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How to Run a Focus Group


Submitted By pimaruca
Words 1276
Pages 6
How to Run a Focus Group * What is a focus group? A focus group is a small and structured meeting of approximately 8 – 10 people. Discussion revolves around a set of pre-determined topics to give you a set of rich qualitative information. Although focus groups take a while to set up and require a budget to run, once done, they can prove an efficient way of getting detailed information on a subject. Expect a focus group to give you a range of views from your target audience, and to find out why people hold these views. A focus group can take place either before or after your event, depending on what you want to find out. For example, if you want to know what motivates your audience to attend an event you might choose to run a focus group before they have seen an event. However, if the information you need is about their opinions of the event itself, then you will obviously need to take them to see something first. * Preparing for Session Invite around 6 to 8 people to participate for a session to last for about an hour. Then, prepare an agenda including a list of the top-level issues to be tackled (if appropriate). Prepare an introduction script explaining the purpose of the day and how the day will be run. This can include issues of consent and fire regulations (if relevant). Be sure to always use a quiet room with few distractions and arrange people in a circle (possibly around a table). * Developing Questions When you go into the group, go in prepared. Don't wing it. Instead, you should make up (and write out in advance) a list of topics and questions you want to ask. This doesn't mean you will recite your questions from your prepared list, one-at-a-time. Your question lists is a guide, rather than an exact script; but have that guide with you. * Planning the Session Ample planning for the focus group engagement is crucial for a

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