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Human Service and Research Methods


Submitted By noreata
Words 1409
Pages 6
Human Service and Research Methods
Throughout the numerous human service fields, research is necessary from determining risk to providing solutions. The correct research method increases the ability to make the proper decisions for each situation. The scientific method is one many people learn early in life because this method increases understanding and answers many questions throughout the numerous fields. As a social science many questions need answers, the scientific method assists researchers in discovering these answers. A clear comprehension of the quantitative and qualitative methods allows researchers to know when to use what method. At times both these methods are necessary, knowledge about how and when to incorporate the mixed method is essential. An understanding of the different methods and how they can influence the functions within the human service field is crucial.
Scientific Method
“The scientific method is the basic method, guide, and system by which we originate, refine, extend, and apply knowledge in all fields,” (Edmund, 2011, What is the Scientific Method, Para. 4). The text (Creswell, 2008, p. 51) sums these stages into six areas of focus; “identifying the research question, reviewing the literature, specifying a purpose, collecting data, analyzing data, and evaluating research.” The scientific method allows researchers to address many common questions, reach beyond other conclusions, and by using empirical reasoning to decide what is true, (Rosnow & Rosenthal, (2008) .
Identifying the research question helps determine the issues, theories, problems or ideas allowing the researcher to retain focus on the question at hand. Reviewing the literature or planning establishes direction and purpose. Collecting data educates the researcher on the issue for knowledgeable decision making. Analyzing and interpreting data limits the alternatives

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