Free Essay



Submitted By surryfunny
Words 6023
Pages 25
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|2.1 |
|The Inquiry/ |
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|A first step is identifying the sender, his/her function in the company where he/she works or he/she owns and the implied activities, then it is mentioned, |
|in the introduction, the interest for the receiver- company’s activities. . |
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|- to import/a importa |
|- importer;import agent/importator |
|- to import oil from a country/a importa petrol dintr- o tara |
|- import ban/interdictia importului |
|- to impose an import ban on gas/a interzice importul gazului |
|- an importing country;company/o companie;tara importatoare |
|- import levy;licence/taxa vamala;licenta pe import |
|- to export/a exporta |
|- exporter/exportator |
|- export/bunuri sau servicii exportate |
|- chief export items/principalele articole de export |
|- the export trade/activitatea de export |
|- the export market/piata externa |
|- to be interested in;to be keen on/a fi interesat in |
|- to exceed/a depasi (in cantitate) |
|- export incentives/stimulente pentru export |
|- export duties;documents/taxe;documente de export |
|- domestic customers/consumatori in tara |
|- foreign products/produse straine |
|- trade/comert |
|- international trade/comert international |
|- legitimate fashion/cale legala |
|- goods/bunuri, produse |
|- commodity/articol de comert |
|- commodities/marfuri |
|The import agents of commodities to which an import quota applies must first obtain an import licence. |
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|- Our company imports and exports leather/farmaceutical products./Our company is specialized in the industrial services and materials |
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| - We are aware/hear/understand from ...Company that you export/import.../ Am aflat/cunoastem de la firma ... ca exportati/importati... |
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|- We are interested in importing/exporting....from/to you./ Ne intereseaza sa importam/exportam la/catre dv. |
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| - We have seen/encountered your advertisement in …Revue/Magazine/ Am vazut anuntul dv. in ziarul/revista… |
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| - Following our conversation/discussion with your company’s representative/sales department manager.../ In urma conversatiei/discutiei noastre cu |
|reprezentantul/managerul de vanzari al companiei dvs... |
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|2.1.1. Specimen Sentences Expressing a Request of Quotations, Offers, Price- lists, Prospectuses, Samples / Formulari pentru cereri de cotatii, oferte, |
|liste de preturi, prospecte, mostre |
|The second paragraph of the correspondance may have the form of a request for the offers, prices- lists, prospectuses, invitations, samples, catalogues. Cel|
|de- al doilea paragraf al corespondentei poate avea forma unei cereri de oferte, liste de preturi, prospecte, invitatii, mostre, cataloage. |
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|- to quote/a indica;fixa;stabili un pret;a estima un cost |
|- to bid/a licita;a cere sau oferi un pret;a face o oferta scrisa |
|- to place the bid/a oferta |
|- bid price/pret de cumparare;pret de ofertare |
|- what am I bid for/ |
|cat |
| mi se ofera pentru |
|- to bade against/ a licita impotriva |
|- opening;closing bid/prima;ultima strigare |
|- leveraged bid/oferta de cumparar de actiuni ale unei companii cu bani |
|- higher; further;high;low bid/pret mai mare;mai mare;mare;mic |
|- to quote the best;lowest;most advantageous price/a cota la cel mai bun;ieftin;avantajos pret |
|- quotation of price/oferta de pret |
|- prices are quoted in.../preturile sunt stabilite in... |
|- to get;obtain a number of quotes/a obtine un numar de de oferte de pret |
|- quoted company;share/companie;actiune cotata la bursa |
|- full specification/detalii complete pentru un produs |
|- shipping date/durata livrarii |
|- in great request/foarte cautat |
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|…Company requests the price- list for your top products in…field/Compania…cere lista de preturi pentru cele mai bune produse din domeniu |
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|Please quote the follwing products at the most advantageous price./Va rugam sa cotati urmatoarele produse la cel mai avantajos pret pe care il oferiti. |
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|Our company is delighted to offer 50 invitations to the private auction on Wednesday, March 17, 2007, Grand Hotel, East Sussex. |
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|Comania noastra e incantata sa ofere 50 de invitatii la licitatia privata ce va avea loc miercuri, 17 martie 2007 la Hotelul Grand, din East Sussex |
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|2.1.2.Specimen Sentences Which Refer to Prospects for Fruitful Business Relations / Formulari referitoare la perspectivele unor tranzactii fructuoase |
|The third pragraph will make a synthesis of the information needed to perform a desired transaction. Al treilea paragraf va sintetiza informatiile de care|
|este nevoie pentru tranzactia dorita. |
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|- to propose an item; a plan;a scheme/a propune un paragraf, alineat, punct, articol (din lista, cont, registru);un plan/ o schema, un program, sistem |
|- to expect/a se astepta la… |
|- to set up a meeting/a aranja o intalnire |
|- to make a deal/ a face o afacere |
|- to open a new branch/ a deschide o noua filiala |
|- to break into the market/a intra pe piata |
| |
|- We expect quality, rather than quantity and if …product comes up to our expectation, we would place in 2 days an order of…/ Asteptam calitatea, in loc de |
|cantitate si daca produsul…satisface asteptarile vom face o comanda in 2 zile de… |
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|- We are sending you samples designed to cover the divisional market in both price and quality in the field of chain shops, if your marketing tests are |
|satisfactory, we can make a deal to mutual advantage./ Va trimitem mostrele create sa acopere piata regionala ca pret si calitate in aria lanturilor de |
