Premium Essay

Human Population and the Environment


Submitted By veeg1128
Words 1045
Pages 5
There are four factors that produce a change in urbanization and population. Relocating from a small area, for example the country, to a bigger area such as a city where individuals believe there is more opportunity. Urbanization is not as simple as it seems, there are many challenges that come along with it. There are events that are past and present that either benefit or challenge urbanization.
The factors that make a difference in urbanization are the death and birth rate. The two factors that also affect urbanization and population are emigration and immigration. The birth rate makes a difference in population as when a person is born, it contributes to our population and it grows, rather than diminishes. The factor of the birth rate is part of urbanization as individuals as families are attracted to urban cities to provide more of an opportunity for their children. As the book states, “In 2009 the human population as a whole passed 6.8 billion individuals” (Wiley, 2014, Ch. 7). There are plenty of opportunities for them and the offers of education and more employment and career opportunities are endless in urbanized cities. The death rate on the other hand affects the population and decreases it by subtracting when someone passes away. The death rate actually has fallen in the urban area as health services are more available to individuals, but can increase due to disease or the poor not being able to get the medical attention that is required to treat their sicknesses. When calculating the growth rate of a population, it is the birth rate and subtracting the death rate in the urban area.
Emigration alters the size of our population by making it smaller in size. The decrease in population are in the countries that have lost their population due to individuals moving to other countries for a better life, such as opportunities, education and

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