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Space Exploration
Zach Kuefler

Although interstellar shows that the finding and settling of another planet is possible, the hardships the characters faced demonstrates that it is not just to send explorers on a hunt to find a planet that may or may not even be there, when we can barely take care of our own. Space exploration is very a very risky thing to do and may be fatal without the right training to do so.
The main character in the movie Interstellar is cooper, and even though he accepts the mission to go outside of our solar system to explore another sustainable planet he states, “We used to look up in the sky and wonder about our place in the stars. Now we just look down and wonder what’s wrong with our place in the dirt.” He knows leaving his family behind to go up in space is not a good idea and rejects the mission initially. Yet he is tricked into the mission by Doctor Brandt who persistently insisted that Cooper is the only man with the right training that is able to lead the mission.
Along with that point, Doctor Brandt knows about the fast-forwarding time in the places that he tells Cooper he needs to visit. He also tells Cooper about the twelve people already sent up to do a similar mission, and explains that they are all okay. That was also another lie as Doctor Brandt is deceiving the whole movie. Brandt states that if Cooper does not go on the mission he is essentially single handily killing mankind, and says his children will be saved when he gets back. Cooper believes Brandt and accepts the mission. The time is one hour on a certain planet is seven years on earth. There is not a chance that they would be able to collect enough data and bring it back in time for Cooper’s children to be saved. Life on another planet is not worth the constant struggle of not knowing if you’re even going to make it to a new planet let alone get back to earth alive. There may be a place somewhere out in out in space that is able to support human life, but we first need to find a way to fix or just sustain the life we have on earth and bring the ideas to the new planet before we go and potentially ruin a new one.
Life on earth has been shitty since the great depression that started in 1929. We had eighty six years to figure out that the world is not going to sustain us forever and we should have tried to find the solution years ago. If we couldn’t figure out that we needed a solution to sustain our planet years ago and still don’t have one today we are not fit to live on another planet. In the book Cadillac dessert Reisner says, “All of the cities in the southwest United States should not exist today.” When thinking about this quote none of the cities of the southwest are natural and the intake of water of to support the cities outweighs the benefits of it being there when there are plenty of other places to settle in the Midwest or Northeast.
The final solution in the movie is a planet that seems to be almost like a cylinder and doesn’t seem earth like at all. Would humans be able to adapt and survive on a new planet? There is no way to tell and should we take the risk to bring up human beings that potentially have no shot of survival. The risk vs the reward is not worth it in this case. The planet that was found in the movie was sustainable and was able to sustain human life, but in real life the odds of finding a planet and westernize it in a couple years is not possible. When finding another planet there are so many things that need to be done to consider it a sustainable planet. A government, some kind of justice system, schooling, there are so many factors that need to be done, and the amount of people needed to complete these needs is too high to make it happen.
It is simply not possible to sustain life on another planet. It is not morally right to send a person somewhere that they don’t even know exist. At the end of the day there is no good reason that we should try and find life on another planet when we can’t even support our own.

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