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How Does Lack Sleep Affect Academic Performance

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Academic performance has always been linked with the amount of sleep an individual gets. Research studies claim that insufficient sleep affects the academic performance of college students in various ways. For more understanding about the topic, the researchers gathered articles from different sources to further explain the matter.
ACCA Global (2015) stated that next to diet and exercise, sleep is deemed as the third most important key factor of health. As aspiring accountants in college strive to become qualified and excel in one’s studies, sleeping sufficiently becomes difficult and a challenge. One must understand and remember how sleep plays a significant role in conscious mental activities and a better memory. Research has proven as well that the hours of sleep one receives decreases as one ages. An infant normally sleeps 10-14 hours a day, but as an individual grows and ages, the demands of studies and work prevents a person to sleep sufficiently. Furthermore, school works or studying is not the only factor why students experience inadequate sleep. Exposure to light at homes and caffeine consumption can also be a contribution to sleep deprivation. Thus, one must always keep an eye on one’s sleep.
College students …show more content…
They often sleep late at night to finish their school works, and they sometimes depend on caffeine consumption. Sleep, being a necessity provides students with numerous benefits not only with daily activities, but with health as well. Yet, students tend to choose studying than sleeping. The disadvantages that sleep deprivation brings include loss of focus, mood swings, insomnia and memory impairment. Moreover, several studies have been conducted proving cramming is ineffective for it only aids in short-term memory. A college student with a full school schedule must learn to make effective sleeping patterns a

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