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How Did The Scientific Revolution Lead To The Renaissance Dbq

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The Renaissance was a time period filled with the arts, every kind one could think of. It was extraordinary, brimming with new ideas. It is most commonly known as a “rebirth.” This time period occurred after the destruction the plague caused. Survivors felt that they needed to rebuild all that was lost. The plague sparked some sort of curiosity in them that led to all the Renaissance introduced. Much like the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution was an explosion of curiosity and theories. As its namesake, the Scientific Revolution included various areas of science, such as astrology, anatomy, and astronomy. This period of time, in a way, used the Renaissance as a stepping stone. The Scientific Revolution used the Renaissance’s peak of curiosity to incorporate its ideas and inspire those with interest. The Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution brought on many things such …show more content…
The Protestant Reformation was a movement against the Church during the Renaissance time period. In 1517, Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses. They stated, “They [preachers] preach only human doctrines who say that as soon as the money clinks into the money chest, the soul flies out of the purgatory” (Document 9). Martin Luther expressed that the preachers were lying about saving people's souls from purgatory, that they only did this to gain wealth. This led to people losing their trust in the church and began doubting all of their statements. Inspired by this, astronomers, such as Nicolaus Copernicus, began to emerge. Copernicus proposed the idea of the heliocentric theory, the sun being the center of the universe (Document 18). His proclamation sparked a drive in others to delve deeper into astronomy to find the truth. The discoveries of the Protestant Reformation and aspects of astronomy were major components of both the Renaissance and the Scientific

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