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How To Write A Business Career Essay

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Obtaining a stable income and a planned retirement is my top priority. Throughout my life, I’ve seen my parents struggle with finances. My parents used to yell at each other for hours when I was a kid, I don’t want that kind of stress again in my life. My father would be irritated with my mother because she would constantly quit jobs. She wanted my father to take care of all expenses so she could be a stay-at-home mother. Seeing my parents divorce has taught me that I don’t want to be dependent on anybody. I want to earn my own income to where I can fully support myself and not rely on someone else for financial matters. I plan on attending Northern Arizona University as an undeclared major. I want to study business but I’m unsure of what field of business to pursue. Being undeclared gives me more flexibility to explore different business career paths. I choose to study business because it typically means a stable income. You usually get a salary …show more content…
They say college is your time to let loose and have fun but I believe that college should be more work than play. After college is the time where you really start living, work hard young so you can play hard when you’re older. I don’t want to be a victim of the stereotype that my generation doesn’t know how to save money or spends it frivolously. I’m not saying I’m never going to have fun while I’m young but I’m very future driven. Everyday I always think ahead so I can be prepared and get tasks done. Whenever I doubt myself, I think of something my father said to me “You won’t fail in life with a hard work ethic”. I have this quote ingrained in me, often times I have a tendency to spread myself too thin. I feel like I’m constantly needing to challenge myself or have a goal to meet. I don’t see this as an undesirable trait but I know it can be if I take it to an extreme. I plan on taking these traits and using it to propel myself through life so I can be

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