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Human Resources Management


Submitted By limhui
Words 769
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9,我不知道我现在做的哪些是对的,那些是错的,而当我终于老死的时候我才知道这些。所 以我现在所能做的就是尽力做好每一件事,然后等待着老死。



12,快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。如果雨后还是雨,如果忧伤之后还是忧伤.请让我们从容面对这离别之后的离别。 微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!


14,你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭!一切都是轮回!!!! 我们都在轮回中!!!!







21,生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。 生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。 然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?


23,我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程; 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影.


25,日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦 新的火焰可以把旧的火焰扑灭;大的苦痛可以使小的苦痛减轻。 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 聪明人变成了痴愚,是一条最容易上钩的游鱼;因为他凭恃才高学广,看不见自己的狂妄。 愚人的蠢事算不得稀奇,聪明人的蠢事才叫人笑痛肚皮;因为他用全副的本领,证明他自己愚笨。 《爱的徒劳》 对自己忠实,才不会对别人欺诈。 习惯简直有一种改变气质的神奇力量,它可以使魔鬼主宰人类的灵魂,也可以把他们从人们的心里驱逐出去。 《哈姆雷特》 我没有路,所以不需要眼睛;当我能够看见的时候,我也会失足颠仆,我们往往因为有所自恃而失之于大意,反不如缺陷却能对我们有益。 《李尔王》 要一个骄傲的人看清他自己的嘴脸,只有用别人的骄傲给他做镜子;倘若向他卑躬屈膝,不过添长了他的气焰,徒然自取其辱。 《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》 外观往往和事物的本身完全不符,世人都容易为表面的装饰所欺骗。没有比较,就显不出长处;没有欣赏的人,乌鸦的歌声也就和云雀一样。要是夜莺在白天杂在聒噪里歌唱,人家绝不以为它比鹪鹩唱得更美。多少事情因为逢到有利的环境,才能达到尽善的境界,博得一声恰当的赞赏。 《威尼斯商人》 懦夫在未死以前,就已经死了好多次;勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人们的贪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。 行为胜于雄辩,愚人的眼睛是比他们的耳朵聪明得多的。 《英雄叛国记》 疑惑足以败事。一个人往往因为遇事畏缩的原故,失去了成功的机会。 最好的好人,都是犯过错误的过来人;一个人往往因为有一点小小的缺点,更显出他的可爱。 《量罪记》 他赏了你钱,所以他是好人;有了拍马的人,自然就有爱拍马的人。 《黄金梦》 世界是一个舞台,所有的男男女女不过是一些演员,他们都有下场的时候,也都有上场的时候。一个人的一生中扮演着好几个角色。 《皆大欢喜》 赞美倘从被赞美自己的嘴里发出,是会减去赞美的价值的;从敌人嘴里发出的赞美才是真正的光荣。 《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》 黑暗无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 世界上还没有一个方法,可以从一个人的脸上探察他的居心。 《麦克佩斯》

要是你做了狮子,狐狸会来欺骗你: 要是你做了羔羊,狐狸会来吃了你; 要是你做了狐狸,万一骗子向你告发,狮子会对你起疑心; 要是你做了骗子,你的愚蠢将使你受苦,而且你也不免做豺狼的一顿早餐…… 爱情不是花阴下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪 更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同上的基础上的。 要和一个男人相处的快乐,你应该多多了解他而不必太爱他, 要和一个女人相处的快乐,你应该多爱她,却别想要了解她。 因为她生的美丽,所以被男人追求;因为她是女人,所以被男人俘获。 我承认天底下再没有比爱情的惩罚更痛苦的,也没有比服侍它更快乐的事了。 今天我要收回对你的全部的爱,因为我要慷慨地再给你一次。 忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。 爱,和炭相同,烧起来,得想办法叫它冷却。 让它任意着,那就要把一颗心烧焦。 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题,默然承受命运的毒箭,或是挺起身反抗,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵... (选自 哈姆莱特) 书籍是全世界的营养品.生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍;就好像鸟儿没有翅膀--(英)沙士比亚

时间会刺破青春表面的彩饰,会在美人的额上掘深深浅槽,会吃掉稀世之珍! 天生丽 质,什么都逃不过他那横扫镰刀。——沙士比亚 当他爱他的国家的时候,他的国家也尊重他。 ——(英)沙士比亚
在时间的大钟上,只有两个字--- 现在——莎士比亚

