800 | | 10/9/2009 | 1.04E+08 | 12/7/2002 | 29706400 | | 16/3/2006 | 1.07E+08 | | 11/9/2009 | 70676800 | 15/7/2002 | 32568000 | | 17/3/2006 | 1.09E+08 | | 12/9/2009 | 80764400 | 16/7/2002 | 32328400 | | 20/3/2006 | 85188800 | | 13/9/2009 | 72990800 | 17/7/2002 | 32618800 | | 21/3/2006 | 80620000 | | 14/9/2009 | 82808000 | 18/7/2002 | 24105600 | | 22/3/2006 | 1.01E+08 | | 15/9/2009 | 83332400 | 19/7/2002 | 31647400 | | 23/3/2006 | 97693200 | | 16/9/2009 | 84931000 | 22/7/2002 | 41455400 | | 24/3/2006 | 91571600 | | 17/9/2009 | 88121400 | 23/7/2002 | 33984200 | | 27/3/2006 | 1.05E+08 | | 18/9/2009 | 82532000 | 24/7/2002 | 42263800 | | 28/3/2006 | 1.3E+08 | | 19/9/2009 | 85158800 | 25/7/2002 | 33671200 | | 29/3/2006 | 1.62E+08 | | 20/9/2009 | 54833600 | 26/7/2002 | 24414800 | | 30/3/2006 | 93896800 | | 21/9/2009 | 61446400 | 29/7/2002 | 22194400 | | 31/3/2006 | 97368800 | | 22/9/2009 | 1.02E+08 | 30/7/2002 | 38024400 | | 3/4/2006 | 75666800 | | 23/9/2009 | 76539400 | 31/7/2002 | 32491800 | | 4/4/2006 | 1.3E+08 | | 24/9/2009 | 0 | 1/8/2002 | 40143400 | | 5/4/2006 | 1.56E+08 | | 25/9/2009 | 1.26E+08 | 2/8/2002 | 32656200 | | 6/4/2006 | 1.3E+08 | | 26/9/2009 | 67308000 | 5/8/2002 | 30031400 | | 7/4/2006 | 1.14E+08 | | 27/9/2009 | 1.1E+08 | 6/8/2002 | 33130600 | | 10/4/2006 | 1.1E+08 | | 28/9/2009 | 1E+08 | 7/8/2002 | 22147800 | | 12/4/2006 | 1.3E+08 | | 29/9/2009 | 91824000 | 8/8/2002 | 19411200 | | 13/4/2006 | 1.02E+08 | | 30/9/2009 | 1.96E+08 | 9/8/2002 | 23303400 | | 14/4/2006 | 53755800 | | 1/10/2009 | 79914400 | 12/8/2002 | 30360600 | | 17/4/2006 | 84351400 | | 2/10/2009 | 89033600 | 13/8/2002 | 32445000 | | 18/4/2006 | 94908000 | | 3/10/2009 | 67244000 | 14/8/2002 | 23616800 | | 19/4/2006 | 1.1E+08 | | 4/10/2009 | 67282200 | 15/8/2002 | 38895400 | | 20/4/2006 | 1.11E+08 | | 5/10/2009 | 71717600 | 16/8/2002 | 30801000 | | 21/4/2006 | 1E+08 | | 6/10/2009 | 73392000 | 19/8/2002 | 24038800 | | 24/4/2006 | 89526800 | | 7/10/2009 | 80478400 | 20/8/2002 | 29496000 | | 25/4/2006 | 1.59E+08 | | 8/10/2009 | 69387800 | 21/8/2002 | 34926400 | | 26/4/2006 | 2.04E+08 | | 9/10/2009 | 63471400 | 22/8/2002 | 33768600 | | 27/4/2006 | 1.25E+08 | | 10/10/2009 | 70108800 | 23/8/2002 | 24126800 | | 28/4/2006 | 2.09E+08 | | 11/10/2009 | 76633200 | 26/8/2002 | 29809000 | | 2/5/2006 | 1.9E+08 | | 12/10/2009 | 84102800 | 27/8/2002 | 34748600 | | 3/5/2006 | 1.69E+08 | | 13/10/2009 | 95597400 | 28/8/2002 | 33596000 | | 4/5/2006 | 1.58E+08 | | 14/10/2009 | 90167400 | 29/8/2002 | 40406000 | | 5/5/2006 | 1.8E+08 | | 15/10/2009 | 58808000 | 30/8/2002 | 39503600 | | 8/5/2006 | 2.12E+08 | | 16/10/2009 | 43686000 | 2/9/2002 | 18752400 | | 9/5/2006 | 2.4E+08 | | 17/10/2009 | 41488600 | 3/9/2002 | 30663200 | | 10/5/2006 | 1.87E+08 | | 18/10/2009 | 49237800 | 4/9/2002 | 35113800 | | 11/5/2006 | 2.15E+08 | | 19/10/2009 | 47798000 | 5/9/2002 | 29440400 | | 12/5/2006 | 0 | | 20/10/2009 | 57402600 | 6/9/2002 | 43758600 | | 15/5/2006 | 2.25E+08 | | 21/10/2009 | 63234200 | 9/9/2002 | 36978800 | | 16/5/2006 | 2.12E+08 | | 22/10/2009 | 56508200 | 10/9/2002 | 33202600 | | 17/5/2006 | 1.5E+08 | | 23/10/2009 | 1.37E+08 | 11/9/2002 | 24006800 | | 18/5/2006 | 1.73E+08 | | 24/10/2009 | 1.18E+08 | 12/9/2002 | 33341600 | | 19/5/2006 | 1.83E+08 | | 25/10/2009 | 1.15E+08 | 13/9/2002 | 33318600 | | 22/5/2006 | 2.14E+08 | | 26/10/2009 | 74587200 | 16/9/2002 | 23376800 | | 23/5/2006 | 1.91E+08 | | 27/10/2009 | 92427600 | 17/9/2002 | 30971800 | | 24/5/2006 | 1.85E+08 | | 28/10/2009 | 95212000 | 18/9/2002 | 35710800 | | 25/5/2006 | 1.78E+08 | | 29/10/2009 | 92362400 | 19/9/2002 | 39866000 | | 26/5/2006 | 1.69E+08 | | 30/10/2009 | 1.04E+08 | 20/9/2002 | 34853800 | | 29/5/2006 | 89940000 | | 31/10/2009 | 99995400 | 23/9/2002 | 36013400 | | 30/5/2006 | 1.09E+08 | | 1/11/2009 | 93256800 | 24/9/2002 | 48318200 | | 31/5/2006 | 1.48E+08 | | 2/11/2009 | 91881200 | 25/9/2002 | 69265200 | | 1/6/2006 | 1.07E+08 | | 3/11/2009 | 1.38E+08 | 26/9/2002 | 50322200 | | 2/6/2006 | 1E+08 | | 4/11/2009 | 1.01E+08 | 27/9/2002 | 37237200 | | 5/6/2006 | 64025600 | | 5/11/2009 | 94221600 | 30/9/2002 | 41474400 | | 6/6/2006 | 63615600 | | 6/11/2009 | 64897200 | 1/10/2002 | 26498400 | | 7/6/2006 | 1.05E+08 | | 7/11/2009 | 1.19E+08 | 2/10/2002 | 26770400 | | 8/6/2006 | 1.27E+08 | | 8/11/2009 | 1.53E+08 | 3/10/2002 | 23022000 | | 9/6/2006 | 1.12E+08 | | 9/11/2009 | 1.22E+08 | 4/10/2002 | 35171200 | | 12/6/2006 | 80104600 | | 10/11/2009 | 1.46E+08 | 7/10/2002 | 24538000 | | 13/6/2006 | 1.23E+08 | | 11/11/2009 | 1.22E+08 | 8/10/2002 | 34018000 | | 14/6/2006 | 1.2E+08 | | 12/11/2009 | 83913600 | 9/10/2002 | 32731200 | | 15/6/2006 | 1E+08 | | 13/11/2009 | 72901400 | 10/10/2002 | 31215400 | | 16/6/2006 | 1.02E+08 | | 14/11/2009 | 1.37E+08 | 11/10/2002 | 22660200 | | 19/6/2006 | 81393200 | | 15/11/2009 | 1.13E+08 | 14/10/2002 | 22745600 | | 20/6/2006 | 81097600 | | 16/11/2009 | 1.46E+08 | 15/10/2002 | 44984800 | | 21/6/2006 | 99734800 | | 17/11/2009 | 1.14E+08 | 16/10/2002 | 41466400 | | 22/6/2006 | 90290000 | | 18/11/2009 | 86269800 | 17/10/2002 | 39677400 | | 23/6/2006 | 51364000 | | 19/11/2009 | 64744800 | 18/10/2002 | 75413000 | | 26/6/2006 | 58583800 | | 20/11/2009 | 0 | 21/10/2002 | 50926200 | | 27/6/2006 | 76818400 | | 21/11/2009 | 96099600 | 22/10/2002 | 33268600 | | 28/6/2006 | 62681800 | | 22/11/2009 | 88677800 | 23/10/2002 | 28606800 | | 29/6/2006 | 78332800 | | 23/11/2009 | 1.07E+08 | 24/10/2002 | 43833800 | | 30/6/2006 | 1.16E+08 | | 24/11/2009 | 87683600 | 25/10/2002 | 27231400 | | 3/7/2006 | 70469600 | | 25/11/2009 | 1.01E+08 | 28/10/2002 | 33963800 | | 4/7/2006 | 1.25E+08 | | 26/11/2009 | 99487200 | 29/10/2002 | 35819800 | | 5/7/2006 | 60797200 | | 27/11/2009 | 1.71E+08 | 30/10/2002 | 23506400 | | 6/7/2006 | 80310000 | | 28/11/2009 | 1.77E+08 | 31/10/2002 | 25506800 | | 7/7/2006 | 86276200 | | 29/11/2009 | 1.57E+08 | 1/11/2002 | 24200200 | | 10/7/2006 | 1.08E+08 | | 30/11/2009 | 1.54E+08 | 5/11/2002 | 41987600 | | 11/7/2006 | 71678000 | | 1/12/2009 | 1.25E+08 | 6/11/2002 | 30292200 | | 12/7/2006 | 1.03E+08 | | 2/12/2009 | 1.49E+08 | 7/11/2002 | 30291200 | | 13/7/2006 | 1.16E+08 | | 3/12/2009 | 1.95E+08 | 8/11/2002 | 23859600 | | 14/7/2006 | 1.28E+08 | | 4/12/2009 | 1.21E+08 | 11/11/2002 | 34115400 | | 17/7/2006 | 1.03E+08 | | 5/12/2009 | 1.21E+08 | 12/11/2002 | 38976400 | | 18/7/2006 | 72687000 | | 6/12/2009 | 1.03E+08 | 13/11/2002 | 43634400 | | 19/7/2006 | 90423200 | | 7/12/2009 | 1.09E+08 | 14/11/2002 | 34285400 | | 20/7/2006 | 79837400 | | 8/12/2009 | 90177200 | 15/11/2002 | 30465200 | | 21/7/2006 | 56186000 | | 9/12/2009 | 83064000 | 18/11/2002 | 30378200 | | 24/7/2006 | 60525800 | | 10/12/2009 | 95358000 | 19/11/2002 | 45177000 | | 25/7/2006 | 86575200 | | 11/12/2009 | 1.1E+08 | 20/11/2002 | 25182400 | | 26/7/2006 | 85236000 | | 12/12/2009 | 1.02E+08 | 21/11/2002 | 31145000 | | 27/7/2006 | 1.01E+08 | | 13/12/2009 | 96090200 | 22/11/2002 | 38804800 | | 28/7/2006 | 64314400 | | 14/12/2009 | 96196000 | 25/11/2002 | 31590200 | | 31/7/2006 | 73037000 | | 15/12/2009 | 89597800 | 26/11/2002 | 27952600 | | 