Free Essay

Identifying Tctotmtks Variables Using Science Process Skill and Circling Method to Answer Section B Questions for Science Year 5


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Pages 15

Murugan s/o Subramaniam M.Env., B.Sc., Dip. Edu. SK Kota Masai 2, Pasir Gudang

21 August 2008.


I would like to thank the headmistress of SK Kota Masai 2, Puan Rosyati Binti Jani for giving me the permission and encouragement to conduct this study. I also would like to appreciate Mr. Rodzuan B. Raziki and Mr. Calen Woi for their moral support. A special thank to the pupils of 5A3 and 5A4 for their involvement in this study. Without their cooperation and the grace of god, this research won’t be successful.



This research was carried out to assist the pupils in answering section B Science Year 5 questions using TCTOTMTKS method. The objective of study was to identify TCTCTMTKS variables using science process skill and circle method. 98 respondents were involved in this study. Respondents are from 5A3 and 5A4 pupils were selected from 7 classes. Early observations had been carried out through exercises in classrooms. Through the observations, it was seen that the students were having difficulty in identifying variables from the experiment and unable to answer the following questions. Thus, this research focuses on how to identify to change, to observe, to measure and to keep the same variables by using science process skill and circling method. Pre-test and post-test were used to assess respondent achievement concurrently with some exercises. 98% of respondents show their understanding and positive attitude towards participating in all the activities carried out in the lessons. Post test result clearly shown that more than 94% achievement in using above method in answering the variables questions. After treatment, pupils from 5A3 shows 83% passes compare only 33% in early examination while 5A4 achieve 65% passes compare only 29% in early examination. As overall reflection this method was proved that pupils were able to identify variables using science process skill and circle method. More exercises should be carried out in future to give a clearer guideline to the pupils in mastering science process skill to answer section B questions.




Reflection on Previous Teaching and Learning Research Focus Research Objectives Target group Research implementation Implementation of action Reflection on action Suggestion for Future Research Reference Appendix 1: Tips for answering section B questions Appendix 2: Exercises Appendix 3: Example of respondents exercises Appendix 4: Full score for pre-test and post-test result individually

4 4 5 5 6 8 13 13 14


1.0 Reflection on Previous Teaching and Learning From the observations of previous lessons, I found out that 75% of pupils in 5A3 and 5A4 do not understand what variables are, how to identify them and how they are related with other questions in section B during exam or science experiments questions. The pupils were also having difficulties in understanding scientific terms in English and don’t know which variables are involved during the experiments they carried out in the laboratory. It had caused the pupils often unable to answer section B questions during exercises or examinations (refer table 4 and 5 in page 7 analysis of previous examination result)

Even though in early lessons, I had explained to them what is a variable and how to identify it from the experiments, but they still can’t perform the tasks/exercises well. They showed lack of confidence in answering the section B’s questions or the questions rose from the experiment such as aims of investigation, inference, variables, hypothesis and making conclusion. This showed that the pupils were lacked of science process skill such as how to do observation, inference, analysis or interpreting data, operational definitions (defining variables) and even communicating among the group’s members during experiment.

At the end of the day, I had realised that something had to be done in order to improve their science process skill especially in identifying variables from the experiment or investigation. I had to modify the current method of teaching in order to improve their science process skill.

2.0 Research Focus

The research focused on how to identify variables such as to change, to observe, to measure and to keep the same variables by using science process skill from the investigation or experiment. Currently, the pupils don’t know how to identify variables from the investigation and to use it in other related questions.


This weakness had been a pull down of their marks in every exam they had attempted. This research was essential as it would assist the pupils to be more confident in performing the task given. It also helps the pupils to answer other questions from the investigation/experiment which are inter-related with the variables (refer appendix 1, tips for answering section B’s questions). A part of that, it is also promotes thinking skills and interest in the science subject overall.

3.0 Research Objectives

General objectives:

To identifying TCTCTMTKS variables using science process skill and circling method to answer section B questions in Science subject year 5. Specific objectives • • •

To identify variables from the experiments/investigations or science process by using science process skill To circle the variables identified To write identified variable with abbreviations TC (to change variables), TO (to observe variables), TM (to measure variables) and TKS (to keep the same variables) beside the circled variables.

To increase the number of pupils obtaining excellent result or at least grade C in science subject.

4.0 Target group

For this action research, pupils from 5A3 and 5A4 were selected as respondent group. They are 46 pupils from 5A3 and 48 pupils from 5A4. The rational for both


classes selected are because of their current grade in Science exams (refer table 4 and 5 in page 8 analysis of previous examination result), very poor in answering section B where most of them always failed to identify variables in every investigation or experiment.