1. 你以为最酸的感觉是吃醋吗?不是,最酸的感觉是没权吃醋。 2. 低头要有勇气,抬头要有底气。 3. 上天决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸运的是在选择朋友方面它给你留了余地。 4. 人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。 5. 傻与不傻,要看你会不会装傻。 6. 女人用友情来拒绝爱情,男人用友情来换取爱情。 7. 幸福是可以通过学习来获得的,尽管它不是我们的母语。 8. 不要见一个爱一个,爱的太多,你的爱就要贬值。 9. 想完全了解一个男人,最好别做他的恋人,而做他的朋友。 10. 朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。 11. 当我们搬开别人架下的绊脚石时,也许恰恰是在为自己铺路。 12. 痛苦来临时不要总问:“为什么偏偏是我?”因为快乐降临时你可没有问过这个问题。 13. 如果说我懂的道理比别人多一点,那是因为我犯的错误比别人多一点。 14. 不是每句“对不起”,都能换来“没关系”。 15. 世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。 16. 地球是运动的,一个人不会永远处在倒霉的位置。 17. 走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。 18. 在事实面前,我们的想象力越发达,后果就越不堪设想。 19. 当别人开始说你是疯子的时候,你离成功就不远了…… 20. 你永远看不见我眼里的泪,因为你不在时我才会哭泣。 21. 时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。 22. 如果我能够看到自己的背影,我想它一定很忧伤,因为我把快乐都留在了前面。 23. 理想和现实总是有差距的,幸好还有差距,不然,谁还稀罕理想? 24. 说有上辈子的人是在骗自己;说有下辈子的人是在骗别人。 25. 任何人都可以变得狠毒,只要你尝试过嫉妒。 26. 常常告诫自己不要在一棵树上吊死,结果……在树林里迷路了。 27. 爱情就像攥在手里的沙子,攥的越紧,流失的越快。 28. 人生有两大悲剧:一个是得不到想要的东西,另一个是得到了不想要的东西。 29. 成熟不是心变老,而是眼泪在眼里打转却还保持微笑。 30. 问候不一定要郑重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 31. 做与不做的最大区别是:后者拥有对前者的评论权。 32. 人,长得漂亮不如活的漂亮。 33. 有些事,明知是错的,也要去坚持,因为不甘心;有些人,明知是爱的,也要去放弃,因为没有结局;有时候,明知没路了,却还在前进,因为习惯了。 34. 同样的一瓶饮料,便利店里2块钱,五星饭店里60块,很多的时候,一个人的价值取决于所在的位置。 35. 每个人出生的时候都是原创,可悲的是很多人渐渐都成了盗版。 36. 真坏人并不可怕,可怕的是假好人。 37. 浪漫是一袭美丽的晚礼服,但你不能一天到晚都穿着它。 38. 把一切平凡的事做好即不平凡,把一切简单的事做好即不简单。 39. 把不忙不闲的工作做的出色,把不咸不淡的生活过得精彩。 40. 情侣间最矛盾的地方就是幻想彼此的未来,却惦记着对方的过去。 41. 忙碌是一种幸福,让我们没时间体会痛苦;奔波是一种快乐,让我们真实地感受生活;疲惫是一种享受,让我们无暇空虚。 42. 理想很丰满,现实很骨感。 43. 女人吻男人是一种幸福,男人吻女人是一种口福。 44. 爱情永远比婚姻圣洁,婚姻永远比爱情实惠。 45. 探索的旅程不在于发现新大陆,而在于培养新视角。 46. 一个人能走多远,要看他有谁同行;一个人有多优秀,要看他有谁指点;一个人有多成功,要看他有谁相伴。 47. 叹气是最浪费时间的事情,哭泣是最浪费力气的行径。 48. 不是人人都能活的低调,可以低调的基础是随时都能高调。 49. 谈恋爱就像剥洋葱,总有一层会让你流泪。 50. 年轻时候,拍下许多照片,摆在客厅给别人看;等到老了,才明白照片是拍给自己看的。 51. 就算不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。 52. 当大部分人都在关注你飞的高不高时,只有少部分人关心你飞的累不累,这就是友情。 53. 绝口不提不是因为忘记,而是因为铭记。 54. 让未来到来,让过去过去。 55. 微小的幸福就在身边,容易满足就是天堂。 56. 成功有个副作用,就是以为过去的做法同样适应于将来。 57. 天使之所以会飞,是因为她们把自己看得很轻…… 58. 试金可以用火,试女人可以用金,试男人可以用女人。 59. 喜欢一个人,就是在一起很开心;爱一个人,就是即使不开心,也想在一起。 60. 幽默就是一个人想哭的时候还有笑的兴致。 61. 咖啡苦与甜,不在于怎么搅拌,而在于是否放糖;一段伤痛,不在于怎么忘记,而在于是否有勇气重新开始。 62. 人之所以活得累,是因为放不下架子,撕不开面子,解不开情节。 63. 漂亮只能为别人提供眼福,却不一定换到幸福。 64. 美丽让男人停下,智慧让男人留下。 65. 人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。 66. 人生的冷暖取决于心灵的温度。 67. 如果你为自己定的所有目标都已达到,那么说明你定的目标还不够远大。 68. 生活可以将就,生活也可以讲究。 69. 女人的眼泪是没用的液体,但你让女人流泪说明你很没用。 70. 忍无可忍,就重新再忍。 71. 睡觉说明明天还要起来。 72. 付出真心,才会得到真心,却可能伤的彻底;保持距离,才能保护自己,却注定永远寂寞。 73. 让梦想成真的最好办法就是醒来。 74. 说真话的最大好处就是你不必记得你都说些什么。 75. 有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重。 76. 废话是人际关系的第一句。

