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Human Trafficking Facts

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The facts and statistics relating to human trafficking are shocking and eye opening. Not only is there still a form of slavery in this world but we have more slaves now than ever before in the past. Some may get the concept of human smuggling and trafficking confused. Human smuggling is the unauthorized entry of people into a foreign country while ignoring the immigration laws. This can involve the transportation, attempt to transport, and illegal sheltering of people already in the country without proper documentation. Some smuggling situations may result in murder, rape and assault to persons being transported. According to an article written by Benjamin Skinners in the New York Free Press, there are an estimated 27 million adults and 13 …show more content…
Many victims are often beaten, raped, denied of food and water, tortured, and drugged in order for the captor to obtain complete obedience from their hostage. These torture mechanisms are either a system of punishment for the victim being disobedient, or serve as a scare tactic to prevent the victim from trying to escape or cause attention when in public. For a victim of human trafficking, traumatic events pose a long-term threat to their daily lives or physical well-being. Typical reactions to traumatic events, like human trafficking, involve physical and psychological effects. Physical reactions can be headaches or stomach pains, changes in sleep and eating patterns, drug or alcohol use, and also possible heart problems. Psychological reactions may include nightmares and flashbacks, isolation and detachment, panic, problems with trust and also many others. In some cases, the exposure to trauma results in a condition referred to as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a mental health disorder that occurs when an individual is effected by life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters and also to victims of other traumas, including human trafficking. For both adults and children, PTSD is usually chronic and can be crippling if an individual does not get proper treatment. Reactions like the ones listed above can lead to problems with functioning. These functions include having trouble controlling ones emotions, having sudden overwhelming feelings of anger, difficulty concentrating, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, dissociation, and also increased interest in risk

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