5.0 Research Implementation

5.1 Problem identification For the purpose of data collection, two approaches were used:

5.1.1. Observation

The students seemed to be bit nervous and blur when I ask them to identify variables from the experiment. It would be impossible to get more pupils to volunteer to answer the questions asked in both classes. Even, those pupils who tried to answer failed to the give the answer that I expected. Pupils still unable to identify variables even after explanation given about variables and how to identify it.

5.1.2 Exercise and pre-test

Pupils were given some worksheets on section B questions. Unfortunately many of them were unable to answer it even though the questions were simple. Later, I had focused on identifying variables questions only. I had asked the pupils to do pre-test on identifying variables from 10 investigation or experiment given (refer appendix 3).


5.2 Analysis of the Problem

5.2.1 Observation

From the observation it is well shown that pupils are seldom use science process skill in identifying variables, such as using observation skill and data analysis skill. They only can answer the questions after few probing and brainstorming activities. It clearly shows that pupils are having problems in identifying variables and answering other related questions.

5.2.2. Exercise and pre-test

From the routine exercise given, only 30% of pupils from both classes were able to identify all the variables correctly. 50% of them can answer partially and 20% unable to answer at all. Pre-test analysis showed that none of the respondent scored 80% and above. Only 16% of the pupils scored 50% above (refer table 1 below). These data showed that there is an urgent need to solve the problem of identifying variables in experiments/investigations.

Table 1: Pre-test scores

Score Below 50 50 – 79 Above 80

5A3 (N=46) (%) 34 (74) 11 (26) 0

5A4 (N=48) (%) 45 (94) 3 (6) 0

Total (N=94) (%) 79 (84) 14 (16) 0


6.0 Implementation of Action

6.1 Research methodology

6.1.1 Pre-test

Teacher gave pre-test to identify how many of respondents were able to identify the variables in out of 10 investigation questions asked (refer appendix 3). At the same time, I also wanted to categorize the respondents whom are poor, average and excellent.

6.1.2 Exercise

Respondents were given all the instructions and guidelines on how to identify variables using science process skill. The method on how to identify the variables was taught step by step as follow:

First step:

Pupils were taught what variable is, type of variables and why variables are used in an investigation or experiment.

Second step:

Read the instruction of investigation/experiment carefully, word by word. Then, observe any charts, diagrams or result of experiments carefully.

Third step:

Circle the variables identified and note down TKS (to keep the same variable), TC (to change variable), TO (to observe variable) or TM (to measure variable). Most of TKS can be identified from the instruction and few from the diagrams. TC and TO can be identified from data analysis or diagram or chart. (refer appendix 3: example of post test done by pupil)

Forth step:

Write the answer in the column provided asked correctly.


6.1.3 Post-test

The same 10 questions that given in pre-test on identifying variables given to the pupils. Each paper was marked and the score was given as in the pre-test for each class (refer appendix 3).

6.1.4. School exam Later, the pupils’ performance was evaluated based on the school’s monthly exams. These will help to evaluate the effectiveness of the technique in answering section B questions.

6.2 Implementation of activity and result

6.2.1 Observation

98% pupils showed their interest during the exercises and during pre-test and post-test. They asked many questions during exercise, shows that they are very keen and eager in answering questions.

6.2.2 Pre-test result versus Post-test

Data analysis on pre-test and post test show the pupils achievement very much improving and highly significant. After several exercises pupils had improved in identifying and answering variables from the questions given. These show that the technique of identifying and circling variables is very effective and should be followed or learned by pupils from other classes (refer appendix 4: full score of respondent). Table 2 and table 3 (graph 1 and 2) clearly show that the difference in pupils scores before and after treatment. In a post-test 52% of pupils able to identify all the variables while 39 pupils able to identify 42% of variables. These show that


94% of pupils achieve certain level of achievement in identifying variables. Only 6% of pupils failed to identify many variables. These pupils need special treatment and require further exercises in order to improve. These pupils also had difficulties in understanding science terms in English.

