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Hindu Caste System,


Submitted By ashante190
Words 471
Pages 2
a) * Brahmins teach the insights of the Vedic literature which deals with all aspects of life including spirituality, philosophy, yoga, rituals temples etc. By spreading the Vedas philosophy and by accepting back from the community, the Brahmins receive the necessities of life. A Brahmin must wake up two hours before sunrise. After getting up and bathing in cold water, the Brahmin performs sandhyavandana and japa. He then goes through aupasana and agnihotra which are sacrifices to the Gods. Then the Brahmin does brayhmayajina which is the daily study and chanting of the Vedas. Later on in the day the Brahmin must teach his disciples the Vedas. Near the end of the day a Brahmin must bathe again and perform madhyahnika. Brahmins must feel repentant if they fail to perform the rites they are bound to perform. They must devote the years of their life to the pursuit of their dharma. * Kshatriyas are responsible for defending Indian society and upholding justice. The caste held an essential monopoly on military education and defense training for generations. They were expected to marry other kshatriyas. * Vaisyas duties are to carry on trade, to lend at interest and to cultivate the land which was a vital part in keeping the economy going. They are allowed to wear the sacred thread and enter the temples * Sudras Sudras are not allowed to wear the sacred thread but they are allowed to enter all Hindu Temples * Untouchables are forbidden from entering Hindu temples and school or touching members of the other castes
Step 3
* Brahmins ( Priests and teachers) * Ksatriyas (Warriors and Rulers) * Vaisyas (Farmers,Merchants,Artisans etc) * Sudras (Laborers) * Untouchables (Polluted Laborers)

2. * Brahmins are not allowed to eat meat and drink alcohol. They are usually expected to leave everything behind to focus on

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