Premium Essay

Ich Bin Ein Berliner


Submitted By bigred45432
Words 1134
Pages 5
My rhetorical analysis is an example of my strengths in argument. My essay remains focused and progresses logically as I make my points, and my arguments are convincing due to my effective implementation of sources and direct reference to the speech I analyzed. President John F Kennedy’s speech at Rathaus Schonberg on May 26,1963, Ich bin ein Berliner, addressed the problems of a city under siege. With their eastern counterpart separated by physical and economic barriers, the people of West Berlin represent the model of the future for a world in conflict. In the midst of the Cold War, Kennedy took up the task of supporting a civilization without provoking the communist regime. In his speech, the President praises the existence of West Berlin as a model of perseverance, hope and determination for freedom, and while simultaneously mocking the alleged power of the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union was the United States’ rival in the Cold War. As world powers they were in a contest over systems of government. The democratic and communist institutions had each left their mark on the German capital by dividing Berlin into western democratic and eastern communist sectors. After American air support thwarted the Russian military blockade on the Western half of the city, John F. Kennedy addressed the struggles of the city and praised them for their tenacity. Kennedy proclaims that, “two thousand years ago, two thousand years ago the proudest boast was ‘civus Romanus sum’. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’.” The president’s comparison of West Berlin to ancient Rome is a major analogy, stating that West Berlin’s strength of perseverance is equal to the strength of ancient Rome’s military . This praise exemplifies his transition from conqueror to protector of the city. As leader of one nation which conquered Germany in World

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