Table 2: Pre-test scores Score Below 50 50 – 79 Above 80 5A3 (N=46) (%) 34 (74) 11 (26) 0 5A4 (N=48) (%) 45 (94) 3 (6) 0 Total (N=94) (%) 79 (84) 14 (16) 0

Table 3: Post-test scores Score Below 50 50 – 79 Above 80 5A3 (N=46) (%) 4 (8) 21 (46) 21 (46) 5A4 (N=48) (%) 2 (4) 18 (38) 28 (58) Total (N=94) (%) 6 (6) 39 (42) 49 (52)

Graph 1: Pre-test result

Pre-test result
100 80 74 94 84

% of score

60 40 20 0 0 5A3 Below 50 5A4 50 – 79 Above 80 Total 26 16 6 0 0


Graph 2: Post-test result

Post-test result
70 60 58 52 46 46 38 42 50 40 30 20 10 0 5A3 Below 50 5A4 50 – 79 Above 80 Total 8 4 6

6.2.3 Analysis of Examination results:

After learning these techniques, the pupils had improved in their exams (table 4 and 5, graph 3 and 4). This is because by identifying the variables, they are also able to answer other related questions such as making hypothesis, aim of investigation or experiment and making conclusion. 83% of 5A3 pupils had passed the August exam, which is after the treatment compared with only 33% in Mac exam. Pupils from 5A4 had shown tremendous achievement whereby 65% of them passed compare with 29% in Mac exam. Further activities are needed for the rest of the pupils whom still blur in how to identify the variables by using this method.

Table 4: Analysis of previous exam for 5A3 (N=46)

% of score

Exam Mac monthly test Mid Term Exam August monthly test

A 0 0 0

B 1 5 7

C 14 31 31

A+B+C (%) 15 (33) 36 (78) 38 (83)

D 29 10 8

E 1 0 0

D+E (%) 30 (67) 10 (22) 8 (17)


Table 5: Analysis of previous exam for 5A4 (N=48) Exam Mac monthly test Mid Term Exam August monthly test A 0 0 0 B 0 2 3 C 14 14 28 A+B+C (%) 14 (29) 16 (33) 31 (65) D 33 29 16 E 2 3 1 D+E (%) 35 (71) 32 (67) 17 (35)

Graph 3: Analysis of previous exam for 5A3 (N=46)

5A3 Exam Result Year 2008
100 80 78 67 83


60 40 20 0 Mac monthly Mid Term exam August monthly Exam A+B+C (%) D+E (%) 33 22 17

Graph 4: Analysis of previous exam for 5A4 (N=48)
5A4 Exam Results Year 2008
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 29 33 71





Mac monthly

Mid Term exam
Exam A+B+C (%) D+E (%)

August monthly


7.0 Reflection of action

Overall, the pupils were happy to gain new techniques in answering section B questions effectively. Some of the pupils really appreciated what they had learned and will continue to use the method in future exams and exercises. This shows that the method is effective. I felt that I had done my best in improving pupils’ skill in identifying variables and answering section B questions. Beside that, I also felt very happy and excited when the pupils showed their interest during the learning process and managed to improve their result in the exam.

8.0 Suggestion for Future Research

These pupils should undergo for follow up activities so that further improvement in their science process skill could be attained. The pupils are not only can pass in exam but also can score excellent grades for science subject in the future. Emphasis should be given on how to use variables in answering other questions in the same investigation such as making inference, hypothesis, relationship between variables, and making conclusion. Pupils who are having difficulty in understanding science terms in English need further treatment in order to improve their understanding of the vocabularies before proceeding to next step.




1. Analisis peperiksaan ujian bulanan Mac, Ogos dan peperiksaan pertengahan tahun (penggal 1) (2008), SK Kota Masai 2. 2. Esler W.K., Esler M.K. (2001). Teaching Elementary Science. A full spectrum science instruction approach, 8 th edition. Wadsworth Thomas Learning pub. 3. Jurnal Kajian Tindakan (2004). Majlis Forum Penyelidikan Johor Bahru. Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Johor Bahru. 4. Manual Kajian Tindakan. Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelidikan, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.


Appendix 1

TIPS FOR ANSWERING SECTION B QUESTIONS (SPS) 1) Identify the variables in the investigation before answering the questions:a. To change (TC) (Manipulated Variables) : things/variables that changed/not same for each activities/experiment done. b. To observe or to measure (TO/TM) (Responding Variables): which things /variables give respond in experiment / results of the experiment that has been measure/recorded / observed. What to measure? c. To keep same (TKS) (Constant/Control/fixed Variables): things that do not change in the experiment; things or variables that keep same in each activities/experiment. 2) Aim/Objective/Purpose : To investigate the relationship between …………….(TC) with ……………(TO) 3) Two important variables that have to identify/involved in the experiment : i. TC b) TO/TM

4) Hypothesis/relationship/conclusion : If ………………………( TC) than ……………………..(TO) The more ………………( TC), the more ……………….( TO) 5) Trend/pattern : Increased/Same/Decreased 6) Inference : (TO) against (TC) ……… write because in your answer


Appendix 2 Exercise: TKS
1. The reading of the water temperature taken before the experiment was 27 oC. The water temperature is recorded every 10 seconds for a minute.


