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How Did John Proctor Change Throughout The Crucible

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In the story The Crucible John Proctor had changed during the whole play. His view points from Act 1 had differed from Act 4. John proctor had changed the most from beginning to end of the play, mostly because of the Witchcraft accusations, his affair with Abigail, and Morally. What with all the obstacles he dealt through acts 1 through 4 it causes him to change his views on things. In act 1 John Proctor had still felt some emotion for Abigail when they had met again. He had always said that he wouldn’t speak to her again but always ended up coming back. In the story it states “Looking at abigail now, the faintest suggestion of a knowing smile on his face: What is this mischief?” (Miller, 1245). When he had met her she had called him strong, and he had given her a little smirk that shows he still had feelings for her. Later on towards the play in Act 3 he started to resist his feelings for Abigail, and it grew into hatred since she was a threat towards Elizabeth. “How do you call heaven? Whore! Whore! “ (Miller, 1245) John says during court to prove that she is nothing to him. …show more content…
So he would hide it and have Abigail hide the affair to. When he finally gave up and at Act 3 he confessed in the courthouse “I have made a bell of my honor! I have rung the doom of my good name-you will believe me, Mr.Danforth! My wife is innocent, except she knew a whore when she saw one!” John stopped caring about his name and just wanted to convince Mr.Danforth that Elizabeth Proctor is innocent. (Miller,

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