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How To Write A Narrative Essay About Prison Life

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“Imagine being so bored you actually think about every moment -good and bad in your life…” One man answered to Quonas question “Is prison really as bad as people say it is?” If you ask me, having the time to think about every moment in my life, was beneficial. In reality, prison was not an altogether negative experience, as it allowed me to have the time to work on improving myself physically, mentally, while also furthering my education.
Wake up, eat breakfast, get in“compliance,”(room clean, bed made) . That was my morning routine for the first month at the Department of Corrections. I quickly figured out there was more I can do then just sleep my time away. I learned about Rio Salado’s Computer Technology class, and immediately took the steps necessary to get started on earning my certificate. My goal was to receive the certificate in the shiny royal blue portfolio. While enrolling in computer technology, I learned of Rio Salados distant learning program where one can earn a degree while incarcerated so I also got started with my prerequisites for my next goal, my associates. …show more content…
Even with computer classes, I still had more than enough time to workout. By 4 am when the “yard” opens, I would be ready, anxiously waiting for the “pop” of my door to let me know it was unlocked. My mornings started with a jog, from 4 am or whenever the doors were unlocked ( depending on the head count being correct,) until just before 7 am when the “chow hall” stopped serving breakfast, I jogged. In the evening, depending on what day it was, I participated in aerobics or step class. On the weekends, I attended yoga class. Participating in these workout classes kept me busy, as well as out of

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: A Jewish Place in America 
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Phil Literature

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Personality of Arundhati Roy

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