Time (s) Water temperature (oC)

0 27

10 37

20 47

30 57

40 X

50 77

60 87

a) State the change of water temperature within a minute. b) What is X? ………………………………………… c) What to keep the same: ………………………………………………. d) What to change: ………………………………………………………… e) What to measure: ………………………………………………………..

2. Two types of fruits A and B have been given by Mr. Murugan to each group of pupils. They are also given a basin of water.

Here are the instructions that they have to follow: 1. Put fruit A into a basin of water. Observe what happen. 2. Then, put fruit B into a basin of water. Observe what happen. 3. Smell fruits A and B. Record the smell. 4. Observe the colour of fruits A and B. Record the colour. Result: Type of fruit Float or sink Smell Colour TC A Float No smell Green B Sink Nice smell Yellowish a) Predict what fruit is A and B. i) A : ……………………………………………………………………. ii) B : ……………………………………………………………………. b) What to keep the same: ………………………………………………. c) What to change: ………………………………………………………… d) What to observe: ………………………………………………………..



Appendix 4
Respondent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Pre-test 22 10 9 13 5 9 10 18 14 1 11 1 9 6 10 5 9 10 12 16 16 13 10 11 12 16 17 12 6 9 11 22 11 11 9 11 23 8 9 17 9 20 11 17 8 6 % 73.3 33.3 30.0 43.3 16.7 30.0 33.3 60.0 46.7 3.3 36.7 3.3 30.0 20.0 33.3 16.7 30.0 33.3 40.0 53.3 53.3 43.3 33.3 36.7 40.0 53.3 56.7 40.0 20.0 30.0 36.7 73.3 36.7 36.7 30.0 36.7 76.7 26.7 30.0 56.7 30.0 66.7 36.7 56.7 26.7 20.0

Total score: 30
Post test 27 23 11 23 13 21 22 29 26 25 20 14 23 11 24 17 25 29 19 25 23 26 22 18 27 23 20 18 22 26 25 26 17 22 26 24 25 20 16 26 24 27 15 24 14 25 % 90.0 76.7 36.7 76.7 43.3 70.0 73.3 96.7 86.7 83.3 66.7 46.7 76.7 36.7 80.0 56.7 83.3 96.7 63.3 83.3 76.7 86.7 73.3 60.0 90.0 76.7 66.7 60.0 73.3 86.7 83.3 86.7 56.7 73.3 86.7 80.0 83.3 66.7 53.3 86.7 80.0 90.0 50.0 80.0 46.7 83.3


Respondent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Pre-test 2 8 11 10 8 16 6 10 4 12 3 8 2 6 11 12 11 12 8 8 2 1 6 8 2 12 8 8 3 14 8 14 6 7 6 9 15 4 11 14 8 10 19 10 8 4 14 7 % 6.7 26.7 36.7 33.3 26.7 53.3 20.0 33.3 13.3 40.0 10.0 26.7 6.7 20.0 36.7 40.0 36.7 40.0 26.7 26.7 6.7 3.3 20.0 26.7 6.7 40.0 26.7 26.7 10.0 46.7 26.7 46.7 20.0 23.3 20.0 30.0 50.0 13.3 36.7 46.7 26.7 33.3 63.3 33.3 26.7 13.3 46.7 23.3 Post test 21 27 26 26 19 29 18 29 27 27 15 25 22 24 26 27 27 25 27 22 25 6 27 21 20 27 22 21 22 21 22 27 26 11 20 25 28 27 26 27 28 23 22 16 28 27 27 20

Total score: 30
% 70.0 90.0 86.7 86.7 63.3 96.7 60.0 96.7 90.0 90.0 50.0 83.3 73.3 80.0 86.7 90.0 90.0 83.3 90.0 73.3 83.3 20.0 90.0 70.0 66.7 90.0 73.3 70.0 73.3 70.0 73.3 90.0 86.7 36.7 66.7 83.3 93.3 90.0 86.7 90.0 93.3 76.7 73.3 53.3 93.3 90.0 90.0 66.7



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