|magazine, daca testele dvs. de marketing sunt satisfacatoare, putem colabora avantajos de ambele parti. |
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|- As previously, we would like to place an order of 10.000 pieces of …, if you can supply directly from stock and we request the fidelity discount you |
|offer on this terms./ Ca in trecut, dorim sa comandam 10.000 de bucati de…, daca puteti livra direct din stoc si cerem discountul de fidelitate oferit in |
|acesti termeni. |
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|2.1.3. Concluding Sentences/ Formulari de incheiere |
|The closing is conducted by the motivation of the recipient for an efficient answer, thus resulting an expected effect. Formulele de incheiere se |
|completeaza motivand destinatarului pentru un raspuns eficient, din care sa rezulte efectul scontat. |
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|- to look forward/a astepta cu nerabdare |
|- conveninent/inconvenient/convenabil/neconvenabil |
|- acknowledgements/multumiri |
|- to wish to thank for/tinem sa multumim pentru |
|- to wish to express thanks for/a prezenta multumiri pentru |
|- to cast about for…/a cauta o solutie pentru |
| |
|- We look forward to your quotations/receiving an early reply/in- house cocktail invitations/samples delivery./ Asteptam cu nerabdare cotatii/un raspuns |
|curand/invitatiile la cocktailul firmei/livrarea mostrelor. |
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|- Your prompt answer/reply/order/delivery will be appreciated./ V- am fi recunoscatori pentru un raspuns/comanda/livrarea prompt(a). |
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|- We thank you in anticipation of a prompt reply/answer/order/delivery./ Va multumim in asteptarea unui raspuns prompt/unei comenizi/livrari prompte. |
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|- We would be grateful if you would update the customer database./ V- am fi recunoscatori daca ati completa noile detalii pentru baza de date clienti. |
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|- The delivery is 10 days delayed. The transportation department cast about for a solution./ Livrarea este intarziata 10 zile. Dapartamentul transporturi |
|cauta o solutie. |
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|2.1.4. Specimen Sentences Used in Replies to Inquiries/ Formulari utilizate in raspunsul la cererea de oferta |
|In the reply to inquiries it's formulated either a polite refusal or a stay- in- touch remark for a future contact. In raspunsul la cererea de oferta se |
|formuleaza fie un refuz politicos, fie o remarca de a pastra legatura pentru o colaborare viitoare. |
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|- to come to terms/a cadea de acord |
|- to come to agreement/a ajunge la intelegere |
|- to comply with/a se conforma, a satisface |
|- to meet standards/deadline/a respecta standarde/termene limita |
|- a proviso/o clauza conditionala |
|- a qualified agreement/un contract/intelegere nedefinitivata |
|- to aim at/a tinti spre |
| |
|- Our company/deparments are pleased to receive your letter/revue in reply to our advertisement in..../ In cadrul companiei/departamentelor ne- a facut |
|placere sa primim scrisoarea/cronica dv. ca raspuns la reclama noastra din... |
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|- Your inquiry is in our attention and we announce you will receive a price- lists memo./ Comanda dvs. este in atentia noastra si va anuntam ca veti primi |
|un memo cu lista de preturi. |
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|- We are sorry but we don’t have the …product on stock/our delivery hours end at 5 p.m./ Ne pare rau dar nu avem produsul…pe stoc/orele de livrare se |
|incheie la 5 dupa- amiaza. |
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|- Our products meet/aim at the EU standards and we are pleased to comply within our company’s 2 working days delivery policy./ Produsele noastre |
|intrunesc/tintesc spre standardele Uniunii Europene si va anuntam ca respectam politica firmei de a livra in 2 zile lucratoare. |
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|2.2 |
|The Offer/ Oferta |
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|2.2.1.Specimen Sentences for Opening Lines/ Formulari introductive |
|The opening lines are set to address formally an offer that may be solicited, at the recommendation or unsolicited. Formularile introductive sunt stabilite |
|pentru a adresa formal o oferta care poate fi solicitata, la recomandare sau nesolicitata. |
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| Offer/ Oferta solicitata |
|- tender offer/oferta publica pentru actiuni |
|- offer price/pret la oferta |
|- a firm offer/o oferta;licitatie irevocabila |
|- open to offers/negociabil |
|- a special offer/sold |
|- an offer of goods for sale at a stated price/o oferta de marfuri la un pret specificat |
|- an offer of service/ o oferta de servicii |
|- additional;counter;free;genuine;sampled offer/oferta suplimentara;contraoferta;fara angajament;autentica;prin mostre |
| |
|- sales promotion/oferta promotionala |
|- bargain offer/oferta exceptionala |
|- best offer; best deal/cea mai buna oferta |
|- goods on/ cea mai buna oferta |
|- many thanks for ;thank you for your letter/multumiri;va multumim pentru scrisoarea dvs. |
|- to place an order to ;a transaction to/a comanda la;face o tranzactie cu |
|- As per; in compliance with your request;order;inquiry / In conformitate cu cererea;comanda. |
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| Offer (at the recommentadion of...)/ Oferta la recomandarea... |
|- to recommend/ a recomanda |
|- to arrive at / a ajunge la |
|- to adhere to/ a adera la |
|- We will adhere to our plan./Vom ramane la planul nostru. |
|- to give a glowing/itemised account/a da un raport stralucitor/structurat |
| |
|- …Company advertises;announces;aknowlegdes that your import;export; buy;trade;offer the fidelity discount…/Compania publica;anunta;recunoaste ca dvs. |
|importatati; exportati;cumparati;schimbati; oferiti discountul de fidelitate… |
| |
|- We strongly adhere to the policies of …Company./ Aderam cu incredere la politica firmei… |
|Our company has arrived at; recommends the quality of…/Compania noastra recunoaste;recomanda calitatea… |
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|- …Company gives a glowing;itemised account for the top products./ Compania…prezinta un raport stralucitor;structurat al produselor de top |
