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Hot Topic: A Short Story

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When you got to the mall you head to Hot Topic. “Lydia, why are we going to Hot Topical?” Cas questions. You grab Cas’ hand and walk in.

After going to Hot Topic, you went to JC Penney’s to buy Cas some clothes, “Lydia, I like my trench coat!” Cas exclaims. “I know Cas, but if you went to look ‘human’ you have to wear ‘human’ clothes” You say guiding Cas to the men’s department. “So, do you like it?” Cas bounces around the aisle, “I love it, Lydia!” Cas fingers the black denim. You head out of the mall with bags of clothes.

“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” You alarm screams. You turn it off. “6:30? I slept good last night!” You say joyfully. You get up, get dressed, and head to the kitchen. You smell pancakes cooking, your favorite.

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