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Individual Differences


Submitted By ahmedpua
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Individual Differences

Individual differences Approach
FACT: No two individuals are born the same. This Approach aims to assess the differences that exist between people.

Individual differences Approach

Understand People - Classify People

Individual differences Approach



Values and Beliefs

Individual differences Approach


Defined as an individual differences in feeling, mood, attitude, thinking, and behaving FACT: Personality forms generalized pattern

Explaining Personality

Trait Perspective of Personality Biological Perspective of Personality Cognitive Perspective of Personality

Trait Perspective of Personality
Personality is a set of traits
Thinking, Behaviour or Feeling enduring over time (don’t change Quickly)






Trait Perspective of Personality
Enduring over time Disposition
(Acting in a particular way in certain situation)

Trait 1

Trait 2

Trait 3 Trait 4 Trait 5

Personality Generalized pattern

Trait Perspective of Personality
FACT: All people have same traits but with different degree

-FACT: There Are 3 Types of Trait

Cardinal Trait

Secondary Trait

Central Trait

Trait Perspective of Personality
Trait Types
Cardinal Trait
Dominant Trait

Secondary Trait

Trait Exhibited in a certain Situation

Central Trait

Characterize an individual’s daily interaction

Trait Perspective of Personality
- almost 18,000 different traits - Eysenck grouped these traits into 4 Main Traits
Extroversion Introversion Neuroticism Stability

- Big Five Personality Traits
There are five trait dimensions that are stable across time and cross-culturally shared
Openness to experience





Trait Perspective of Personality
Criticism of Big Five Traits - Not explain all personality aspects. - Factors are not independent. - Five factor relies on self-report questionnaire.

Explaining Personality

Biological Perspective of Personality

Biological Perspective of Personality
Personality components are inherited

The Role of genes
Limitation of Biological Perspective

Explaining Personality

Cognitive Perspective of Personality

Cognitive Perspective of Personality
 Cognitive refers to mental processes.  Suggests

that we mentally engage with our Environment in active manner.

Cognitive Perspective of Personality Ellis (1979)


ctivating event liefs onsequnce B

Cognitive Perspective of Personality
Activating event: Friend passed me in the street without acknowledging me.
Beliefs about A: He’s ignoring me. He doesn’t like me. I’m unacceptable as a friend so I must be worthless as a person. For me to be happy and feel worthwhile, people must like me.

Consequence of B: Emotions: hurt, depressed. Behaviours: avoiding people generally.

Assessing Personality
Self –Report Questionnaire 1- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (MBTI) can predict the Work-Style preference

Trait Perspective of Personality Business Application

Do you think that individual’s personality determines his work preferences within a company? And in the same time his work performance.



The ability to think, to learn from experience, to solve problems, and to adapt to new situations.

Intelligence Theories
Spearman: suggests that Intelligence consists of two factors:-

General Factor Common ‘G’

Specific Factors Associated

abilities and skills

with specific individual’s mental task

Intelligence Theories
Gardner: suggests that Intelligence does not have ‘g’ factor but individuals have multiple independent intelligences
1 2 3

Linguistic intelligence (speech and language
4 5

Logical – math intelligence

Spatial intelligence (visualize and navigation)

Musical intelligence

Bodily intelligence (used in sport and dancing )

Interpersonal intelligence (understand others)


Intrapersonal intelligence (understand oneself)

Emotional Intelligence
The ability to Perceive, control and evaluate emotions
Emotional intelligent person has ability to: - Know their emotions - Manage their emotions 1 2 - Motivate oneself 3 - Recognize and understand people’s emotions - Manage relationship with others 5


Values and Beliefs

Values, Beliefs and behaviour
Values are principals that guide individual’s attitude, beliefs and behaviours
Values also are personal statements such as:
Abortion should not be permitted in this country I will go to heaven when I die

Values, Beliefs and behaviour
Values cannot be considered to be either true or false Values influence individual’s behaviour

Values, Beliefs and behaviour business application
Each organization (company) has a set of values - These values influence employee behviours inside and outside the organization

Values, Beliefs and behaviour business application
The importance of values at work They give us guidelines for our behaviour. - People choosing one organisation over another because of their values.

Values, Beliefs and behaviour business application
Examples of organization values - How we treat one another at work - how we treat our customers.

Impact of individual differences at work

Assessing individual differences (personality) is very

important in personnel selection at work  managers value may influence the decision they take.


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