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| Offer / Oferta nesolicitata |
|- to pave the way/ a face o cale usoara |
|- to go along with/ a accepta |
|- to be on/ a se petrece in acel moment |
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|- The new transportation systems pave the way to 2 days delivery./Reteaua noua de transport inlesneste livrarea la 2 zile. |
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|- You will be pleased;interested;delighted to hear;know that the sales are on./Veti fi interesati/incantati sa aflati/stiti ca acum sunt reducerile. |
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|- In order to acquaint you with our goods;development plans;to let you know about our products...Pentru a va familiariza cu marfurile |
|noastre;planurile noastre de dezvoltare;cunoaste produsele noastre... |
| |
|- To maintain;restore our relations;keep in touch;go along with your decision.../Pentru a mentine;restabili relatiile noastre;pastra relatia;accepta |
|decizia dvs.... |
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|2.2.2. Specimen Sentences for the Message of the Letter/ Formulari specifice mesajului scrisorii |
|The message;body of the letter often expresses directly the subject, in the most sincere way and in terms of clear target, referring to the samples, |
|catalogues, quality, price and terms of payment. It usually covers a non-negociable area and it contains the detailed features of the products. |
|Mesajul;cuprinsul scrisorii se refera direct la subiect, intr- o maniera sincera si definitorii obiectivului, in privinta mostrelor, cataloagelor, |
|calitatii, pretului si conditiilor de plata. De obicei contine un subiect fixat, precum si caracteristici detaliate ale produselor. |
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| to Samples, Catalogues/ Referitor la mostre, cataloage |
|- our best quotation/oferta nostra cea mai buna |
|- our latest price-list/ultima noastra lista de preturi |
|- our catalogue/catalogul nostru |
|- samples and prices/mostre si preturi |
|- check;cloth;essay;free;quota;random;representative sample/mostra(esantion)martor;textila;pentru analiza;gratuita;reprezentativa;aleatorie;reprezentativa |
|- sample assortment;book/colectie;catalog de mostre |
|- a set of patterns/un set de modele |
|- for long life/rezistenta indelungata |
|- to resist;resistant/ a rezista;rezistent |
|- to handle large numbers of.../a avea rezistenta la un numar mare de... |
| |
|- Our best;latest quotation;products’ samples…/Cele mai bune;ultimele noastre preturi;mostre… |
| |
|- Our products are designed to resist;resistant;for long life./Produsele noastre sunt create sa reziste;au rezistenta;au rezistenta indelungata |
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|Retineti! price;sales;trading pattern/schema preturilor;de vanzari;de activitati comerciale |
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| to quality/ Referitor la calitate |
|- high;good;top;bad;poor;quality goods/marfuri de calitate superioara;buna;excelenta;inferioara |
|- merchandable quality/calitate comerciala |
|- of highest;stipulated;suitable quality/calitate prima;prevazuta;corespunzatoare |
|- quality guarantee/ garantia calitatii |
|- quality specifications/cerinte calitative |
|- the excellent quality;adaptability of our goods to special;weather conditions/calitatea exceptionala;adaptabila a marfii noastre la conditii speciale;ale |
|vremii |
|- the modern;safe;folding;flexible;elegant;traditional;functional design of our products/design- ul |
|modern;sigur;pliant;flexibil;elegant;traditional;functional al produselor |
|- without doubt/fara indoiala |
| |
|- The modern design of our product will satisfy without doubt./Linia moderna a produsului nostru va satisface fara indoiala. |
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| |
| to Price and Terms of Payment/ Referitor la pret si conditii de plata |
|- terms of payment /conditii de plata |
|- net cash/plata in numerar la valoarea neta |
|- spot cash/plata imediata in numerar |
|- cash against acceptance/plata in numerar contra acceptare (de documente) |
|- cash against documents/plata in numerar contra prezentarii de documente |
|- cash on delivery/plata in numerar la livrare |
|- cash with order/plata in numerar la comanda |
|- cash within 10 days/plata in numerar in 10 zile |
|- 10 days’ credit/credit de 10 zile |
|- within 10 business days;business hours/in 10 zile lucratoare;ore de lucru |
|- no sooner;later than/ nu mai devreme;tarziu de |
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| |
|Pay and payment expressions/ Expresii de plata si plati |
|- back pay/plata restanta |
|- ability to pay/solvabilitate |
|- failure to pay/incapacitate de a plati |
|- if duly pay/in cazul achitarii la termen |
|- notice to pay/avizare a scadentei |
|- to pay a bill/ a achita o nota |
|- to pay a cheque into an account/a depune un cec la banca |
|- to pay a debt/ a achita o datorie |
|- to pay an invoice/a achita o factura |
|- to be paid at piece work rates/ a fi platit in functie de rezultate |
|- to pay duty on imports/ a plati taxe vamale pentru importuri |
|- to pay money into someone's account/ a alimenta contul bancar al cuiva... |
|- to pay tax/a plati impozit |
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| |
|Cash expressions/Expresii despre numerar |
|- cash/numerar(bancnote si monezi) |
|- to cash/a plati/onora un cec sau ordin de plata/a incasa un cec sau un ordin de plata/a transforma in numerar |
|- to cash a cheque/a lua numerar din banca contra unui cec |
|- in cash/numerar |
|- margin in cash/acont in numerar |
|- petty cash/maruntis |
|- prompt cash/plata prompta |
|- spot cash/cash on delivery/plata la livrare |
|- to be in/out of cash/a fi/nu fi in fonduri |
|- cashable/incasabil/platibil |
|- cash advance/acont in numerar |
|- cash buyer/un client care plateste comanda cu numerar,cec sau ordin de plata |
|- cash deal/tranzactie bursiera cu plata pe loc |
|- cash discount/bonificatie pentru devansarea platii/ pentru plata in numerar |
|- cash earnings/venituri in numerar |
|- cashreserves/ in/on hand/ lichiditati/bani in casa |
|- cash note/nota de plata |
|- cash withdrawal/bon de casa |
|- cash with order/ plata la efectuarea comenzii |
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| |