1/8/2006 | 78874800 | | 16/12/2009 | 99142800 | 27/11/2002 | 54587400 | | 2/8/2006 | 73994600 | | 17/12/2009 | 90284000 | 28/11/2002 | 46308600 | | 3/8/2006 | 66738800 | | 18/12/2009 | 91132000 | 29/11/2002 | 34161800 | | 4/8/2006 | 82032600 | | 19/12/2009 | 65188200 | 2/12/2002 | 28164400 | | 7/8/2006 | 59537200 | | 20/12/2009 | 1.13E+08 | 3/12/2002 | 45461800 | | 8/8/2006 | 54620400 | | 21/12/2009 | 90968800 | 4/12/2002 | 38784000 | | 9/8/2006 | 46926400 | | 22/12/2009 | 60418400 | 9/12/2002 | 55875400 | | 10/8/2006 | 78199600 | | 23/12/2009 | 66001400 | 10/12/2002 | 40050800 | | 11/8/2006 | 64922600 | | 24/12/2009 | 1.02E+08 | 11/12/2002 | 21787800 | | 14/8/2006 | 56106200 | | 25/12/2009 | 96155200 | 12/12/2002 | 26714200 | | 15/8/2006 | 51562200 | | 26/12/2009 | 1.15E+08 | 13/12/2002 | 29342600 | | 16/8/2006 | 78122000 | | 27/12/2009 | 86192200 | 16/12/2002 | 30835200 | | 17/8/2006 | 82057600 | | 28/12/2009 | 1.12E+08 | 17/12/2002 | 35151200 | | 18/8/2006 | 64421600 | | 29/12/2009 | 84707400 | 18/12/2002 | 28591400 | | 21/8/2006 | 76360800 | | 30/12/2009 | 84715200 | 19/12/2002 | 31355400 | | 22/8/2006 | 93186800 | | 31/12/2009 | 1.01E+08 | 20/12/2002 | 33241200 | | 23/8/2006 | 68565600 | | 1/1/2010 | 75909000 | 23/12/2002 | 21095200 | | 24/8/2006 | 61527200 | | 2/1/2010 | 83487800 | 24/12/2002 | 16168400 | | 25/8/2006 | 83925200 | | 3/1/2010 | 76536000 | 26/12/2002 | 22842200 | | 28/8/2006 | 74295400 | | 4/1/2010 | 93977200 | 27/12/2002 | 26105600 | | 29/8/2006 | 87036600 | | 5/1/2010 | 75428400 | 30/12/2002 | 30380400 | | 30/8/2006 | 91514400 | | 6/1/2010 | 56413400 | 31/12/2002 | 59115400 | | 1/9/2006 | 1.17E+08 | | 7/1/2010 | 54767400 | 2/1/2003 | 14224200 | | 4/9/2006 | 77173600 | | 8/1/2010 | 89002000 | 3/1/2003 | 18595800 | | 5/9/2006 | 92936600 | | 9/1/2010 | 86258800 | 6/1/2003 | 20648400 | | 6/9/2006 | 97991400 | | 10/1/2010 | 77970800 | 7/1/2003 | 24400600 | | 7/9/2006 | 87546400 | | 11/1/2010 | 1.33E+08 | 8/1/2003 | 18972600 | | 8/9/2006 | 77710200 | | 12/1/2010 | 78244800 | 9/1/2003 | 24214400 | | 11/9/2006 | 83241200 | | 13/1/2010 | 76576800 | 10/1/2003 | 51886000 | | 12/9/2006 | 1E+08 | | 14/1/2010 | 1.23E+08 | 13/1/2003 | 1.04E+08 | | 13/9/2006 | 1.05E+08 | | 15/1/2010 | 1.23E+08 | 14/1/2003 | 1.21E+08 | | 14/9/2006 | 83899200 | | 16/1/2010 | 1.53E+08 | 15/1/2003 | 98590200 | | 15/9/2006 | 1.04E+08 | | 17/1/2010 | 1.08E+08 | 16/1/2003 | 86252000 | | 18/9/2006 | 1.3E+08 | | 18/1/2010 | 1.1E+08 | 17/1/2003 | 63752000 | | 19/9/2006 | 1.16E+08 | | 19/1/2010 | 87190800 | 20/1/2003 | 59780000 | | 20/9/2006 | 98410800 | | 20/1/2010 | 69926200 | 21/1/2003 | 86574200 | | 21/9/2006 | 1.26E+08 | | 21/1/2010 | 90595200 | 22/1/2003 | 67328400 | | 22/9/2006 | 97507200 | | 22/1/2010 | 83872200 | 23/1/2003 | 68133400 | | 25/9/2006 | 84005200 | | 23/1/2010 | 67770000 | 24/1/2003 | 55743000 | | 26/9/2006 | 83684400 | | 24/1/2010 | 1.12E+08 | 27/1/2003 | 75123800 | | 27/9/2006 | 96174800 | | 25/1/2010 | 1.29E+08 | 28/1/2003 | 62386800 | | 28/9/2006 | 92164800 | | 26/1/2010 | 1.59E+08 | 29/1/2003 | 46491800 | | 29/9/2006 | 1.26E+08 | | 27/1/2010 | 1.24E+08 | 30/1/2003 | 51153600 | | 2/10/2006 | 78772800 | | 28/1/2010 | 1.83E+08 | 5/2/2003 | 47285600 | | 3/10/2006 | 91253400 | | 29/1/2010 | 1.95E+08 | 6/2/2003 | 41908000 | | 4/10/2006 | 80055800 | | 30/1/2010 | 1.03E+08 | 7/2/2003 | 45072000 | | 5/10/2006 | 1.08E+08 | | 31/1/2010 | 1.49E+08 | 10/2/2003 | 47990400 | | 6/10/2006 | 88073600 | | 1/2/2010 | 77367200 | 11/2/2003 | 34950400 | | 9/10/2006 | 75651400 | | 2/2/2010 | 77071200 | 13/2/2003 | 44861800 | | 10/10/2006 | 79969600 | | 3/2/2010 | 1.07E+08 | 14/2/2003 | 30579400 | | 11/10/2006 | 77004800 | | 4/2/2010 | 72366600 | 17/2/2003 | 36367600 | | 12/10/2006 | 1.26E+08 | | 5/2/2010 | 74697200 | 18/2/2003 | 29310200 | | 13/10/2006 | 1.28E+08 | | 6/2/2010 | 65905600 | 19/2/2003 | 35498200 | | 16/10/2006 | 69286000 | | 7/2/2010 | 63987800 | 20/2/2003 | 33406400 | | 17/10/2006 | 84841600 | | 8/2/2010 | 63147000 | 21/2/2003 | 27223000 | | 18/10/2006 | 70241600 | | 9/2/2010 | 82157600 | 24/2/2003 | 19780600 | | 19/10/2006 | 1.08E+08 | | 10/2/2010 | 51568800 | 25/2/2003 | 38247400 | | 20/10/2006 | 91642800 | | 11/2/2010 | 78556800 | 26/2/2003 | 25842600 | | 26/10/2006 | 98000600 | | 12/2/2010 | 64461200 | 27/2/2003 | 45147200 | | 27/10/2006 | 1.19E+08 | | 13/2/2010 | 1.05E+08 | 28/2/2003 | 34659000 | | 30/10/2006 | 77472800 | | 14/2/2010 | 1.13E+08 | 3/3/2003 | 28759800 | | 31/10/2006 | 1.41E+08 | | 15/2/2010 | 81704400 | 5/3/2003 | 34518400 | | 1/11/2006 | 1.19E+08 | | 16/2/2010 | 85413600 | 6/3/2003 | 31441600 | | 2/11/2006 | 1.33E+08 | | 17/2/2010 | 68009600 | 7/3/2003 | 45808600 | | 3/11/2006 | 1.32E+08 | | 18/2/2010 | 56493800 | 10/3/2003 | 57623600 | | 6/11/2006 | 98254000 | | 19/2/2010 | 53813200 | 11/3/2003 | 52956000 | | 7/11/2006 | 1.52E+08 | | 20/2/2010 | 87023800 | 12/3/2003 | 49150000 | | 8/11/2006 | 1.95E+08 | | 21/2/2010 | 81512000 | 13/3/2003 | 34857400 | | 9/11/2006 | 1.99E+08 | | 22/2/2010 | 1.14E+08 | 14/3/2003 | 38903000 | | 10/11/2006 | 1.88E+08 | | 23/2/2010 | 1.43E+08 | 17/3/2003 | 27905000 | | 13/11/2006 | 1.22E+08 | | 24/2/2010 | 74662400 | 18/3/2003 | 54217200 | | 14/11/2006 | 1.77E+08 | | 25/2/2010 | 90967200 | 19/3/2003 | 30348800 | | 15/11/2006 | 1.82E+08 | | 26/2/2010 | 83679000 | 20/3/2003 | 74292000 | | 16/11/2006 | 2.48E+08 | | 27/2/2010 | 89981400 | 21/3/2003 | 63496400 | | 17/11/2006 | 2.2E+08 | | 28/2/2010 | 1.4E+08 | 24/3/2003 | 39303200 | | 20/11/2006 | 2.44E+08 | | 1/3/2010 | 78791800 | 25/3/2003 | 27122800 | | 21/11/2006 | 1.56E+08 | | 2/3/2010 | 99389200 | 26/3/2003 | 40955200 | | 22/11/2006 | 1.67E+08 | | 3/3/2010 | 1.23E+08 | 27/3/2003 | 36164600 | | 23/11/2006 | 1.33E+08 | | 4/3/2010 | 84559200 | 28/3/2003 | 44664000 | | 24/11/2006 | 1.64E+08 | | 5/3/2010 | 90899600 | 31/3/2003 | 48974400 | | 27/11/2006 | 2.22E+08 | | 6/3/2010 | 80266000 | 1/4/2003 | 40280000 | | 28/11/2006 | 1.85E+08 | | 7/3/2010 | 77330800 | 2/4/2003 | 35465400 | | 29/11/2006 | 2.3E+08 | | 8/3/2010 | 79138400 | 3/4/2003 | 47165400 | | 30/11/2006 | 3.7E+08 | | 9/3/2010 | 80568800 | 4/4/2003 | 50877600 | | 1/12/2006 | 2.75E+08 | | 10/3/2010 | 1.1E+08 | 7/4/2003 | 39573200 | | 4/12/2006 | 2.33E+08 | | 11/3/2010 | 77598800 | 8/4/2003 | 42183000 | | 5/12/2006 | 2.37E+08 | | 12/3/2010 | 1.03E+08 | 9/4/2003 | 35282800 | | 6/12/2006 | 2.85E+08 | | 13/3/2010 | 75111200 | 10/4/2003 | 42119200 | | 7/12/2006 | 2.12E+08 | | 14/3/2010 | 1.13E+08 | 11/4/2003 | 39883000 | | 8/12/2006 | 2.05E+08 | | 15/3/2010 | 1.21E+08 | 14/4/2003 | 28140600 | | 11/12/2006 | 1.89E+08 | | 16/3/2010 | 72660200 | 15/4/2003 | 30768000 | | 12/12/2006 | 2.28E+08 | | 17/3/2010 | 1.05E+08 | 16/4/2003 | 31855600 | | 13/12/2006 | 2.05E+08 | | 18/3/2010 | 89160400 | 17/4/2003 | 26936600 | | 14/12/2006 | 1.68E+08 | | 19/3/2010 | 1.12E+08 | 18/4/2003 | 17275200 | | 15/12/2006 | 1.68E+08 | | 20/3/2010 | 70841600 | 21/4/2003 | 16131200 | | 18/12/2006 | 1.9E+08 | | 21/3/2010 | 61808000 | 22/4/2003 | 20232800 | | 19/12/2006 | 1.7E+08 | | 22/3/2010 | 75333800 | 23/4/2003 | 27602400 | | 20/12/2006 | 1.29E+08 | | 23/3/2010 | 79077600 | 24/4/2003 | 39693600 | | 21/12/2006 | 1.24E+08 | | 24/3/2010 | 69806400 | 25/4/2003 | 30236800 | | 22/12/2006 | 1.76E+08 | | 25/3/2010 | 93442800 | 28/4/2003 | 28537000 | | 26/12/2006 | 61389400 | | 26/3/2010 | 1.02E+08 | 29/4/2003 | 36727200 | | 27/12/2006 | 89966400 | | 27/3/2010 | 1.71E+08 | 30/4/2003 | 31350400 | | 28/12/2006 | 1.01E+08 | | 28/3/2010 | 1.48E+08 | 2/5/2003 | 24396400 | | 29/12/2006 | 1.22E+08 | | 29/3/2010 | 1.44E+08 | 5/5/2003 | 19776800 | | 3/1/2007 | 1.99E+08 | | 30/3/2010 | 1.14E+08 | 6/5/2003 | 23576200 | | 4/1/2007 | 1.78E+08 | | 31/3/2010 | 1.22E+08 | 7/5/2003 | 33950000 | | 5/1/2007 | 2.05E+08 | | 1/4/2010 | 1.69E+08 | 8/5/2003 | 28066000 | | 8/1/2007 | 1.67E+08 | | 2/4/2010 | 1.66E+08 | 9/5/2003 | 37623200 | | 9/1/2007 | 1.83E+08 | | 3/4/2010 | 1.23E+08 | 12/5/2003 | 29982200 | | 10/1/2007 | 2.11E+08 | | 4/4/2010 | 1.44E+08 | 13/5/2003 | 38443800 | | 11/1/2007 | 1.68E+08 | | 5/4/2010 | 1.83E+08 | 16/5/2003 | 36382200 | | 12/1/2007 | 2.76E+08 | | 6/4/2010 | 1.95E+08 | 19/5/2003 | 39284800 | | 15/1/2007 | 2.27E+08 | | 7/4/2010 | 1.49E+08 | 20/5/2003 | 39697600 | | 16/1/2007 | 2.19E+08 | | 8/4/2010 | 1.4E+08 | 21/5/2003 | 50917800 | | 17/1/2007 | 2.51E+08 | | 9/4/2010 | 1.31E+08 | 22/5/2003 | 49364600 | | 18/1/2007 | 2.87E+08 | | 10/4/2010 | 1.01E+08 | 23/5/2003 | 91766600 | | 19/1/2007 | 2.59E+08 | | 11/4/2010 | 90835000 | 26/5/2003 | 73826400 | | 22/1/2007 | 2.27E+08 | | 12/4/2010 | 69761200 | 27/5/2003 | 55810800 | | 23/1/2007 | 3.03E+08 | | 13/4/2010 | 1.65E+08 | 28/5/2003 | 96475800 | | 24/1/2007 | 3.54E+08 | | 14/4/2010 | 1.78E+08 | 29/5/2003 | 67278000 | | 25/1/2007 | 3.14E+08 | | 15/4/2010 | 1.26E+08 | 30/5/2003 | 95987200 | | 26/1/2007 | 3.09E+08 | | 16/4/2010 | 1.66E+08 | 2/6/2003 | 64042400 | | 29/1/2007 | 2.49E+08 | | 17/4/2010 | 1E+08 | 3/6/2003 | 63583400 | | 30/1/2007 | 2.23E+08 | | 18/4/2010 | 1.36E+08 | 4/6/2003 | 38769600 | | 31/1/2007 | 2.9E+08 | | 19/4/2010 | 1.83E+08 | 5/6/2003 | 1.09E+08 | | 2/2/2007 | 3.8E+08 | | 20/4/2010 | 1.16E+08 | 6/6/2003 | 69746400 | | 5/2/2007 | 3.52E+08 | | 21/4/2010 | 1.43E+08 | 9/6/2003 | 82527200 | | 6/2/2007 | 3.9E+08 | | 22/4/2010 | 1.43E+08 | 10/6/2003 | 58258200 | | 7/2/2007 | 3.27E+08 | | 23/4/2010 | 1.06E+08 | 11/6/2003 | 1.09E+08 | | 8/2/2007 | 4.44E+08 | | 24/4/2010 | 1.29E+08 | 12/6/2003 | 1.1E+08 | | 9/2/2007 | 5.07E+08 | | 25/4/2010 | 1.37E+08 | 13/6/2003 | 1.13E+08 | | 12/2/2007 | 2.38E+08 | | 26/4/2010 | 1.24E+08 | 16/6/2003 | 64292200 | | 13/2/2007 | 2.96E+08 | | 27/4/2010 | 1.19E+08 | 17/6/2003 | 62724600 | | 14/2/2007 | 3.78E+08 | | 28/4/2010 | 1.22E+08 | 18/6/2003 | 58249600 | | 15/2/2007 | 4.78E+08 | | 29/4/2010 | 1.28E+08 | 19/6/2003 | 60620600 | | 16/2/2007 | 2.86E+08 | | 30/4/2010 | 1.28E+08 | 20/6/2003 | 59687000 | | 21/2/2007 | 3.75E+08 | | 1/5/2010 | 1.26E+08 | 23/6/2003 | 59273000 | | 22/2/2007 | 3.19E+08 | | 2/5/2010 | 1.41E+08 | 24/6/2003 | 47895000 | | 23/2/2007 | 3.29E+08 | | 3/5/2010 | 1.58E+08 | 25/6/2003 | 38850000 | | 26/2/2007 | 2.75E+08 | | 4/5/2010 | 1.71E+08 | 26/6/2003 | 45683600 | | 27/2/2007 | 4.59E+08 | | 5/5/2010 | 1.58E+08 | 27/6/2003 | 93032800 | | 28/2/2007 | 6.15E+08 | | 6/5/2010 | 1.27E+08 | 30/6/2003 | 82469400 | | 1/3/2007 | 3.1E+08 | | 7/5/2010 | 1.41E+08 | 1/7/2003 | 65798200 | | 2/3/2007 | 3.17E+08 | | 8/5/2010 | 1.63E+08 | 2/7/2003 | 1.07E+08 | | 5/3/2007 | 4.65E+08 | | 9/5/2010 | 1.43E+08 | 3/7/2003 | 2.51E+08 | | 6/3/2007 | 3.33E+08 | | 10/5/2010 | 1.65E+08 | 4/7/2003 | 1.7E+08 | | 7/3/2007 | 3.42E+08 | | 11/5/2010 | 1.32E+08 | 7/7/2003 | 1.71E+08 | | 8/3/2007 | 2.47E+08 | | 12/5/2010 | 1.05E+08 | 8/7/2003 | 1.5E+08 | | 9/3/2007 | 2.22E+08 | | 13/5/2010 | 1.51E+08 | 9/7/2003 | 86096200 | | 12/3/2007 | 2.11E+08 | | 14/5/2010 | 1.31E+08 | 10/7/2003 | 92013200 | | 13/3/2007 | 2.48E+08 | | 15/5/2010 | 1.3E+08 | 11/7/2003 | 69893600 | | 14/3/2007 | 2.56E+08 | | 16/5/2010 | 1.32E+08 | 14/7/2003 | 1.2E+08 | | 15/3/2007 | 1.59E+08 | | 17/5/2010 | 89809800 | 15/7/2003 | 1.31E+08 | | 16/3/2007 | 0 | | 18/5/2010 | 1.25E+08 | 16/7/2003 | 1.01E+08 | | 19/3/2007 | 1.62E+08 | | 19/5/2010 | 73248400 | 17/7/2003 | 87468200 | | 20/3/2007 | 1.78E+08 | | 20/5/2010 | 1.18E+08 | 18/7/2003 | 58318600 | | 21/3/2007 | 1.82E+08 | | 21/5/2010 | 1.51E+08 | 21/7/2003 | 57398400 | | 22/3/2007 | 3.24E+08 | | 22/5/2010 | 1.55E+08 | 22/7/2003 | 66816800 | | 23/3/2007 | 3.2E+08 | | 23/5/2010 | 1.55E+08 | 23/7/2003 | 76497800 | | 26/3/2007 | 2.31E+08 | | 24/5/2010 | 1.52E+08 | 24/7/2003 | 59252800 | | 27/3/2007 | 2.18E+08 | | 25/5/2010 | 1.89E+08 | 25/7/2003 | 51764600 | | 28/3/2007 | 2.21E+08 | | 26/5/2010 | 92032000 | 28/7/2003 | 41402600 | | 29/3/2007 | 2E+08 | | 27/5/2010 | 1.23E+08 | 29/7/2003 | 51285800 | | 30/3/2007 | 3.19E+08 | | 28/5/2010 | 1.29E+08 | 30/7/2003 | 68961600 | | 2/4/2007 | 1.96E+08 | | 29/5/2010 | 1.01E+08 | 31/7/2003 | 62511400 | | 3/4/2007 | 2.55E+08 | | 30/5/2010 | 72340800 | 1/8/2003 | 59836200 | | 4/4/2007 | 3.28E+08 | | 31/5/2010 | 1.81E+08 | 4/8/2003 | 45139800 | | 5/4/2007 | 1.77E+08 | | 1/6/2010 | 1.46E+08 | 5/8/2003 | 88198000 | | 6/4/2007 | 1.07E+08 | | 2/6/2010 | 92908600 | 6/8/2003 | 55954000 | | 9/4/2007 | 2.59E+08 | | 3/6/2010 | 94281600 | 7/8/2003 | 52486000 | | 10/4/2007 | 2.69E+08 | | 4/6/2010 | 96486800 | 8/8/2003 | 42982400 | | 11/4/2007 | 3.26E+08 | | 5/6/2010 | 1.5E+08 | 11/8/2003 | 49025400 | | 12/4/2007 | 2.85E+08 | | 6/6/2010 | 1.53E+08 | 12/8/2003 | 44360400 | | 13/4/2007 | 2.61E+08 | | 7/6/2010 | 1.5E+08 | 13/8/2003 | 49826200 | | 16/4/2007 | 2.18E+08 | | 8/6/2010 | 1.33E+08 | 14/8/2003 | 70479600 | | 17/4/2007 | 2.98E+08 | | 9/6/2010 | 1.4E+08 | 15/8/2003 | 55881600 | | 18/4/2007 | 2.97E+08 | | 10/6/2010 | 2.05E+08 | 18/8/2003 | 63127000 | | 19/4/2007 | 3.37E+08 | | 11/6/2010 | 2.09E+08 | 19/8/2003 | 69754800 | | 20/4/2007 | 2.46E+08 | | 12/6/2010 | 2.78E+08 | 20/8/2003 | 54734600 | | 23/4/2007 | 2.28E+08 | | 13/6/2010 | 1.25E+08 | 21/8/2003 | 93282000 | | 24/4/2007 | 2.15E+08 | | 14/6/2010 | 1.36E+08 | 22/8/2003 | 84017200 | | 25/4/2007 | 1.92E+08 | | 15/6/2010 | 1.26E+08 | 25/8/2003 | 68106800 | | 27/4/2007 | 2.7E+08 | | 16/6/2010 | 1.32E+08 | 26/8/2003 | 68659000 | | 30/4/2007 | 1.94E+08 | | 17/6/2010 | 1.4E+08 | 27/8/2003 | 78849800 | | 3/5/2007 | 2.98E+08 | | 18/6/2010 | 1.19E+08 | 28/8/2003 | 97705000 | | 4/5/2007 | 2.61E+08 | | 19/6/2010 | 1.39E+08 | 29/8/2003 | 69153200 | | 7/5/2007 | 2.4E+08 | | 20/6/2010 | 1.06E+08 | 2/9/2003 | 66579400 | | 8/5/2007 | 2.28E+08 | | 21/6/2010 | 1.22E+08 | 3/9/2003 | 79682800 | | 9/5/2007 | 2.01E+08 | | 22/6/2010 | 45783400 | 4/9/2003 | 92922000 | | 10/5/2007 | 2.56E+08 | | 23/6/2010 | 45943800 | 5/9/2003 | 71353600 | | 11/5/2007 | 1.89E+08 | | 24/6/2010 | 91008400 | 8/9/2003 | 57537400 | | 14/5/2007 | 2.61E+08 | | 25/6/2010 | 1.06E+08 | 9/9/2003 | 55544400 | | 15/5/2007 | 2.36E+08 | | 26/6/2010 | 1.39E+08 | 10/9/2003 | 81334800 | | 16/5/2007 | 2E+08 | | 27/6/2010 | 1.43E+08 | 11/9/2003 | 64128200 | | 17/5/2007 | 2.25E+08 | | 28/6/2010 | 2.05E+08 | 12/9/2003 | 40263400 | | 