Money is not everything. There‘s Mastercard & Visa. 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。 One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。 Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡。 Love the neighbor. But don‘t get caught. 要用心去爱你的邻居,不过不要让她的老公知道。 Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. 每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个。 Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. 再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。 The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。 Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。 Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。 Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。 (老外也保守,要摸黑办事,哈哈) Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。 "Your future depends on your dreams." So go to sleep. “现在的梦想决定着你的将来”,所以还是再睡一会吧。

There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning. 应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。 "Hard work never killed anybody." But why take the risk? " “努力工作不会导致死亡!”不过我不会用自己去证明。

"Work fascinates me." I can look at it for hours! " “工作好有意思耶!”尤其是看着别人工作。

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Human Resource Management

...Within the past 100 years organisations have seen significant changes in the markets they operate within. Increasing flexibility, globalisation and fierce competition from emerging economies have been the fundamental drivers modelling the human resource management field to become what it is today. Motivation has always been an issue for many businesses, and the ‘traditional’ methods of attempting to solve this problem have been to slightly increase the employee’s wages, in the hope that they would respond by increasing their effort. However in the UK, nearing the end of the nineteenth century, firms such as Cadburys and Quakers began providing accommodation and education for their workers (Wilton, 2011). This marked the initial shift in the nature of the employment relationship, and drawing on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs it can be seen that this would help satisfy the two basic tiers of ‘psychological’ and ‘safety’ (Maslow, 1954). This essay aims to critically evaluate the concept of the psychological contract, then analyse why in managing the modern day employment relationship and understanding of the psychological contract is important, relevant theories and academic models will be used where appropriate. The question will be addressed in three sections; firstly the concept and history of the psychological contract will be briefly covered, secondly and critical focus will be shown towards the concept of the contract, and finally we will examine the practicality of utilising...

Words: 3165 - Pages: 13

Premium Essay

Human Resource Management

...According to Pilbeam and Corbridge Human Resource Development can be defined as the activities involved in organizing individual and collective learning processes aimed at the development of both employees and the organization. This is concerned with the provision of learning, development and training opportunities in order to improve individual, team and organizational performance. The Human Resource Development process main intention is to improve employees’ career goals and achieve the organization’s objectives in the long run. Organizational learning and development is defined as, the organizational process of developing people which involves the integration of learning and development processes. This process involves enhancing personal competence, adaptability and employ ability. Human Resource Development seeks to improve the skills of the workforce which would positively contribute to the overall success of the organization. A Learning style refers to an individual’s habitual and preferred way of perceiving, organizing, and retaining knowledge and it explains individual differences for stimuli recognition and processing. The learning styles preferred and adopted by individuals often differ therefore, HR must be aware of individual preferences in learning, employee training and development programs in order to design and implement effective programs. The two learning style models that has the most relevance in management are Kolb (1984) and Honey and Mumford (1986). ...

Words: 345 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Human Resources Management

...1.0 INTRODUCTION Good strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) policy contributes to the overall business strategy. HRM seeks to strategically integrate the interests of an organisation and its employees, it is much more than a set of activities relating to the coordination of an organisations human resources (Stone 2010). HRM can either assist a company achieve great outcomes or it can be the underlying issue. HRM is either part of the problem or part of the solution in gaining the productive contribution of people. (Stone 2010) I chose Training and Development as it is at the heart of HRM in maintaining standards and performance. Training also has to support the companies underlying direction and ethos, as well as support Key Performance Indicators for its staff. There are many challenges and changes that are occurring in the workplace worldwide. Corporations are structured differently requiring different approaches, some are very much pyramidal while others like Apple who have very much a flat structure and employees are now able to become more autonomous and work from home or even work from other countries. I will discuss some of the inherent challenges within organisations and the HR response to them. 2.0 CHALLENGES Training challenges will often occur through poor HR policy. Poor employee selection often results in training programmes which produce poor results and limited outcomes. This happens when you employ the wrong people. The wrong people...