| sentences/Formule de incheiere |
|In afara de incheierea formala, o propozitie de final cuprinde o cerere the raspuns. |
|- We shall be pleased/glad to make business with.../ Vom fi incantati/multumiti sa facem afaceri cu... |
|- We hope the samples we enclose.../ Speram ca mostrele pe care le trimitem |
|- to receive an order from primim o comanda de la dv. |
|- to have your confirmation primim curand confirmarea dv. |
|- to meet your va satisfacem cerintele dv. |
|- to hear from you soon... sa primim curand vesti de la dv. |
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|2.3 |
|The Order/ Comanda |
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|2.3.1.Specimen Sentences for Opening Lines/ Formulari introductive |
|The order letter expresses directly that the order should be provided in certain conditions. Scrisoarea de comanda exprima direct conditiile in care se |
|livreaza comanda. |
| |
|- We (would)appreciate /Please/Kindly/ Apreciem/Va rugam |
| |
|- to supply /a livra |
|- to deliver/a livra |
|- at once/immediately/acum/ imediat |
|- to send by return/a trimite cu intoarcerea postei |
|- to dispose/give directions for/ a dispune/ da instructiuni |
|- an early forwarding/shipment of/ un raspuns/transport imediat |
| |
|- Your purchase order/number was reffered to our deparment/company/office/Comanda a fost primita de departamentul/compania/birou nostru |
| |
|Order expressions/Expresii despre comanda |
|- available to order only/disponibil doar la comanda |
|- bulk order/comanda en gros |
|- day orders/comenzi zilnice |
|- limit sell order/comanda limitata(a nu vinde peste sau sub pretul indicat) |
|- mail order/cumparare de articole trimise prin posta |
|- money order/mandat postal |
|- purchase order/ ordin de cumparare |
|- repeat order/ comanda repetata |
|- specific order/ comanda explicita |
|- split order/ comanda executata la preturi diferite |
|- to fulfil/fill an order/a executa o comanda |
|- order book/registru de comenzi |
|- order point/nivel de aprovizionare |
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| |
|2.3.2. Quantity and Quality/ Cantitatea si calitatea |
|- Please take care that the quality / Referitor la calitate, va rugam sa aveti grija: |
|- (should) match/ be in accordance with the sample/ se potriveasca/ sa fie conforma mostrei/esantionului; |
|- should completely answer our purpose/ sa raspunda pe deplin scopului nostru |
|- should be the same as the last delivery/sa fie aceeasi ca la ultima livrare |
|- should contain operation instructions/user manual/sa contina instructiuni de folosire/ghidul utilizatorului |
|- should contain replaceble/sanitation parts/sa contina componente de inlocuire/rezerva/siguranta |
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|2.3.3. Prices, Reductions/ Preturi, reduceri |
|- to point out/ a preciza |
|- to be more than…days late to payment/a fi in intarziere …zile cu platile |
|- the price/reduction we can afford to pay care ne putem permite sa- l platim este... |
|- the price/reduction we can go to care ne putem urca este... |
|- the price per product/package/person/room/ pretul pe produs/pachet/pesoana/camera |
|- There will be a sur- charge on accounts falling more than |
|10 days/months behind./O penalizare va fi perceputa la 10 de zile/ luni intarziere. |
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|2.3.4. The Delivery/ Livrarea |
|Prin intermediul livrarii se specifica intr- o maniera formala data livrarii precum si aranjamentele legate de transport. |
| |
|- immediately/ at once/imediat/de indata |
|- within five days/in cinci zile |
|- as soon as possible/cat mai curand posibil |
|- at your earliest convenience/imediat ce puteti |
|- upon receipt of this order/la primirea acestei comenzi |
|- by the end of the month/pana la sfarsitul lunii |
|- without delay, according to/ fara intarziere, in conformitate cu |
|- on/la data de |
|- actual delivery/ livrare efectiva |
|- additional delivery/ livrare suplimentara |
|- cessation of delivery/ suspendarea livrarii |
|- express delivery/ livrare urgenta |
|- free delivery/ livrare franco |
|- misdelivery/ livrare gresita |
|- payment/cash on delivery/plata la livrare |
|- recorded delivery/ expedite recomandata cu confirmare de primire |
|- repair delivery/ livrari in contul despagubirilor |
|- sale for delivery/vanzare cu predare ulterioara |
|- short delivery/ livrare incompleta |
|- staggered delivery/ livrare esalonata |
|- tender of delivery/ propunere de livrare |
|- to allow a number of days for delivery/ a acorda un numar de zile pentru livrare |
|- to exceed the time of delivery/a depasi termenul de livrare |
|- to be ready for delivery/ a fi gata de livrare |
|- by rail/pe calea ferata |
|- by truck/cu camionul |
|- by ship/cu vaporul |
|- airfreight/cu avionul |
| |
|- Please kindly forward/dispatch the goods./Va rugam sa ne expediati marfurile. |
|- There has been a change in our delivery service policy which we would like to bring to your attention. A intervenit o schimbare in sistemul de livrare pe |
|care dorim sa o anuntam. |
|- We provide free delivery for any orders placed with …Company, regardless of the size of the order./Livram gratuit comenzile la firma…oricare ar fi |
|cantitatea. |
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|2.3.5. Concluding Sentences/ Formulari de incheiere |
|- to confirm/a confirma |
|- to acknowlegde/a instiinta |
|- to contact/a lua legatura, a contacta |
| |
|- Please /Kindly acknowledge/confirm receipt of our order and give it your best attention...Va rugam sa confirmati primirea comenzii noastre si sa- i |
|acordati cea mai mare atentie. |
|- We wish to take this oportunity to thank you…/Pe aceasta cale va multumim… |
|- If there are any questions regarding the delivery/the services, please contact us by mail/email/phone/ Daca aveti intrebari legate de livrare/servicii, va|
|rugam sa ne contactati prin posta/email/telefon. |
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|2.3.6. Rejecting an Offer/ Respingerea unei oferte |
|- to be compelled/have to/ a trebui sa… |
|- to decline/cancel/reject/turn down/ a renunta/anula/refuza |
|- much to our regret/we are sorry/ spre regretul nostru/ne pare rau |
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|- While we are sorry we do not have demand for this product, we recommend…/Desi ne pare rau ca nu avem cerere pentru acest produs, va recomandam… |
