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How Did Unilever Use Qualitative and Quantitative Research to Develop the Positioning Claim for Lifebuoy?


Submitted By railylai
Words 525
Pages 3
Unilever could claim that Lifebuoy were better than competitors products on germ kill. It was proven in their lab research. However, the consumer still unwilling to budge because beating the competitors by going head to head against them would not work. Unilever’s product killed more germs than the competitors’ products. The Research and Development scientists also discovered that Lifebuoy could kill germs faster than the competing products. Unilever’s handwashes could protect hands from germ faster than the other products in the market. Rather than going in with just the claim, the company looked extensively for a consumer angle to frame the “faster kill” claim.
The company use the quantitative research, which is the observational research. Observation is a systematic data collection approach. Researchers use all of their senses to examine people in natural settings or naturally occurring situations. Observation of consumers is often a powerful tool. Looking at how consumers select products may yield insights into how they make decisions and what they look for. Observational research is conducted with the informed consent of the consumer or in certain instances without the consumer being aware of the researcher’s presence. It has to be done objectively over a long period of time and on a large proportion of consumers to minimize the chances of bias or error. All the personnel in an organization, such as product designers, manufacturers and marketers, should be involved to derive the maximum benefit from observational research. Unilever was observing children’s habits. They found that universally, children are always in a rush or lazy while doing things they do not particularly enjoy. When it comes to hand washing, it is no different. For kids, it is unnecessary chore that they do as quickly as possible, as they just want to be finished with it. Regardless of how

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