18/5/2007 | 1.71E+08 | | 29/6/2010 | 3.16E+08 | 15/9/2003 | 41741200 | | 21/5/2007 | 1.96E+08 | | 30/6/2010 | 2.13E+08 | 16/9/2003 | 60000000 | | 22/5/2007 | 2.21E+08 | | 1/7/2010 | 2.66E+08 | 17/9/2003 | 74461200 | | 23/5/2007 | 2.32E+08 | | 2/7/2010 | 2E+08 | 18/9/2003 | 45019600 | | 24/5/2007 | 2.25E+08 | | 3/7/2010 | 1.67E+08 | 19/9/2003 | 55215200 | | 25/5/2007 | 2.2E+08 | | 4/7/2010 | 1.38E+08 | 22/9/2003 | 56729800 | | 28/5/2007 | 1.33E+08 | | 5/7/2010 | 1.36E+08 | 23/9/2003 | 63167000 | | 29/5/2007 | 1.65E+08 | | 6/7/2010 | 1.4E+08 | 24/9/2003 | 1.06E+08 | | 30/5/2007 | 2.11E+08 | | 7/7/2010 | 1.22E+08 | 25/9/2003 | 1.06E+08 | | 31/5/2007 | 2.37E+08 | | 8/7/2010 | 1.09E+08 | 26/9/2003 | 1.15E+08 | | 1/6/2007 | 2.26E+08 | | 9/7/2010 | 1.39E+08 | 29/9/2003 | 68153400 | | 4/6/2007 | 2.23E+08 | | 10/7/2010 | 2.51E+08 | 30/9/2003 | 91978400 | | 5/6/2007 | 2.23E+08 | | 11/7/2010 | 1.56E+08 | 1/10/2003 | 73764800 | | 6/6/2007 | 2.42E+08 | | 12/7/2010 | 1.8E+08 | 2/10/2003 | 71108400 | | 7/6/2007 | 1.95E+08 | | 13/7/2010 | 2.18E+08 | 3/10/2003 | 66113200 | | 8/6/2007 | 1.77E+08 | | 14/7/2010 | 1.61E+08 | 6/10/2003 | 69893800 | | 11/6/2007 | 1.81E+08 | | 15/7/2010 | 1.44E+08 | 7/10/2003 | 92240000 | | 12/6/2007 | 2.24E+08 | | 16/7/2010 | 1.62E+08 | 8/10/2003 | 1.47E+08 | | 13/6/2007 | 1.81E+08 | | 17/7/2010 | 1.22E+08 | 9/10/2003 | 2.68E+08 | | 14/6/2007 | 2.4E+08 | | 18/7/2010 | 1.56E+08 | 10/10/2003 | 2.68E+08 | | 15/6/2007 | 2.17E+08 | | 19/7/2010 | 1.7E+08 | 13/10/2003 | 1.32E+08 | | 18/6/2007 | 2.11E+08 | | 20/7/2010 | 1.76E+08 | 14/10/2003 | 1.06E+08 | | 19/6/2007 | 1.72E+08 | | 21/7/2010 | 2.37E+08 | 15/10/2003 | 1.11E+08 | | 20/6/2007 | 2.49E+08 | | 22/7/2010 | 1.94E+08 | 16/10/2003 | 1.25E+08 | | 21/6/2007 | 2.65E+08 | | 23/7/2010 | 1.21E+08 | 17/10/2003 | 95073200 | | 22/6/2007 | 2.56E+08 | | 24/7/2010 | 1.46E+08 | 20/10/2003 | 74002200 | | 25/6/2007 | 1.81E+08 | | 25/7/2010 | 1.2E+08 | 21/10/2003 | 88059200 | | 26/6/2007 | 2.26E+08 | | 26/7/2010 | 1.35E+08 | 22/10/2003 | 1.56E+08 | | 27/6/2007 | 1.99E+08 | | 27/7/2010 | 1.34E+08 | 23/10/2003 | 1.19E+08 | | 28/6/2007 | 1.72E+08 | | 28/7/2010 | 1.4E+08 | 27/10/2003 | 1.05E+08 | | 29/6/2007 | 1.93E+08 | | 29/7/2010 | 1.56E+08 | 28/10/2003 | 1.17E+08 | | 2/7/2007 | 1.52E+08 | | 30/7/2010 | 1.99E+08 | 29/10/2003 | 1.14E+08 | | 3/7/2007 | 2.2E+08 | | 31/7/2010 | 1.41E+08 | 30/10/2003 | 89479600 | | 4/7/2007 | 2.24E+08 | | 1/8/2010 | 1.76E+08 | 31/10/2003 | 1.13E+08 | | 5/7/2007 | 2.26E+08 | | 2/8/2010 | 1.33E+08 | 3/11/2003 | 73872400 | | 6/7/2007 | 1.78E+08 | | 3/8/2010 | 1.26E+08 | 4/11/2003 | 90367800 | | 9/7/2007 | 1.66E+08 | | 4/8/2010 | 1.29E+08 | 5/11/2003 | 68479600 | | 10/7/2007 | 1.93E+08 | | 5/8/2010 | 1.64E+08 | 6/11/2003 | 74657800 | | 11/7/2007 | 2.13E+08 | | 6/8/2010 | 92499400 | 7/11/2003 | 51686200 | | 12/7/2007 | 2.52E+08 | | 7/8/2010 | 1.51E+08 | 10/11/2003 | 50326400 | | 13/7/2007 | 2.2E+08 | | 8/8/2010 | 1.84E+08 | 11/11/2003 | 77412400 | | 16/7/2007 | 1.61E+08 | | 9/8/2010 | 1.27E+08 | 12/11/2003 | 78854000 | | 17/7/2007 | 2.11E+08 | | 10/8/2010 | 1.62E+08 | 13/11/2003 | 77538400 | | 18/7/2007 | 1.91E+08 | | 11/8/2010 | 88653200 | 14/11/2003 | 66380600 | | 19/7/2007 | 1.68E+08 | | 12/8/2010 | 1.67E+08 | 17/11/2003 | 84078000 | | 20/7/2007 | 1.9E+08 | | 13/8/2010 | 1.15E+08 | 18/11/2003 | 52400600 | | 23/7/2007 | 2.24E+08 | | 14/8/2010 | 1.03E+08 | 19/11/2003 | 97354000 | | 24/7/2007 | 3.19E+08 | | 15/8/2010 | 1.22E+08 | 20/11/2003 | 55895000 | | 25/7/2007 | 3.04E+08 | | 16/8/2010 | 90747000 | 21/11/2003 | 72327600 | | 26/7/2007 | 2.7E+08 | | 17/8/2010 | 94373200 | 27/11/2003 | 50192400 | | 27/7/2007 | 3.06E+08 | | 18/8/2010 | 1.11E+08 | 28/11/2003 | 58605200 | | 30/7/2007 | 2.49E+08 | | 19/8/2010 | 1.18E+08 | 1/12/2003 | 60007200 | | 31/7/2007 | 2.14E+08 | | 20/8/2010 | 1.2E+08 | 2/12/2003 | 56750600 | | 1/8/2007 | 3.5E+08 | | 21/8/2010 | 1.03E+08 | 3/12/2003 | 48928600 | | 2/8/2007 | 2.7E+08 | | 22/8/2010 | 1.51E+08 | 4/12/2003 | 44134400 | | 3/8/2007 | 1.92E+08 | | 23/8/2010 | 1.46E+08 | 5/12/2003 | 50002600 | | 6/8/2007 | 2.53E+08 | | 24/8/2010 | 2E+08 | 8/12/2003 | 38266200 | | 7/8/2007 | 2.15E+08 | | 25/8/2010 | 1.5E+08 | 9/12/2003 | 51562400 | | 8/8/2007 | 2.28E+08 | | 26/8/2010 | 1.3E+08 | 10/12/2003 | 61223000 | | 9/8/2007 | 1.65E+08 | | 27/8/2010 | 1.17E+08 | 11/12/2003 | 93378800 | | 10/8/2007 | 2.28E+08 | | 28/8/2010 | 1.2E+08 | 12/12/2003 | 66333000 | | 13/8/2007 | 1.46E+08 | | 29/8/2010 | 1.47E+08 | 15/12/2003 | 47706400 | | 14/8/2007 | 1.69E+08 | | 30/8/2010 | 1.1E+08 | 16/12/2003 | 48125800 | | 15/8/2007 | 3.03E+08 | | 31/8/2010 | 1.37E+08 | 17/12/2003 | 63551200 | | 16/8/2007 | 4.31E+08 | | 1/9/2010 | 96428000 | 18/12/2003 | 69332200 | | 17/8/2007 | 4.58E+08 | | 2/9/2010 | 1.06E+08 | 19/12/2003 | 43368800 | | 20/8/2007 | 3.24E+08 | | 3/9/2010 | 1.04E+08 | 22/12/2003 | 39157600 | | 21/8/2007 | 2.37E+08 | | 4/9/2010 | 1.18E+08 | 23/12/2003 | 46650200 | | 22/8/2007 | 1.92E+08 | | 5/9/2010 | 1.05E+08 | 24/12/2003 | 23465600 | | 23/8/2007 | 3.16E+08 | | 6/9/2010 | 1.07E+08 | 26/12/2003 | 20624600 | | 24/8/2007 | 1.94E+08 | | 7/9/2010 | 1.25E+08 | 29/12/2003 | 46795600 | | 27/8/2007 | 1.82E+08 | | 8/9/2010 | 95682800 | 30/12/2003 | 69242800 | | 28/8/2007 | 1.36E+08 | | 9/9/2010 | 69175200 | 31/12/2003 | 77603400 | | 29/8/2007 | 2.08E+08 | | 10/9/2010 | 45114800 | 2/1/2004 | 25085200 | | 30/8/2007 | 1.82E+08 | | 11/9/2010 | 1.17E+08 | 5/1/2004 | 37377000 | | 31/8/2007 | 0 | | 12/9/2010 | 1.12E+08 | 6/1/2004 | 51161200 | | 3/9/2007 | 1.67E+08 | | 13/9/2010 | 1.02E+08 | 7/1/2004 | 86798600 | | 4/9/2007 | 1.38E+08 | | 14/9/2010 | 92018200 | 8/1/2004 | 1.63E+08 | | 5/9/2007 | 1.9E+08 | | 15/9/2010 | 84642400 | 9/1/2004 | 1.63E+08 | | 6/9/2007 | 1.71E+08 | | 16/9/2010 | 1.05E+08 | 12/1/2004 | 91480400 | | 7/9/2007 | 1.87E+08 | | 17/9/2010 | 87724600 | 13/1/2004 | 68090800 | | 10/9/2007 | 1.25E+08 | | 18/9/2010 | 1.18E+08 | 14/1/2004 | 76275600 | | 11/9/2007 | 1.13E+08 | | 19/9/2010 | 77273200 | 15/1/2004 | 57746600 | | 12/9/2007 | 1.45E+08 | | 20/9/2010 | 87675600 | 16/1/2004 | 77338400 | | 13/9/2007 | 1.43E+08 | | 21/9/2010 | 1.19E+08 | 19/1/2004 | 72758400 | | 14/9/2007 | 1.21E+08 | | 22/9/2010 | 92403200 | 20/1/2004 | 80289800 | | 17/9/2007 | 87764800 | | 23/9/2010 | 1.32E+08 | 26/1/2004 | 99933200 | | 18/9/2007 | 1.36E+08 | | 24/9/2010 | 88250800 | 27/1/2004 | 88456400 | | 19/9/2007 | 1.93E+08 | | 25/9/2010 | 1.4E+08 | 28/1/2004 | 77358800 | | 20/9/2007 | 1.48E+08 | | 26/9/2010 | 1.23E+08 | 29/1/2004 | 58392800 | | 21/9/2007 | 1.44E+08 | | 27/9/2010 | 99498400 | 30/1/2004 | 73978600 | | 24/9/2007 | 1.72E+08 | | 28/9/2010 | 97898400 | 4/2/2004 | 1.11E+08 | | 25/9/2007 | 1.8E+08 | | 29/9/2010 | 1.35E+08 | 5/2/2004 | 86486600 | | 26/9/2007 | 1.56E+08 | | 30/9/2010 | 1.1E+08 | 6/2/2004 | 91302000 | | 27/9/2007 | 2.36E+08 | | 1/10/2010 | 1.26E+08 | 9/2/2004 | 66419800 | | 28/9/2007 | 2.21E+08 | | 2/10/2010 | 1.35E+08 | 10/2/2004 | 63312200 | | 1/10/2007 | 1.73E+08 | | 3/10/2010 | 1.2E+08 | 11/2/2004 | 84435200 | | 2/10/2007 | 2.83E+08 | | 4/10/2010 | 4.04E+08 | 12/2/2004 | 1.14E+08 | | 3/10/2007 | 2.9E+08 | | 5/10/2010 | 1.69E+08 | 13/2/2004 | 90854600 | | 4/10/2007 | 1.96E+08 | | 6/10/2010 | 1.39E+08 | 16/2/2004 | 1.07E+08 | | 5/10/2007 | 1.89E+08 | | 7/10/2010 | 87984400 | 17/2/2004 | 1.53E+08 | | 8/10/2007 | 1.63E+08 | | 8/10/2010 | 74579600 | 18/2/2004 | 2.66E+08 | | 9/10/2007 | 1.91E+08 | | 9/10/2010 | 1.03E+08 | 19/2/2004 | 1.74E+08 | | 10/10/2007 | 2.31E+08 | | 10/10/2010 | 1.2E+08 | 20/2/2004 | 1.52E+08 | | 11/10/2007 | 1.81E+08 | | 11/10/2010 | 1.08E+08 | 24/2/2004 | 2.15E+08 | | 12/10/2007 | 1.64E+08 | | 12/10/2010 | 91342400 | 25/2/2004 | 1.64E+08 | | 16/10/2007 | 2.19E+08 | | 13/10/2010 | 91240000 | 26/2/2004 | 1.84E+08 | | 17/10/2007 | 1.99E+08 | | 14/10/2010 | 92735200 | 27/2/2004 | 1.54E+08 | | 18/10/2007 | 1.9E+08 | | 15/10/2010 | 1.47E+08 | 1/3/2004 | 1.26E+08 | | 19/10/2007 | 1.22E+08 | | 16/10/2010 | 1.53E+08 | 2/3/2004 | 1.73E+08 | | 22/10/2007 | 1.54E+08 | | 17/10/2010 | 2.13E+08 | 3/3/2004 | 1.63E+08 | | 23/10/2007 | 1.29E+08 | | 18/10/2010 | 1.28E+08 | 4/3/2004 | 1.15E+08 | | 24/10/2007 | 1.81E+08 | | 19/10/2010 | 1.33E+08 | 5/3/2004 | 1.31E+08 | | 25/10/2007 | 2.27E+08 | | 20/10/2010 | 1.2E+08 | 8/3/2004 | 1.23E+08 | | 26/10/2007 | 2.07E+08 | | 21/10/2010 | 1.09E+08 | 9/3/2004 | 95012400 | | 29/10/2007 | 2.33E+08 | | 22/10/2010 | 1.46E+08 | 10/3/2004 | 1.14E+08 | | 30/10/2007 | 2.14E+08 | | 23/10/2010 | 1.2E+08 | 11/3/2004 | 91354800 | | 31/10/2007 | 2.08E+08 | | 24/10/2010 | 1.15E+08 | 12/3/2004 | 95066800 | | 1/11/2007 | 2.09E+08 | | 25/10/2010 | 1.45E+08 | 15/3/2004 | 95532400 | | 2/11/2007 | 1.77E+08 | | 26/10/2010 | 1.51E+08 | 16/3/2004 | 85005000 | | 5/11/2007 | 1.54E+08 | | 27/10/2010 | 95700000 | 17/3/2004 | 90311200 | | 6/11/2007 | 1.76E+08 | | 28/10/2010 | 1.06E+08 | 18/3/2004 | 1.48E+08 | | 7/11/2007 | 1.67E+08 | | 29/10/2010 | 1.24E+08 | 19/3/2004 | 1.51E+08 | | 9/11/2007 | 1.76E+08 | | 30/10/2010 | 1.75E+08 | 22/3/2004 | 1.37E+08 | | 12/11/2007 | 1.71E+08 | | 31/10/2010 | 1.38E+08 | 23/3/2004 | 98227600 | | 13/11/2007 | 1.7E+08 | | 1/11/2010 | 1.37E+08 | 24/3/2004 | 1.03E+08 | | 14/11/2007 | 1.54E+08 | | 2/11/2010 | 1.25E+08 | 25/3/2004 | 1.18E+08 | | 15/11/2007 | 1.57E+08 | | 3/11/2010 | 1.27E+08 | 26/3/2004 | 1.23E+08 | | 16/11/2007 | 1.63E+08 | | 4/11/2010 | 1.24E+08 | 29/3/2004 | 77211600 | | 19/11/2007 | 1.16E+08 | | 5/11/2010 | 1.1E+08 | 30/3/2004 | 82068200 | | 20/11/2007 | 1.76E+08 | | 6/11/2010 | 1.21E+08 | 31/3/2004 | 1.14E+08 | | 21/11/2007 | 1.93E+08 | | 7/11/2010 | 1.14E+08 | 1/4/2004 | 81398400 | | 22/11/2007 | 1.85E+08 | | 8/11/2010 | 1.71E+08 | 2/4/2004 | 75549200 | | 23/11/2007 | 1.17E+08 | | 9/11/2010 | 99176000 | 5/4/2004 | 59694400 | | 26/11/2007 | 1.2E+08 | | 10/11/2010 | 1.17E+08 | 6/4/2004 | 77317000 | | 27/11/2007 | 1.2E+08 | | 11/11/2010 | 1.38E+08 | 7/4/2004 | 95681400 | | 28/11/2007 | 1.32E+08 | | 12/11/2010 | 1.04E+08 | 8/4/2004 | 67867600 | | 29/11/2007 | 1.71E+08 | | 13/11/2010 | 1.29E+08 | 9/4/2004 | 45334200 | | 30/11/2007 | 2.92E+08 | | 14/11/2010 | 1.25E+08 | 12/4/2004 | 62836600 | | 3/12/2007 | 1.95E+08 | | 15/11/2010 | 1.47E+08 | 13/4/2004 | 63913800 | | 4/12/2007 | 1.66E+08 | | 16/11/2010 | 1.52E+08 | 14/4/2004 | 92486600 | | 5/12/2007 | 1.96E+08 | | 17/11/2010 | 1.08E+08 | 15/4/2004 | 91472000 | | 6/12/2007 | 2.3E+08 | | 18/11/2010 | 1.04E+08 | 16/4/2004 | 57350400 | | 7/12/2007 | 1.99E+08 | | 19/11/2010 | 1.36E+08 | 19/4/2004 | 64743400 | | 10/12/2007 | 1.53E+08 | | 20/11/2010 | 1.12E+08 | 20/4/2004 | 61488800 | | 11/12/2007 | 1.64E+08 | | 21/11/2010 | 3.17E+08 | 21/4/2004 | 53666600 | | 12/12/2007 | 1.63E+08 | | 22/11/2010 | 3.14E+08 | 22/4/2004 | 60606800 | | 13/12/2007 | 1.69E+08 | | 23/11/2010 | 3.25E+08 | 23/4/2004 | 66465200 | | 14/12/2007 | 1.89E+08 | | 24/11/2010 | 2.64E+08 | 26/4/2004 | 56032200 | | 17/12/2007 | 1.7E+08 | | 25/11/2010 | 1.95E+08 | 27/4/2004 | 52695600 | | 18/12/2007 | 2.23E+08 | | 26/11/2010 | 1.54E+08 | 28/4/2004 | 52458800 | | 19/12/2007 | 2.01E+08 | | 27/11/2010 | 1.05E+08 | 29/4/2004 | 64401800 | | 21/12/2007 | 2.08E+08 | | 28/11/2010 | 1.38E+08 | 30/4/2004 | 1.09E+08 | | 24/12/2007 | 1.25E+08 | | 29/11/2010 | 1.43E+08 | 5/5/2004 | 78721000 | | 26/12/2007 | 1.22E+08 | | 30/11/2010 | 1.5E+08 | 6/5/2004 | 63298200 | | 27/12/2007 | 1.72E+08 | | 1/12/2010 | 2.09E+08 | 7/5/2004 | 88735600 | | 28/12/2007 | 1.44E+08 | | 2/12/2010 | 1.63E+08 | 10/5/2004 | 1.12E+08 | | 31/12/2007 | 1.52E+08 | | 3/12/2010 | 1.8E+08 | 11/5/2004 | 1.26E+08 | | 2/1/2008 | 1.13E+08 | | 4/12/2010 | 1.89E+08 | 12/5/2004 | 84224000 | | 3/1/2008 | 1.45E+08 | | 5/12/2010 | 2.32E+08 | 13/5/2004 | 86724400 | | 4/1/2008 | 2.19E+08 | | 6/12/2010 | 2.49E+08 | 14/5/2004 | 95810400 | | 7/1/2008 | 2.04E+08 | | 7/12/2010 | 99325800 | 17/5/2004 | 1.31E+08 | | 8/1/2008 | 3.57E+08 | | 8/12/2010 | 2.31E+08 | 18/5/2004 | 1.02E+08 | | 9/1/2008 | 4.15E+08 | | 9/12/2010 | 1.28E+08 | 19/5/2004 | 1.02E+08 | | 11/1/2008 | 5.43E+08 | | 10/12/2010 | 1.51E+08 | 20/5/2004 | 97137200 | | 14/1/2008 | 2.86E+08 | | 11/12/2010 | 1.22E+08 | 21/5/2004 | 81320800 | | 15/1/2008 | 2.5E+08 | | 12/12/2010 | 97520000 | 24/5/2004 | 52803600 | | 16/1/2008 | 3.21E+08 | | 13/12/2010 | 73826400 | 25/5/2004 | 73808000 | | 17/1/2008 | 2.83E+08 | | 14/12/2010 | 1.11E+08 | 26/5/2004 | 74872800 | | 18/1/2008 | 2.35E+08 | | 15/12/2010 | 78777200 | 27/5/2004 | 78186000 | | 21/1/2008 | 2.63E+08 | | 16/12/2010 | 1.11E+08 | 28/5/2004 | 99640600 | | 22/1/2008 | 4.66E+08 | | 17/12/2010 | 1.39E+08 | 31/5/2004 | 29680600 | | 24/1/2008 | 3.68E+08 | | 18/12/2010 | 1.31E+08 | 1/6/2004 | 35658200 | | 25/1/2008 | 2.9E+08 | | 19/12/2010 | 1.25E+08 | 2/6/2004 | 39170600 | | 28/1/2008 | 1.58E+08 | | 20/12/2010 | 1.08E+08 | 3/6/2004 | 63899600 | | 29/1/2008 | 1.68E+08 | | 21/12/2010 | 1.73E+08 | 4/6/2004 | 45263000 | | 30/1/2008 | 2.08E+08 | | 22/12/2010 | 1.83E+08 | 7/6/2004 | 59665800 | | 31/1/2008 | 2.1E+08 | | 23/12/2010 | 1.82E+08 | 8/6/2004 | 48163400 | | 1/2/2008 | 0 | | 24/12/2010 | 1.64E+08 | 9/6/2004 | 44174800 | | 4/2/2008 | 2.48E+08 | | 25/12/2010 | 1.59E+08 | 10/6/2004 | 45295600 | | 5/2/2008 | 2.06E+08 | | 26/12/2010 | 1.3E+08 | 11/6/2004 | 38219000 | | 6/2/2008 | 1.42E+08 | | 27/12/2010 | 1.7E+08 | 14/6/2004 | 34337000 | | 8/2/2008 | 0 | | 28/12/2010 | 1.21E+08 | 15/6/2004 | 44437800 | | 11/2/2008 | 1.62E+08 | | 29/12/2010 | 96601000 | 16/6/2004 | 46353000 | | 12/2/2008 | 2.09E+08 | | 30/12/2010 | 1.13E+08 | 17/6/2004 | 56541600 | | 13/2/2008 | 2.56E+08 | | 31/12/2010 | 1.25E+08 | 18/6/2004 | 36499200 | | 14/2/2008 | 2.24E+08 | | 1/1/2011 | 1.14E+08 | 21/6/2004 | 47775200 | | 15/2/2008 | 1.85E+08 | | 2/1/2011 | 54891000 | 22/6/2004 | 68204800 | | 18/2/2008 | 2.12E+08 | | 3/1/2011 | 1.05E+08 | 23/6/2004 | 60899200 | | 19/2/2008 | 1.9E+08 | | 4/1/2011 | 1.04E+08 | 24/6/2004 | 46717000 | | 20/2/2008 | 2.57E+08 | | 5/1/2011 | 1.64E+08 | 25/6/2004 | 35274600 | | 21/2/2008 | 2.83E+08 | | 6/1/2011 | 92141600 | 28/6/2004 | 32228600 | | 22/2/2008 | 3.19E+08 | | 7/1/2011 | 1.39E+08 | 29/6/2004 | 50768000 | | 25/2/2008 | 2.79E+08 | | 8/1/2011 | 1.02E+08 | 