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How Barbaric Were The Barbarians Essay

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How Barbaric were the Barbarians?
For hundreds and hundreds of years, the Mongols were the rulers of China and most of Asia. As the empire grew, the Mongols became more and more vicious in their attacks. The Mongols were very barbaric in most, if not all, of their efforts for conquering cities and war. They were barbaric in three main ways, in their way of warfare, how Genghis Khan controlled his army, and how they governed their empire.
One way the Mongols were barbaric was the way in which they fought in warfare. When Genghis Khan first started conquering Asia, he was as brutal as ever. According to the article, The Mongols: How Barbaric Were the “Barbarians”?, some of the cities in China even said that the slaughter was so great that they saw “the streets of the Chinese capital were greasy with human fat and flesh.” This must mean that this specific battle brought death upon many of the people in China. Also, if the Mongols are in a battle in hopes of conquering the city and they end up failing, they use another method where they throw Greek fire (napalm) and use the …show more content…
The Mongols laws were very strict, and if you broke the law, the punishments were also very harsh. For example, men are allowed to marry many many women, in the exception of their mother, and sisters of the same mother. If the man would like to marry another woman from another family, the man will have to buy her at a high price. Another law that was set in place in the Mongol Empire is from the article, Fragments on Law and Custom, and it is, “If a woman who is captured by a Mongol has a husband no one will enter into a relationship with her. If an Unbeliever desires a married woman he will kill the husband and have relations with the woman.” From the same article, there is this statement on punishments for breaking the law, “Whosoever commits adultery will be executed, whether or not the have previous

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