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Submitted By jenb1084
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Process and Outcome Evaluations xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HSM/270 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Process evaluation involves documenting and monitoring the planning, implementation, and interrelationship of components. This evaluation plan aims to describe program interventions, development, implementation, and activities. Quantitative and qualitative data are provided on services that have been delivered and how they have been effective. Process evaluation also documents the appropriateness and acceptability of the program within the target community. There are three main components of process evaluation: Program planning and development, program interventions, and a database management system. (Yuen & Terao, 2003)

Examples of Process Evaluation:
Program staff prepare a public service announcement to show on cable television to acknowledge the effects domestic violence has on individuals within the community.
Program staff hand out brochures to the community in local high schools, shelters, hospitals, etc., educating the community about the effects of domestic violence.

Outcome evaluation involves the evaluation or assessment strategies that are described in the project objectives. Outcome evaluation provides process and outcome measures for program objectives within three main program categories which are getting things done, member development, and community strengthening. Outcome evaluations determine the effect programs have had on the target population over time (Yuen & Terao, 2003).

Examples of Outcome Evaluation:
Program staff give program clients survey forms to indicate if programs have helped them. Survey forms will help the agency see how effective services are to clients.
Program staff conducts focus groups and interviews with clients, information from such will be used to provide information on the effects of programs.
Program staff will compare domestic violence incidents through the years the programs have been implemented, this allows for the evaluation of program effectiveness.

Yuen, F. & Terao, K. (2003). Practical grant writing & program evaluation. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole- Thomson Learning.

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