Premium Essay

Importance of Following Direction


Submitted By tstone44
Words 802
Pages 4
I recently read a quote from a man by the name of Asante Koduah that said this, “Be humble enough to obey; you may be the one giving the orders someday.” As an enlisted member in the United States Army, I took an oath to follow all lawful commands given to me. Recently, I failed to abide by that oath I took over 3 years ago in telling my NCO no when given an order. This is a violation of Article 91. (Insubordinate conduct toward a non-commissioned officer) This is not something that I am proud of, not something that I feel I would ever intentionally do. In my situation, I took offense to the order in which I was given and allowed my emotions to overrule my military bearing. Obedience allows the military to operate efficiently and effectively which is extremely important to accomplish the mission in both relaxed and challenging environments. Military orders provide soldiers with direction to allow them to better perform their duties and limit mistakes. Failure to follow orders is a Violation of Article 92 (failure to obey order or regulation) of the UCMJ. As a result of such violation you can be subject to several punishments, the most severe being separation from the military with a dishonorable discharge. Since my poor decision, I have had time to step back and reflect on why I did what I did. I know it is nothing to be proud of, but I am a firm believer that everyone makes mistakes, the important thing is that you can admit wrong and learn from your mistakes to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes again. The lesson that I learned was simple, it’s not always about who is right and who is wrong, but handling yourself with honor in all situations. There is nothing wrong with following an order you may not agree with as long as it’s a lawful order that doesn’t violate your constitutional rights. At the same time, this doesn’t mean that you can’t respectfully

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