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Submitted By tesspine
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Car Seat Safety
Teresita Pine
Grand Canyon University NRS-434V
Kami Purdy
December 14, 2014

Car Seat Safety Juana Ruiz Hernandez a patron of Santa Clara church in Oxnard California, is a mother of 3 now, delivered her 3rd baby a little girl, one month ago. She works in a lemon packing factory, with an 8th grade education. Mrs. Hernandez reported that she speaks and understands English well.
This paper will describe the teaching and learning that transpired between this author and Mrs. Hernandez. After the proper introductions were made, Mrs. Hernandez was handed a pamphlet regarding Car Seat Safety. Mrs. Hernandez was asked about whether she had just purchased a car seat that she is using now for her new born. Mrs. Hernandez reports that the car seat that she has right now was a used one from a relative because her second child is still using an infant car seat (J. Hernandez, personal communication December 13, 2014). When enquired if she has the directions to the installation of the manufacture she stated she didn’t (J, Hernandez, personal communication December 13, 2014). Upon assessing the car seat that is in use for the infant, this author noted the straps to appear worn out. This author then informed Mrs. Hernandez that according to SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A recommends sticking with car seats that are ideally less than five years old and definitely less than ten years old (BabyCenter 2014). While this author was presenting the pamphlet to Mrs. Hernandez, she was directed to read the Car Seat Safety in particular in order to be familiar with the current information on Car Seat Safety, including the appropriate size car seats of different ages.
Next, Mrs. Hernandez was asked to demonstrate how she places her infant car seat in her vehicle, because she didn’t have the directions to the used car seat that she received from a relative that she now uses for this infant, she did have one for the other infant car seat. Mrs. Hernandez displayed how she secured the base of the infant car seat in the back seat of her vehicle. She enquired why is it that the infant car seat has to face the back (J. Hernandez, personal communication December 13, 2014). Mrs. Hernandez was informed that “rear-facing seats offer more support to the head, neck and spine of infants and toddlers in a crash” (Goodwin 2011). After Mrs. Hernandez completed the attachment of the base to the seat she chose the anchor to secure the car seat. Mrs. Hernandez was then directed to jiggle the base that should not move no more than 1 inch movement “is tightly secured and doesn’t move more than an inch from side to side” (California Department of Public Heath 2014). Mrs. Hernandez was informed that this will indicated that the car seat is well supported. Mrs. Hernandez than placed her infant in the car seat and placing the harnesses on the baby she asked; “How tight is the straps supposed to be on my baby” (J. Hernandez, personal communication December 13, 2014)? This author informed Mrs. Hernandez; “once a child is placed in the car seat, be sure that the harness straps are snug and can’t be pinched, that the chest clip is at armpit level (California Department of Public Heath 2014). After the installation Mrs. Hernandez was informed of two local resources to perform a safety check on the installation of the infant car seat. Mrs. Hernandez stated that she has never known of this type of services before.
This author teaching interaction with Mrs. Hernandez appear to have been productive, she reported not knowing of; old car seats did not necessarily mean that it’s still a safe car seat, that not having directions to the use of it may not be reassuring that it will be installed correctly.
This author sensed that Mrs. Hernandez appear to take full interest in safety when she enquired about the rear-facing position, she stated that it was never in her thought that facing the baby forward would cause serious injury, she stated that even though she would rather be able to see her baby’s face, keeping her alive is more important (J. Hernandez, personal communication December 13, 2014). Mrs. Hernandez shared with this author that she doesn’t always tighten the harness as recommended because sometimes she’s just in a hurry especially having 2 other children that have to be in car seats also ((J. Hernandez, personal communication December 13, 2014). Mrs. Hernandez and this author had a positive teaching and learning interaction. Mrs. Hernandez stated that she will have to find out if there is a manufacture’s direction for the used car seat and how old it is. Mrs. Hernandez stated that if she has to purchase a new car seat then she will follow the instructions and use the resources given in the pamphlet to inspect for safety (J. Hernandez, personal communication December 13, 2014). This author’s impression of this experience was very informative for both the author and Mrs. Hernandez. Having done the research helped to give a parent the information that will reduce the risk of serious injury or death to the most precious passenger.

(J. Hernandez, personal communication, December 13, 2014)

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