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Illegal Immigration Research Paper

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I am Josalyne Torres, a senior at Ceiba College Preparatory Academy. I am writing this letter regarding the unjust potential immigration policies. As a citizen of California I have noticed the effects of the policies on those around me. After the election in November I am concerned, like many others, for the future of my family and those who are undocumented. Both of my parents are from Mexico and have encountered hardships in the attempt of a better life for my siblings and me. Therefore, it is essential to combat these discriminating laws that wish to exclude the most disadvantaged; those that are seen as “insignificant” people are also influential to this country.

I am writing to you because the state of Texas continuously creates laws that challenge the basic human rights of minority groups. A year ago Texas required parents to provide a US visa in order to claim their child’s birth certificate. This was an issue for people who are in the United States illegally because Texas no longer accepted the Mexican form of identification. Although Texas did not clearly state that undocumented people did not have equal …show more content…
For instance, the executive order which was intended to give illegal immigrants access to a work permit and protect them from deportation. Nevertheless, there was no clear decision of being constitutional or not because there are only eight justices and there was an even split. It is difficult for families to feel secure when there are no laws to protect us from politicians such as Donald Trump who threaten our stability in our new home. Therefore, I demand justice for those underrepresented in our government. President Barack Obama tried to reassure protection for undocumented residents. However, it was unsuccessful that is the reason why I am reaching out to you; as a senator you have the power to speak up for us to the opposing senators from other states and make

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