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|- Though your products are competitive on the market, we decline/turn down your offer as we have not extended our business/we have no representatives in |
|your area. Desi produsele dvs. sunt competitive pe piata, refuzam oferta dvs. pentru ca nu ne- am extins/nu avem reprezentanti in zona. |
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|- Your networking services offer was in my attention and our company’s policy is to provide best services that not comply with your standards. However if |
|you wish to set down a meeting with our LAN Manager, please come back with a call…/Oferta dvs. de servicii de retea a fost in atentia mea, iar politica |
|companiei este de a oferi cele mai bune servicii, care nu se conformeaza standardelor dvs. Daca doriti sa stabiliti o intalnire cu managerul de retea, va |
|rugam reveniti cu un telefon… |
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|2.3.7. Cancelling an Order/ Anularea unei comenzi |
|- prior to/ inainte de |
|- due to/ din cauza |
|- said order/ comanda prevazuta |
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|- We are sending you a note to cancel the order since our customer has delayed our exchange prior the date we placed the order with your company./ Va |
|trimitem o notificare de anulare a comenzii din moment ce clientul nostru a amanat tranzactia inainte de data la care am plasat comanda la firma dvs. |
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|- Please accept our appology to the cancellation of …order./Primiti scuzele noastre pentru anularea comenzii… |
| |
|- We have not received your order number. Please send us a cancellation effect on this, otherwise you can expect the delivery within 2 days./ Nu am primit |
|numarul comenzii. Va rugam trimiteti o inregistrare a comenzii, altfel veti primi livrarea in 2 zile. |
| |
|- Reference is made to our purchase order. Due to your failure to arrange the shipment delatils in the Agreement no. we hereby cancel said order, and we |
|notice you of further rights we may have./ Cu referire la comanda. Pentru nerespectarea termenilor contractuali de livrare, Contract Nr., anulam comanda si |
|anuntam termenii legali implicati. |
| |
| |
|2.3.8. Acknowledgement of Orders/ Confirmarea comenzii |
|- We acknowledge with thanks/We are in the receipt of your order / Confirmam cu multumiri primirea comenzii dv/ Am primit chitanta comenzii... |
| |
|- We are glad to open up business relations with you./Ne bucuram sa initiem relatii de afaceri cu dv. |
| |
|- We confirm/accept the Order no. subject only to the |
|following exceptions/with the Agreement no./within the following terms/Confirmam comanda cu urmatoarele exceptii/cu Contract Nr./cu urmatoarele conditii |
| |
|- Persuant to you order, we have arranged…Conform comenzii dvs. am aranjat… |
| |
| |
|2.3.9. A Telephone Talk about an Order / Discutarea telefonica a unei comenzi |
|Caller: - Hello, Sir. This is (Caller name)on behalf of …Company and I am calling to update the terms of our future orders, regading the fact that our |
|previous order wasn’t in your best attention and the delivery terms were delayed with 3 days. / Buna ziua, domnule. Sunt…din partea companiei…si va sun sa |
|revizuiesc termenii pentru comenzile viitoare, pentru ca comanda anterioara nu a primit atentia dvs. Si termenul de livrare a fost decalat cu 3 zile. |
| |
|Receiver: - I’m very sorry to hear that, Sir, and I have received a copy of the additional agreement. We agree on the updated terms and as soon as you will |
|trust us with the new order, we will dispose the agreed shipment instructions. / Imi pare rau sa aud asta, Domnule si am primit o copie a contractului |
|aditional. Am cazut de acord asupra noilor conditii si de indata ce primim de la dvs. o noua comanda dispunem conditiile stabilite de livrare. |
| |
|Caller: - This is precisely what we have requested previously and due to the past misunderstanding our business was not to mutual advantage. |
| As for the new order I would like to receive your catalogue within 2 business days. / Exact acest lucru am cerut in trecut cand datorita neintelegerilor|
|afacerile nu au fost avantajoase pentru ambele parti.Cat despre comanda as dori sa primesc catalogul dvs. in 2 zile. |
| |
|Receiver: - That’s right. We have also received your catalogue request yesterday and within today’s business hours our courier is to deliver it to you./ |
|Exact. Am primit cererea dvs. pentru catalog ieri si astazi in timpul orelor de lucru curierul nostru il va livra. |
|Caller: - Alright! Then I will place our new order to you by 10 o’clock tomorrow, what is the delivery time in these terms with the updated agreement?./In |
|regula. Voi face o comanda noua catre dvs. pana la ora 10 maine, care este durata livrarii in aceste conditii, reglementate de contractul aditional ? |
| |
|Receiver: - It will be the same business day, Sir. And I know that I am speaking on the behalf of our company when I thank you for the order. You will |
|receive the acknowledgement of the order in due time./Va fi in aceeasi zi lucratoare, domnule. Si vorbesc in numele companiei cand va multumesc pentru |
|comanda. Veti primi ordinul de instiintare in timp util. |
| |
|Caller: - That’s right. We’ll place the order by 10 o’clock tomorrow. / Exact. Facem comanda maine pana la ora 10. |
| |
|Receiver: - Thank you, Sir, and have a nice day! / Multumesc, domnule, si va urez o zi buna! |
| |
| |
| |
|2.4 |
|International Trade/Tranzactiile comerciale internationale |
| |
| |
|The payment methods used in international trade are:/Modalitatile de plata folosite de regula in tranzactiile comerciale internationale sunt: |
| |
| |
|2.4.1.The Documentary Letter of Credit L/C (acreditivul documentar) |
|It is an arrangement between the importer and the issuing bank to act on the behalf of the importer and to pay or negociate with the beneficiary.Este un |
|angajament intre importator si banca emitenta de a actiona in numele importatorului si de a plati sau negocia cu emitentul. |
| |
|- We have been requested by (bank name) to advice you that they have opened with us their irrevocable/revocable documentary credit no. for account of…for |
|the amount of…at sight./ Am primit cererea bancii…sa va anuntam ca a fost deschis un acreditiv documentar irevocabil/revocabil cu numarul in contul…in |
