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How To Write An Essay About The Lewis And Clark Expedition

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Of all the adventures throughout history, the expedition of Lewis and Clark is one of the most famous. They helped explore the Missouri river, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Although they encountered many obstacles, they overcame them while discovering: brutal Indian tribes, new species of plant and animal, and survived harsh weather conditions. They set forth to help pave American history. For more than half the journey, the men were pushing heavy boats against the strong currents and shifting sandbars upstream against some of the more powering rivers in the world. Through unknown land with extreme weather, the men battled every mile through the areas of unknown inhabitants. (The Lewis and Clark expedition) They endured sudden thunderstorms, …show more content…
(Lewis and Clark: explorers of the Louisiana Purchase.) The most mentioned pest in the crew’s journals was the hostile mosquito. “The mosquitoes are very troublesome. My eyes are swelled by the poison of these insects, which are very severe indeed” – sergeant Ordway (The Lewis and Clark expedition) Grizzly bears were more than likely the most dangerous and intimidating animals. The river they traveled on was the grizzles’ “kitchen”, leading to at least 40 fierce challenges. (The Lewis and Clark expedition) After shooting two bears at Yellowstone, Lewis wrote, “I must confess that I do not like the gentlemen and had rather fight two Indians than one bear.” (The Lewis and Clark expedition) Prairie dogs were one of the corps’ favorite animals on the trip. They spend almost all day pouring water down holes trying to flush the quick animal out. The beaver was another hostile animal the crew faced, matter of fact, Captain Lewis’s dog, Seaman, had his own challenges along the trip. Lewis wrote, “One of the party wounded a beaver, and my dog as usual swam in to catch it; the beaver bit him through the hind leg and cut the artery; it was with great difficulty that I could stop the blood; I fear it will yet prove fatal to him.” (The Lewis and Clark expedition) Seaman ended up surviving after the attack and served as a watch dog, alerting men of approaching visitors and dangers, with only three

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