30/6/2004 | 81308000 | | 26/2/2008 | 2.28E+08 | | 9/1/2011 | 85664600 | 1/7/2004 | 39100200 | | 27/2/2008 | 1.96E+08 | | 10/1/2011 | 80204400 | 2/7/2004 | 37839200 | | 28/2/2008 | 1.96E+08 | | 11/1/2011 | 71847600 | 5/7/2004 | 75762800 | | 29/2/2008 | 2.24E+08 | | 12/1/2011 | 1.06E+08 | 6/7/2004 | 1.07E+08 | | 3/3/2008 | 2.08E+08 | | 13/1/2011 | 80653600 | 7/7/2004 | 77229200 | | 4/3/2008 | 2.45E+08 | | 14/1/2011 | 1.98E+08 | 8/7/2004 | 44226000 | | 5/3/2008 | 3.32E+08 | | 15/1/2011 | 1.81E+08 | 9/7/2004 | 50771200 | | 6/3/2008 | 1.97E+08 | | 16/1/2011 | 1.22E+08 | 12/7/2004 | 47704000 | | 7/3/2008 | 1.87E+08 | | 17/1/2011 | 81692200 | 13/7/2004 | 40840000 | | 10/3/2008 | 5.59E+08 | | 18/1/2011 | 1.28E+08 | 14/7/2004 | 41699200 | | 11/3/2008 | 4.63E+08 | | 19/1/2011 | 73154800 | 15/7/2004 | 37400600 | | 12/3/2008 | 3.52E+08 | | 20/1/2011 | 84329800 | 16/7/2004 | 33365200 | | 13/3/2008 | 3.34E+08 | | 21/1/2011 | 1.11E+08 | 19/7/2004 | 28031000 | | 14/3/2008 | 2.05E+08 | | 22/1/2011 | 1.06E+08 | 20/7/2004 | 35501000 | | 17/3/2008 | 2.17E+08 | | 23/1/2011 | 1.1E+08 | 21/7/2004 | 37008600 | | 18/3/2008 | 2.84E+08 | | 24/1/2011 | 61556600 | 22/7/2004 | 44000000 | | 19/3/2008 | 2.89E+08 | | 25/1/2011 | 98682800 | 23/7/2004 | 51278200 | | 21/3/2008 | 1.05E+08 | | 26/1/2011 | 73802000 | 26/7/2004 | 48233800 | | 24/3/2008 | 1.66E+08 | | 27/1/2011 | 93052400 | 27/7/2004 | 51594400 | | 25/3/2008 | 2.74E+08 | | 28/1/2011 | 79470400 | 28/7/2004 | 57221000 | | 26/3/2008 | 2.14E+08 | | 29/1/2011 | 95006600 | 29/7/2004 | 43778200 | | 27/3/2008 | 2.57E+08 | | 30/1/2011 | 1.1E+08 | 30/7/2004 | 54984400 | | 28/3/2008 | 2.83E+08 | | 31/1/2011 | 91295200 | 2/8/2004 | 50782800 | | 31/3/2008 | 1.68E+08 | | 1/2/2011 | 92420200 | 3/8/2004 | 42841400 | | 1/4/2008 | 1.91E+08 | | 2/2/2011 | 72680400 | 4/8/2004 | 40626600 | | 2/4/2008 | 2.07E+08 | | 3/2/2011 | 89343200 | 5/8/2004 | 40621200 | | 3/4/2008 | 2.1E+08 | | 4/2/2011 | 1.49E+08 | 6/8/2004 | 49099600 | | 4/4/2008 | 1.32E+08 | | 5/2/2011 | 1.62E+08 | 9/8/2004 | 39093200 | | 7/4/2008 | 1.39E+08 | | 6/2/2011 | 1.69E+08 | 10/8/2004 | 53488000 | | 8/4/2008 | 1.55E+08 | | 7/2/2011 | 1.08E+08 | 11/8/2004 | 42126800 | | 9/4/2008 | 1.54E+08 | | 8/2/2011 | 63236800 | 12/8/2004 | 55415000 | | 10/4/2008 | 2.21E+08 | | 9/2/2011 | 63400400 | 13/8/2004 | 53583200 | | 11/4/2008 | 1.85E+08 | | 10/2/2011 | 1.31E+08 | 16/8/2004 | 62352400 | | 14/4/2008 | 1.33E+08 | | 11/2/2011 | 69448800 | 17/8/2004 | 51521400 | | 15/4/2008 | 1.67E+08 | | 12/2/2011 | 68593200 | 18/8/2004 | 33322600 | | 16/4/2008 | 1.74E+08 | | 13/2/2011 | 63036800 | 19/8/2004 | 35415400 | | 17/4/2008 | 1.99E+08 | | 14/2/2011 | 89422200 | 20/8/2004 | 37960400 | | 18/4/2008 | 1.96E+08 | | 15/2/2011 | 72653000 | 23/8/2004 | 41812200 | | 21/4/2008 | 2.22E+08 | | 16/2/2011 | 76528000 | 24/8/2004 | 47016000 | | 22/4/2008 | 1.99E+08 | | 17/2/2011 | 77123600 | 25/8/2004 | 48959000 | | 23/4/2008 | 2.58E+08 | | 18/2/2011 | 57540000 | 26/8/2004 | 67682400 | | 24/4/2008 | 2.04E+08 | | 19/2/2011 | 84750800 | 27/8/2004 | 54886400 | | 25/4/2008 | 1.5E+08 | | 20/2/2011 | 98484800 | 30/8/2004 | 52925400 | | 28/4/2008 | 1.44E+08 | | 21/2/2011 | 63326600 | 1/9/2004 | 53789800 | | 29/4/2008 | 1.49E+08 | | 22/2/2011 | 57780600 | 2/9/2004 | 1.57E+08 | | 30/4/2008 | 2.05E+08 | | 23/2/2011 | 41876000 | 3/9/2004 | 85841200 | | 2/5/2008 | 1.89E+08 | | 24/2/2011 | 45030000 | 6/9/2004 | 43450200 | | 5/5/2008 | 1.73E+08 | | 25/2/2011 | 62334800 | 7/9/2004 | 60567600 | | 6/5/2008 | 2.37E+08 | | 26/2/2011 | 1.14E+08 | 8/9/2004 | 91000200 | | 7/5/2008 | 2.14E+08 | | 27/2/2011 | 77480000 | 9/9/2004 | 59694400 | | 8/5/2008 | 1.77E+08 | | 28/2/2011 | 1.02E+08 | 10/9/2004 | 59643200 | | 9/5/2008 | 1.59E+08 | | 1/3/2011 | 85528000 | 13/9/2004 | 91454800 | | 12/5/2008 | 1.47E+08 | | 2/3/2011 | 83640000 | 14/9/2004 | 71932800 | | 13/5/2008 | 1.61E+08 | | 3/3/2011 | 1.09E+08 | 15/9/2004 | 54900200 | | 14/5/2008 | 2.1E+08 | | 4/3/2011 | 1.26E+08 | 16/9/2004 | 59026800 | | 15/5/2008 | 1.67E+08 | | 5/3/2011 | 1.41E+08 | 17/9/2004 | 62120200 | | 16/5/2008 | 1.81E+08 | | 6/3/2011 | 1.07E+08 | 20/9/2004 | 67194000 | | 20/5/2008 | 2.5E+08 | | 7/3/2011 | 1.11E+08 | 21/9/2004 | 60159200 | | 21/5/2008 | 2.06E+08 | | 8/3/2011 | 91411400 | 22/9/2004 | 61715400 | | 22/5/2008 | 1.78E+08 | | 9/3/2011 | 1.2E+08 | 23/9/2004 | 52454800 | | 23/5/2008 | 1.75E+08 | | 10/3/2011 | 1.43E+08 | 24/9/2004 | 37601800 | | 26/5/2008 | 1.52E+08 | | 11/3/2011 | 1.43E+08 | 27/9/2004 | 44520400 | | 27/5/2008 | 1.81E+08 | | 12/3/2011 | 1.19E+08 | 28/9/2004 | 60288000 | | 28/5/2008 | 1.71E+08 | | 13/3/2011 | 1.07E+08 | 29/9/2004 | 37981600 | | 29/5/2008 | 1.85E+08 | | 14/3/2011 | 1.08E+08 | 30/9/2004 | 63442200 | | 30/5/2008 | 4.81E+08 | | 15/3/2011 | 1.17E+08 | 1/10/2004 | 52644800 | | 2/6/2008 | 1.73E+08 | | 16/3/2011 | 1.05E+08 | 4/10/2004 | 80411800 | | 3/6/2008 | 2E+08 | | 17/3/2011 | 1.92E+08 | 5/10/2004 | 90128400 | | 4/6/2008 | 2.14E+08 | | 18/3/2011 | 2.1E+08 | 6/10/2004 | 66737900 | | 5/6/2008 | 3.19E+08 | | 19/3/2011 | 1.56E+08 | 7/10/2004 | 67415300 | | 6/6/2008 | 3.18E+08 | | 20/3/2011 | 2.3E+08 | 8/10/2004 | 58738100 | | 9/6/2008 | 1.71E+08 | | 21/3/2011 | 1.8E+08 | 11/10/2004 | 47375400 | | 10/6/2008 | 2.07E+08 | | 22/3/2011 | 1.48E+08 | 12/10/2004 | 55847900 | | 11/6/2008 | 2.03E+08 | | 23/3/2011 | 1.15E+08 | 13/10/2004 | 45414700 | | 12/6/2008 | 1.92E+08 | | 24/3/2011 | 1.39E+08 | 14/10/2004 | 32584400 | | 13/6/2008 | 1.64E+08 | | 25/3/2011 | 1.5E+08 | 15/10/2004 | 27412600 | | 16/6/2008 | 1.39E+08 | | 26/3/2011 | 1.45E+08 | 18/10/2004 | 41675100 | | 17/6/2008 | 1.06E+08 | | 27/3/2011 | 1.34E+08 | 19/10/2004 | 48093700 | | 18/6/2008 | 1.95E+08 | | 28/3/2011 | 1.14E+08 | 20/10/2004 | 44638600 | | 19/6/2008 | 2.21E+08 | | 29/3/2011 | 1.34E+08 | 21/10/2004 | 45085500 | | 20/6/2008 | 2.13E+08 | | 30/3/2011 | 1.38E+08 | 22/10/2004 | 39425000 | | 23/6/2008 | 1.52E+08 | | 31/3/2011 | 1.74E+08 | 25/10/2004 | 40234300 | | 24/6/2008 | 1.59E+08 | | 1/4/2011 | 1.52E+08 | 26/10/2004 | 53461800 | | 25/6/2008 | 2.27E+08 | | 2/4/2011 | 1.23E+08 | 27/10/2004 | 35165300 | | 26/6/2008 | 1.93E+08 | | 3/4/2011 | 1.23E+08 | 28/10/2004 | 37800300 | | 27/6/2008 | 1.64E+08 | | 4/4/2011 | 3.3E+08 | 29/10/2004 | 66812700 | | 30/6/2008 | 1.65E+08 | | 5/4/2011 | 1.9E+08 | 1/11/2004 | 54063300 | | 1/7/2008 | 1.5E+08 | | 6/4/2011 | 1.74E+08 | 2/11/2004 | 1.04E+08 | | 2/7/2008 | 1.99E+08 | | 7/4/2011 | 1.38E+08 | 3/11/2004 | 89100800 | | 3/7/2008 | 0 | | 8/4/2011 | 1.73E+08 | 4/11/2004 | 54047500 | | 4/7/2008 | 2.66E+08 | | 9/4/2011 | 1.73E+08 | 5/11/2004 | 44021700 | | 7/7/2008 | 2.15E+08 | | 10/4/2011 | 1.28E+08 | 8/11/2004 | 57037800 | | 8/7/2008 | 2.15E+08 | | 11/4/2011 | 1.03E+08 | 9/11/2004 | 61329400 | | 9/7/2008 | 1.8E+08 | | 12/4/2011 | 1.52E+08 | 10/11/2004 | 79226400 | | 10/7/2008 | 1.21E+08 | | 13/4/2011 | 1.3E+08 | 17/11/2004 | 1.64E+08 | | 11/7/2008 | 1.45E+08 | | 14/4/2011 | 1.68E+08 | 18/11/2004 | 1.97E+08 | | 14/7/2008 | 1.36E+08 | | 15/4/2011 | 1.7E+08 | 19/11/2004 | 1E+08 | | 15/7/2008 | 2.08E+08 | | 16/4/2011 | 1.96E+08 | 22/11/2004 | 55405100 | | 16/7/2008 | 1.5E+08 | | 17/4/2011 | 1.29E+08 | 23/11/2004 | 1.26E+08 | | 17/7/2008 | 1.22E+08 | | 18/4/2011 | 1.41E+08 | 25/11/2004 | 89095000 | | 18/7/2008 | 1.72E+08 | | 19/4/2011 | 1.24E+08 | 26/11/2004 | 1.29E+08 | | 21/7/2008 | 1.76E+08 | | 20/4/2011 | 1.17E+08 | 29/11/2004 | 1.25E+08 | | 22/7/2008 | 1.43E+08 | | 21/4/2011 | 87569200 | 30/11/2004 | 1.28E+08 | | 23/7/2008 | 2.8E+08 | | 22/4/2011 | 1.03E+08 | 1/12/2004 | 87881700 | | 24/7/2008 | 2.7E+08 | | 23/4/2011 | 1.56E+08 | 2/12/2004 | 1.34E+08 | | 25/7/2008 | 1.58E+08 | | 24/4/2011 | 1.05E+08 | 3/12/2004 | 76049700 | | 28/7/2008 | 2.29E+08 | | 25/4/2011 | 1.19E+08 | 6/12/2004 | 74245700 | | 29/7/2008 | 1.38E+08 | | 26/4/2011 | 2.32E+08 | 7/12/2004 | 63956400 | | 30/7/2008 | 1.91E+08 | | 27/4/2011 | 1.21E+08 | 8/12/2004 | 81947900 | | 31/7/2008 | 1.31E+08 | | 28/4/2011 | 1.23E+08 | 9/12/2004 | 66047400 | | 1/8/2008 | 1.21E+08 | | 29/4/2011 | 88747200 | 10/12/2004 | 65848600 | | 4/8/2008 | 1.15E+08 | | 30/4/2011 | 1.08E+08 | 13/12/2004 | 43701700 | | 5/8/2008 | 2.71E+08 | | 1/5/2011 | 80618400 | 14/12/2004 | 54569700 | | 6/8/2008 | 2.28E+08 | | 2/5/2011 | 89005600 | 15/12/2004 | 79341700 | | 7/8/2008 | 1.85E+08 | | 3/5/2011 | 1.64E+08 | 16/12/2004 | 61635300 | | 8/8/2008 | 1.49E+08 | | 4/5/2011 | 1.46E+08 | 17/12/2004 | 77494500 | | 11/8/2008 | 1.3E+08 | | 5/5/2011 | 1.19E+08 | 20/12/2004 | 52552500 | | 12/8/2008 | 1.11E+08 | | 6/5/2011 | 95090400 | 21/12/2004 | 54571000 | | 13/8/2008 | 1.52E+08 | | 7/5/2011 | 1.17E+08 | 22/12/2004 | 0 | | 14/8/2008 | 1.6E+08 | | 8/5/2011 | 1.16E+08 | 23/12/2004 | 0 | | 15/8/2008 | 1.52E+08 | | 9/5/2011 | 1.32E+08 | 24/12/2004 | 0 | | 18/8/2008 | 1.57E+08 | | 10/5/2011 | 1.16E+08 | 27/12/2004 | 19970400 | | 19/8/2008 | 1.83E+08 | | 11/5/2011 | 1.25E+08 | 28/12/2004 | 30144200 | | 20/8/2008 | 1.34E+08 | | 12/5/2011 | 1.28E+08 | 29/12/2004 | 26815700 | | 21/8/2008 | 1.19E+08 | | 13/5/2011 | 1.18E+08 | 30/12/2004 | 39006100 | | 22/8/2008 | 1.3E+08 | | 14/5/2011 | 1.1E+08 | 31/12/2004 | 0 | | 25/8/2008 | 1.15E+08 | | 15/5/2011 | 1.17E+08 | 3/1/2005 | 0 | | 26/8/2008 | 1.04E+08 | | 16/5/2011 | 1.39E+08 | 4/1/2005 | 0 | | 27/8/2008 | 1.12E+08 | | 17/5/2011 | 1.12E+08 | 5/1/2005 | 0 | | 28/8/2008 | 1.71E+08 | | 18/5/2011 | 1.04E+08 | 6/1/2005 | 0 | | 29/8/2008 | 2.72E+08 | | 19/5/2011 | 1.51E+08 | 7/1/2005 | 1.02E+08 | | 2/9/2008 | 1.64E+08 | | 20/5/2011 | 1.15E+08 | 10/1/2005 | 0 | | 3/9/2008 | 1.2E+08 | | 21/5/2011 | 1.03E+08 | 11/1/2005 | 0 | | 4/9/2008 | 1.22E+08 | | 22/5/2011 | 1.24E+08 | 12/1/2005 | 1.15E+08 | | 5/9/2008 | 1.58E+08 | | 23/5/2011 | 1.31E+08 | 13/1/2005 | 99247100 | | 8/9/2008 | 1.42E+08 | | 24/5/2011 | 1.02E+08 | 14/1/2005 | 0 | | 9/9/2008 | 1.36E+08 | | 25/5/2011 | 1.06E+08 | 17/1/2005 | 0 | | 10/9/2008 | 1.67E+08 | | 26/5/2011 | 1.71E+08 | 18/1/2005 | 0 | | 11/9/2008 | 2.28E+08 | | 27/5/2011 | 2.15E+08 | 19/1/2005 | 92002200 | | 12/9/2008 | 1.67E+08 | | 28/5/2011 | 1.55E+08 | 20/1/2005 | 91046800 | | 15/9/2008 | 1.46E+08 | | 29/5/2011 | 1.31E+08 | 24/1/2005 | 86067800 | | 16/9/2008 | 1.86E+08 | | 30/5/2011 | 99932800 | 25/1/2005 | 80317200 | | 17/9/2008 | 1.79E+08 | | 31/5/2011 | 1.08E+08 | 26/1/2005 | 62589600 | | 18/9/2008 | 2.91E+08 | | 1/6/2011 | 1.19E+08 | 27/1/2005 | 67187000 | | 19/9/2008 | 2.74E+08 | | 2/6/2011 | 1.19E+08 | 28/1/2005 | 63477600 | | 22/9/2008 | 2.04E+08 | | 3/6/2011 | 94962000 | 31/1/2005 | 71542400 | | 23/9/2008 | 1.59E+08 | | 4/6/2011 | 83517200 | 2/2/2005 | 1.05E+08 | | 24/9/2008 | 1.87E+08 | | 5/6/2011 | 86082400 | 3/2/2005 | 76132800 | | 25/9/2008 | 1.52E+08 | | 6/6/2011 | 1.21E+08 | 4/2/2005 | 84671400 | | 26/9/2008 | 1.34E+08 | | 7/6/2011 | 3.11E+08 | 7/2/2005 | 68144800 | | 29/9/2008 | 1.15E+08 | | 8/6/2011 | 94415600 | 8/2/2005 | 37158800 | | 30/9/2008 | 1.72E+08 | | 9/6/2011 | 1.11E+08 | 14/2/2005 | 69619200 | | 3/10/2008 | 1.85E+08 | | 10/6/2011 | 88866400 | 15/2/2005 | 62343200 | | 6/10/2008 | 2.1E+08 | | 11/6/2011 | 1.11E+08 | 16/2/2005 | 70383000 | | 7/10/2008 | 2.56E+08 | | 12/6/2011 | 1.4E+08 | 17/2/2005 | 96836000 | | 8/10/2008 | 3.63E+08 | | 13/6/2011 | 88434000 | 18/2/2005 | 90518800 | | 9/10/2008 | 2.63E+08 | | 14/6/2011 | 1.17E+08 | 21/2/2005 | 76615200 | | 10/10/2008 | 3.78E+08 | | 15/6/2011 | 1.04E+08 | 22/2/2005 | 66291600 | | 13/10/2008 | 2.98E+08 | | 16/6/2011 | 1.19E+08 | 23/2/2005 | 68835600 | | 14/10/2008 | 3.55E+08 | | 17/6/2011 | 1.08E+08 | 24/2/2005 | 70985600 | | 15/10/2008 | 3.51E+08 | | 18/6/2011 | 1.96E+08 | 25/2/2005 | 69601200 | | 16/10/2008 | 6.23E+08 | | 19/6/2011 | 1.41E+08 | 28/2/2005 | 71164600 | | 17/10/2008 | 3.45E+08 | | 20/6/2011 | 1.21E+08 | 1/3/2005 | 1.06E+08 | | 20/10/2008 | 3.23E+08 | | 21/6/2011 | 1.37E+08 | 2/3/2005 | 77907200 | | 21/10/2008 | 2.75E+08 | | 22/6/2011 | 1.38E+08 | 3/3/2005 | 72666400 | | 22/10/2008 | 2.77E+08 | | 23/6/2011 | 1.72E+08 | 4/3/2005 | 65548400 | | 23/10/2008 | 3.16E+08 | | 24/6/2011 | 1.29E+08 | 7/3/2005 | 70937000 | | 24/10/2008 | 5.12E+08 | | 25/6/2011 | 1.33E+08 | 8/3/2005 | 69158000 | | 28/10/2008 | 4.67E+08 | | 26/6/2011 | 1.52E+08 | 9/3/2005 | 54056000 | | 29/10/2008 | 3.59E+08 | | 27/6/2011 | 1.07E+08 | 10/3/2005 | 49572000 | | 30/10/2008 | 5.52E+08 | | 28/6/2011 | 1.48E+08 | 11/3/2005 | 56662200 | | 31/10/2008 | 4.85E+08 | | 29/6/2011 | 95596000 | 14/3/2005 | 61380200 | | 3/11/2008 | 4.88E+08 | | 30/6/2011 | 1.49E+08 | 15/3/2005 | 60415000 | | 4/11/2008 | 5.31E+08 | | 1/7/2011 | 1.21E+08 | 16/3/2005 | 60588800 | | 5/11/2008 | 4.61E+08 | | 2/7/2011 | 1.04E+08 | 17/3/2005 | 72361600 | | 6/11/2008 | 2.3E+08 | | 3/7/2011 | 1.16E+08 | 18/3/2005 | 69711600 | | 7/11/2008 | 3.95E+08 | | 4/7/2011 | 92179600 | 21/3/2005 | 65314400 | | 10/11/2008 | 4.1E+08 | | 5/7/2011 | 97596600 | 22/3/2005 | 84977600 | | 11/11/2008 | 4.39E+08 | | 6/7/2011 | 1.71E+08 | 23/3/2005 | 82767800 | | 12/11/2008 | 3.94E+08 | | 7/7/2011 | 1.29E+08 | 24/3/2005 | 53868400 | | 13/11/2008 | 3.56E+08 | | 8/7/2011 | 1.21E+08 | 25/3/2005 | 25111600 | | 14/11/2008 | 3.1E+08 | | 9/7/2011 | 1.13E+08 | 28/3/2005 | 32397600 | | 17/11/2008 | 2.62E+08 | | 10/7/2011 | 1.64E+08 | 29/3/2005 | 70795600 | | 18/11/2008 | 2.1E+08 | | 11/7/2011 | 98644600 | 30/3/2005 | 54744200 | | 19/11/2008 | 2.54E+08 | | 12/7/2011 | 1.11E+08 | 31/3/2005 | 77598200 | | 20/11/2008 | 2.67E+08 | | 13/7/2011 | 1.24E+08 | 1/4/2005 | 44997200 | | 21/11/2008 | 3.96E+08 | | 14/7/2011 | 1.02E+08 | 4/4/2005 | 60021800 | | 24/11/2008 | 2.45E+08 | | 15/7/2011 | 1.29E+08 | 5/4/2005 | 58604400 | | 25/11/2008 | 2.26E+08 | | 16/7/2011 | 1.01E+08 | 6/4/2005 | 81722000 | | 26/11/2008 | 1.77E+08 | | 17/7/2011 | 1.38E+08 | 7/4/2005 | 83507200 | | 27/11/2008 | 2.23E+08 | | 18/7/2011 | 1.43E+08 | 8/4/2005 | 73479400 | | 28/11/2008 | 2.32E+08 | | 19/7/2011 | 92007000 | 11/4/2005 | 49071800 | | 1/12/2008 | 1.84E+08 | | 20/7/2011 | 1.51E+08 | 12/4/2005 | 45161000 | | 2/12/2008 | 1.63E+08 | | 21/7/2011 | 1.59E+08 | 13/4/2005 | 43478600 | | 3/12/2008 | 1.51E+08 | | 22/7/2011 | 1.51E+08 | 14/4/2005 | 43138200 | | 4/12/2008 | 1.17E+08 | | 23/7/2011 | 1.57E+08 | 15/4/2005 | 42677200 | | 5/12/2008 | 1.58E+08 | | 24/7/2011 | 1.62E+08 | 18/4/2005 | 48959000 | | 9/12/2008 | 2.88E+08 | | 25/7/2011 | 2.79E+08 | 19/4/2005 | 40576600 | | 10/12/2008 | 2.2E+08 | | 26/7/2011 | 1.63E+08 | 20/4/2005 | 70685600 | | 11/12/2008 | 1.91E+08 | | 27/7/2011 | 1.24E+08 | 22/4/2005 | 70369600 | | 12/12/2008 | 1.46E+08 | | 28/7/2011 | 1.2E+08 | 25/4/2005 | 53775800 | | 15/12/2008 | 1.35E+08 | | 29/7/2011 | 97360000 | 26/4/2005 | 48062600 | | 16/12/2008 | 1.12E+08 | | 30/7/2011 | 1.02E+08 | 27/4/2005 | 49260400 | | 17/12/2008 | 1.68E+08 | | 31/7/2011 | 97586800 | 28/4/2005 | 49153000 | | 18/12/2008 | 2.47E+08 | | 1/8/2011 | 1.08E+08 | 29/4/2005 | 78862000 | | 19/12/2008 | 1.88E+08 | | 2/8/2011 | 1.46E+08 | 3/5/2005 | 66902400 | | 22/12/2008 | 1.22E+08 | | 3/8/2011 | 1.42E+08 | 4/5/2005 | 1.1E+08 | | 23/12/2008 | 1.42E+08 | | 4/8/2011 | 93529600 | 5/5/2005 | 70482800 | | 24/12/2008 | 62647600 | | 5/8/2011 | 89555400 | 6/5/2005 | 57653200 | | 26/12/2008 | 55986200 | | 6/8/2011 | 77450000 | 9/5/2005 | 60101000 | | 30/12/2008 | 95932800 | | 7/8/2011 | 77849600 | 10/5/2005 | 44766400 | | 31/12/2008 | 1.33E+08 | | 8/8/2011 | 1.02E+08 | 11/5/2005 | 71190000 | | 2/1/2009 | 2.17E+08 | | 9/8/2011 | 1.72E+08 | 12/5/2005 | 48662200 | | 5/1/2009 | 3.52E+08 | | 10/8/2011 | 1.59E+08 | 13/5/2005 | 52162200 | | 6/1/2009 | 3.66E+08 | | 11/8/2011 | 1.26E+08 | 16/5/2005 | 40349800 | | 7/1/2009 | 3.99E+08 | | 12/8/2011 | 1.56E+08 | 17/5/2005 | 62821200 | | 8/1/2009 | 2E+08 | | 13/8/2011 | 1.9E+08 | 18/5/2005 | 58319400 | | 9/1/2009 | 1.82E+08 | | 14/8/2011 | 1.66E+08 | 19/5/2005 | 39463800 | | 12/1/2009 | 2.12E+08 | | 15/8/2011 | 1.34E+08 | 20/5/2005 | 43499200 | | 13/1/2009 | 1.98E+08 | | 16/8/2011 | 1.75E+08 | 24/5/2005 | 54585800 | | 14/1/2009 | 1.79E+08 | | 17/8/2011 | 1.95E+08 | 25/5/2005 | 91308200 | | 15/1/2009 | 2.06E+08 | | 18/8/2011 | 2.3E+08 | 26/5/2005 | 97685600 | | 16/1/2009 | 1.44E+08 | | 19/8/2011 | 2.52E+08 | 27/5/2005 | 51326800 | | 19/1/2009 | 1.06E+08 | | 20/8/2011 | 2.2E+08 | 30/5/2005 | 38929200 | | 20/1/2009 | 1.34E+08 | | 21/8/2011 | 1.83E+08 | 31/5/2005 | 89556600 | | 21/1/2009 | 1.42E+08 | | 22/8/2011 | 1.43E+08 | 1/6/2005 | 59158400 | | 22/1/2009 | 1.22E+08 | | 23/8/2011 | 1.57E+08 | 2/6/2005 | 80609600 | | 23/1/2009 | 92784400 | | 24/8/2011 | 1.39E+08 | 3/6/2005 | 85726800 | | 28/1/2009 | 66585400 | | 25/8/2011 | 1.44E+08 | 6/6/2005 | 57072200 | | 29/1/2009 | 1.12E+08 | | 26/8/2011 | 1.39E+08 | 7/6/2005 | 37811000 | | 30/1/2009 | 1.12E+08 | | 27/8/2011 | 1.54E+08 | 8/6/2005 | 62044000 | | 3/2/2009 | 1.16E+08 | | 28/8/2011 | 1.86E+08 | 9/6/2005 | 55784200 | | 4/2/2009 | 1.04E+08 | | 29/8/2011 | 99866200 | 10/6/2005 | 93902400 | | 5/2/2009 | 1.11E+08 | | 30/8/2011 | 1.22E+08 | 13/6/2005 | 92330800 | | 6/2/2009 | 1.48E+08 | | 31/8/2011 | 1.6E+08 | 14/6/2005 | 78124400 | | 10/2/2009 | 1.76E+08 | | 1/9/2011 | 1.54E+08 | 15/6/2005 | 72473600 | | 11/2/2009 | 1.01E+08 | | 2/9/2011 | 1.26E+08 | 16/6/2005 | 61007600 | | 12/2/2009 | 1.41E+08 | | 3/9/2011 | 1.19E+08 | 17/6/2005 | 54398200 | | 13/2/2009 | 2.47E+08 | | 4/9/2011 | 1.39E+08 | 20/6/2005 | 47080000 | | 16/2/2009 | 1.69E+08 | | 5/9/2011 | 1.36E+08 | 21/6/2005 | 57162400 | | 17/2/2009 | 1.37E+08 | | 6/9/2011 | 96375400 | 22/6/2005 | 1.03E+08 | | 18/2/2009 | 1.44E+08 | | 7/9/2011 | 1.1E+08 | 23/6/2005 | 78527400 | | 19/2/2009 | 1.46E+08 | | 8/9/2011 | 80400800 | 24/6/2005 | 54799800 | | 20/2/2009 | 1.58E+08 | | 9/9/2011 | 1.2E+08 | 27/6/2005 | 62378400 | | 23/2/2009 | 1.47E+08 | | 10/9/2011 | 1.98E+08 | 28/6/2005 | 59298200 | | 24/2/2009 | 1.42E+08 | | 11/9/2011 | 1.44E+08 | 29/6/2005 | 54672200 | | 25/2/2009 | 1.6E+08 | | 12/9/2011 | 1.3E+08 | 30/6/2005 | 66656400 | | 26/2/2009 | 1.42E+08 | | 13/9/2011 | 1.02E+08 | 1/7/2005 | 54950800 | | 27/2/2009 | 2.51E+08 | | 14/9/2011 | 1.13E+08 | 4/7/2005 | 62233200 | | 2/3/2009 | 2.17E+08 | | 15/9/2011 | 1.37E+08 | 5/7/2005 | 57753200 | | 3/3/2009 | 1.85E+08 | | 16/9/2011 | 94569400 | 6/7/2005 | 78104400 | | 4/3/2009 | 1.34E+08 | | 17/9/2011 | 1.12E+08 | 7/7/2005 | 79784000 | | 5/3/2009 | 1.57E+08 | | 18/9/2011 | 94646000 | 8/7/2005 | 54010800 | | 6/3/2009 | 1.11E+08 | | 19/9/2011 | 1.3E+08 | 11/7/2005 | 74629400 | | 10/3/2009 | 1.73E+08 | | 20/9/2011 | 1.04E+08 | 12/7/2005 | 1.05E+08 | | 11/3/2009 | 1.61E+08 | | 21/9/2011 | 1.54E+08 | 13/7/2005 | 55870200 | | 12/3/2009 | 1.44E+08 | | 22/9/2011 | 1.27E+08 | 14/7/2005 | 90503600 | | 13/3/2009 | 1.16E+08 | | 23/9/2011 | 1.46E+08 | 15/7/2005 | 60918000 | | 16/3/2009 | 1.04E+08 | | 24/9/2011 | 1.73E+08 | 18/7/2005 | 46883200 | | 17/3/2009 | 1.66E+08 | | 25/9/2011 | 1.56E+08 | 19/7/2005 | 62690400 | | 18/3/2009 | 1.56E+08 | | 26/9/2011 | 1.29E+08 | 20/7/2005 | 1.11E+08 | | 19/3/2009 | 1.5E+08 | | 27/9/2011 | 1.06E+08 | 21/7/2005 | 74759600 | | 20/3/2009 | 1.58E+08 | | 28/9/2011 | 2.02E+08 | 22/7/2005 | 2.59E+08 | | 23/3/2009 | 3.23E+08 | | 29/9/2011 | 2.06E+08 | 25/7/2005 | 1.21E+08 | | 24/3/2009 | 3.49E+08 | | 30/9/2011 | 1.25E+08 | 26/7/2005 | 93122400 | | 25/3/2009 | 1.75E+08 | | 1/10/2011 | 1.82E+08 | 27/7/2005 | 79078400 | | 26/3/2009 | 2.93E+08 | | 2/10/2011 | 1.64E+08 | 28/7/2005 | 93674400 | | 27/3/2009 | 2.2E+08 | | 3/10/2011 | 1.66E+08 | 29/7/2005 | 92807200 | | 30/3/2009 | 1.8E+08 | | 4/10/2011 | 1.54E+08 | 1/8/2005 | 69305200 | | 31/3/2009 | 2.01E+08 | | 5/10/2011 | 1.21E+08 | 2/8/2005 | 94544800 | | 1/4/2009 | 1.73E+08 | | 6/10/2011 | 1.62E+08 | 3/8/2005 | 1.41E+08 | | 2/4/2009 | 4.2E+08 | | 7/10/2011 | 1.96E+08 | 4/8/2005 | 99100000 | | 3/4/2009 | 5.09E+08 | | 8/10/2011 | 1.5E+08 | 5/8/2005 | 62604000 | | 6/4/2009 | 4.28E+08 | | 9/10/2011 | 2.37E+08 | 8/8/2005 | 76404400 | | 7/4/2009 | 3.77E+08 | | 10/10/2011 | 1.25E+08 | 9/8/2005 | 58076200 | | 8/4/2009 | 3.1E+08 | | 11/10/2011 | 1.16E+08 | 10/8/2005 | 58824800 | | 9/4/2009 | 3.03E+08 | | 12/10/2011 | 1.18E+08 | 11/8/2005 | 78121200 | | 10/4/2009 | 4.24E+08 | | 13/10/2011 | 1.19E+08 | 12/8/2005 | 55371000 | | 13/4/2009 | 3.95E+08 | | 14/10/2011 | 1.14E+08 | 15/8/2005 | 55187400 | | 14/4/2009 | 5.16E+08 | | 15/10/2011 | 1.43E+08 | 16/8/2005 | 67424200 | | 15/4/2009 | 5.91E+08 | | 16/10/2011 | 1.61E+08 | 17/8/2005 | 66809400 | | 16/4/2009 | 6.1E+08 | | 17/10/2011 | 1.81E+08 | 18/8/2005 | 54777600 | | 17/4/2009 | 3.44E+08 | | 18/10/2011 | 1.52E+08 | 19/8/2005 | 50619800 | | 20/4/2009 | 3.26E+08 | | 19/10/2011 | 1.25E+08 | 22/8/2005 | 49555400 | | 21/4/2009 | 3.85E+08 | | 20/10/2011 | 1.12E+08 | 23/8/2005 | 64705600 | | 22/4/2009 | 4.15E+08 | | 21/10/2011 | 1.57E+08 | 24/8/2005 | 65809800 | | 23/4/2009 | 4.68E+08 | | 22/10/2011 | 1.51E+08 | 25/8/2005 | 67318800 | | 24/4/2009 | 6.22E+08 | | 23/10/2011 | 1.18E+08 | 26/8/2005 | 95030600 | | 27/4/2009 | 4.54E+08 | | 24/10/2011 | 1.21E+08 | 29/8/2005 | 62224600 | | 28/4/2009 | 4.5E+08 | | 25/10/2011 | 80711200 | 30/8/2005 | 73092000 | | 29/4/2009 | 3.27E+08 | | 26/10/2011 | 58336600 | 1/9/2005 | 91163400 | | 30/4/2009 | 6.28E+08 | | 27/10/2011 | 1.16E+08 | | | | | | | 28/10/2011 | 1.07E+08 | | | | | | | 29/10/2011 | 1.3E+08 |

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