|valoare de…la vedere. |
|- We hereby agree to accept and pay at maturity any draft or drafts on us, at day’s sight, issued by… of … city, to the extent of… and negotiated through |
|your bank./ Prin prezenta se ia la cunostinta si plateste la termen orice extragere sau extragerile disponibile, dispuse de…din localitatea, in valoare de… |
|si negociat prin banca dvs. |
| |
| |
|2.4.2. The Revocable Credit / Acreditivul revocabil |
|A revocable credit is a document subject to cancellation at any time without prior notice or warning. It implies risks for the beneficiary and flexibility |
|for the holder./ Acreditivul revocabil este un document supus anularii oricand, fara aviz. Implica riscuri pentru beneficiar si flexibilitate pentru |
|detinator. |
| |
|- prior notice/preaziv |
|- warning/aviz |
| |
|- We hereby authorize our Revocable Documentary Letter of Credit in the account of … for the aggregate amount of…at sight…subject to the terms of…revocable |
|without prior notice or warning/Prin prezenta se autorizeaza Acreditivul Revocabil in contul…in valoare de…la vedere…conform termenilor…revocabil fara |
|preaviz sau aviz. |
| |
| |
|2.4.3. The Irrevocable Credit / Acreditivul irevocabil |
|The Irrevocable Credit is a document that cannot be cancelled without the consent of the issuing bank and the beneficiary, if it complies with the agreement|
|terms, therefore the payment is guaranteed by the bank. Acreditivul irevocabil este un document ce nu poate fi anulat decat cu acordul bancii si al |
|beneficiarului, daca indeplineste termenii contractului, prin urmare plata este garantata de banca. |
| |
|- drawer/tragator |
|- endorses/giranti |
|- holder/detinator |
|- to draw/a trage |
|- draft/extragere |
|- issuing bank/ banca emitenta |
|- advising bank/banca platitoare |
|- bill of exchange/cambie |
| |
|- We hereby establish our Irrevocable Documentary Letter of Credit in the account of … for the aggregate amount of…avaible by your drafts at sight complying|
|with the drawers, endorsers and holders of drafts drawn under and in accordance with the terms of …that shall be honored on presentation./Prin prezenta, |
|consimtim Irevocabilul Acreditiv Documentar in contul…in valoare de…disponibil la vedere asigurand tragatorii, girantii si detinatorii de extrageri trase in|
|cadrul si in concordanta cu ….ca se onoreaza la prezentare. |
| |
| |
|2.4.4. The Irrevocable Confirmed Credit / Acreditiv irevocabil confirmat |
|The advising bank confirms the authenticity of the Irrevocable Confirmed Credit opened by an issuing bank. Banca tragatoare confirma autenticitatea unui |
|Acreditiv Irevocabil Confirmat deschis de banca emitenta. |
| |
|We confirm the credit and thereby undertake that all drafts drawn and presented as above specified will be duly honored by us./Confirmam acreditivul si |
|prin prezenta ne angajam ca toate tratele trase si prezentate cum se mentioneaza mai sus vor fi onorate la timp de noi. |
| |
| |
|2.4.5.The Irrevocable Advised Credit / Acreditivul irevocabil avizat |
|The Irrevocable Advised Credit or Irrevocable and Without Recourse Documentary Credit is a document by means of which the advising bank is not responsible |
|for the payments made to the beneficiary if the issuing bank does not pay the advising bank./ Acreditivul irevocabil avizat este un document prin care banca|
|platitoare nu este responsabila pentru platile beneficiarului daca banca emitenta nu plateste bancii tragatoare. |
| |
|- This letter is solely an advice of credit opened by the above mentioned issuing bank and conveys no engagement by us./ Aceasta scrisoare este doar o |
|avizare a acreditivului deschis de mai sus mentionata banca emitenta si nu contine vreun angajament din partea noastra. |
| |
| |
|2.5 |
|Terms used in Transportation Correspondence / Termeni utilizati in corespondenta referitoare la transporturi |
| |
| |
|truck – autocamion |
|road tanker – cisterna |
|trailer – remorca |
|van – camioneta |
|train – tren |
|express train – tren expres |
|fast train – tren accelerat |
|mail train – tren postal |
|freight train – tren de marfuri |
|wagoon – vagon |
|engine – locomotiva |
|ferry- boat – feribot |
|ship/ vessel – vas, nava, vapor |
|freighter/ cargo vessel – vas pentru marfuri |
|carrier – curier |
|shipowner – proprietar al vasului / armator |
|shipper – agent de incarcare a marfii |
|ship- broker – agent de navlosire |
|captain – capitan |
|owner of the goods – navlositorul (proprietarul marfii) |
|forwarding agent – agent de expediere |
|plane/ airplane / aircraft – avion |
|freight plane – avion pentru transportul de marfuri |
|consignment – marfa |
|loading – incarcare |
|unloading/ discharge – descarcare |
|loading plan – plan de incarcare |
|cargo list – lista de marfuri |
| |
|Retineti ! Prepozitia « by » insoteste substantivele desemnand mijloacele de transport: by truck, by aiplane/plane, by train etc. |
| |
|In comertul international exista termeni comerciali pe care majoritatea antreprenorilor ii folosesc pe larg deoarece permit interpretarea unitara acestora: |
| |
|- EXW – EX WORKS - Franco fabrica (…locul convenit); obligatia de livrare a vanzatorului este indeplinita in momentul in care a pus marfa la dispozitia |
|cumparatorului, la sediul sau depozitul convenit. |
|- FCA - FREE CARRIER - Franco curier (…locul convenit); obligatia de livrare a vanzatorului este indeplinita in momentul in care a pus marfa la dispozitia |
|carausului desemnat de catre cumparator, la locul convenit. |
|- FAS – FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP - Franco de- a lungul vasului (..port de incarcare convenit). |
|- FOB - FREE ON BOARD - Franco la bord (..port de incarcare convenit). |
|- CFR - COST AND FREIGHT - Cost si navlu (…port de destinatie convenit). |
|- CIF - COST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHT - Cost, asigurare si navlu (port de destinatie convenit) |
|- CPT - CARRIAGE PAID TO- Fracht platit pana la (destinatia convenita) |
|- CIP - CARRIAGE AND INSURANCE PAID TO - Fracht si asigurare platite pana la (destinatia convenita) |
|- DAF- DELIVERED AT FRONTIER - Livrat la frontiera (…locul convenit) |
|- DES - DELIVERED EX SHIP - Livrat pe nava (port de destinatie convenit) |
|- DEQ - DELIVERED EX QUAY (DUTY PAID) - Livrat la chei (port de destinatie platit) |
|- DDU - DELIVERED DUTY UNPAID - Livrat taxe vamale neplatite (destinatie convenita) |
