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Hill Top


Submitted By jesse091208
Words 252
Pages 2
Jesse Beckmann
Professor Dorsey
Business 5
Guest Speaker Notes David Figueroa was a great guest speaker and I learned a lot from him on contracts. First off, there are three basic types of contracts which consist of: implied contracts, oral contracts, and written contracts. When one end of the party fails to meet their side of the agreement it is called a breach of contract. A key factor of a contract is the actual performance of both parties. Usurious interest rates are interest rates mostly made by loan sharks that are unreasonable. California state law keeps anyone who isn't a bank or certified lender from making interest rates higher than 10%. All contracts are open for interpretation. Some contracts have room for negotiating the terms which is called a counter offer. Parents are responsible for minors on behalf of all contracts until they are 18 or legally emancipated. When a party tries to delay a case intentionally for their personal benefit it is called laches. Pro Hac Vice allows an attorney to assist someone out of the state which they are licensed to practice in with the assistance of a local attorney. Last but not least, I learned that it is best to refuse a field sobriety test at all times because a private done blood test could benefit your case and that by killing more time such as being taken in to the police station could decrease your intoxication level by the time you are actually

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