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History of Nursing Matix


Submitted By africa11
Words 430
Pages 2
University of Phoenix Material

History of Community Nursing Matrix

Complete the matrix with the following concepts, and relate the concepts to two different periods of time in history and the present time:

• Describe each period briefly. • Clarify the differences during each period with public health nursing and community health nursing. • Describe the key health issues. • Identify community health partnerships used during this period of time. • Describe how Watson’s Theory of Human Transpersonal Caring is related.

| |Historical time |Nursing role in |Major health issues |Partnerships used |Watson’s theory |
| |period |community | | | |
|Past period 1 |Colonial period |Nursing care was |-Poor sanitation |Early colonial public |A nurse is able to detect |
| |America |informal and was |-Small Pox |health effort included the |the other person’s condition|
| |1600-1700 |provided by household |-Yellow Fever |collection of vital |of being (Watson, 1995). The|
| | |women. They were |-Cholera |statistic, improved |theory relates to this era |
| | |responsible for taking |-Typhoid |sanitation, and control of |because it was important for|
| | |care of sick family |- Typhus |any communicable diseases |the household women to |
| | |members and also |and infant mortality|introduced through seaports|recognize diseases and treat|
| | |responsible for growing | |(Lancaster& Stanhope, |sick family members. |
| | |and collecting healing | |2008). | |
| | |herbs for use. | | | |
|Past period 2 |Industrial |Hospital demand |-Poor sanitation |The first school |The caring theory Model |
| |Revolution in |Increased requiring need|-Diphtheria |Of nursing opened through |proved the need of nursing |
| |America |of nurse’s help. Due to |-Diarrhea |apprenticeships. |education, knowledge to |
| |1850- 1900 |the demand schools |Were |-1812, the Chicago visiting|provide adequate care to |
| | |started to open to train|the result of |Nurse Association developed|patient. |
| | |nurses. |Urbanization. |a list of standing orders | |
| | | | |for nurses to follow in | |
| | | | |providing home care. | |
|Current period |America 2000 |Today Nursing profession|-Heart disease |-The role of contemporary |Development of helping , |
| | |become more respectable,|-HIV |nurses in the United States|trusting human caring |
| | |autonomous and |-Cancer |has developed from several |relationship, |
| | |challenging. Nurses are |-Obesity |sources and are the in |And cultivation of |
| | |good advocates for |Are |results of ongoing social, |sensitivity to one’s self |
| | |patients and are working|the leading cause of|economic |and the others is |
| | |hard with other |death in America. |And political forces |commonplace in the 21st |
| | |interdisciplinary team | |(Lancaster& Stanhope, |century. The challenge of |
| | |to provide better | |2008). |nursing is to create moment |
| | |patient care. | |-The Healthy People |of caring through |
| | | | |initiative has influenced |human-to-human interaction |
| | | | |Goals and priority setting |in the face of the fast |
| | | | |in public health and in |–paced world of health |
| | | | |nursing. |care(Watson.2008). |

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