|- DDP - DELIVERED DUTY PAID - Livrat taxe vamale platite (destinatia convenita). |
| |
| |
|2.5.1.Shipping Instructions / Instructiuni de expediere |
|- shipment/expediere |
|- delivery/livrare |
|- in lot/in loturi |
|- sealing methods/metode de sigilare |
|- Shipment in foam wrap/bubble wrap/expediere in ambalaj antisoc(cu spuma, bule) |
|- Corrugate carboard boxes/cutii din carton securizate |
|- Leak- free container/recipiente sigilate |
|- waterproof/rezistent la apa |
|- carefreely handling/ manipulare cu atentie/grija |
|- to effect a shipment from…to…/a efectua un transport de la …la… |
|- cargo/documents insurance/ asigurare pe transport/documente |
| |
| |
|2.5.2.The Advice of Dispatch / Avizul de Expediere |
|- We enclose herewith our pro- forma invoice relating to the goods supplied / Anexam prezentei factura noastra proforma referitoare la marfurile livrate. |
|- Please confirm that the consignment has arrived safely. / Va rugam sa confirmati ca marfa a ajuns cu bine. |
|- On … the goods ordered by you on our contract dated…will be sent to you by (Carrier) and should arrive at…on or about… |
| |
| |
|2.5.3.Charter- Party / Contractul de navlosire |
|It represents the written agreement between the fitter- out and the ship owner, the latter paying a freight for the cargo./Reprezinta contractul scris intre|
|armator (cel care pune vasul la dispozitie) si navlositor (persoana care inchiriaza vasul), acesta din urma obligandu- se sa plateasca un anumit navlu |
|pentru marfa care va fi transportata. |
| |
|Exita urmatoarele tipuri de contracte de navlosire : |
| |
|- time-charter/ contract de navlosire pe termen |
|- voyage charter/ contract de navlosire pe voiaj |
|- single charter/ contract de navlosire pe un singur voiaj |
|- trip charter / contract de navlosire tur- retur |
|- demise charter- party / contract de navlosire prin cesiune |
| |
|The freight represents the payment for the fitter- out to deliver the cargo appropiately at it is set according to the ship capacity, delivery duration, |
|distance etc./Navlul reprezinta suma de bani ce se plateste carausului pentru transportul marfii in bune conditii si se stabileste in functie de capacitatea|
|de incarcare a navei, durata transportului, distanta, etc. |
| |
| |
|2.5.4 The Bill of Landing / Conosamentul |
|It represents the proof of the freight contract, a receipt of the goods and a title of the goods./Reprezinta dovada unui contract de transport, o fisa de |
|parcurs pentru marfuri si un document de drept asupra acestora. |
| |
| |
|2.5.5.The Waybill / Scrisoare de trasura/Fraht |
|Reprezinta un contract de transport pe cale : |
|- rutiera (truck waybill) |
|- ferata (railway bill) |
|- aeriana (airway bill) |
|- pe rauri (inland waybill) |
| |
|The waybill is delivered with the goods to the recepient; it is composed by the sender and signed by the carrier./Foaia de drum insoteste marfurile la |
|destinatia lor ; ea este elaborata de expeditor si semnata de curier. |
| |
|Retineti! waybill sau way- bill sau consignment note |
| |
|To be keen on |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. a fi contactat de |
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|[pic] |
|b. a contacta pe |
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|[pic] |
|c. a fi interesat in |
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|2 |
|Puncte: 1/1 |
|[pic] |
|What am I bid for |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. |
|Cat |
| mi se ofera |
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|[pic] |
|b. Care este pretul de piata |
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|[pic] |
|c. Cum sunt preturile |
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|3 |
|Puncte: 1/1 |
|[pic] |
|To place an order |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. a da un ordin precis |
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|[pic] |
|b. a face o comanda |
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|[pic] |
|c. a pune pret |
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|4 |
|Puncte: 1/1 |
|[pic] |
|To come to terms |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. a expune termenii |
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|[pic] |
|b. a discuta conditiile |
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|[pic] |
|c. a cadea de acord |
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|5 |
|Puncte: 1/1 |
|[pic] |
|Proviso |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. clauza conditionala |
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|[pic] |
|b. provizoriu |
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|[pic] |
|c. pentru moment |
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|6 |
|Puncte: 0/1 |
|[pic] |
|A firm offer |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. oferta firmei |
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|[pic] |
|b. oferta de firma |
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|[pic] |
|c. oferta fixa |
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|7 |
|Puncte: 1/1 |
|[pic] |
|Bargain offer |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. oferta exceptionala |
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|[pic] |
|b. oferta scumpa |
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|[pic] |
|c. oferta negociabila |
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|8 |
|Puncte: 1/1 |
|[pic] |
|Merchandable quality |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. calitate din firma |
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|[pic] |
|b. calitate pe piata |
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|[pic] |
|c. calitate comerciala |
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|9 |
|Puncte: 1/1 |
|[pic] |
|Invoice |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. Factura |
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|[pic] |
|b. Oferta |
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|[pic] |
|c. Cerere de oferta |
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|10 |
|Puncte: 1/1 |
|[pic] |
|Order point |
|Răspuns: |
|[pic] |
|a. Numarul de oferte |
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|[pic] |
|b. Nivel de aprovizionare |
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|[pic] |
|c. Onorarea comenzilor |
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Harmful Homework