Words: 2260 - Pages: 10

Premium Essay

Human Resources Management

...1.0 Introduction Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of people management within companies and organization, as well as that of managing Inter-personal relationships. Both of these processes are important for ensuring business growth and success. The research question of this study is on how the recruitment policy coherence initiative on employment in Malaysian industry. The previous research that was done by Jomo K. S. and Wee Chong Hui on this topic is lack of explanations on how the companies use the recruitment process to attract, screen, and select the qualified person for the job. For this research the hypotheses that can recruit the right person for the right position to improve the work place. 2.0 Research question How effective is a recruitment process in the government sector? 3.0 Importance of the research This research is important as to prove that right recruitment of employees do have impact on their job performance. This study will help the employers to understand the importance of the right recruitment of the employees especially for those who are working in the government and private sector. In other hand employers can use this research study as guideline to recruit the employees. 4. Literature Review 4.1. E-recruiting process Finding a job in government sector can be a frustrating experience for many people; the process is long and convoluted, and can be very confusing especially when the government uses e-recruiting...

Words: 1468 - Pages: 6

Premium Essay

Human Resources Management

...Human Resources Management Midterm Exam: Training and Development Plan for the Holiday Inn Human Resources Management Training and Development Plan for the Holiday Inn There are a variety of employees who may come to work for Holiday Inn which are experienced and others whom are non-experienced. Some individuals require more training than others but everyone is required to go through training. Training and development is a key concept for Holiday Inn because this depends on how much knowledge and skills an employee will develop for their assigned role. We are sure that the time we are putting in for training will become an enormous benefit for Holiday Inn’s future and reputation. Our training and development plan includes hiring 50 employees whom will assume the roles in front desk operations, housekeeping, and general administrative duties. Since there is a large number of Spanish speaking individuals in Miami, training will be offered in English and Spanish. Training and development will begin on an online basis where employees may access training modules at anytime. Training will also include hands-on training pertaining to each individual’s job role. As we plan our strategic approach for training and development, the following four phases will be implemented; (1) needs assessment based on the firm’s competitive objectives, (2) program design, (3) implementation, and (4) evaluation. Phase...

Words: 847 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Human Resources Management

...Human Resources Management This paper will examine human resource strategies, policies and practices and how they relate to the JetBlue Airways case: Starting from Scratch, by Jody Hoffer Gittell and Charles O’Reilly, 2001. We will identify national equal employment opportunity laws that impact JetBlue's hiring practices. We will take a look at their internal and external recruitment methods, personnel selection process’, and their use of the 360-degree feedback evaluation as a performance appraisal method. Lastly, we will discuss discretionary employee benefits and how JetBlue incorporated at least three discretionary employee benefits in their start-up and ramping up process. National Equal Employment Opportunity Laws The National Equal Employment Opportunity Laws began in this country after the end of the Civil War, with the Civil Rights Act of 1866 that is based on the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The act declared that "all persons born in the United States not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed," were citizens of the United States. Such citizens were "of every race and color" and "without regard to any previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude." As citizens they could make and enforce contracts, sue and be sued, give evidence in court, and inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real estate and personal property. Persons who denied these rights to former slaves were guilty of a misdemeanor, and...

Words: 2360 - Pages: 10

Premium Essay

Human Resource Management

...Human Resource Management (HRM) is the art of people resource management in an organization. The main duty of HRM is to acquire, develop, retain talent and align or match the work force skills and talents in accordance to the objectives and needs of the company. For an organization to perform well in terms of efficiency, productivity, specialization and achievement of its objectives, it must utilize the abilities and capabilities of its employees to the maximum. Management of three critical areas namely skill matching, remuneration and recruitment is the best way to retain talented employees. This will in turn determine the level of well being of the business in terms of product or services sales, satisfaction of customers/ clients and profitability of the business. Hence, managers should ensure talents staffs are satisfied through programs that engage them, empower them and motivate them to continue working for the organization to the best of their ability. Research show that employing a new employee after dismal costs the company a third of the income earned by that particular staff apart from other related costs such as work disruption, induction cost of the new employee, time taken to be assimilated into organization team and the expertise lost that would have been used for production (Anders, 2012). II. Discussion Mentoring and career development programs create an attractive atmosphere for talented staff because of the growth aspect attached to it. They provide direction...

Words: 732 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Human Resource Management

...Unit 6.1 Human resource Management Table of Content Content............................................................................................................................Page Introduction....................................................................................................................3 LO 1................................................................................................................................3 Strategic Human Resource Management........................................................................3 Strategic Human Resource Management Model............................................................4 Importance of SHRM.....................................................................................................4 Framework of SHRM.....................................................................................................5 LO2.................................................................................................................................8 HRM process..................................................................................................................8 Roles in SHRM..............................................................................................................9 Development and implementation of HRM strategies..................................................10 LO 3............................................................................................

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