Premium Essay

Immigrant Healthcare


Submitted By sandyorn
Words 701
Pages 3
English III FPFA
1 June 2012
Immigrant Healthcare

⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪abusing the health care system for a very long time⨪⨪⨪The migration⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪ from Mexico after the Mexican-American War⨪⨪⨪In 1882, the first train crossed the border but thousands of undocumented railroad workers crossed first. ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪would also ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪๤ː˄
ྰ�㾮ǍňŤʬ˚๤๤benefitsˤ One of the main beneficial ideas that immigrants receive is healthcare. This issue has been getting worse and worse for the economy. ሕ๤Ϥø.Ħ"ääää[?]Ù⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪do notЄĀā⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪ Many United States citizens are upset at the fact that immigrants do not pay for the care that they receive.⨪Immigrants cost taxpayers a lot of money each year. ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪states,⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪ʸ ň໥¶ːːːːːːːː๤[?]๦๦๦๦๦๦$ྛȠᆻZຊäː” ( This quote is only referring to the actual cost of having a newborn child, which does not include the checkups or even regular doctor visits. The book, Illegal Immigration Opposing Viewpoints also states, “They also cost another $60 million in health care annually on top of that” (108). That is a total of over $400 million, which is going toward illegal immigrants. If the United States is going to spend that kind of money, they need to spend it on legal citizens. Many immigrants in the United States are here illegally. Just like criminals, they have to suffer the consequences. ːːːຊ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪“⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪ive U.S. Health Care”, he claims, ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪ When he met her she said, “You burnt me” ( S What most people do not understand is, immigrants are breaking laws when they come

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