...Homework: Helpful or Harmful? Is homework harmful or helpful? In today’s education system, schools are preparing students for college by pressuring them to increase their test scores. Test scores seem to provide educators with a good standpoint of the student’s intelligence level. Therefore, educators have been ordering homework to be done since elementary school. A Countless number of students are being assigned a great amount of homework every day because educators think that it is essential and helpful. However, too much homework has seemed to negatively affect students in many ways. In recent studies, there has been a widespread call to realize the disadvantages of homework due to the strain it puts on students. Although homework may seem favorable because it seems to keep students busy and working, homework should not be considered the primary tool to improve students since homework medically affects students, is time consuming, and interferes with family life. Homework has medical affect on students since they are becoming sleep deprived as they struggle to complete a homework assignment that is due the next day. Studies show that students are now taking more risks due to excessive amounts of homework that cannot be completed efficiently in a given time. According to CNN Health’s Medical Assignment Manager Ann J. Curley, studies conducted show that more than two-thirds of American students report they are getting less than eight hours of sleep on school nights, which is...

Words: 1036 - Pages: 5

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Netw 204 Homework Assignments Package Latest


Words: 413 - Pages: 2

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Homework Is an Effective Way to Supplement Classroom Learning

...dismayed upon hearing those words from the teacher? Homework has long been a way to supplement students’ learning outside the classroom. This has also kept students busy every night, staring at their computer screens studying or researching about their assigned school work. Homework, in a way, is a good way of maintaing the knowledge students gained from school, but is it really the most effective way of providing supplemental studies? Most studies have shown that homework may be more supplemental than being detrimental to a student’s learning. On one perspective, it has been proven that assigning homework is beneficial to a student’s performance in school. Evidence has been found that homework is an effective supplemental form of learning, and “can impact positively on the retention and understanding of knowledge and can improve study skills...and demonstrate that learning can take place outside of formal schooling,” (qtd. in Department of Education and the Arts 7). This shows that studying should not just be confined to the walls of the classroom, and that after-school learning is vital to reinforce what has been taught by the teacher to the students. Without this reinforcement, students might easily forget the concepts learned in the classroom. Thus, this would result to a poor evaluation performance. This is especially true to students who do not pay attention during Evaristo 2 class time. Because of homework, they would be forced to study the lesson, and soon enough...

Words: 1193 - Pages: 5

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College Homework Help

...COLLEGE HOMEWORK HELP Through college homework help, we aim to provide you with all necessary material and solution you require for the understanding of whole of your college’s curriculum. If you are searching for homework help from experts who are well-read in the subjects of mathematics, calculus, statistics and algebra you have come to right place. All scholars are verified degree holders who have years of experience helping students with their maths, accountancy and English problems. Here you can submit anything from simple queries to complex or lengthy assignments and receive expert guidance to help you develop fully-worked solutions. We can assist with any type of project - homework assignments, practice questions, laboratory write-ups, and more. Every subject has its own characteristics like English you need to learn writing skills and in maths you need to learn formulae but every subject demands a single similar thing that is dedication and if you are dedicated to actually learn a subject our experts are equally dedicated to teach you that. Generally, classroom lectures are not enough for the student to be able to cope up with the complexities of problems given for homework, and that is why additional homework help is so essential. College homework help provided by expert and qualified tutors has been always proved to be of immense help and has often been back bone support for students who do well in class. Having problems with your homework or feeling too lazy to figure...

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Why We Should Homework Be Required Essay

...Since Roberto Nevilis introduced it to the world as a punishment in 1905, there have been many arguments to whether or not homework should be required. What initially started as punishment for kids who messed around in class has become a mandatory task that all students are required to do daily. I’m here to end that, I intend to show you that students should not be required to complete homework for a grade. Homework consumes too much time and leaves no space for extracurricular activities and causes health problems. On top of that, many students don’t even have the resources required to complete the homework. Despite these things, homework is still a graded assignment that if failed to complete, can drastically bring down a student's grade. Consider the fact that the American standards for homework is much lower than anywhere else in the world. CNN conducted a study that showed that on average, in America students receive three times more homework than the recommended amount. 56% of students said that homework is a primary source of stress and frustration. Stress causes a vicious cycle. It can lead to heart diseases, depression, exhaustion, and pain, which in turn lead to more stress....

Words: 743 - Pages: 3

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Acct 301 Homework Assignments Week 1 to 7

...ACCT 301 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS WEEK 1 TO 7 To purchase this visit following link: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ACCT 301 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS WEEK 1 TO 7 ACCT 301 Homework Assignments Week 1 To 7 ACCT 301 Week 1 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 2 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 3 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 4 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 5 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 6 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 7 Homework (Problems & Solutions) Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACCT 301 Homework Assignments Week 1 To 7 in order to ace their studies. ACCT 301 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS WEEK 1 TO 7 To purchase this visit following link: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ACCT 301 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS WEEK 1 TO 7 ACCT 301 Homework Assignments Week 1 To 7 ACCT 301 Week 1 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 2 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 3 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 4 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 5 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 6 Homework (Problems & Solutions) ACCT 301 Week 7 Homework (Problems & Solutions) Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students...

Words: 631 - Pages: 3

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Limiting Homework

...a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” Actress Lily Tomlin is correct. When students get home after a six-hour school day they are often overwhelmed with outrageous amounts of homework. This extra and sometimes unnecessary burden adds only anxiety to the average student leaving them a slave to their homework. This is a problem that can be alleviated with time and patience. Students are not happy with their current homework loads. Sixty-one percent of students in a recent survey concluded that they had to drop out of an activity because of their school workload (Galloway et al 2013). Obviously, homework affects students’ lives more than it should. It is not just something that a student would just finish in five to ten minutes. It takes hard work and brain dedication to finish homework at the time that it is required. One of the reasons that homework should be banned is because it is...

Words: 943 - Pages: 4

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Homework Psychology

...Homework Assignment Student: Guilherme Henrique Domingos de Franco LAB Section: 044 Access ID number: 004520890 Assignment 3a – Describe how the two-point discrimination experiment was conducted and the results What materials were used? One caliper, one ruler and notes sheet. How many participants (number of students who responded to the caliper touches)? 6 students. Explain what the experimenter did. The classroom was divided into 6 groups of 4 students in each group. Student number 1: responsible for feeling the sting of the caliper. Student number 2: responsible for sticking the student number 1. Student number 3: responsible for write down the results. Student number 4: moral support. Experiment: the student number 1 extended his arm to receive the nudge without seeing how many points the student number 2 was using. The student number 2 chooses the distances between the points and if he would poke finger or forearm randomly so that the student number 1 would not be influenced by the order of the distances. The student number 3 wrote if the student number 1 felt one point or two. State the percentage of participants who felt two points at each of the six distances on the finger. 0.0 cm - 0% 0.5 cm - 80% 1.0 cm - 100% 1.5 cm - 100% 3.0 cm - 100% 5.0 cm - 100% State the percentage of participants who felt two points at each of the six distances on the forearm. 0.0 cm - 0% 0.5 cm - 20% 1.0 cm - 20% 1.5 cm - 60% 3.0...

Words: 559 - Pages: 3