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International Trade Theory and Policy


Submitted By muthaura78
Words 2289
Pages 10
International Trade Theory and Policy



The aim of this article is to discuss a number of issues associated with the international trade theory and policy. First, the motives, nature and purpose of the original General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade have been discussed in this article. Also, the extent to which this purpose was achieved in the first 6 rounds of negotiations has been discussed. The reasons that drove President Reagan and his administration to propose the eighth round of negotiations are also featured in this article. Lastly, the reasons why there is still a significantly steep “effective” tariff hampering global free trade, despite fairly low tariffs on final goods have also been discussed in this article.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was formed in1947. This was after the United Nation conference whose aim was to create the International Trade Organization failed. The GATT came to an end in 1993. In 1995, the (World trade organization WHO) replaced GATT.
GATT principal purpose was to boost fair trade by reducing and taking control of the trade tariffs amongst its member countries. In addition, it was responsible solving any trade disputes between the member countries. Before it ended, The GATT had become interested in the intellectual property rights and the effects of global trade on the environment. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade had a provision known “as the most favored nation status.” GATT refers the member states as the most favored nations when the member states are performing any trade transaction. This provision is not inclusive of any other treaties such as the European Nations. The United States refer to this status as normal trade relations (Pomfret,2008).
Since its creation, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade has been able meet its prime objectives. One of the main

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